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The aim of this volume is to collect original contributions by the
best specialists from the area of proof theory, constructivity, and
computation and discuss recent trends and results in these areas.
Some emphasis will be put on ordinal analysis, reductive proof
theory, explicit mathematics and type-theoretic formalisms, and
abstract computations. The volume is dedicated to the 60th birthday
of Professor Gerhard Jager, who has been instrumental in shaping
and promoting logic in Switzerland for the last 25 years. It
comprises contributions from the symposium "Advances in Proof
Theory", which was held in Bern in December 2013. Proof theory came
into being in the twenties of the last century, when it was
inaugurated by David Hilbert in order to secure the foundations of
mathematics. It was substantially influenced by Goedel's famous
incompleteness theorems of 1930 and Gentzen's new consistency proof
for the axiom system of first order number theory in 1936. Today,
proof theory is a well-established branch of mathematical and
philosophical logic and one of the pillars of the foundations of
mathematics. Proof theory explores constructive and computational
aspects of mathematical reasoning; it is particularly suitable for
dealing with various questions in computer science.
The aim of this volume is to collect original contributions by the
best specialists from the area of proof theory, constructivity, and
computation and discuss recent trends and results in these areas.
Some emphasis will be put on ordinal analysis, reductive proof
theory, explicit mathematics and type-theoretic formalisms, and
abstract computations. The volume is dedicated to the 60th birthday
of Professor Gerhard Jager, who has been instrumental in shaping
and promoting logic in Switzerland for the last 25 years. It
comprises contributions from the symposium "Advances in Proof
Theory", which was held in Bern in December 2013. Proof theory came
into being in the twenties of the last century, when it was
inaugurated by David Hilbert in order to secure the foundations of
mathematics. It was substantially influenced by Goedel's famous
incompleteness theorems of 1930 and Gentzen's new consistency proof
for the axiom system of first order number theory in 1936. Today,
proof theory is a well-established branch of mathematical and
philosophical logic and one of the pillars of the foundations of
mathematics. Proof theory explores constructive and computational
aspects of mathematical reasoning; it is particularly suitable for
dealing with various questions in computer science.
Dieses Buch erlautert Theorie und Praxis zu relationalen
Datenbanken Was sind relationale Datenbanken? Die Antwort darauf
geben die theoretischen Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele in diesem
Buch. Zunachst erlautert Thomas Studer die mathematisch prazise
Darstellung des relationalen Modells und die relationale Algebra.
Daneben widmet er sich der Datenbanksprache SQL und schafft damit
den Praxisbezug. Die zahlreichen Beispiele auf Basis der
open-source Datenbank PostgreSQL erleichtern die Anwendung. Dieses
Buch erklart die grundlegenden Prinzipien des Schemaentwurfs und
Normalformen fundiert und praxisnah und verbindet die relationale
Datenbanktheorie mit Datenbankdesign. Studer hat aktuelle
Entwicklungen im Blick Die vorliegende Auflage ist umfassend
aktualisiert und dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand angepasst. Studer
widmet sich in diesem Buch den folgenden Teilaspekten relationaler
Datenbanken: Logische und physische Query-Optimierung Isolation von
serializable Snapshots Zerlegung der dritten Normalform in die
Boyce-Codd Normalform Rollen und Berechtigungen SQL als Sprache zur
Datendefinition und Datenmanipulation Sicherheitsrichtlinien auf
Zeilenebene Durch die nachhaltige Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis
eignet sich das Buch "Relationale Datenbanken" fur: Studierende aus
den Bereichen (Wirtschafts-)Informatik Praktiker wie
Softwareentwickler, Systemadministratoren oder Fachinformatiker
Besuchen Sie uns online und entdecken Sie die zahlreichen
Begleitmaterialien zu diesem Buch, die alle frei zuganglich sind.
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