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Slavery and the University is the first edited collection of
scholarly essays devoted solely to the histories and legacies of
this subject on North American campuses and in their Atlantic
contexts. Gathering together contributions from scholars,
activists, and administrators, the volume combines two broad bodies
of work: (1) historically based interdisciplinary research on the
presence of slavery at higher education institutions in terms of
the development of proslavery and antislavery thought and the use
of slave labor; and (2) analysis on the ways in which the legacies
of slavery in institutions of higher education continued in the
post-Civil War era to the present day. The collection features
broadly themed essays on issues of religion, economy, and the
regional slave trade of the Caribbean. It also includes case
studies of slavery's influence on specific institutions, such as
Princeton University, Harvard University, Oberlin College, Emory
University, and the University of Alabama. Though the roots of
Slavery and the University stem from a 2011 conference at Emory
University, the collection extends outward to incorporate recent
findings. As such, it offers a roadmap to one of the most exciting
developments in the field of U.S. slavery studies and to ways of
thinking about racial diversity in the history and current
practices of higher education.
The diagnosis of 'Dyslexia' and the medical problematisation of
reading difficulties were almost unknown one hundred years ago, yet
today the British Dyslexia Association estimates that up to ten per
cent of the UK population may have some form of dyslexia, with
numbers in the United States estimated to be as high as twenty per
cent. The Government of Reading investigates how this
problematisation developed and how a diagnostic category was shaped
in response to this.
Welcome to IWQOS'97 in New York City! Over the past several years,
there has been a considerable amount of research within the field
of Quality of Service (QOS). Much of that work has taken place
within the context of QOS support for distributed multimedia
systems, operating systems, transport subsystems, networks, devices
and formal languages. The objective of the Fifth International
Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQOS) is to bring together
researchers, developers and practitioners working in all facets of
QOS research. While many workshops and conferences offer technical
sessions on the topic QOS, none other than IWQOS, provide a
single-track workshop dedicated to QOS research. The theme of
IWQOS'97 is building QOS into distributed systems. Implicit in that
theme is the notion that the QOS community should now focus on
discussing results from actual implementations of their work. As
QOS research moves from theory to practice, we are interested in
gauging the impact of ideas discussed at previous workshops on
development of actual systems. While we are interested in
experimental results, IWQOS remains a forum for fresh and
innovative ideas emerging in the field. As a result of this,
authors were solicited to provide experimental research (long)
papers and more speculative position (short) statements for
consideration. We think we have a great invited and technical
program lined up for you this year. The program reflects the
Program Committees desire to hear about experiment results,
controversial QOS subjects and retrospectives on where we are and
where we are going.
The aim of the book is to introduce new developments in Ambient
Intelligence from researchers of several countries. The book
includes different works in the area of Ubiquitous Computing,
e-Health, Ambient Assisted Living, Distributed Computing and
Context Aware Computing that have been selected by an international
committee. The studies have been presented in the 9th International
Symposium on Ambient Intelligence held in Toledo in June 2018.
Thirty-five years ago, the four authors of this book addressed
the problems of validity in social science research. They were
interested in new and unused methods for obtaining information. The
original edition and an expanded version have often been cited as
justification for using novel means to supplement, if not replace,
conventional techniques, especially survey and archival research.
Illustrations abound in this book. While the novelty of the
illustrations will keep many a graduate student amused, the more
serious purpose is to authorize and motivate ingenuity in obtaining
information. Even more fundamental is the strategy of combining
very different methods so that research results can, by
triangulation, withstand "threats to validity" that so frequently
invalidate single-measure, conventional research.
PAAMS, the International Conference on Practical Applications of
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems is an evolution of the International
Workshop on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent
Systems. PAAMS is an international yearly tribune to present, to
discuss, and to disseminate the latest developments and the most
important outcomes related to real-world applications. It provides
a unique opportunity to bring multi-disciplinary experts, academics
and practitioners together to exchange their experience in the
development of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. This volume presents
the papers that have been accepted for the 2017 in the special
sessions: Agent-Based Social Simulation, Modelling and Big-Data
Analytics (ABM); Advances on Demand Response and Renewable Energy
Sources in Agent Based Smart Grids (ADRESS); Agents and Mobile
Devices (AM); Computer vision in Multi-Agent Robotics (RV);
Persuasive Technologies (PT); Web and Social Media Mining (WASMM).
