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This book comprising seven parts is organized under two sections.
The first section deals with environment containing four parts,
whereas the second section, containing three parts, is on energy.
The first part deals with some aspects of hydrologic impacts of
global warming and anthropogenic changes. Part II is on
bio-environment and discusses plants, biomass, and bacterial
species. Part III focuses on chemical environment. Section one is
concluded with Part IV on social environment. Section two starts
out with Part V on solar energy. Hydropower is discussed in Part
VI. The concluding Part VII deals with biogas. The book will be of
interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water
resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural
engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those
engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate
students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and
environment and their development and management may find the book
to be of value.
This book comprises two parts. The first part deals with some
aspects of wastewater treatment, encompassing various types of
technologies for treating wastewater and evaluation. The
technologies, biochemical as well as chemical, including evaluation
of technologies are also discussed. Part 2 is on solid waste
management. It includes both municipal and industrial waste
management. The book is of interest to researchers and
practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology,
environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed
management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural
resources planning and management. Graduate students and those
wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and
their development and management find the book to be of value.
This book comprises select proceedings of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is
divided into five parts. The first part deals with some aspects of
environmental pollution such as socio-economic environment
assessment for sustainable development, environmental issues due to
fire in coal Mines and its impact and suggestions for implementing
precautionary and control measures, redevelopment of urban slum
dwellings: issues & challenges, air and noise pollution in mega
cities, importance of indoor environmental quality in green
buildings. Part II discusses pollution indicators such as
assessment and prediction of environmental noise, fuzzy logic based
performance evaluation, fish biodiversity and its periodic
reduction, effects of anthropogenic activities on fresh water
ecosystems, and monitoring of air pollution. Part III focuses on
generation of pollution namely biomedical waste generation and
management, heavy metal leaching, etc. Water quality assessment is
described in Part IV. The Part V presents water quality modeling.
The book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in
the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental resources,
agricultural engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as
well as those engaged in natural resources planning and management.
Graduate students and those wishing to conduct further research in
water and environment and their development and management will
also find the book to be of value.
This book comprises the select proceedings of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is
divided into three parts. The first part deals with some aspects of
groundwater focusing on delineation of groundwater zones,
spatio-temporal variability of groundwater, and aquifer
vulnerability. The second part is on some aspects of groundwater
recharge, dealing with recharge sources, management of recharge and
recharge technology, change of land use / land cover on groundwater
recharge. The concluding part covers groundwater quality,
encompassing causes and sources of pollution, leachate migration,
river bank filtration, variability of quality, assessment and
management of quality. The book will be of interest to researchers
and practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology,
environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed
management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural
resources planning and management. Graduate students and those
wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and
their development and management will also find the book to be of
This book comprises the select proceedings of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is
divided into four parts. Part I deals with some aspects of climatic
characteristics ranging from changes in temperature and sunshine
hours to downscaling to global climate patterns and effects of El
Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on
extreme rainfall. Part II covers rainfall analysis, including
changes in regional rainfall series, analysis of non-stationarity,
summer monsoon and rainfall scenarios. Impacts of climate change
are treated in Part III. Change point analysis, greenhouse gas
emissions, rainfall variability, water resources variability, and
water resources sustainability are discussed in this part. The
concluding Part IV is on low flow and drought. It deals with the
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) concept and assessment of
drought. This book is of interest to researchers and practitioners
in the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental
resources, agricultural engineering, watershed management, and
earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural resources
planning and management. Graduate students and those wishing to
conduct further research in water and environment and their
development and management find the book to be of value.
This book presents up-to-date information on the status of water
resources in India. It presents an assessment of the surface water
and groundwater condition to help stakeholders take the necessary
actions to control pollution and make the country's water resources
sustainable. The book addresses various topics, including
forest-water interactions for governing water quality at catchment
scales, water quality status, rainwater harvesting methods,
acid-mine drainage, water pollution, management strategies,
drinking water quality, and treatment of industrial wastewater.
Given its scope, the book offers a valuable tool for policy
planners who wish to improve the current situation and move toward
sustainable water resources in India.
This book contains two parts. The first part deals with some
aspects of irrigation, encompassing farm irrigation systems,
landscape gardening, energy assessment for drip irrigation, and
micro-sprinklers. The second part is on water resources planning
and management. It discusses water crisis, challenges in river
health management, water supply systems, salt water intrusion, lake
management, water supply demand assessment, integrated water
resources management, among other topics. The book will be of
interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water
resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural
engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those
engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate
students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and
environment and their development and management may find the book
to be of value.
This book contains seven parts. The first part deals with some
aspects of rainfall analysis, including rainfall probability
distribution, local rainfall interception, and analysis for
reservoir release. Part 2 is on evapotranspiration and discusses
development of neural network models, errors, and sensitivity. Part
3 focuses on various aspects of urban runoff, including hydrologic
impacts, storm water management, and drainage systems. Part 4 deals
with soil erosion and sediment, covering mineralogical composition,
geostatistical analysis, land use impacts, and land use mapping.
