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A systematic introduction to partial differential
equations and modern finite element methods for their efficient
numerical solution
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method
provides a much-needed, clear, and systematic introduction to
modern theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) and finite
element methods (FEM). Both nodal and hierachic concepts of the FEM
are examined. Reflecting the growing complexity and multiscale
nature of current engineering and scientific problems, the author
emphasizes higher-order finite element methods such as the spectral
or hp-FEM.
A solid introduction to the theory of PDEs and FEM contained in
Chapters 1-4 serves as the core and foundation of the publication.
Chapter 5 is devoted to modern higher-order methods for the
numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that
arise in the semidiscretization of time-dependent PDEs by the
Method of Lines (MOL). Chapter 6 discusses fourth-order PDEs rooted
in the bending of elastic beams and plates and approximates their
solution by means of higher-order Hermite and Argyris elements.
Finally, Chapter 7 introduces the reader to various PDEs governing
computational electromagnetics and describes their finite element
approximation, including modern higher-order edge elements for
Maxwell's equations.
The understanding of many theoretical and practical aspects of both
PDEs and FEM requires a solid knowledge of linear algebra and
elementary functional analysis, such as functions and linear
operators in the Lebesgue, Hilbert, and Sobolev spaces. These
topics are discussed with the help of many illustrative examples in
Appendix A, which is provided as a service for those readers who
need to gain the necessary background or require a refresher
tutorial. Appendix B presents several finite element computations
rooted in practical engineering problems and demonstrates the
benefits of using higher-order FEM.
Numerous finite element algorithms are written out in detail
alongside implementation discussions. Exercises, including many
that involve programming the FEM, are designed to assist the reader
in solving typical problems in engineering and science.
Specifically designed as a coursebook, this student-tested
publication is geared to upper-level undergraduates and graduate
students in all disciplines of computational engineeringand
science. It is also a practical problem-solving reference for
researchers, engineers, and physicists.
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at Fatigue
Design 95 held in Helsinki, Finland from 5-8 September 1995. The
papers have been peer reviewed and present practical aspects for
the design of components and structures to avoid fatigue failure.
Topics covered include: fatigue design experiences, ground vehicle
components, component reliability, multiaxial fatigue, notch
analysis, service loading, welded structures, probabilistics
aspects in fatigue, fatigue design optimization.
Information Structure and Syntactic Change in the History of
English is the first book to apply information structure as it
relates to language change to a corpus-based analysis of a wide
range of features in the evolution of English syntax and grammars
of prose in long diachrony. Its unifying topic is the role of
information structure, broadly conceived, as it interacts with the
other levels of linguistic description, syntax, morphology,
prosody, semantics and pragmatics. The volume comprises twelve
chapters by leading scholars who take a variety of theoretical and
methodological approaches. Their work affirms, among other things,
that motivations for selecting a particular syntactic option vary
from information structure in the strict sense to discourse
organization, or a particular style or register, and can also be
associated with external forces such as the development of a
literary culture.
Molecular-based medicine is taking center stage due to the
increasing knowledge of breast cancer molecular biology. Treatment
tailoring is no longer a dream for the future, but the main goal of
current research.
This book provides an overview of the most recent techniques,
agents and approaches for breast cancer that contribute to the
individualization of treatment. Current biomedical research focuses
on facilitating the transfer of molecular biology knowledge into
the clinical management of patients, leading to increased survival
as well as improved quality of life. Particular attention is given
in this book to organ-specific tailored approaches, specific
populations, patients preferences and rehabilitation. Also
discussed in depth are the respective roles of pharmacotherapeutics
modelling, functional imaging, molecular staging, genomics and
proteomics and their impact on the "re-classification" of breast
cancer, as well as the clinical applications of basic science. The
crucial issue of how to optimally integrate biological markers, new
technologies and new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches into
clinical trials and clinical practice is addressed.
Combining the contributions from authors who are well known
experts in these fields with editorial comments, this book provides
an overview of the latest achievements in breast cancer and their
use in clinical practice.
