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Advances in Global Leadership collects insights from leading
scholars and practitioners and fresh ideas from promising newcomers
to the field. In addition to traditional research, Volume 15
focuses on power and global leadership, an under-researched topic
in the field of global leadership. This volume features: * An
insightful, comprehensive literature review of power and global
leadership. * Two ground-breaking research articles on factors that
influence global power and change. * The editors' analysis of the
field of power in global leadership and suggested future
directions. * A comparison of the 2015-2020 global leadership
publication patterns with a prior literature review to map the
field's growth. * A cognitive approach to understanding global
leadership effectiveness, featuring a conceptual model of trigger
events in intercultural sensemaking. * Interviews with two
luminaries in the field of global leadership. * An
academic-practitioner collaboration of a popular Danish global
leadership development training program that is available to the
public. * Reflections by recent Emerald Literati Award Winners who
made the most outstanding contributions to the field of global
leadership in past volumes of Advances in Global Leadership. Given
its multidisciplinary focus, this book is a must-read for scholars
from a diverse set of scholarly fields and practitioners with a
diverse set of global leadership roles. The Advances in Global
Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this
exciting field, is an indispensable compendium of knowledge on
global leadership.
Written by leading experts in the field, this bestselling textbook
has guided over 25,000 students across 130 countries through their
International Human Resource Management studies. Retaining its
critical edge, academic rigour and breadth of coverage, the sixth
edition has been thoroughly updated to include cutting-edge content
on the Covid-19 pandemic, digitalization and artificial
intelligence (AI), as well as a broad range of new case studies and
practical examples from organizations around the globe. Suitable
for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of
International Human Resource Management. Lecturers can visit the
companion website to access a range of online resources designed to
support teaching, including a teaching guide, PowerPoints, videos
with critical thinking questions and answers, and selected content
from the SAGE Business Cases platform. B. Sebastian Reiche is
Professor of People Management at IESE Business School in
Barcelona. Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International
Management at Middlesex University, London, Visiting Professor at
Tilburg University, and Fellow of the Academy of International
Business. Helene Tenzer is Assistant Professor of International
Management at LMU Munich School of Management.
Advances in Global Leadership brings together insights from leading
scholars and practitioners and presents fresh ideas from promising
newcomers to the field. With its unique focus on addressing global
leadership and collaboration in times of crisis, this volume is
both timely and relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic and
beyond;This volume is split into two parts: Part 1 of the volume
presents research papers that advance our conceptualization and
understanding of the construct of global leadership and identify a
wide range of future research topics. Part 2 takes an applied
perspective, showcasing approaches and solutions to global
leadership practice, development, and teaching. The editors'
conclusion chapter aims to expand current thinking on global
leadership and recommend future research directions to advance the
field. Given its multidisciplinary focus, this book is a must-read
for scholars from a diverse set of scholarly fields and
practitioners with a diverse set of global leadership roles. The
Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the
pulse of this exciting field, is an indispensable compendium of
knowledge on global leadership.
This volume continues to advance both global leadership research
and practice by bridging and integrating conceptual, empirical and
practitioner perspectives to provide a deeper understanding of this
rapidly growing field of study. Part I brings together conceptual,
qualitative, and quantitative work to present innovative
foundational research on the concept and processes of global
leadership and global competence development. Part II, the
Practitioner's Corner, features chapters and interviews with
pioneers in the field and the lessons they learned from decades of
global leadership development in university, corporate and
government settings. The editors conclude with an analysis of the
global leadership research published in 2018 and its implications.
The Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on
the pulse of this exciting field, is a must-read book for scholars
and practitioners alike.
Advances in Global Leadership collects insights from leading
scholars and practitioners and fresh ideas from promising newcomers
to the field. As in Volume 13, we begin by focusing on global
leadership in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Volume 14 is
introduced with a tour-de-force analysis by twenty authors on the
cross-cultural differences reflected in nineteen national responses
to the global crisis. The resulting overarching lessons offer
useful guidance to leaders grappling with the pandemic and beyond.
This volume is organized as follows: * Part 1 presents research
papers, many of which advance the conceptualization and practice of
global leadership effectiveness, the topic promoted in our Call for
Papers. Other chapters report on novel research that opens up
pathways for other global leadership scholars. * The Practitioner's
Corner in Part 2 features interviews with practitioners and
scholar-practitioners whose work illustrates global leadership
effectiveness, by modeling its practice, development, and teaching.
* Finally, the editors reflect upon the contributions made toward
advancing our understanding of global leadership effectiveness and
suggest future research directions. Given its focus on important
and timely global leadership topics, this book is a must-read for
both scholars from wide-ranging disciplines and practitioners with
a diverse set of global leadership roles. The Advances in Global
Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this
exciting field, is an essential collection of global leadership
knowledge and novel research approaches.
