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AI and Cloud Computing, Volume 120 in the Advances in Computers
series, highlights new advances in the field, with this updated
volume presenting interesting chapters on topics including A
Deep-forest based Approach for Detecting Fraudulent Online
Transaction, Design of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems with
Forensic-awareness Based on Deep Learning, Review on
Privacy-preserving Data Comparison Protocols in Cloud Computing,
Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using an Improved CNN with the
Spatial Pyramid Pooling Structure, Protecting Personal Sensitive
Data Security in the Cloud with Blockchain, and more.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of
biofertilizers as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and
pesticides. Agricultural production has increased massively over
the last century due to increased use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides, but these gains have come at a price. The chemicals are
not only expensive; they also reduce microbial activity in
agricultural soils and accumulate in the food chain, with
potentially harmful effects for humans. Accordingly, it is high
time to explore alternatives and to find solutions to overcome our
increasing dependence on these chemicals. Biofertilizers, which
consist of plant remains, organic matter and microorganisms, might
offer an alternative. They are natural, organic, biodegradable,
eco-friendly and cost-effective. Further, the microbes present in
the biofertilizers are important, because they produce nutrients
required for plant growth (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium),
as well as substances essential for plant growth and development
(e.g., auxins and cytokinins). Biofertilizers also improve the
physical properties, fertility and productivity of soil, reducing
the need for chemical fertilizers while maintaining high crop
yield. This makes biofertilizers a powerful tool for sustainable
agriculture and a sustainable environment. The book covers the
latest research on biofertilizers, ranging from beneficial fungal,
bacterial and algal inoculants; to microbes for bioremediation,
wastewater treatment; and recycling of biodegradable municipal,
agricultural and industrial waste; as well as biocontrol agents and
bio-pesticides. As such, it offers a valuable resource for
researchers, academics and students in the broad fields of
microbiology and agriculture.
ago. Thepoorprognosisofcancerislargelyduetometastasis.
metastasis. Clinicaltrialsareunderwaywithpromisingoutcome.
Inthisbook, wetakecomprehensive review inregard withthisexciting
eld ofcancerresearch. Chapter1takesabriefoverviewofrecentlyidenti
nalsurvivalin themetastaticsite.
MAPK cascade, contribute tometastasis. InChapter 6, therole
ofreactive o- genspecies(ROS)intumorprogressionarehighlighted.
Moreover,thepotential contribution of ROS to cross talk between
major signaling cascades that lead to
Chapter8takesaninsight intothesignalingmechanismsfordynamictraf
importantroleintumorprogression. Chapter10reviewedtherecentlyidenti
ed cancer- and metastasis-initiating cells involved in tumor
progression. Especially, signal pathways that are frequently
deregulated in cancer stem/progenitor cells v vi Preface
Chapter11describestheroleoflipid rafts, a special component within
membrane lipid domain, in signal transd- tion triggered by growth
factor receptors leading to tumor metastasis. Finally,
MarijkeVanGhelue,UgoMoens,AlessioGiubellino,PraveenR. Arany,Moulay
A. Alaoui-Jamali, Krikor Bijian, Panagiota Toliopoulos, Pingyu
Zhang, Patrick A. Zweidler-McKay,MurielleMimeault,SurinderK.
Batra,SamirKumarPatra, LydiaW. T. Cheung,CarmanK. M. Ip,AliceS. T.
Piperno-Neumann,SimonSauleandRajagopalN. Aravalli.
Wehopethisbookmightstimulatemorecancerbiologiststoemphasizethis eld
ofcancermetastasis. Hualien,Taiwan Wen-ShengWu Chi-TanHu Contents 1
Overview of Signal Transduction in Tumor Metastasis...1
Wen-ShengWuandJia-RuWu 2 Microenvironment Triggers EMT, Migration
and Invasion of Primary Tumor via Multiple Signal Pathways ...9
Wen-ShengWuandChi-TanHu 3 The ERK1/2 MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway
in Tumor Progression and Metastasis ...25
LaureVoisin,StephanieDuhamel,andSylvainMeloche 4 Mitogen-Activated
Protein Kinase-Activated Protein Kinases and Metastasis...41
AlexeyShiryaev,MarijkeVanGhelue,andUgoMoens 5 Grb2 and Other
Adaptor Proteins in Tumor Metastasis ...77
AlessioGiubellinoandPraveenR. Arany 6 The Role of ROS Signaling in
Tumor Progression...103 Wen-ShengWuandJia-RuWu 7 Signal Cross Talks
for Sustained MAPK Activation and Cell Migration Mediated by
Reactive Oxygen Species: The Involvement in Tumor Progression...
