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Assessment is a fundamental factor in monitoring the learning
process of students and therefore an essential component of
effective teaching and learning in the online environment. In the
course of the (corona-induced) wave of digitization, the new and
different forms of assessment present us with new challenges. The
book focuses on these new forms of digital assessments and
highlights effective practices and opportunities associated with
conducting assessments in digital and hybrid learning environments.
The volume provides a unique view on multidimensional crises, their
interplay, and possible resolutions for sustainable life patterns
and is therefore broadly related to the Sustainable Development
Goals. Traditional unidimensional and technocratic strategies often
fall short. Ultimately, people, their behavior and their habits are
at the source of many problems. Therefore, it is imperative to take
people, their multifaceted nature and the necessary learning and
educational processes into account when striving towards a better
life for everyone.
Der Band widmet sich grundlegenden Themenbereichen der
Hochschullehre. Dabei sind die Schwerpunkte so gewahlt, dass sie in
hochschuldidaktisches Basiswissen theoriebasiert und
praxisorientiert einfuhren, Anwendungsbezuge herstellen und
Handlungsempfehlungen fur den Einsatz in der Lehre geben.
Moeglichkeiten studierendenorientierter Gestaltung von
Lehr-Lernszenarien und die Weiterentwicklung der eigenen
Lehrkompetenz stehen dabei im Vordergrund.