Part 5 treats remote sensing and geographic information system
(GIS) applications to different hydrologic problems. Watershed
runoff and floods are discussed in Part 6, encompassing hydraulic,
experimental, and theoretical aspects. Water modeling constitutes
the concluding Part 7. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT),
Xinanjiang, and Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN)
models are discussed. The book is of interest to researchers and
practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology,
environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed
management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural
resources planning and management. Graduate students and those
wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and
their development and management find the book to be of value.
This book contains two parts. The first part deals with some
aspects of irrigation, encompassing farm irrigation systems,
landscape gardening, energy assessment for drip irrigation, and
micro-sprinklers. The second part is on water resources planning
and management. It discusses water crisis, challenges in river
health management, water supply systems, salt water intrusion, lake
management, water supply demand assessment, integrated water
resources management, among other topics. The book will be of
interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water
resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural
engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those
engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate
students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and
environment and their development and management may find the book
to be of value.
This book comprises the select proceedings of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is
divided into three parts. The first part deals with some aspects of
groundwater focusing on delineation of groundwater zones,
spatio-temporal variability of groundwater, and aquifer
vulnerability. The second part is on some aspects of groundwater
recharge, dealing with recharge sources, management of recharge and
recharge technology, change of land use / land cover on groundwater
recharge. The concluding part covers groundwater quality,
encompassing causes and sources of pollution, leachate migration,
river bank filtration, variability of quality, assessment and
management of quality. The book will be of interest to researchers
and practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology,
environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed
management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural
resources planning and management. Graduate students and those
wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and
their development and management will also find the book to be of
This book contains seven parts. The first part deals with some
aspects of rainfall analysis, including rainfall probability
distribution, local rainfall interception, and analysis for
reservoir release. Part 2 is on evapotranspiration and discusses
development of neural network models, errors, and sensitivity. Part
3 focuses on various aspects of urban runoff, including hydrologic
impacts, storm water management, and drainage systems. Part 4 deals
with soil erosion and sediment, covering mineralogical composition,
geostatistical analysis, land use impacts, and land use mapping.
Part 5 treats remote sensing and geographic information system
(GIS) applications to different hydrologic problems. Watershed
runoff and floods are discussed in Part 6, encompassing hydraulic,
experimental, and theoretical aspects. Water modeling constitutes
the concluding Part 7. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT),
Xinanjiang, and Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN)
models are discussed. The book is of interest to researchers and
practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology,
environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed
management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural
resources planning and management. Graduate students and those
wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and
their development and management find the book to be of value.
This book comprises the select proceedings of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is
divided into four parts. Part I deals with some aspects of climatic
characteristics ranging from changes in temperature and sunshine
hours to downscaling to global climate patterns and effects of El
Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on
extreme rainfall. Part II covers rainfall analysis, including
changes in regional rainfall series, analysis of non-stationarity,
summer monsoon and rainfall scenarios. Impacts of climate change
are treated in Part III. Change point analysis, greenhouse gas
emissions, rainfall variability, water resources variability, and
water resources sustainability are discussed in this part. The
concluding Part IV is on low flow and drought. It deals with the
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) concept and assessment of
drought. This book is of interest to researchers and practitioners
in the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental
resources, agricultural engineering, watershed management, and
earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural resources
planning and management. Graduate students and those wishing to
conduct further research in water and environment and their
development and management find the book to be of value.
This book comprises select proceedings of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is
divided into five parts. The first part deals with some aspects of
environmental pollution such as socio-economic environment
assessment for sustainable development, environmental issues due to
fire in coal Mines and its impact and suggestions for implementing
precautionary and control measures, redevelopment of urban slum
dwellings: issues & challenges, air and noise pollution in mega
cities, importance of indoor environmental quality in green
buildings. Part II discusses pollution indicators such as
assessment and prediction of environmental noise, fuzzy logic based
performance evaluation, fish biodiversity and its periodic
reduction, effects of anthropogenic activities on fresh water
ecosystems, and monitoring of air pollution. Part III focuses on
generation of pollution namely biomedical waste generation and
management, heavy metal leaching, etc. Water quality assessment is
described in Part IV. The Part V presents water quality modeling.
The book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in
the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental resources,
agricultural engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as
well as those engaged in natural resources planning and management.
Graduate students and those wishing to conduct further research in
water and environment and their development and management will
also find the book to be of value.
This book comprises two parts. The first part deals with some
aspects of wastewater treatment, encompassing various types of
technologies for treating wastewater and evaluation. The
technologies, biochemical as well as chemical, including evaluation
of technologies are also discussed. Part 2 is on solid waste
management. It includes both municipal and industrial waste
management. The book is of interest to researchers and
practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology,
environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed
management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural
resources planning and management. Graduate students and those
wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and
their development and management find the book to be of value.
