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This book covers the latest problems of modern mathematical methods
for three-dimensional problems of diffraction by arbitrary
conducting screens. This comprehensive study provides an
introduction to methods of constructing generalized solutions,
elements of potential theory, and other underlying mathematical
tools. The problem settings, which turn out to be extremely
effective, differ significantly from the known approaches and are
based on the original concept of vector spaces 'produced' by
Maxwell equations. The formalism of pseudodifferential operators
enables to prove uniqueness theorems and the Fredholm property for
all problems studied. Readers will gain essential insight into the
state-of-the-art technique of investigating three-dimensional
problems for closed and unclosed screens based on systems of
pseudodifferential equations. A detailed treatment of the
properties of their kernels, in particular degenerated, is
included. Special attention is given to the study of smoothness of
generalized solutions and properties of traces.
This book sets out to give a rigorous mathematical description of
the greenhouse effect through the theory of infrared atmospheric
emission. In contrast to traditional climatological analysis, this
approach eschews empirical relations in favour of a strict
thermodynamical derivation, based on data from NASA and from the
HITRAN spectroscopy database. The results highlight new aspects of
the role of clouds in the greenhouse effect.
This book describes selected problems in contemporary spectroscopy
in the context of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It
focuses on elementary radiative processes involving atomic
particles (atoms, molecules, ions), which include radiative
transitions between discrete atomic states, the photoionization of
atoms, photorecombination of electrons and ions, bremsstrahlung,
photodissociation of molecules, and photoattachment of electrons to
atoms. In addition to these processes, the transport of resonant
radiation in atomic gases and propagation of infrared radiation in
molecular gases are also considered. The book subsequently
addresses applied problems such as optical pumping, cooling of
gases via laser resonance radiation, light-induced drift of gas
atoms, photoresonant plasma, reflection of radio waves from the
ionosphere, and detection of submillimeter radiation using Rydberg
atoms. Lastly, topical examples in atmospheric and climate change
science are presented, such as lightning channel glowing, emission
of the solar photosphere, and the greenhouse phenomenon in the
atmospheres of the Earth and Venus. Along with researchers, both
graduate and undergraduate students in atomic, molecular and
atmospheric physics will find this book a useful and timely guide.
This volume provides academic discussion on the theory and practice
of mathematical analysis of nonlinear and inverse problems in
electromagnetics and their applications. From mathematical problem
statement to numerical results, the featured articles provide a
concise overview of comprehensive approaches to the solution of
problems. Articles highlight the most recent research concerning
reliable theoretical approaches and numerical techniques and cover
a wide range of applications, including acoustics,
electromagnetics, optics, medical imaging, and geophysics. The
nonlinear and ill-posed nature of inverse problems and the
challenges they present when developing new numerical methods are
explained, and numerical verification of proposed new methods on
simulated and experimental data is provided. Based on the special
session of the same name at the 2017 Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Symposium, this book offers a platform for interaction
between theoretical and practical researchers and between senior
and incoming members in the field.
This book suggests a new common approach to the study of resonance
energy transport based on the recently developed concept of
Limiting Phase Trajectories (LPTs), presenting applications of the
approach to significant nonlinear problems from different fields of
physics and mechanics. In order to highlight the novelty and
perspectives of the developed approach, it places the LPT concept
in the context of dynamical phenomena related to the energy
transfer problems and applies the theory to numerous problems of
practical importance. This approach leads to the conclusion that
strongly nonstationary resonance processes in nonlinear oscillator
arrays and nanostructures are characterized either by maximum
possible energy exchange between the clusters of oscillators
(coherence domains) or by maximum energy transfer from an external
source of energy to the chain. The trajectories corresponding to
these processes are referred to as LPTs. The development and the
use of the LPTs concept a re motivated by the fact that
non-stationary processes in a broad variety of finite-dimensional
physical models are beyond the well-known paradigm of nonlinear
normal modes (NNMs), which is fully justified either for stationary
processes or for nonstationary non-resonance processes described
exactly or approximately by the combinations of the non-resonant
normal modes. Thus, the role of LPTs in understanding and analyzing
of intense resonance energy transfer is similar to the role of NNMs
for the stationary processes. The book is a valuable resource for
engineers needing to deal effectively with the problems arising in
the fields of mechanical and physical applications, when the
natural physical model is quite complicated. At the same time, the
mathematical analysis means that it is of interest to researchers
working on the theory and numerical investigation of nonlinear
This book covers the role of water in global atmospheric phenomena,
focussing on the physical processes involving water molecules and
water microparticles. It presents the reader with a detailed look
at some of the most important types of global atmospheric phenomena
involving water, such as water circulation, atmospheric electricity
and the greenhouse effect. Beginning with the cycle of water
evaporation and condensation, and the important roles played by the
nucleation and growth processes of water microdroplets, the book
discusses atmospheric electricity as a secondary phenomenon of
water circulation in the atmosphere, comprising a chain of
processes involving water molecules and water microdroplets.
