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This comprehensive volume presents essential mathematical results devoted to topics of mathematical analysis, differential equations and their various applications. It focuses on differential operators, Wardowski maps, low-oscillation functions, Galois and Pataki connections, Hardy-type inequalities, to name just a few.Effort has been made for this unique title to have an interdisciplinary flavor and features several applications such as in tomography, elastic scattering, fluid mechanics, etc.This work could serve as a useful reference text to benefit professionals, academics and graduate students working in theoretical computer science, computer mathematics, and general applied mathematics.
This volume features an extensive account of both research and expository papers in a wide area of engineering and mathematics and its various applications.Topics treated within this book include optimization of control points, game theory, equilibrium points, algorithms, Cartan matrices, integral inequalities, Volterra integro-differential equations, Caristi-Kirk theorems, Laplace type integral operators, etc.This useful reference text benefits graduate students, beginning research engineers and mathematicians as well as established researchers in these domains.
This contributed volume showcases research and survey papers devoted to a broad range of topics on functional equations, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations, optimization theory, network games, generalized Nash equilibria, critical point theory, calculus of variations, nonlinear functional analysis, convex analysis, variational inequalities, topology, global differential geometry, curvature flows, perturbation theory, numerical analysis, mathematical finance and a variety of applications in interdisciplinary topics. Chapters in this volume investigate compound superquadratic functions, the Hyers-Ulam Stability of functional equations, edge degenerate pseudo-hyperbolic equations, Kirchhoff wave equation, BMO norms of operators on differential forms, equilibrium points of the perturbed R3BP, complex zeros of solutions to second order differential equations, a higher-order Ginzburg-Landau-type equation, multi-symplectic numerical schemes for differential equations, the Erdos-Renyi network model, strongly m-convex functions, higher order strongly generalized convex functions, factorization and solution of second order differential equations, generalized topologically open sets in relator spaces, graphical mean curvature flow, critical point theory in infinite dimensional spaces using the Leray-Schauder index, non-radial solutions of a supercritical equation in expanding domains, the semi-discrete method for the approximation of the solution of stochastic differential equations, homotopic metric-interval L-contractions in gauge spaces, Rhoades contractions theory, network centrality measures, the Radon transform in three space dimensions via plane integration and applications in positron emission tomography boundary perturbations on medical monitoring and imaging techniques, the KdV-B equation and biomedical applications.
This self-contained monograph presents an overview of fuzzy operator theory in mathematical analysis. Concepts, principles, methods, techniques, and applications of fuzzy operator theory are unified in this book to provide an introduction to graduate students and researchers in mathematics, applied sciences, physics, engineering, optimization, and operations research. New approaches to fuzzy operator theory and fixed point theory with applications to fuzzy metric spaces, fuzzy normed spaces, partially ordered fuzzy metric spaces, fuzzy normed algebras, and non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces are presented. Surveys are provided on: Basic theory of fuzzy metric and normed spaces and its topology, fuzzy normed and Banach spaces, linear operators, fundamental theorems (open mapping and closed graph), applications of contractions and fixed point theory, approximation theory and best proximity theory, fuzzy metric type space, topology and applications.
This book presents an in-depth study on advances in constructive approximation theory with recent problems on linear positive operators. State-of-the-art research in constructive approximation is treated with extensions to approximation results on linear positive operators in a post quantum and bivariate setting. Methods, techniques, and problems in approximation theory are demonstrated with applications to optimization, physics, and biology. Graduate students, research scientists and engineers working in mathematics, physics, and industry will broaden their understanding of operators essential to pure and applied mathematics. Topics discussed include: discrete operators, quantitative estimates, post-quantum calculus, integral operators, univariate Gruss-type inequalities for positive linear operators, bivariate operators of discrete and integral type, convergence of GBS operators.
Designed for graduate students, researchers, and engineers in mathematics, optimization, and economics, this self-contained volume presents theory, methods, and applications in mathematical analysis and approximation theory. Specific topics include: approximation of functions by linear positive operators with applications to computer aided geometric design, numerical analysis, optimization theory, and solutions of differential equations. Recent and significant developments in approximation theory, special functions and q-calculus along with their applications to mathematics, engineering, and social sciences are discussed and analyzed. Each chapter enriches the understanding of current research problems and theories in pure and applied research.