The volume also includes the papers accepted for publication in the
2017 conferences).
PAAMS, the International Conference on Practical Applications of
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems is an evolution of the International
Workshop on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent
Systems. PAAMS is an international yearly tribune to present, to
discuss, and to disseminate the latest developments and the most
important outcomes related to real-world applications. It provides
a unique opportunity to bring multi-disciplinary experts, academics
and practitioners together to exchange their experience in the
development of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. This volume presents
the papers that have been accepted for the 2016 in the special
sessions: Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets (ABAM); Advances
on Demand Response and Renewable Energy Sources in Agent Based
Smart Grids (ADRESS); Agents and Mobile Devices (AM); Agent
Methodologies for Intelligent Robotics Applications (AMIRA);
Learning, Agents and Formal Languages (LAFLang); Multi-Agent
Systems and Ambient Intelligence (MASMAI); Web Mining and
Recommender systems (WebMiRes). The volume also includes the paper
accepted for the Doctoral Consortium in PAAMS 2016 and Collocated
This is a study of the transplantation of a creed devised by and for African Americans--the African Methodist Episcopal Church--that was appropriated and transformed in a variety of South African contexts. Focusing on a transatlantic institution like the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the book studies the complex human and intellectual traffic that has bound African American and South African experience. It explores the development and growth of the African Methodist Episcopal Church both in South Africa and America, and the interaction between the two churches. This is a highly innovative work of comparative and religious history. Its linking of the United States and African black religious experiences is unique and makes it appealing to readers interested in religious history and black experience in both the United States and South Africa.
The diagnosis of 'Dyslexia' and the medical problematisation of
reading difficulties were almost unknown one hundred years ago, yet
today the British Dyslexia Association estimates that up to ten per
cent of the UK population may have some form of dyslexia, with
numbers in the United States estimated to be as high as twenty per
cent. The Government of Reading investigates how this
problematisation developed and how a diagnostic category was shaped
in response to this.
Welcome to IWQOS'97 in New York City! Over the past several years,
there has been a considerable amount of research within the field
of Quality of Service (QOS). Much of that work has taken place
within the context of QOS support for distributed multimedia
systems, operating systems, transport subsystems, networks, devices
and formal languages. The objective of the Fifth International
Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQOS) is to bring together
researchers, developers and practitioners working in all facets of
QOS research. While many workshops and conferences offer technical
sessions on the topic QOS, none other than IWQOS, provide a
single-track workshop dedicated to QOS research. The theme of
IWQOS'97 is building QOS into distributed systems. Implicit in that
theme is the notion that the QOS community should now focus on
discussing results from actual implementations of their work. As
QOS research moves from theory to practice, we are interested in
gauging the impact of ideas discussed at previous workshops on
development of actual systems. While we are interested in
experimental results, IWQOS remains a forum for fresh and
innovative ideas emerging in the field. As a result of this,
authors were solicited to provide experimental research (long)
papers and more speculative position (short) statements for
consideration. We think we have a great invited and technical
program lined up for you this year. The program reflects the
Program Committees desire to hear about experiment results,
controversial QOS subjects and retrospectives on where we are and
where we are going.
This book provides researchers, evaluators, and graduate students with a user-friendly presentation of Campbell?s essential work (including his latest thoughts on some of his classic works) in social measurement. The book includes Campbell?s arguments as to why qualitative approaches belong with quantitative ones as the assumptive background to relevant quantitative measures, his debate with deconstructionists and social constructionists on measurement validity, and an expansion and further explanation of his multitrait-multimethod matrix. By including overviews for each part and article as well as provide social scientists with useful insights into Campbell?s papers in a format accessible to advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
In June 1964, Neshoba County, Mississippi, provided the setting for
one of the most notorious crimes of the civil rights era: the
Klan-orchestrated murder of three young voting-rights workers,
James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman. Captured on
the road between the towns of Philadelphia and Meridian, the three
were driven to a remote country crossroads, shot, and buried in an
earthen dam, from which their bodies were recovered after a
forty-four-day search. The crime transfixed the nation. As federal
investigators and an aroused national press corps descended on
Neshoba County, white Mississippians closed ranks, dismissing the
men's disappearance as a ""hoax"" perpetrated by civil rights
activists to pave the way for a federal ""invasion"" of the state.