The finite element method has always been a mainstay for solving engineering problems numerically. The most recent developments in the field clearly indicate that its future lies in higher-order methods, particularly in higher-order hp-adaptive schemes. These techniques respond well to the increasing complexity of engineering simulations and satisfy the overall trend of simultaneous resolution of phenomena with multiple scales.
Higher-Order Finite Element Methods provides an thorough survey of intrinsic techniques and the practical know-how needed to implement higher-order finite element schemes. It presents the basic priniciples of higher-order finite element methods and the technology of conforming discretizations based on hierarchic elements in spaces H^1, H(curl) and H(div). The final chapter provides an example of an efficient and robust strategy for automatic goal-oriented hp-adaptivity.
Although it will still take some time for fully automatic hp-adaptive finite element methods to become standard engineering tools, their advantages are clear. In straightforward prose that avoids mathematical jargon whenever possible, this book paves the way for fully realizing the potential of these techniques and putting them at the disposal of practicing engineers.
Stochastic differential equations are differential equations whose
solutions are stochastic processes. They exhibit appealing
mathematical properties that are useful in modeling uncertainties
and noisy phenomena in many disciplines. This book is motivated by
applications of stochastic differential equations in target
tracking and medical technology and, in particular, their use in
methodologies such as filtering, smoothing, parameter estimation,
and machine learning. It builds an intuitive hands-on understanding
of what stochastic differential equations are all about, but also
covers the essentials of Ito calculus, the central theorems in the
field, and such approximation schemes as stochastic Runge-Kutta.
Greater emphasis is given to solution methods than to analysis of
theoretical properties of the equations. The book's practical
approach assumes only prior understanding of ordinary differential
equations. The numerous worked examples and end-of-chapter
exercises include application-driven derivations and computational
assignments. MATLAB/Octave source code is available for download,
promoting hands-on work with the methods.
The research on graphite intercalation compounds often acts as a
forerunner for research in other sciences. For instance, the
concept of staging, which is fundamental to graphite intercalation
compounds, is also relevant to surface science in connection with
adsorbates on metal surfaces and to high-temperature
superconducting oxide layer materials. Phonon-folding and
mode-splitting effects are not only basic to graphite intercalation
compounds but also to polytypical systems such as supercon ductors,
superlattices, and metal and semiconductor superlattices. Charge
transfer effects playa tremendously important role in many areas,
and they can be most easily and fundamentally studied with
intercalated graphite. This list could be augmented with many more
examples. The important message, however, is that graphite inter
calation compounds represent a class of materials that not only can
be used for testing a variety of condensed-matter concepts, but
also stimulates new ideas and approaches. This volume is the second
of a two-volume set. The first volume addressed the structural and
dynamical aspects of graphite intercalation compounds, together
with the chemistry and intercalation of new compounds. This second
volume provides an up-to-date status report from expert researchers
on the transport, magnetic, elec tronic and optical properties
ofthis unique class of materials. The band-structure cal culations
of the various donor and acceptor compounds are discussed in depth,
and detailed reviews are provided ofthe experimental verification
ofthe electronic struc ture in terms of their photoemission spectra
and optical properties."
The progress of materials science depends on the development of
novel materials and the development of novel experimental
techniques. The research on graphite intercalation compounds
combines both aspects: new compounds with strikingly new and
anisotropic properties have been synthesized and analyzed during
the past couple of years by means of state-of-the-art experimental
methods. At the same time, the preparation of the compounds already
known has improved con siderably, giving increased reliability and
reproducibility of the experimental results. The high quality
experimental data now available have stimulated theo retical work.
Moreover, the theoretical work has had a great impact on further
experimental studies, with the effect of a much improved
understanding of this class of materials. This volume is dedicated
to a thorough description of all relevant experimen tal and
theoretical aspects of the structural and dynamical properties of
graphite intercalation compounds. Because of the large number of
topics, a second vol ume, which is now in preparation, will follow
and will treat the electronic, transport, magnetic, and optical
properties. The second volume will also contain a chapter on
applications of graphite intercalation compounds. There have been a
number of reviews written on selected aspects of these compounds in
various journals and conference proceedings during the last couple
of years, but this is the first comprehensive review since the
thorough overview provided by M.S. Dresselhaus and G. Dresselhaus
appeared ten years ago."