Using network models to investigate the interconnectivity in modern economic systems allows researchers to better understand and explain some economic phenomena. This volume presents contributions by known experts and active researchers in economic and financial network modeling. Readers are provided with an understanding of the latest advances in network analysis as applied to economics, finance, corporate governance, and investments. Moreover, recent advances in market network analysis that focus on influential techniques for market graph analysis are also examined. Young researchers will find this volume particularly useful in facilitating their introduction to this new and fascinating field. Professionals in economics, financial management, various technologies, and network analysis, will find the network models presented in this book beneficial in analyzing the interconnectivity in modern economic systems.
This contributed volume discusses aspects of nonlinear analysis in which optimization plays an important role, as well as topics which are applied to the study of optimization problems. Topics include set-valued analysis, mixed concave-convex sub-superlinear Schroedinger equation, Schroedinger equations in nonlinear optics, exponentially convex functions, optimal lot size under the occurrence of imperfect quality items, generalized equilibrium problems, artificial topologies on a relativistic spacetime, equilibrium points in the restricted three-body problem, optimization models for networks of organ transplants, network curvature measures, error analysis through energy minimization and stability problems, Ekeland variational principles in 2-local Branciari metric spaces, frictional dynamic problems, norm estimates for composite operators, operator factorization and solution of second-order nonlinear difference equations, degenerate Kirchhoff-type inclusion problems, and more.
Approximation theory and numerical analysis are central to the creation of accurate computer simulations and mathematical models. Research in these areas can influence the computational techniques used in a variety of mathematical and computational sciences. This collection of contributed chapters, dedicated to renowned mathematician Gradimir V. Milovanovi, represent the recent work of experts in the fields of approximation theory and numerical analysis. These invited contributions describe new trends in these important areas of research including theoretic developments, new computational algorithms, and multidisciplinary applications. Special features of this volume: - Presents results and approximation methods in various computational settings including: polynomial and orthogonal systems, analytic functions, and differential equations. - Provides a historical overview of approximation theory and many of its subdisciplines; - Contains new results from diverse areas of research spanning mathematics, engineering, and the computational sciences. "Approximation and Computation" is intended for mathematicians and researchers focusing on approximation theory and numerical analysis, but can also be a valuable resource to students and researchers in the computational and applied sciences."
This contributed volume focuses on various important areas of mathematics in which approximation methods play an essential role. It features cutting-edge research on a wide spectrum of analytic inequalities with emphasis on differential and integral inequalities in the spirit of functional analysis, operator theory, nonlinear analysis, variational calculus, featuring a plethora of applications, making this work a valuable resource. The reader will be exposed to convexity theory, polynomial inequalities, extremal problems, prediction theory, fixed point theory for operators, PDEs, fractional integral inequalities, multidimensional numerical integration, Gauss-Jacobi and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities, Hilbert-type inequalities, and Ulam's stability of functional equations. Contributions have been written by eminent researchers, providing up-to-date information and several results which may be useful to a wide readership including graduate students and researchers working in mathematics, physics, economics, operational research, and their interconnections.
This volume presents significant advances in a number of theories and problems of Mathematical Analysis and its applications in disciplines such as Analytic Inequalities, Operator Theory, Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory, Functional Equations, Differential Equations, Wavelets, Discrete Mathematics and Mechanics. The contributions focus on recent developments and are written by eminent scientists from the international mathematical community. Special emphasis is given to new results that have been obtained in the above mentioned disciplines in which Nonlinear Analysis plays a central role. Some review papers published in this volume will be particularly useful for a broader readership in Mathematical Analysis, as well as for graduate students. An attempt is given to present all subjects in this volume in a unified and self-contained manner, to be particularly useful to the mathematical community.
