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This hands-on guide takes students from start-to-finish through the
research process while showcasing the complexities and
interrelationships of different methods, schools of thought, and
associated analytical strategies. Encouraging students to think of
qualitative research as a flexible, cyclical process rather than a
linear one, this book offers a panoramic strategy and dynamic
approach to qualitative research that accommodates the fluid nature
of research and accounts for lessons learned through lived
experience. With an emphasis on the analysis stage-within case,
across case, and the dialogue between these insights and existing
literature-it uses concrete applications to show how your
methodological decisions translate into practice. It covers:
Forming, defending, and evaluating research questions Choosing a
research approach Ensuring ethically sound research Collecting
quality data Analyzing data in layers Reporting research results
Through a conversational tone that unpacks key vocabulary and acts
as a companion supervisor, this book equips you to traverse every
step of the qualitative research journey.
This hands-on guide takes students from start-to-finish through the
research process while showcasing the complexities and
interrelationships of different methods, schools of thought, and
associated analytical strategies. Encouraging students to think of
qualitative research as a flexible, cyclical process rather than a
linear one, this book offers a panoramic strategy and dynamic
approach to qualitative research that accommodates the fluid nature
of research and accounts for lessons learned through lived
experience. With an emphasis on the analysis stage-within case,
across case, and the dialogue between these insights and existing
literature-it uses concrete applications to show how your
methodological decisions translate into practice. It covers:
Forming, defending, and evaluating research questions Choosing a
research approach Ensuring ethically sound research Collecting
quality data Analyzing data in layers Reporting research results
Through a conversational tone that unpacks key vocabulary and acts
as a companion supervisor, this book equips you to traverse every
step of the qualitative research journey.
Dans ce manuel, la recherche qualitative est presentee comme un
processus iteratif plutot que lineaire. Il s'agit du compagnon de
voyage ideal pour tout chercheur en sciences sociales afin de le
guider du debut du processus de recherche qualitative jusqu'a sa
toute fin, soit a l'etape de redaction du memoire, de la these ou
du rapport de recherche. Les auteures proposent une reflexion sur
les etapes conceptuelles, methodologiques et ethiques du processus
de creation du savoir pour ensuite se pencher sur l'analyse du
materiel empirique. L'ouvrage a d'ailleurs recours a des
applications concretes pour demontrer la maniere dont les decisions
methodologiques se traduisent dans la pratique. Malgre l'ouverture
et la flexibilite de leur approche, les auteures ne favorisent pas
une posture relativiste, mais traitent de l'importance de repondre
a des criteres de validite explicites et a des ecueils a eviter en
analyse qualitative. Style engageant, conseils pratiques,
illustrations claires, exemples varies et syntheses composent ce
manuel qui vise a concretiser le processus de recherche
qualitative, souvent abstrait pour le chercheur novice. Ce livre
est publie en francais. - L'aventure de la recherche qualitative
takes students from start-to-finish through the research process
while showcasing the complexities and interrelationships of
different methods, schools of thought, and associated analytical
strategies. Encouraging students to think of qualitative research
as a flexible, cyclical process rather than a linear one, this book
offers a panoramic strategy and dynamic approach to qualitative
research that accommodates the fluid nature of research and
accounts for lessons learned through lived experience. With an
emphasis on the analysis stage-within case, across case, and the
dialogue between these insights and existing literature-it uses
concrete applications to show how methodological decisions
translate into practice. This book is published in French.