This edited volume covers all aspects of the latest research in the
field of soil formation and its functioning, soil diversity, soil
proteomics, the impact of anthropogenic activities on the
pedosphere, plant-microbe interactions in the pedosphere, and
factors influencing the formation and functioning of the soils. In
the pedosphere, all forms of soils possess a particular type of
structure and different organic and mineral components. Thus, the
pedosphere as a whole plays a significant role in providing unique
habitats for a vast diversity of life forms, developing a link
between geological and biological substances circulation in the
terrestrial ecosystems. In the processes making available vital
mineral elements to plants and supporting human health as various
trace elements in the lithosphere are accessed by people through
the formation of soils and such soils are utilized for food
production. With the depth of information on different aspects of
soil, this extensive volume is a valuable resource for the
researchers in the area of soil science, agronomy, agriculture,
scientists in academia, crop consultants, policymakers, government
from diverse disciplines, and graduate and post-graduate students
in the area of soil and environmental science.
This book provides a collection of critical pieces that support the
idea that good teaching and learning of geography in fieldwork and
using technology should consider the dimensions of curriculum
design, instructional design and resource provision, as well as
assessment for such learning activities. Further, it clearly
describes the thinking, experiences and critical comments
concerning two broad areas of learning outside the traditional
classroom - in the field and with technology.
Semimartingale Theory and Stochastic Calculus presents a systematic and detailed account of the general theory of stochastic processes, the semimartingale theory, and related stochastic calculus. The book emphasizes stochastic integration for semimartingales, characteristics of semimartingales, predictable representation properties and weak convergence of semimartingales. It also includes a concise treatment of absolute continuity and singularity, contiguity, and entire separation of measures by semimartingale approach. Two basic types of processes frequently encountered in applied probability and statistics are highlighted: processes with independent increments and marked point processes encountered frequently in applied probability and statistics.
Semimartingale Theory and Stochastic Calculus is a self-contained and comprehensive book that will be valuable for research mathematicians, statisticians, engineers, and students.
ago. Thepoorprognosisofcancerislargelyduetometastasis.
metastasis. Clinicaltrialsareunderwaywithpromisingoutcome.
Inthisbook, wetakecomprehensive review inregard withthisexciting
eld ofcancerresearch. Chapter1takesabriefoverviewofrecentlyidenti
nalsurvivalin themetastaticsite.
MAPK cascade, contribute tometastasis. InChapter 6, therole
ofreactive o- genspecies(ROS)intumorprogressionarehighlighted.
Moreover,thepotential contribution of ROS to cross talk between
major signaling cascades that lead to
Chapter8takesaninsight intothesignalingmechanismsfordynamictraf
importantroleintumorprogression. Chapter10reviewedtherecentlyidenti
ed cancer- and metastasis-initiating cells involved in tumor
progression. Especially, signal pathways that are frequently
deregulated in cancer stem/progenitor cells v vi Preface
Chapter11describestheroleoflipid rafts, a special component within
membrane lipid domain, in signal transd- tion triggered by growth
factor receptors leading to tumor metastasis. Finally,
MarijkeVanGhelue,UgoMoens,AlessioGiubellino,PraveenR. Arany,Moulay
A. Alaoui-Jamali, Krikor Bijian, Panagiota Toliopoulos, Pingyu
Zhang, Patrick A. Zweidler-McKay,MurielleMimeault,SurinderK.
Batra,SamirKumarPatra, LydiaW. T. Cheung,CarmanK. M. Ip,AliceS. T.
Piperno-Neumann,SimonSauleandRajagopalN. Aravalli.
Wehopethisbookmightstimulatemorecancerbiologiststoemphasizethis eld
ofcancermetastasis. Hualien,Taiwan Wen-ShengWu Chi-TanHu Contents 1
Overview of Signal Transduction in Tumor Metastasis...1
Wen-ShengWuandJia-RuWu 2 Microenvironment Triggers EMT, Migration
and Invasion of Primary Tumor via Multiple Signal Pathways ...9
Wen-ShengWuandChi-TanHu 3 The ERK1/2 MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway
in Tumor Progression and Metastasis ...25
LaureVoisin,StephanieDuhamel,andSylvainMeloche 4 Mitogen-Activated
Protein Kinase-Activated Protein Kinases and Metastasis...41
AlexeyShiryaev,MarijkeVanGhelue,andUgoMoens 5 Grb2 and Other
Adaptor Proteins in Tumor Metastasis ...77
AlessioGiubellinoandPraveenR. Arany 6 The Role of ROS Signaling in
Tumor Progression...103 Wen-ShengWuandJia-RuWu 7 Signal Cross Talks
for Sustained MAPK Activation and Cell Migration Mediated by
Reactive Oxygen Species: The Involvement in Tumor Progression...