The stability problem for approximate homomorphisms, or the Ulam stability problem, was posed by S. M. Ulam in the year 1941. The solution of this problem for various classes of equations is an expanding area of research. In particular, the pursuit of solutions to the Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability problems for sets of functional equations and ineqalities has led to an outpouring of recent research. This volume, dedicated to S. M. Ulam, presents the most recent results on the solution to Ulam stability problems for various classes of functional equations and inequalities. Comprised of invited contributions from notable researchers and experts, this volume presents several important types of functional equations and inequalities and their applications to problems in mathematical analysis, geometry, physics and applied mathematics. "Functional Equations in Mathematical Analysis" is intended for researchers and students in mathematics, physics, and other computational and applied sciences.
Functional Equations, Inequalities and Applications provides an extensive study of several important equations and inequalities, useful in a number of problems in mathematical analysis. Subjects dealt with include the generalized Cauchy functional equation, the Ulam stability theory in the geometry of partial differential equations, stability of a quadratic functional equation in Banach modules, functional equations and mean value theorems, isometric mappings, functional inequalities of iterative type, related to a Cauchy functional equation, the median principle for inequalities and applications, Hadamard and Dragomir-Agarwal inequalities, the Euler formulae and convex functions and approximate algebra homomorphisms. Also included are applications to some problems of pure and applied mathematics. This book will be of particular interest to mathematicians and graduate students whose work involves functional equations, inequalities and applications.
This volume, dedicated to the eminent mathematician Vladimir Arnold, presents a collection of research and survey papers written on a large spectrum of theories and problems that have been studied or introduced by Arnold himself. Emphasis is given to topics relating to dynamical systems, stability of integrable systems, algebraic and differential topology, global analysis, singularity theory and classical mechanics. A number of applications of Arnold's groundbreaking work are presented. This publication will assist graduate students and research mathematicians in acquiring an in-depth understanding and insight into a wide domain of research of an interdisciplinary nature.
Functional Equations andInequalities provides an extensive studyofsome of the most important topics of current interest in functional equations and inequalities. Subjects dealt with include: a Pythagorean functional equation, a functional definition oftrigonometric functions, the functional equation ofthe square root spiral, a conditional Cauchy functional equation, an iterative functional equation, the Hille-type functional equation, the polynomial-like iterative functional equation, distribution ofzeros and inequalities for zeros of algebraic polynomials, a qualitative study ofLobachevsky's complex functional equation, functional inequalities in special classesoffunctions, replicativity and function spaces, normal distributions, some difference equations, finite sums decompositions of functions, harmonic functions, set-valued quasiconvex functions, the problem of expressibility in some extensions of free groups, Aleksandrov problem and mappings which preserve distances, Ulam's problem, stability of some functional equation for generalized trigonometric functions, Hyers-Ulam stability of Hosszil's equation, superstability of a functional equation, and some demand functions in a duopoly market with advertising. It is a pleasureto express my deepest appreciationto all the mathematicians who contributed to this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the superb assistance provided by the staffofKluwer Academic Publishers. June 2000 Themistocles M. Rassias xi ON THE STABILITY OF A FUNCTIONAL EQUATION FOR GENERALIZED TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ROMAN BADORA lnstytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Sli;ski, ul. Bankowa 14, PL-40-007 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: robadora@gate. math. us. edu. pl Abstract. In the present paper the stability result concerning a functional equation for generalized trigonometric functions is presented. Z.
This book presents current research on Ulam stability for functional equations and inequalities. Contributions from renowned scientists emphasize fundamental and new results, methods and techniques. Detailed examples are given to theories to further understanding at the graduate level for students in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Key topics covered in this book include: Quasi means Approximate isometries Functional equations in hypergroups Stability of functional equations Fischer-Muszely equation Haar meager sets and Haar null sets Dynamical systems Functional equations in probability theory Stochastic convex ordering Dhombres functional equation Nonstandard analysis and Ulam stability This book is dedicated in memory of Stanilsaw Marcin Ulam, who posed the fundamental problem concerning approximate homomorphisms of groups in 1940; which has provided the stimulus for studies in the stability of functional equations and inequalities.
