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Showing 1 - 12 of 12 matches in All Departments

Science And Technology In A Changing International Order - The United Nations Conference On Science And Technology For... Science And Technology In A Changing International Order - The United Nations Conference On Science And Technology For Development (Paperback)
Volker Rittberger
R1,277 Discovery Miles 12 770 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The authors of this volume review the issues involved in financing the development of endogenous scientific and technological capabilities in Third World countries and examine United Nations global conferences with regard to the options they offer for new international institution building. The authors also look at both contemporary patterns and future alternatives for Third World cooperation in science and technology for development and discuss the significance of the UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD) for the advancement of women.

International Organization (Paperback, 3rd edition): Volker Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl, Andreas Kruck, Hylke Dijkstra International Organization (Paperback, 3rd edition)
Volker Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl, Andreas Kruck, Hylke Dijkstra
R1,097 Discovery Miles 10 970 Ships in 9 - 15 working days

The third edition of this popular core textbook provides wide-ranging coverage of the structure, internal working, policies and performance of international organizations such as the UN, EU, IMF and World Bank. Such organizations have never been so important in addressing the challenges that face our increasingly globalised world. This book introduces students to theories with which to approach international organizations, their history, and their ability to respond to contemporary issues in world politics from nuclear disarmament, climate change and human rights protection, to trade, monetary and financial relations, and international development. Underpinning the text is the authors' unique model that views international organizations as actual organizations. Reacting to world events, political actors provide the 'inputs' which are converted by the political systems of these organizations (through various decision-making procedures) into 'outputs' that achieve varying levels of real-world impact and effectiveness. This is the perfect text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of politics and international relations taking courses on International organization and global governance, as well as essential reading for those studying the UN, the EU and Globalization. New to this Edition: - Draws on the most recent research in the field and considers some of the significant world events of the last decade to ensure that the book is completely up to date. - Two separate chapters considering Trade and Development, and Finance and Monetary Relations respectively. - Fully accounts for the challenges to international organizations by the emerging powers, the Trump administration and Brexit

Theories of International Regimes (Hardcover, New): Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer, Volker Rittberger Theories of International Regimes (Hardcover, New)
Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer, Volker Rittberger
R2,636 Discovery Miles 26 360 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

International regimes have been a major focus of research in international relations for over a decade. Three schools of thought have shaped the discussion: realism, which treats power relations as its key variable; neoliberalism, which bases its analysis on constellations of interests; and cognitivism, which emphasizes knowledge dynamics, communication, and identities. Each school articulates distinct views on the origins, robustness, and consequences of international regimes. This book examines each of these contributions to the debate, taking stock of, and seeking to advance, one of the most dynamic research agendas in contemporary international relations. While the differences between realist, neoliberal and cognitivist arguments about regimes are acknowledged and explored, the authors argue that there is substantial scope for progress toward an inter-paradigmatic synthesis.

Evolution and International Organization - Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration (Paperback, 1973 ed.): Volker... Evolution and International Organization - Toward a New Level of Sociopolitical Integration (Paperback, 1973 ed.)
Volker Rittberger
R2,879 Discovery Miles 28 790 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

phase two spanned the time from the late 1930's to about 1950 (Sohn's period III and Yalem's periods II and III). The literature produced during these years revealed an ambivalent reaction toward the apparent inability of international organizations, particularly the League of Nations, to control violence or contribute to the solution of conflicts among major powers. The advocates of a world state saw vindicated their position that an even stronger tmiversal supranational authority was required to assure the repression or deterrence of international aggression. However, the 'realist' position, laying claim to greater scientific validity, argued 'the inlportance of political and ideo logical conflicts as barriers to international cooperation' (Yalem, 1966: 2). The excellent analysis by Ronald Rogowski (1968) shows how the twin positions of 'idealism' and 'realism' proceed from an identical paradigm of world politics: a nation-state system with little or no integrative superstructure. They differ, however, in their epistemological outlook. The realists display a positivistic standpoint: taking the inter national system and its premise, power politics, as unalterable givens, they inquire into the feasibility of international organization under these circumstances. The idea lists adopt what one might call a critical approach toward social analysis: they do not deny the positive validity of the realists' fmdings, but they reject the notion that power politics is an mlalterable impediment."

The United Nations System and Its Predecessors: Volume II: Predecessors of the United Nations (Hardcover, 2): Franz Knipping,... The United Nations System and Its Predecessors: Volume II: Predecessors of the United Nations (Hardcover, 2)
Franz Knipping, Hans von Mangoldt, Volker Rittberger; Ralph Dietl, Markus M. Hugo, …
R5,023 R3,846 Discovery Miles 38 460 Save R1,177 (23%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In 1995 the United Nations celebrated its 50th anniversary, ensuring that public and scholarly interest in this increasingly important field of international politics is particularly high at this point in time. This two-volume set, reproducing official documents in this field (such as charters, statutes, and other legal instruments) provides easy access to the legal bases of international organizations. As such, the set will be an invaluable addition to the library of all scholars and practitioners of international law.

Regime Theory and International Relations (Paperback): Volker Rittberger Regime Theory and International Relations (Paperback)
Volker Rittberger; Edited by (associates) Peter Mayer
R2,150 R1,875 Discovery Miles 18 750 Save R275 (13%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In this volume, experts from the USA and Europe join forces for the first time for a rigorous exploration of the concept of international regimes. They discuss the fundamental conceptual and theoretical problems of regime analysis, study how regimes are formed and how they change, examine approaches to explaining the success or failure of attempts to form regimes, and look at the consequences of regimes for international relations.