This volume strengthens the case for analysing discourse from the
point of view of discourse participants' accountability and
responsibility. It adds an important and largely neglected strand
to research in discourse studies and pragmatics by analysing the
expression and attribution of responsibility, particularly in
professional discourse. Debates on social and professional
responsibility have proliferated in recent years both in the public
sphere (e.g. in connection with corporate responsibility reports)
and in more local practices (e.g. as manifested in the publication
of in-house codes of conduct). However, there is little academic
research on professional discourse which systematically addresses
the ways in which responsibility relations are construed in
language use. This volume contains a number of case studies
focusing on different professional settings: media, health care and
social work. The types of data examined range from globally
available mass-consumed discourse (such as news agency dispatches)
to local and essentially private face-to-face encounters (such as
counselling sessions).The studies examine different linguistic
features (such as reported speech in written texts and
backchannelling in spoken encounters) and different types of
meanings (such as agency and causality). The studies draw on
different methodological approaches (mainly pragmatics,
conversation analysis and (critical) discourse analysis). A common
thread running through the contributions is that responsibility is
not a stable quality of people or institutions, but a dynamic and
variable resource that language users negotiate in interaction.
Tailoring treatment for individual breast cancers is no longer a
dream and is now the main goal for current research. This book
gives an overview of the most recent techniques, agents and
approaches for breast cancer and the individualization of
treatment. Particular attention is given to organ-specific tailored
approaches, specific populations, patients' preferences and
rehabilitation. Contributions from experts focus on the biomedical
research behind the transfer of molecular biology knowledge into
the clinical management of patients. This has led to increased
survival as well as improved quality of life. The book gives an
overview of the latest achievements in breast cancer and their use
in clinical practice.
Stochastic differential equations are differential equations whose
solutions are stochastic processes. They exhibit appealing
mathematical properties that are useful in modeling uncertainties
and noisy phenomena in many disciplines. This book is motivated by
applications of stochastic differential equations in target
tracking and medical technology and, in particular, their use in
methodologies such as filtering, smoothing, parameter estimation,
and machine learning. It builds an intuitive hands-on understanding
of what stochastic differential equations are all about, but also
covers the essentials of Ito calculus, the central theorems in the
field, and such approximation schemes as stochastic Runge-Kutta.
Greater emphasis is given to solution methods than to analysis of
theoretical properties of the equations. The book's practical
approach assumes only prior understanding of ordinary differential
equations. The numerous worked examples and end-of-chapter
exercises include application-driven derivations and computational
assignments. MATLAB/Octave source code is available for download,
promoting hands-on work with the methods.
W enn man sich der ursprtinglichen Planungen erinnert, welche fiir
unser Unter nehmen eine Laufzeit von zwanzig Jahren vorsahen, so
mag man das Centenarium des Thesaurus linguae Latinae mit Fug und
Recht als ein ungewolltes JubiUium be zeichnen. Hatten wir also
dieses Datum schamhaft iiberspielen und uns jeden Tag ganz unserer
eigentlichen Aufgabe widmen sollen, urn dem Ende des Alphabets
wieder einen Schritt naher zu kommen? Das verbot schon die
Bedeutung des Un ternehmens, bezeugt einerseits durch die
Generationen von Latinisten, welche ihren Beitrag zu dem Worterbuch
geleistet haben, andererseits durch die betrachtlichen Mittel,
welche seine Trager dankenswerterweise immer wieder zur Verfiigung
stel len. Deshalb schien es der Internationalen
Thesaurus-Komrnission und den Mitar beitern des Instituts doch
angemessen, einen kleinen Marschhalt einzuschieben und Riickschau
und Ausblick zu halten. So wurde die ordentliche Tagung der
Kommission im Sommer 1994 ausgeweitet durch eine Jubilaumsfeier und
ein Colloquium, die am 29. und 30. Juni in der Miinchner Residenz
stattfanden. Die Vortrage des Colloquiums galten zum einen der
auBeren und inneren Geschichte des Thesaurus; zum andern sollte das
Worter buch nicht nur im Rahmen der Latinistik prasentiert werden,
sondern es sollten auch die Wechselwirkungen zur Darstellung
kommen, die sich aus der Zusammen arbeit mit benachbarten
Disziplinen ergeben. Im vorliegenden Band sind die Bei trage dieses
Colloquiums und der Festvortrag von Herrn Delz mehr oder weniger im
originalen Wortlaut abgedruckt, in den meisten Fallen erganzt durch
Anmer kungen."