The chapters in this volume, written by international experts from different fields of mathematics, are devoted to honoring George Isac, a renowned mathematician. These contributions focus on recent developments in complementarity theory, variational principles, stability theory of functional equations, nonsmooth optimization, and several other important topics at the forefront of nonlinear analysis and optimization.
Survey on Classical Inequalities provides a study of some of the well known inequalities in classical mathematical analysis. Subjects dealt with include: Hardy-Littlewood-type inequalities, Hardy's and Carleman's inequalities, Lyapunov inequalities, Shannon's and related inequalities, generalized Shannon functional inequality, operator inequalities associated with Jensen's inequality, weighted Lp -norm inequalities in convolutions, inequalities for polynomial zeros as well as applications in a number of problems of pure and applied mathematics. It is my pleasure to express my appreciation to the distinguished mathematicians who contributed to this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the superb assistance provided by the staff of Kluwer Academic Publishers. June 2000 Themistocles M. Rassias Vll LYAPUNOV INEQUALITIES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS RICHARD C. BROWN Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0350, USA. email address: [email protected] DON B. HINTON Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. email address: [email protected] Abstract. For nearly 50 years Lyapunov inequalities have been an important tool in the study of differential equations. In this survey, building on an excellent 1991 historical survey by Cheng, we sketch some new developments in the theory of Lyapunov inequalities and present some recent disconjugacy results relating to second and higher order differential equations as well as Hamiltonian systems. 1. Introduction Lyapunov's inequality has proved useful in the study of spectral properties of ordinary differential equations. Typical applications include bounds for eigenvalues, stability criteria for periodic differential equations, and estimates for intervals of disconjugacy.
The book contains some of the most important results on the analysis of polynomials and their derivatives. Besides the fundamental results which are treated with their proofs, the book also provides an account of the most recent developments concerning extremal properties of polynomials and their derivatives in various metrics with an extensive analysis of inequalities for trigonometric sums and algebraic polynomials, as well as their zeros. The final chapter provides some selected applications of polynomials in approximation theory and computer aided geometric design (CAGD). One can also find in this book several new research problems and conjectures with sufficient information concerning the results obtained to date towards the investigation of their solution.
It was noted in the preface of the book "Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives," Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, by D.S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and A.M. Fink; since the writing of the classical book by Hardy, Littlewood and Polya (1934), the subject of differential and integral inequalities has grown by about 800%. Ten years on, we can confidently assert that this growth will increase even more significantly. Twenty pages of Chapter XV in the above mentioned book are devoted to integral inequalities involving functions with bounded derivatives, or, Ostrowski type inequalities. This is now itself a special domain of the Theory of Inequalities with many powerful results and a large number of applications in Numerical Integration, Probability Theory and Statistics, Information Theory and Integral Operator Theory. The main aim of the present book, jointly written by the members of the Vic toria University node of RGMIA (Research Group in Mathematical Inequali ties and Applications, http: I /rgmia. vu. edu. au) and Th. M. Rassias, is to present a selected number of results on Ostrowski type inequalities. Results for univariate and multivariate real functions and their natural applications in the error analysis of numerical quadrature for both simple and multiple integrals as well as for the Riemann-Stieltjes integral are given."
This work presents some classical as well as some very recent results and techniques concerning the spectral geometry corresponding to the Laplace-Beltrami operator and the Hodge-de Rham operators. It treats many topics that are not usually dealt with in this field, such as the continuous dependence of the eigenvalues with respect to the Riemannian metric in the CINFINITY-topology, and some of their consequences, such as Uhlenbeck's genericity theorem; examples of non-isometric flat tori in all dimensions greater than or equal to four; Gordon's classical technique for constructing isospectral closed Riemannian manifolds; a detailed presentation of Sunada's technique and Pesce's approach to isospectrality; Gordon and Webb's example of non-isometric convex domains in Rn (n>=4) that are isospectral for both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions; the Chanillo-TrA]ves estimate for the first positive eigenvalue of the Hodge-de Rham operator, etc. Significant applications are developed, and many open problems, references and suggestions for further reading are given. Several themes for additional research are pointed out. Audience: This volume is designed as an introductory text for mathematicians and physicists interested in global analysis, analysis on manifolds, differential geometry, linear and multilinear algebra, and matrix theory. It is accessible to readers whose background includes basic Riemannian geometry and functional analysis. These mathematical prerequisites are covered in the first two chapters, thus making the book largely self-contained.