In this climate of furious conformity, only a handful of white
Mississippians spoke out. Few did so more openly or courageously
than Florence Mars. A fourth-generation Neshoban, Mars braved
social ostracism and threats of violence to denounce the murders
and decry the climate of fear and intimidation that had overtaken
her community. She later recounted her experiences in Witness in
Philadelphia, one of the classic memoirs of the civil rights era.
Though few remember today, Mars was also a photographer. Shocked by
the ferocity of white Mississippians' reaction to the Supreme
Court's 1954 ruling against racial segregation, she bought a
camera, built a homemade darkroom, and began to take pictures,
determined to document a racial order she knew was dying.
Mississippi Witness features over one hundred of these photographs,
most taken in the decade between 1954 and 1964, almost all
published here for the first time. While a few depict public
events-Mars photographed the 1955 trial of the murderers of Emmett
Till-most feature private moments, illuminating the separate and
unequal worlds of black and white Mississippians in the final days
of Jim Crow. Powerful and evocative, the photographs in Mississippi
Witness testify to the abiding dignity of human life even in
conditions of cruelty and deprivation, as well as to the singular
vision of one of Mississippi's-and the nation's-most extraordinary
Slavery and the University is the first edited collection of
scholarly essays devoted solely to the histories and legacies of
this subject on North American campuses and in their Atlantic
contexts. Gathering together contributions from scholars,
activists, and administrators, the volume combines two broad bodies
of work: (1) historically based interdisciplinary research on the
presence of slavery at higher education institutions in terms of
the development of proslavery and antislavery thought and the use
of slave labor; and (2) analysis on the ways in which the legacies
of slavery in institutions of higher education continued in the
post-Civil War era to the present day. The collection features
broadly themed essays on issues of religion, economy, and the
regional slave trade of the Caribbean. It also includes case
studies of slavery's influence on specific institutions, such as
Princeton University, Harvard University, Oberlin College, Emory
University, and the University of Alabama. Though the roots of
Slavery and the University stem from a 2011 conference at Emory
University, the collection extends outward to incorporate recent
findings. As such, it offers a roadmap to one of the most exciting
developments in the field of U.S. slavery studies and to ways of
thinking about racial diversity in the history and current
practices of higher education.
"Campbell knows his stuff " says Larry Bond, author of Cold
Choices, Day of Wrath and many others. Raid on Truman is A National
Bestseller. Now newly revised and updated with the latest weaponry
North Korean special forces attempt to hijack a U.S. nuclear
aircraft carrier by using anesthetic gas to knock out the crew.
They land helicopters on the flight deck and swarm onto the ship.
After a ventilation failure allows some of the ship's engineers to
remain awake, the engineers engage the North Koreans in a
gut-wrenching battle for control of the ship. Lt. Paul Simmons
leads the desperate crew in a chaotic defense of the ship against a
fanatical enemy bent on stealing the ship, crew, and its nuclear
weapons. Simmons is aided by a lone F/A-18 pilot who attempts to
defend the ship from the air, and who had tried to kill Simmons in
the past. Published also in Japan.
A Case of the Vapors is a collection of 14 short stories with the
following titles: A Case of the Vapors - a story about methane,
stock tips from drunks, and gas sex. Half of a Teleportation
Machine - a unique use for the transmit half of a teleportation
machine. The Other Half of a Teleportation Machine - the receive
chamber of a teleportation machine receives some very strange
things. The Iron Sergeant - A WWI sergeant tries to protect his men
as they go over the top. The Battling Bastards of Bataan - those
famous Battling Bastards get some help from an unusual source
Himself - a man is confronted by his older self who has come back
through time Trial By Chamber - a terrorist is sentenced to a very
unusual punishment On the Shore - a sailor walks ashore after an
apocalyptic war and meets a strange woman T Man - a man with
unusual abilities takes on an organized crime figure Weapons
Ultimate - alien beings try to eliminate life on Earth Hiding Place
- a man and a woman run from invading aliens A Tooth For a Tooth -
a young boy takes his revenge on an uncaring dentist Modern
Vampires - a man looks to kill some vampires, but they are not so
easy to dispose of Death Penalty - a bloodthirsty governor picks
the wrong man to execute to prove how tough the governor is on