Plant growth regulators consist of organic molecules produced
synthetically and used to modulate plant growth. There are several
classes of plant growth regulators, including auxin, gibberellin,
abscisic acid, cytokinins, salicylic, jasmonic acid and ethylene,
as well as more recently investigated brassinosteroids,
strigolactones, polyamine, etc. These plant growth regulators have
either promoting or inhibitory effects on plant growth and
development by means of modification in plant secondary metabolism
and gene regulation. Some of plant growth regulators may have safe
issues in fields. More attention should be paid in the application
of plant growth regulators. Researchers also try to find other
regulators to do more field experiments, in order to reduce the
amount of organic chemicals (e.g., traditional plant growth
regulators) used. This book discusses the function, types, uses and
safety of plant growth regulators. The effects of plant growth
regulators on horticultural plants are specially introduced in this
book. Fly ash and soil mycorrhizal fungi-released glomalin also get
a lot of attention in this book.
This edited volume covers all aspects of the latest research in the
field of soil formation and its functioning, soil diversity, soil
proteomics, the impact of anthropogenic activities on the
pedosphere, plant-microbe interactions in the pedosphere, and
factors influencing the formation and functioning of the soils. In
the pedosphere, all forms of soils possess a particular type of
structure and different organic and mineral components. Thus, the
pedosphere as a whole plays a significant role in providing unique
habitats for a vast diversity of life forms, developing a link
between geological and biological substances circulation in the
terrestrial ecosystems. In the processes making available
vital mineral elements to plants and supporting human health as
various trace elements in the lithosphere are accessed by people
through the formation of soils and such soils are utilized for food
production. With the depth of information on different aspects of
soil, this extensive volume is a valuable resource for the
researchers in the area of soil science, agronomy, agriculture,
scientists in academia, crop consultants, policymakers, government
from diverse disciplines, and graduate and post-graduate students
in the area of soil and environmental science.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of
biofertilizers as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and
pesticides. Agricultural production has increased massively over
the last century due to increased use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides, but these gains have come at a price. The chemicals are
not only expensive; they also reduce microbial activity in
agricultural soils and accumulate in the food chain, with
potentially harmful effects for humans. Accordingly, it is high
time to explore alternatives and to find solutions to overcome our
increasing dependence on these chemicals. Biofertilizers, which
consist of plant remains, organic matter and microorganisms, might
offer an alternative. They are natural, organic, biodegradable,
eco-friendly and cost-effective. Further, the microbes present in
the biofertilizers are important, because they produce nutrients
required for plant growth (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium),
as well as substances essential for plant growth and development
(e.g., auxins and cytokinins). Biofertilizers also improve the
physical properties, fertility and productivity of soil, reducing
the need for chemical fertilizers while maintaining high crop
yield. This makes biofertilizers a powerful tool for sustainable
agriculture and a sustainable environment. The book covers the
latest research on biofertilizers, ranging from beneficial fungal,
bacterial and algal inoculants; to microbes for bioremediation,
wastewater treatment; and recycling of biodegradable municipal,
agricultural and industrial waste; as well as biocontrol agents and
bio-pesticides. As such, it offers a valuable resource for
researchers, academics and students in the broad fields of
microbiology and agriculture.
This book reviews the potential mechanisms in arbuscular
mycorrhizas (AMs), in the hope that this can help arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to be more used efficiently as a
biostimulant to enhance stress tolerance in the host plants. AMF,
as well as plants, are often exposed to all or many of the abiotic
and biotic stresses, including extreme temperatures, pH, drought,
water-logging, toxic metals and soil pathogens. Studies have
indicated a quick response to these stresses involving several
mechanisms, such as root morphological modification, reactive
oxygen species change, osmotic adjustment, direct absorption of
water by extraradical hyphae, up-regulated expression of relevant
stressed genes, glomalin-related soil protein release, etc. The
underlying complex, multi-dimensional strategy is involved in
morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes.
The AMF responses are often associated with homeostatic regulation
of the internal and external environment, and are therefore
critical for plant health, survival and restoration in native
ecosystems and good soil structure.
This book provides a collection of critical pieces that support the
idea that good teaching and learning of geography in fieldwork and
using technology should consider the dimensions of curriculum
design, instructional design and resource provision, as well as
assessment for such learning activities. Further, it clearly
describes the thinking, experiences and critical comments
concerning two broad areas of learning outside the traditional
classroom - in the field and with technology.
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