This volume consists of chapters written by eminent scientists and engineers from the international community and present significant advances in several theories, methods and applications of an interdisciplinary research. These contributions focus on both old and recent developments of Global Optimization Theory, Convex Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, as well as several applications to a large variety of concrete problems, including applications of computersto the study of smoothness and analyticity of functions, applications to epidemiological diffusion, networks, mathematical models of elastic and piezoelectric fields, optimal algorithms, stability of neutral type vector functional differential equations, sampling and rational interpolation for non-band-limited signals, recurrent neural network for convex optimization problems and experimental design. The book also contains some review works, which could prove particularly useful for a broader audience of readers in Mathematical and Engineering subjects and especially to graduate students who search for the latest information."
The contributions in this volume aim to deepen understanding of some of the current research problems and theories in modern topics such as calculus of variations, optimization theory, complex analysis, real analysis, differential equations, and geometry. Applications to these areas of mathematics are presented within the broad spectrum of research in Engineering Science with particular emphasis on equilibrium problems, complexity in numerical optimization, dynamical systems, non-smooth optimization, complex network analysis, statistical models and data mining, and energy systems. Additional emphasis is given to interdisciplinary research, although subjects are treated in a unified and self-contained manner. The presentation of methods, theory and applications makes this tribute an invaluable reference for teachers, researchers, and other professionals interested in pure and applied research, philosophy of mathematics, and mathematics education. Some review papers published in this volume will be particularly useful for a broader audience of readers as well as for graduate students who search for the latest information. Constantin Caratheodory's wide-ranging influence in the international mathematical community was seen during the first Fields Medals awards at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Oslo, 1936. Two medals were awarded, one to Lars V. Ahlfors and one to Jesse Douglass. It was Caratheodory who presented both their works during the opening of the International Congress. This volume contains significant papers in Science and Engineering dedicated to the memory of Constantin Caratheodory and the spirit of his mathematical influence.
The volume is dedicated to Stephen Smale on the occasion of his 80th birthday.Besides his startling 1960 result of the proof of the Poincare conjecture for all dimensionsgreater than or equal to five, Smale's ground breaking contributions invarious fields in Mathematics have marked the second part of the 20th century andbeyond. Stephen Smale has done pioneering work in differential topology, globalanalysis, dynamical systems, nonlinear functional analysis, numerical analysis, theoryof computation and machine learning as well as applications in the physical andbiological sciences and economics. In sum, Stephen Smale has manifestly brokenthe barriers among the different fields of mathematics and dispelled some remainingprejudices. He is indeed a universal mathematician. Smale has been honoredwith several prizes and honorary degrees including, among others, the Fields Medal(1966), The Veblen Prize (1966), the National Medal of Science (1996) and theWolfPrize (2006/2007)."
The notion of stability of functional equations of several variables in the sense used here had its origins more than half a century ago when S. Ulam posed the fundamental problem and Donald H. Hyers gave the first significant partial solution in 1941. The subject has been revised and de veloped by an increasing number of mathematicians, particularly during the last two decades. Three survey articles have been written on the subject by D. H. Hyers (1983), D. H. Hyers and Th. M. Rassias (1992), and most recently by G. L. Forti (1995). None of these works included proofs of the results which were discussed. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that wider interest in this subject area has increased substantially over the last years, yet the pre sentation of research has been confined mainly to journal articles. The time seems ripe for a comprehensive introduction to this subject, which is the purpose of the present work. This book is the first to cover the classical results along with current research in the subject. An attempt has been made to present the material in an integrated and self-contained fashion. In addition to the main topic of the stability of certain functional equa tions, some other related problems are discussed, including the stability of the convex functional inequality and the stability of minimum points. A sad note. During the final stages of the manuscript our beloved co author and friend Professor Donald H. Hyers passed away." |
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