This book comprising seven parts is organized under two sections.
The first section deals with environment containing four parts,
whereas the second section, containing three parts, is on energy.
The first part deals with some aspects of hydrologic impacts of
global warming and anthropogenic changes. Part II is on
bio-environment and discusses plants, biomass, and bacterial
species. Part III focuses on chemical environment. Section one is
concluded with Part IV on social environment. Section two starts
out with Part V on solar energy. Hydropower is discussed in Part
VI. The concluding Part VII deals with biogas. The book will be of
interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water
resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural
engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those
engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate
students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and
environment and their development and management may find the book
to be of value.
This book contains up-to-date information and findings in research
on the evaluation, treatment, reusability, and development of
wastewater in India. The book covers the assessment for drinking
water, including membrane filtration, supervision, and evaluation
of wastewater, environmental pollution control, wastewater
treatment and recycling, advanced bioremediation techniques and
wastewater's impact on India. With this wide range of treatment and
technologies of wastewater, this book is a source of invaluable
information to guide Indian policy planners and makers to move
forward to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 6.
This book presents unique connectivity between waste management
within the agenda 2030 of India. This book is the first publication
presenting up-to-date work and knowledge about waste management and
waste technologies to transfer waste to wealth in India. Besides,
this book also presents the role of waste management and its
contribution to achieving a sustainable development program in
India, with vast implication worldwide. The main focuses of the
book include waste and wealth and the associated technologies,
recycling of solid waste, utilization of hazardous waste, use of
nanoparticle in waste management, urban solid waste, generation of
energy from organic waste, clean technologies, and use of waste in
agriculture. The book is a unique source of information on the
transformation of waste to wealth in India. This book is of
interest to research communities in the field of waste management
in India, and in similar socioeconomic countries, but also, due to
the planetary implications, has global interest.
This book discusses problems, challenges, and mitigation strategies
in the wake of environmental degradation. It suggests proactive
solutions to problems of environmental degradation for strategic
planning as well as their effective delivery, and problems arising
due to growth in population, industry, and land use change. The
uniqueness of the book is its broader spectrum of coverage with
related interconnections and interdependence of various aspects.
 Presenting a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches, the
book covers topics, such as deforestation impacts (land use and
land cover, soil erosion); impacts on climate change and human
health; treatment of industrial, municipal, biological waste
disposal and their impacts on soil, water, and air;
recovery/remediation processes and technologies; impacts of
pesticides and chemical fertilizers on soil degradation and
groundwater; socio-economic environmental sustainability; and
socio-economic health impacts. Particular focus is placed on
strategic planning and methodological handling of environmental
degradation and remediation through various processes and treatment
technologies. Â This book will be useful to researchers,
professionals, policy makers, and environmental engineers.
This book contains up-to-date information and findings in research
on the evaluation, treatment, reusability, and development of
wastewater in India. The book covers the assessment for drinking
water, including membrane filtration, supervision, and evaluation
of wastewater, environmental pollution control, wastewater
treatment and recycling, advanced bioremediation techniques and
wastewater's impact on India. With this wide range of treatment and
technologies of wastewater, this book is a source of invaluable
information to guide Indian policy planners and makers to move
forward to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 6.Â
This book presents unique connectivity between waste management
within the agenda 2030 of India. This book is the first publication
presenting up-to-date work and knowledge about waste management and
waste technologies to transfer waste to wealth in India. Besides,
this book also presents the role of waste management and its
contribution to achieving a sustainable development program in
India, with vast implication worldwide. The main focuses of the
book include waste and wealth and the associated technologies,
recycling of solid waste, utilization of hazardous waste, use of
nanoparticle in waste management, urban solid waste, generation of
energy from organic waste, clean technologies, and use of waste in
agriculture. The book is a unique source of information on the
transformation of waste to wealth in India. This book is of
interest to research communities in the field of waste management
in India, and in similar socioeconomic countries, but also, due to
the planetary implications, has global interest.
This book discusses problems, challenges, and mitigation strategies
in the wake of environmental degradation. It suggests proactive
solutions to problems of environmental degradation for strategic
planning as well as their effective delivery, and problems arising
due to growth in population, industry, and land use change. The
uniqueness of the book is its broader spectrum of coverage with
related interconnections and interdependence of various aspects.
Presenting a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches, the book
covers topics, such as deforestation impacts (land use and land
cover, soil erosion); impacts on climate change and human health;
treatment of industrial, municipal, biological waste disposal and
their impacts on soil, water, and air; recovery/remediation
processes and technologies; impacts of pesticides and chemical
fertilizers on soil degradation and groundwater; socio-economic
environmental sustainability; and socio-economic health impacts.
Particular focus is placed on strategic planning and methodological
handling of environmental degradation and remediation through
various processes and treatment technologies. This book will be
useful to researchers, professionals, policy makers, and
environmental engineers.