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High-speed impact dynamics is of interest in the fundamental
sciences, e.g., astrophysics and space sciences, and has a number
of important applications in military technologies, homeland
security and engineering. When compared with experiments or
numerical simulations, analytical approaches in impact mechanics
only seldom yield useful results. However, when successful,
analytical approaches allow us to determine general laws that are
not only important in themselves but also serve as benchmarks for
subsequent numerical simulations and experiments. The main goal of
this monograph is to demonstrate the potential and effectiveness of
analytical methods in applied high-speed penetration mechanics for
two classes of problem. The first class of problem is shape
optimization of impactors penetrating into ductile, concrete and
some composite media. The second class of problem comprises
investigation of ballistic properties and optimization of
multi-layered shields, including spaced and two-component ceramic
shields. Despite the massive use of mathematical techniques, the
obtained results have a clear engineering meaning and are presented
in an easy-to-use form. One of the chapters is devoted solely to
some common approximate models, and this is the first time that a
comprehensive description of the localized impactor/medium
interaction approach is given. In the monograph the authors present
systematically their theoretical results in the field of high-speed
impact dynamics obtained during the last decade which only
partially appeared in scientific journals and conferences
This unique compendium contains a vast systematized data of 14,000
experiments on high-velocity penetration into metals, concrete,
reinforced concrete, and geological media which were published in
the open literature (journal papers, reports, conference
proceedings) during the last 70 years. Data presented in this
edition are related to the initial and final stages of penetration
and include: parameters which characterize mechanical and geometric
properties of the striker and the shield; striking and residual
velocities of projectile or depth of penetration; changes of mass
and size of projectile; angles that determine the initial and
residual position of the projectile; ballistic limit velocity;
basic characteristics of plug and deformation of the shield.Unified
form of data representation and common notations are used
throughout the book. All information is presented in numerical form
in SI units. The book also contains indices which allow a fast
search of the authors' publications and related experiments.
Theoreticians, design engineers and experimentalists will find this
handbook a valuable reference material.
This important monograph is the first comprehensive compendium of
engineering models used in high-speed penetration mechanics.The
book consists of two parts. The first part (more than a quarter of
the book's content) is in fact a handbook giving a very detailed
summary of the engineering models used for the analysis of
high-speed penetration of rigid projectiles into various media
(concrete, metals, geological media). The second part of the book
demonstrates the possibilities and efficiency of using approximate
models for investigating traditional and nontraditional problems of
penetration mechanics.Different chapters in the books are devoted
to different classes of problems and can be read independently.
Each chapter is self-contained, which includes a comprehensive
literature survey of the topic, and carries a list of used
notations. The bibliography includes more than 700 references.This
monograph is a reliable and indispensable reference guide for
anyone interested in using engineering models in high-speed
penetration mechanics.
High-speed impact dynamics is of interest in the fundamental
sciences, e.g., astrophysics and space sciences, and has a number
of important applications in military technologies, homeland
security and engineering. When compared with experiments or
numerical simulations, analytical approaches in impact mechanics
only seldom yield useful results. However, when successful,
analytical approaches allow us to determine general laws that are
not only important in themselves but also serve as benchmarks for
subsequent numerical simulations and experiments. The main goal of
this monograph is to demonstrate the potential and effectiveness of
analytical methods in applied high-speed penetration mechanics for
two classes of problem. The first class of problem is shape
optimization of impactors penetrating into ductile, concrete and
some composite media. The second class of problem comprises
investigation of ballistic properties and optimization of
multi-layered shields, including spaced and two-component ceramic
shields. Despite the massive use of mathematical techniques, the
obtained results have a clear engineering meaning and are presented
in an easy-to-use form. One of the chapters is devoted solely to
some common approximate models, and this is the first time that a
comprehensive description of the localized impactor/medium
interaction approach is given. In the monograph the authors present
systematically their theoretical results in the field of high-speed
impact dynamics obtained during the last decade which only
partially appeared in scientific journals and conferences
This two-volume, 1100 pages, 38 chapters book is a significantly
expanded, revised and updated version of the monograph by the
authors published in 2013 (Ben-Dor, G, Dubinsky, A, Elperin, T,
'High Speed Penetration Dynamics: Engineering Models and Methods,'
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company). The contents
increased by 60%, the number of titles in bibliography doubled and
reached 1600; and the scope covers a range of new topics related to
hypervelocity penetration, along with high-speed impact.Presented
material is structured into two parts. The first part includes
description and analysis of practically all known engineering
models for calculating high-speed penetration of projectiles into
concrete, metals, geological shields, adobe, and gelatine.The
second part focuses on the use of approximate models for solving
conventional and non-standard problems of penetration mechanics
including prediction and optimization of protective properties of
monolithic and multi-layered shields against high-speed projectiles
and space debris; shape optimization of high-speed projectiles
penetrating into various media; modelling of penetration and
optimal control of penetrators equipped with jet thrusters; and
investigation of the efficiency and optimization of segmented
projectiles. The book includes comprehensive overviews on basic
classes of problems in high-speed penetration mechanics.This is a
indispensable reference guide for scientists, engineers, and
students specializing in the field of high-speed and hypervelocity
penetration mechanics.