Finally, the book discusses aspects of the molecular spectroscopy
of greenhouse atmospheric components, showing how water molecules
and water microdroplets give the main contribution to atmospheric
emission in the infrared spectrum range. Featuring numerous
didactic schematics and appendices detailing all necessary unit
conversion factors, this book is useful to both active researchers
and doctoral students working in the fields of atmospheric physics,
climate science and molecular spectroscopy.
Various nanoclusters and microparticles are considered in excited
and ionized gases, as well as various processes with their
participation. The concepts of these processes were developed 50 -
100 years ago mostly for dense media, and basing on these concepts,
we analyze these processes in gases in two opposite regimes, so
that in the kinetic regime surrounding atoms of a buffer gas do not
partake in processesinvolving small particles, and the diffusion
regime corresponds to a dense gas where interaction of small
particles with a buffer gas subjects to laws of hydrodynamics. For
calculation or estimation of the rates of these processes, we are
based on the liquid drop model for small particles which was
introduced in physics by N. Bohr about 80 years ago for the
analysis of properties of atomic nuclei including the nuclear
fusion and the hard sphere model (or the model of billiard balls)
which was used by J. C. Maxwell 150 years ago and helped to create
the kinetic theory of gases. These models along with the analysis
of their accuracy allow one to study various processes, such as
transport processes in gases involving small particles, charging of
small particles in gases, chemical processes, atom attachment and
quenching of excited atomic particles on the surface of a small
particle, nucleation processes for small particles including
coagulation, coalescence and growth of fractal aggregates, chain
aggregates, fractal fibres and aerogels. Each analysis is finished
by analytic formulas or simple models which allow us to calculate
the rate of a certain real process with a known accuracy or to
estimate this, and criteria of validity are given for these
expressions obtained. Examples of real objects and processes
involving small particles are analyzed.
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) highlights major developments
in this area, with results being set into the context of earlier
work and presented as a set of critical yet coherent overviews. The
topics covered describe contrasting types of application, ranging
from biological areas such as EPR studies of free-radical reactions
in biology and medically-related systems, to experimental
developments and applications involving EPR imaging, the use of
very high fields, and time-resolved methods. Critical and
up-to-the-minute reviews of advances involving the design of
spin-traps, advances in spin-labelling, paramagnetic centres on
solid surfaces, exchange-coupled oligomers, metalloproteins and
radicals in flavoenzymes are also included. As EPR continues to
find new applications in virtually all areas of modern science,
including physics, chemistry, biology and materials science, this
series caters not only for experts in the field, but also those
wishing to gain a general overview of EPR applications in a given
This book presents the theory of gas discharge plasmas in a
didactical way. It explains the processes in gas discharge plasmas.
A gas discharge plasma is an ionized gas which is supported by an
external electric field. Therefore its parameters are determined by
processes in it. The properties of a gas discharge plasma depend on
its gas component, types of external fields, their geometry and
regimes of gas discharge. Fundamentals of a gas discharge plasma
include elementary, radiative and transport processes which are
included in its kinetics influence. They are represented in this
book together with the analysis of simple gas discharges. These
general principles are applied to stationary gas discharge plasmas
of helium and argon. The analysis of such plasmas under certain
conditions is theoretically determined by numerical plasma
parameters for given regimes and conditions.