Kids often have strong emotions. But if a child's emotions
interfere with school, alienate them from their peers, or cause
constant conflicts at home, parents need resources to help calm the
chaos. In this much-needed guide, two dialectical behavior
therapists offer an activity-based workbook for kids who struggle
with anger, mood-swings, and emotional and behavioral
dysregulation. Using the skills outlined in this book, kids will be
able to manage their emotions, get along with others, and do better
in school. In this much-needed guide, two dialectical behavior
therapists offer an activity-based workbook for kids who struggle
with anger, mood-swings, and emotional and behavioral
dysregulation. Using the skills outlined in this book, kids will be
able to manage their emotions, get along with others, and do better
in school. Childhood can often be a time of intense emotions. But
if your child's emotions interfere with school, homework, or tests;
alienate them from their peers; make it difficult to forge lasting
friendships; or cause constant conflicts at home-it's time to make
a change. You need help to calm the chaos now, rather than later.
Building on the success of Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life
and Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens, this is the
first dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) activity skills workbook
designed especially for kids. Designed for children ages 7 to 12,
this essential guide will help kids manage difficult emotions and
get along better with others. If you are frustrated or worried
about your emotional child, the hands-on activities in this
book-including child-friendly mindfulness practices-can help. By
reading this book, kids will develop their own "skills tool box"
for dealing with intense emotions as they arise, no matter where or
"As I go" is about just that, as I am living my life, As I go, as I
learn, grow, fall, fail, move along, stand still, collapse, dream,
learn, screw up, run, skip, blow it, make a fool of myself, trust
in God, not trust in God, believe, doubt, jump for joy, you know,
living life and as I go there is much to think about, write about,
blog about and of course to share. As I go is about living my life
in ministry, as a devoted follower of Christ, as a husband, as a
father, as a coach of ministry people, you know as we go there is
much to observe, much to gain, and much to give. So this little
book can be read to spur you on daily, to inspire you to remember
that as you go, you are where you are no doubt, but with meaning.
As I go, hopefully is something you are doing with all of you
heart, all of your passions, all of you.
Acclaimed and bestselling author Dan Solin shows you how to create
a SuperSmart Portfolio that follows the same strategies used by the
most sophisticated investment advisers in the world--but previously
unavailable to most do-it-yourself investors. Providing the
specific information and guidance lacking in most investment
guides, Solin leaves nothing to chance in this accessible and
thoughtful guide that will put you in control of your investment
This book will change the way you think about and invest in your
retirement savings plan-forever.
Internationally bestselling author and consumer advocate Dan Solin
challenges some basic and misguided assumptions about traditional
retirement plans to reveal that:
? 401(k) and 403(b) plans are laden with Porky Pig fees, poor
investment choices, and conflicts of interest. You may be better
off just saying "No "
? There is a simple way to make "smart" choices in these plans-
and this book shows you "exactly" what to do and which funds to
? There is one investment that could be the key to a successful
retirement plan. You can do it yourself, with pre-tax or after-tax
money. Create your own, inflation-proof pension plan that is
guaranteed to provide you with monthly income for as long as you
live, and beyond
Smart Investing is not complicated. You have the power to make
meaningful changes to your retirement savings plan-no matter what
your age or financial status.
"If you haven't taken a recent look at what your own retirement
investments are doing and-perhaps even more important-how they are
put together, reading Solin's smart little book might provide the
impetus for action." -"Miami Herald"
What Are You Waiting For?
This book will change the way you think about investing-and the
results will prove it
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If you want to gamble, go to Las Vegas-or try stock picking and
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