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Quantum physics, in contrast to classical physics, allows
non-locality and indeterminism in nature. Moreover, the role of the
observer seems indispensable in quantum physics. In fact, quantum
physics, unlike classical physics, suggests a metaphysics that is
not physicalism (which is today's official metaphysical doctrine).
As is well known, physicalism implies a reductive position in the
philosophy of mind, specifically in its two core areas, the
philosophy of consciousness and the philosophy of action. Quantum
physics, in contrast, is compatible with psychological
non-reductionism, and actually seems to support it. The essays in
this book explore, from various points of view, the possibilities
of basing a non-reductive philosophy of mind on quantum physics. In
doing so, they not only engage with the ontological and
epistemological aspects of the question but also with the
neurophysiological ones.
This book presents a comprehensive, non-model-theoretic theory of
ontic necessity and possibility within a formal (and formalized)
ontology consisting of states of affairs, properties, and
individuals. Its central thesis is that all modalities are
reducible to intrinsic (or "logical") possibility and necessity if
reference is made to certain states of affairs, called "bases of
necessity." The viability of this Bases-Theory of Modality is shown
also in the case of conditionals, including counterfactual
conditionals. Besides the ontological aspects of the philosophy of
modality, also the epistemology of modality is treated in the book.
It is shown that the Bases-Theory of Modality provides a
satisfactory solution to the epistemological problem of modality.
In addition to developing that theory, the book includes detailed
discussions of positions in the philosophy of modality maintained
by Alvin Plantinga, David Lewis, Charles Chihara, Graeme Forbes,
David Armstrong, and others. Among the themes treated are:
possibilism vs. actualism; the theory of essences; conceivability
and possibility; the nature of possible worlds; the nature of
logical, nomological, and metaphysical possibility and necessity.
The phenomenological approach to the philosophy of mind, as
inaugurated by Brentano and worked out in a very sophisticated way
by Husserl, has been severely criticized by philosophers within the
Wittgensteinian tradition and, implicitly, by Wittgenstein himself.
Their criticism is, in the epistemological regard, directed against
introspectionism, and in the ontological regard, against an
internalist and qualia-friendly, non-functionalist (or: broadly
dualistic/idealistic) conception of the mind. The book examines
this criticism in detail, looking at the writings of Wittgenstein,
Ryle, Hacker, Dennett, and other authors, reconstructing their
arguments, and pointing out where they fall short of their aim. In
defending Husserl against his Wittgensteinian critics, the book
also offers a comprehensive fresh view of phenomenology as a
philosophy of mind. In particular, Husserl's
non-representationalist theory of intentionality is carefully
described in its various aspects and elucidated also with respect
to its development, taking into account writings from various
periods of Husserl's career. Last but not least, the book shows
Wittgensteinianism to be one of the effective roots of the
present-day hegemony of physicalism.
This book models and simulates metaphysics by presenting the
metaphysics of a model. The small size of the model makes it
possible to treat metaphysical matters with a more than usual
systematicity and comprehensiveness. In the mirror of sustained
analogy, simulation-metaphysics offers a wealth of insights on the
real thing: on the doctrines, the methods, and the epistemology of
Axiomatic Formal Ontology is a fairly comprehensive systematic
treatise on general metaphysics. The axiomatic method is applied
throughout the book. Its main theme is the construction of a
general non-set-theoretical theory of intensional entities. Other
important matters discussed are the metaphysics of modality, the
nature of actual existence, mereology and the taxonomy of entities.
Until quite recently, mind-body dualism has been regarded with deep
suspicion by both philosophers and scientists. This has largely
been due to the widespread identification of dualism in general
with one particular version of it: the interactionist substance
dualism of Rene Descartes. This traditional form of dualism has,
ever since its first formulation in the seventeenth century,
attracted numerous philosophical objections and is now almost
universally rejected in scientific circles as empirically
inadequate. During the last few years, however, renewed attention
has begun to be paid to the dualistic point of view, as a result of
increasing discontent with the prevailing materialism and
reductionism of contemporary scientific and philosophical thought.
Awareness has grown that dualism need not be restricted to its
traditional form and that other varieties of dualism are not
subject to the difficulties commonly raised against Descartes' own
version of it. Interest in these alternative versions of dualism is
growing fast today, because it seems that they are capable of
capturing deep-seated philosophical intuitions, while also being
fully consistent with the methodological assumptions and empirical
findings of modern scientific work on the human mind and brain. The
object of this book is to provide philosophers, scientists, their
students, and the wider general public with an up-to-date overview
of current developments in dualistic conceptions of the mind in
contemporary philosophy and science."
Quantum physics, in contrast to classical physics, allows
non-locality and indeterminism in nature. Moreover, the role of the
observer seems indispensable in quantum physics. In fact, quantum
physics, unlike classical physics, suggests a metaphysics that is
not physicalism (which is today's official metaphysical doctrine).
As is well known, physicalism implies a reductive position in the
philosophy of mind, specifically in its two core areas, the
philosophy of consciousness and the philosophy of action. Quantum
physics, in contrast, is compatible with psychological
non-reductionism, and actually seems to support it. The essays in
this book explore, from various points of view, the possibilities
of basing a non-reductive philosophy of mind on quantum physics. In
doing so, they not only engage with the ontological and
epistemological aspects of the question but also with the
neurophysiological ones.
Axiomatic Formal Ontology is a fairly comprehensive systematic
treatise on general metaphysics. The axiomatic method is applied
throughout the book. Its main theme is the construction of a
general non-set-theoretical theory of intensional entities. Other
important matters discussed are the metaphysics of modality, the
nature of actual existence, mereology and the taxonomy of entities.
Das Studienbuch enthalt grundlegende Beitrage zur Geschichte der
Philosophie des Geistes. In chronologischer Reihenfolge stellt es
eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Gestalten dieser Philosophietradition
aus der Perspektive analytischer Philosophen vor: Platon,
Aristoteles, Plotin, Augustinus, Thomas von Aquin, Descartes,
Malebranche, Hume, Kant und Husserl. Jedes Kapitel orientiert sich
an einer systematischen Fragestellung. So vermittelt der Band
zugleich einen Einblick in die Grundfragen der modernen Philosophie
des Geistes: Welche Relation besteht zwischen mentalen und
physischen Zustanden? Welchen ontologischen Status hat das Ich?
Verfugen wir uber Selbstwissen und wenn ja, in welchem Sinne?
Thema dieses Buches sind die philosophischen Probleme der
Quantenphysik. Gabe es allgemein akzeptierte Losungen fur diese,
wurde man nicht mehr von Problemen sprechen. Die Quantenphysik
funktioniert, sie funktioniert ausgezeichnet. Aber im Unterschied
zu einer anderen ausgezeichnet funktionierenden physikalischen
Theorie, in der eine absolute, unhintergehbare Naturkonstante eine
alles beherrschende Rolle spielt (der Relativitatstheorie), ist die
Quantenphysik bis heute philosophisch nicht zufriedenstellend
verstanden. In dieser Situation einschlagig interessierten Lesern,
insbesondere den Nichtexperten unter diesen, nuchterne
Gesichtspunkte des Nachdenkens zu bieten - das ist das Ziel dieses
Buches, nicht mehr und nicht weniger."
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