Precision physics of simple atoms is a multidisciplinary area, involving atomic, laser, nuclear and particle physics and also metrology. This book will thus be of interest to a broad community of physicists and metrologists. Furthermore, since hydrogen (and other hydrogen-like atoms) is a model system for applying quantum theory, the book contains valuable material for students. The chapters provide in-depth reviews covering precision measurements, accurate calculations, fundamental constants, frequency standards, and tests of fundamental theory. The latest progress in each of these areas is also described for the specialist. The topics selected for this book are largely complementary to those of the earlier related volume, LNP 570.
Each scientist works with certain information and collects it in
the course of prof- sional activity. In the same manner, the author
collected data for atomic physics and atomic processes. This
information was checked in the course of the author's p- fessional
activity and was published in the form of appendices to the
corresponding books on atomic and plasma physics. Now it has been
decided to publish these data separately. This book contains atomic
data and useful information about atomic particles and atomic
systems including molecules, nanoclusters, metals and condensed s-
tems of elements. It also gives information about atomic processes
and transport processes in gases and plasmas. In addition, the book
deals with general concepts and simple models for these objects and
processes. We give units and conversion factors for them as well as
conversion factors for spread formulas of general physics and the
physics of atoms, clusters and ionized gases since such formulas
are used in professional practice by each scientist of this area.
Refrigeration plays a prominent role in our everyday lives, and
cryogenics plays a major role in medical science, space technology
and the cooling of low-temperature electronics. This volume
contains chapters on basic refrigeration systems, non-compression
refrigeration and cooling, and topics related to global
environmental issues, alternative refrigerants, optimum refrigerant
selection, cost-quality optimization of refrigerants, advanced
thermodynamics of reverse-cycle machines, applications in medicine,
cryogenics, heat pipes, gas-solid absorption refrigeration,
multisalt resorption heat pumps, cryocoolers, thermoacoustic
refrigeration, cryogenic heat transfer and enhancement and other
topics covering theory, design, and applications, such as pulse
tube refrigeration, which is the most efficient of all cryocoolers
and can be used in space missions.
Self-contained, and collating for the first time material that has until now only been published in journals - often in Russian - this book will be of interest to functional analysts, especially those with interests in topological vector spaces, and to algebraists concerned with category theory. The closed graph theorem is one of the corner stones of functional analysis, both as a tool for applications and as an object for research. However, some of the spaces which arise in applications and for which one wants closed graph theorems are not of the type covered by the classical closed graph theorem of Banach or its immediate extensions. To remedy this, mathematicians such as Schwartz and De Wilde (in the West) and Rajkov (in the East) have introduced new ideas which have allowed them to establish closed graph theorems suitable for some of the desired applications. In this book, Professor Smirnov uses category theory to provide a very general framework, including the situations discussed by De Wilde, Rajkov and others. General properties of the spaces involved are discussed and applications are provided in measure theory, global analysis and differential equations.
It is very tempting but a little bit dangerous to compare the style
of two great mathematicians or of their schools. I think that it
would be better to compare papers from both schools dedicated to
one area, geometry and to leave conclusions to a reader of this
volume. The collaboration of these two schools is not new. One of
the best mathematics journals Functional Analysis and its
Applications had I.M. Gelfand as its chief editor and V.I. Arnold
as vice-chief editor. Appearances in one issue of the journal
presenting remarkable papers from seminars of Arnold and Gelfand
always left a strong impact on all of mathematics. We hope that
this volume will have a similar impact. Papers from Arnold's
seminar are devoted to three important directions developed by his
school: Symplectic Geometry (F. Lalonde and D. McDuff), Theory of
Singularities and its applications (F. Aicardi, I. Bogaevski, M.
Kazarian), Geometry of Curves and Manifolds (S. Anisov, V.
Chekanov, L. Guieu, E. Mourre and V. Ovsienko, S. Gusein-Zade and
S. Natanzon). A little bit outside of these areas is a very
interesting paper by M. Karoubi Produit cyclique d'espaces et
operations de Steenrod.