The new edition of Readings and Cases in International Human
Resource Management examines the interactions between people,
cultures, and human resource systems in a wide variety of regions
throughout the world. Taking account of recent developments in the
international human resources management (IHRM) field, the sixth
edition will enable students to meet the international challenges
they will face in the workforce, and sensitize them to the
complexity of human resource issues in the era of globalization.
Features include: New readings and case studies that account for
recent changes in the field, positioned alongside "tried and true"
material. An increased focus on cross-cultural diversity and tools
to bridge "social distance" between team members. Supplemental
material and teaching notes, available for download, to enhance
instructors' abilities to use the readings and cases with their
students. With well-known contributors and field experts, this is
the ideal accompaniment for any class in international human
resource management, organizational studies, or international
In this book the authors describe the principles and methods behind
probabilistic forecasting and Bayesian data assimilation. Instead
of focusing on particular application areas, the authors adopt a
general dynamical systems approach, with a profusion of
low-dimensional, discrete-time numerical examples designed to build
intuition about the subject. Part I explains the mathematical
framework of ensemble-based probabilistic forecasting and
uncertainty quantification. Part II is devoted to Bayesian
filtering algorithms, from classical data assimilation algorithms
such as the Kalman filter, variational techniques, and sequential
Monte Carlo methods, through to more recent developments such as
the ensemble Kalman filter and ensemble transform filters. The
McKean approach to sequential filtering in combination with
coupling of measures serves as a unifying mathematical framework
throughout Part II. Assuming only some basic familiarity with
probability, this book is an ideal introduction for graduate
students in applied mathematics, computer science, engineering,
geoscience and other emerging application areas.
Geometric integrators are time-stepping methods, designed such that
they exactly satisfy conservation laws, symmetries or symplectic
properties of a system of differential equations. In this book the
authors outline the principles of geometric integration and
demonstrate how they can be applied to provide efficient numerical
methods for simulating conservative models. Beginning from basic
principles and continuing with discussions regarding the
advantageous properties of such schemes, the book introduces
methods for the N-body problem, systems with holonomic constraints,
and rigid bodies. More advanced topics treated include high-order
and variable stepsize methods, schemes for treating problems
involving multiple time-scales, and applications to molecular
dynamics and partial differential equations. The emphasis is on
providing a unified theoretical framework as well as a practical
guide for users. The inclusion of examples, background material and
exercises enhance the usefulness of the book for self-instruction
or as a text for a graduate course on the subject.
The new edition of Readings and Cases in International Human
Resource Management examines the interactions between people,
cultures, and human resource systems in a wide variety of regions
throughout the world. Taking account of recent developments in the
international human resources management (IHRM) field, the sixth
edition will enable students to meet the international challenges
they will face in the workforce, and sensitize them to the
complexity of human resource issues in the era of globalization.
Features include: New readings and case studies that account for
recent changes in the field, positioned alongside "tried and true"
material. An increased focus on cross-cultural diversity and tools
to bridge "social distance" between team members. Supplemental
material and teaching notes, available for download, to enhance
instructors' abilities to use the readings and cases with their
students. With well-known contributors and field experts, this is
the ideal accompaniment for any class in international human
resource management, organizational studies, or international
Computational Molecular Dynamics: Challenges, Methods, Ideas - Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Algorithms for Macromolecular Modelling, Berlin, May 21-24, 1997 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1999)
Peter Deuflhard, Jan Hermans, Benedict Leimkuhler, Alane Mark, Sebastian Reich, …
Discovery Miles 29 930
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On May 21-24, 1997 the Second International Symposium on Algorithms for Macromolecular Modelling was held at the Konrad Zuse Zentrum in Berlin. The event brought together computational scientists in fields like biochemistry, biophysics, physical chemistry, or statistical physics and numerical analysts as well as computer scientists working on the advancement of algorithms, for a total of over 120 participants from 19 countries. In the course of the symposium, the speakers agreed to produce a representative volume that combines survey articles and original papers (all refereed) to give an impression of the present state of the art of Molecular Dynamics.The 29 articles of the book reflect the main topics of the Berlin meeting which were i) Conformational Dynamics, ii) Thermodynamic Modelling, iii) Advanced Time-Stepping Algorithms, iv) Quantum-Classical Simulations and Fast Force Field and v) Fast Force Field Evaluation.
In this book the authors describe the principles and methods behind
probabilistic forecasting and Bayesian data assimilation. Instead
of focusing on particular application areas, the authors adopt a
general dynamical systems approach, with a profusion of
low-dimensional, discrete-time numerical examples designed to build
intuition about the subject. Part I explains the mathematical
framework of ensemble-based probabilistic forecasting and
uncertainty quantification. Part II is devoted to Bayesian
filtering algorithms, from classical data assimilation algorithms
such as the Kalman filter, variational techniques, and sequential
Monte Carlo methods, through to more recent developments such as
the ensemble Kalman filter and ensemble transform filters. The
McKean approach to sequential filtering in combination with
coupling of measures serves as a unifying mathematical framework
throughout Part II. Assuming only some basic familiarity with
probability, this book is an ideal introduction for graduate
students in applied mathematics, computer science, engineering,
geoscience and other emerging application areas.
