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Communication is probably the most critical skill we need in
today's fast-paced business world. Shirley's tips and techniques
are excellent models to follow for successful and effective
communication. Well done on a great fourth edition. Vanessa Yuen,
Senior HR Executive (Training and Development), Chevron Oronite Pte
Ltd, Singapore Looking for an all-in-one package containing all the
techniques, guidelines and examples needed to ensure effective oral
and written communication skills throughout your career? Look no
further. Shirley Taylor's Communication for Business, 4th edition,
addresses all aspects of business communication in clear and simple
language. With its tried and tested successful formula, the book
places emphasis on basic business writing and rules of good
writing. Features include: - Illustrations throughout add a fun,
humorous element to reinforce key points-
Shirley Taylor has inspired audiences around the world with her
heart-warming stories and simple but powerful lessons. Now through
the pages of this book, they will inspire readers to stay positive
during challenging times and create new opportunities for growth
and success. In looking back at the significant turning points in
her life, Shirley shares the key lessons that have helped her to
grow both professionally and personally. She then ‘connects the
dots’ to reveal the common thread that runs through all these
turning points. Shirley also includes inspiring insights from
global leadership experts who share their own personal turning
points and the lessons they have learned. In Connecting the Dots,
Shirley provides down-to-earth advice and practical tools that will
help people everywhere to navigate change, unlock their true
potential, and drive their own success.
For anyone who wants to communicate effectively in business,this is
your complete reference guide for any form of written
Packed with over 500 sample documents, over 100 tips
for better business writing and useful templates you can apply to
your writing immediately, Model Business Letters will help you put
the key rules of good business writing into action.
From the blog to the book, with humor and righteous outrage,
Shirley Taylor gives you a look at leadership roles for today's
Christian women. Women are told they are equal-but they have
different functions. That theology is not found in the Bible. But
it determines the roles women are allowed in church, and even
extends inside their own homes. Women are told they are created by
God's grand design to graciously submit to their husbands because
by doing so, they are actually submitting to Jesus. We know women
have different functions, but whether or not they lift the lid is
not a spiritual function, and should not be the criteria for
leadership roles. The church, which should have been the first to
recognize women's equality, has proven to be the last holdout
against women. Women are beginning to question this theology. This
book gives insight to what pastors are saying about women, and what
they are preaching on Sunday morning. It calls them to account for
their teaching. It also calls women to account for neglecting their
responsibility to themselves and to other women. You will be
challenged to get off your equal-but and speak up and do something.
Men will be challenged to take their place alongside women, not in
front of women. Originally written as blog posts on
www.bwebaptistwomenforequality.wordpress.com, the content has been
edited, updated, expanded, and revised. This book is written for
Christians, but anyone who has a sense of justice will be outraged
at what Christians are doing to each other when they deny women
full equality in the church and in the home. Shirley Taylor is the
author of the companion book Dethroning Male Headship.
This teacher's handbook provides professional developmental
support, direction and practical advice to those teachers who have
children with special abilities in their classrooms. It is the
result of the author's experience in working with children who are
gifted and talented. Strongly underpinned by current thinking in
the area of gifted and talented education, the resource also takes
a practical "inclusive" approach to ways of working with
highly-able children in regular classrooms.;The guide is divided
into the following four sections: "Who are Gifted and Talented
Children?" - an overview of the wide range of different abilities
that the term "gifted and talented" can cover; "What are We Doing?
What Do We Need to Do?" - this section contains strategies and
focus questions which allow schools to focus on provisions they
could make for children with special abilities, and it also
features information on policy development, programming for all
children and manageable ways to differentiate programmes for the
highly able; "Getting Into School-Wide Action" - provides
strategies for identifying children with special abilities across
the school, including indicators for general ability,