This book presents an extensive overview of logarithmic integral
operators with kernels depending on one or several complex
parameters. Solvability of corresponding boundary value problems
and determination of characteristic numbers are analyzed by
considering these operators as operator-value functions of
appropriate complex (spectral) parameters. Therefore, the method
serves as a useful addition to classical approaches. Special
attention is given to the analysis of finite-meromorphic
operator-valued functions, and explicit formulas for some inverse
operators and characteristic numbers are developed, as well as the
perturbation technique for the approximate solution of logarithmic
integral equations. All essential properties of the generalized
single- and double-layer potentials with logarithmic kernels and
Green's potentials are considered. Fundamentals of the theory of
infinite-matrix summation operators and operator-valued functions
are presented, including applications to the solution of
logarithmic integral equations. Many boundary value problems for
the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation are discussed and explicit
formulas for Green's function of canonical domains with separated
logarithmic singularities are presented.
The present book deals with the issues of stability of Motion which most often are encountered in the analysis of scientific and technical problems. There are many comprehensive monographs on the theory of stability of motion, with each one devoted to a separate complicated issue of the theory. The main advantage of this book, however, is its simple yet simultaneous rigorous presentation of the concepts of the theory, which often are presented in the context of applied problems with detailed examples demonstrating effective methods of solving practical problems.
Intended for advanced students of physics, chemistry, and related disciplines, this text treats the quantum theory of atoms and ions within the framework of self-consistent fields. It treats the structure and spectra of atoms and ions, their behavior in external fields, and their interactions, including collisions. Data needed for the analysis of collisions and other atomic processes are also included, making the book useful as a reference for researchers as well as students. In the main text, simple and convincing methods are used to explain the fundamental properties of atoms, molecules, and clusters; details and more advanced aspects of these topics are treated in the problems at the end of each chapter. The first part of the book is devoted to properties of atoms and ions considered as quantum systems of electrons orbiting a heavy Coulomb center. Self-consistent fields and the shell model give a logical and consistent picture, and provide reliable models for the analysis of atomic properties. The second part deals with interactions and collisions of particles -- including bound systems, such as molecules, clusters, and solids. The aim here is to relate the internal structure of the atoms to the interactions between them, providing useful insights for applications; the accompanying data in tables, charts, and spectra complement the theoretical discussion.
This book looks at global atmospheric processes from a physical
standpoint using available current and past observational data
taken from measurements of relevant atmospheric parameters. It
describes various aspects of the current atmospheric state and its
future evolution, focusing primarily on the energetic balance of
the Earth and atmosphere, and taking into consideration the
multi-faceted global equilibrium between these two systems, carbon,
and water. The analysis presented in this book restricts itself to
those objects and processes that allow us to obtain reliable
conclusions and numerical estimations, in contrast to current
climate models with much larger numbers of parameters for
describing the same problems. As a result, in spite of the
roughness of numerical parameters, the book unveils a reliable and
transparent physical picture of energetic phenomena in the global
atmosphere. In particular, it shows that approximately only
one-fourth of atmospheric water returns from the atmosphere to the
Earth in the form of free molecules. It was shown that the
contemporary warming of our planet has an anthropogenic character,
and that the average global temperature increases due to an
increase of the concentration of atmospheric CO2 molecules, via an
increase in atmospheric moisture, as well as an increase in the
amount of aerosols in the atmosphere. Accumulation of atmospheric
carbon dioxide plays a subsidiary role in this process and gives
approximately one-third in a change of the global temperature,
while an increase in the amount of atmospheric water by as little
as only 0.3% per year explains the observed warming of the Earth.
The book shows how the greenhouse instability of the atmosphere
evidently has its origins in the Eocene epoch, presenting an
analysis of the influence of various types of global energetic
processes on the climate that differs from the official stance on
these problems.
This volume focuses on the analysis and measurement of business
cycles in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS).
Divided into five parts, it begins with an overview of the main
concepts and problems involved in monitoring and forecasting
business cycles. Then it highlights the role of BRICS in the global
economy and explores the interrelatedness of business cycles within
BRICS. In turn, part two provides studies on the historical
development of business cycles in the individual BRICS countries
and describes the driving forces behind those cycles. Parts three
and four present national business tendency surveys and composite
cyclical indices for real-time monitoring and forecasting of
various BRICS economies, while the final part discusses how the
lessons learned in the BRICS countries can be used for the analysis
of business cycles and their socio-political consequences in other
emerging countries.
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