Diploma Thesis from the year 2002 in the subject Business economics
- Trade and Distribution, grade: 1,0, University of Hannover
(Wirtschaftswissenschaften), language: English, abstract:
Inhaltsangabe: Abstract: As business activities become increasingly
global and cross-nationally intertwined, human resource management
is no longer defined by national boundaries. In particular,
multinational corporations (MNCs) face the challenge of managing
their globally dispersed work force effectively. Yet, the field of
international human resource management (IHRM) remains an
understudied domain, lacking substantial empirical and conceptual
research. Also, a prevailing focus on quantitative data suggests a
need for deeper qualitative investigations, which allows a more
profound assessment of the context in which IHRM unfolds. By
addressing IHRM at MNCs, the current empirical work contributes
additional scientific insights into this domain. In this respect,
the author has selected an approach of inductive comparative case
study research, mainly based on qualitative data, that enables the
generation of theory through an iterative, data-driven process.
This method has been applied to investigate IHRM because it is
particularly fruitful when examining new and narrowly developed
scientific fields as well as considering contextual conditions.
Thus, a multiple case study was conducted through exploratory and
semi-structured interviews with managerial employees at six western
MNCs which maintain their regional headquarters for South-East Asia
in Singapore. The initial guiding objective was to provide a more
thorough understanding of the forces that influence IHRM. Due to
the exploratory nature of the research set-up, this broad focus has
narrowed during the conduct of the study and the subsequent data
analysis. Based on the interviews, employee turnover emerged as a
key concern for international organizations operating in Singapore.
Although a tight local labour market has led to the
Written by leading experts in the field, this bestselling textbook
has guided over 25,000 students across 130 countries through their
International Human Resource Management studies. Retaining its
critical edge, academic rigour and breadth of coverage, the sixth
edition has been thoroughly updated to include cutting-edge content
on the Covid-19 pandemic, digitalization and artificial
intelligence (AI), as well as a broad range of new case studies and
practical examples from organizations around the globe. Suitable
for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of
International Human Resource Management. Lecturers can visit the
companion website to access a range of online resources designed to
support teaching, including a teaching guide, PowerPoints, videos
with critical thinking questions and answers, and selected content
from the SAGE Business Cases platform. B. Sebastian Reiche is
Professor of People Management at IESE Business School in
Barcelona. Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International
Management at Middlesex University, London, Visiting Professor at
Tilburg University, and Fellow of the Academy of International
Business. Helene Tenzer is Assistant Professor of International
Management at LMU Munich School of Management.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und
Organisation, Note: 1,3, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitat
Hannover (Institut fur Betriebsforschung, Abteilung Personal und
Arbeit), Veranstaltung: Personalwirtschaftliches Kolloquium 2,
Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Es gibt fur jedes Unternehmen nur eine
gute Strategie, und das ist die, die auf der eigenen Kultur, der
eigenen Vergangenheit und Identitat basiert." Diese Aussage
untermauert den seit Anfang der achtziger Jahre aus einer
kontroversen Grundsatzdiskussion erwachsenen Konsens, der das
Unternehmen als ein eigenstandiges kulturelles System mit einer
unverwechselbaren Identitat versteht. Dabei wird Unternehmenskultur
nicht nur aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht beleuchtet, sondern
ist daruber hinaus zu einem interdisziplinaren Untersuchungsfeld
geworden. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die der Organisationskultur in den
letzten Jahren beigemessen wird, liegt in zwei richtungsweisenden,
interdependenten Entwicklungspfaden begrundet. Zunachst forciert
die zunehmende internationale und unternehmensubergreifende
Orientierung von Unternehmen zwangslaufig ein Zusammentreffen
unterschiedlicher Landes- und Unternehmenskulturen und der damit
verbundenen verschiedenen Beziehungsmuster. Uberdies lasst sich ein
parallel zur globalen Ausrichtung verlaufender soziookonomischer
Beschleunigungsprozess konstatieren, der an Systemmitglieder hohe
Anforderungen hinsichtlich Wandel- und Anpassungsbereitschaft
stellt. In diesem Umfeld erlangt die Unternehmenskultur als weicher
Faktor eine zentrale Bedeutung, indem sie ein fundamentales Set
unternehmensspezifischer, gemeinsamer Werte und Uberzeugungen
versinnbildlicht und das soziale Bindemittel fur globale ...]
Unternehmen" darstellt. Vor dem veranderlichen Hintergrund scheint
jedoch die vordergrundige Stabilitat der Organisationskultur nicht
permanent bestehen zu konnen. Vielmehr sind in diesem Zusammenhang
Uberlegungen hinsichtlich einer gezielten Kulturveranderung b
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