Strategies for Peace - Contributions of International Organizations, States, and Non-State Actors (Paperback): Volker... Strategies for Peace - Contributions of International Organizations, States, and Non-State Actors (Paperback)
Volker Rittberger, Martin A Fischer; Contributions by Oliver Richmond, Andrew Mack, Richard Gowan, …
R770 R669 Discovery Miles 6 690 Save R101 (13%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

How can sustainable peace be achieved? The book identifies potential supranational, state and non-state actors involved in peacebuilding processes. Further - more, it develops strategies to address the problems and dilemmas of international peacebuilding. An important contribution to a highly topical debate. Hopes for a less conflict-prone world after the end of the Cold War were bitterly disappointed. Instead, the international community is faced with protracted wars and violent conflicts today. In addition, social, economic and cultural insecurities as well as fragile statehood challenge the post-Westphalian environment. As a result, scholars and policy-makers alike are trying to develop viable strategies for sustainable peace. The book contributes to this debate, as it illustrates current research results on the topic and addresses the complex problems and dilemmas that various international peace - building actors are confronted with.

Internationale Organisationen -- Politik Und Geschichte - Europaische Und Weltweite Zwischenstaatliche Zusammenschlusse... Internationale Organisationen -- Politik Und Geschichte - Europaische Und Weltweite Zwischenstaatliche Zusammenschlusse (German, Paperback, 2nd 2. Aufl. 1995 ed.)
Volker Rittberger
R1,913 Discovery Miles 19 130 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Theories of International Regimes (Paperback, New): Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer, Volker Rittberger Theories of International Regimes (Paperback, New)
Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer, Volker Rittberger
R963 Discovery Miles 9 630 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

International regimes are "codes of conduct" agreed upon by states to govern their relations in specific areas of international politics. This book describes and critically examines the three most important theories of international regimes. These theories each stress a particular explanatory variable: realist theories emphasize state power; neoliberal theories focus on constellations of interests; and cognitivist theories are concerned with knowledge and ideas. The authors conclude by exploring the prospects for progress within this dynamic field by combining different theoretical approaches.

Theorien Der Internationalen Beziehungen - Bestandsaufnahme Und Forschungsperspektiven : Tagung : Papers (German, Paperback,... Theorien Der Internationalen Beziehungen - Bestandsaufnahme Und Forschungsperspektiven : Tagung : Papers (German, Paperback, 1990 ed.)
Volker Rittberger
R1,696 Discovery Miles 16 960 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

I. Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der internationalen Politik, der Konflikte iiber die Allokation von Werten und ihres Austrags zwischen Staaten und Gesellschaften, von Krieg und Frieden steckt mitten in einem theoretischen Umbruch. Die auf diesen Gegenstand spezialisierte Disziplin "Internationale Beziehungen", eine Teildisziplin der Politikwissenschaft, war bisher von der US-amerikanischen Forschung in der Tradition des "Realismus" und seiner verschiedenen Spielarten in starkem MaBe be- einfluBt. Freilich war in der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaft von den internationalen Beziehungen die Hegemonie des Realismus nie so stark ausgepragt, daB nicht auch alternative Untersuchungsansatze zu Worte gekommen waren. Ein gutes Beispiel hier- fUr findet sich schon in dem ersten von der Sektion Internationale Politik der Deutschen Vereinigung fUr Politische Wissenschaft veroffentlichten Sammelband mit dem be- zeichnenden Titel "Die anachronistische Souveranitat" (Czempiel 1969). Wahrend die an den Kategorien der Macht und des Nationalinteresses, des Sicher- heitsdilemmas und der Selbsthilfe in einer anarchischen Staatenwelt orientierte For- schung iiber internationale Politik lange Zeit das Feld beherrschte und auch heute noch mitpragt, haben sich in der jiingeren Vergangenheit zunehmend andere Sicht- wei sen Geltung verschafft. Dies gilt vor allem fUr die Analysen der internationalen Interdependenz, der transnationalen Politik sowie der verschiedenen Auspragungen von "international governance", die teils als Erganzung, teils als Ersetzung von dem Realismus verpflichteten Untersuchungsansatzen in allen Politikfeldern, allerdings mit unterschiedlicher Intensitat, Anwendung fanden. In jiingster Vergangenheit riickte zudem in das Zentrum des Forschungsinteresses eine problem- bzw.

Die Ostpolitik der BRD (German, Paperback, 1974 ed.): Egbert Jahn, Volker Rittberger Die Ostpolitik der BRD (German, Paperback, 1974 ed.)
Egbert Jahn, Volker Rittberger
R1,657 Discovery Miles 16 570 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Antikommunistische Ideologie soli hier definiert werden als herrschende Ideologie in doppel- tern Sinn: einerseits als Ausdruck dominanter gesellschaftlicher Interessen, andererseits als auch von den Beherrschten weitgehend akzeptiertes ErkHirungsmuster der gesellschaftlichen Realitat. Vgl. zu diesem Verstandnis Nicos Poulantzas, der zwischen der Ideologie der herr- schenden Klasse, Ideologien mit anderem Klasseninhalt - getragen von anderen gesellschaft- lichen Formationen - und der auch letztere Ideologien beherrschenden dominanten Ideo- logie unterscheidet. Pouvoir politique et classes sociales, Paris 1968, S. 223 ff. Allgemein soli Ideologie verstanden werden als "System der gesellschaftlichen ( . . . ) Anschauungen, die bestimmte Klasseninteressen zum Ausdruck bringen und entsprechende Verhaltensnor- men, Einstellungen und Wertungen einschliet1en". (Marxistisch-Leninistisches Worterbuch der Philosophie, hrsg. v. Georg Klaus u. Manfred Buhr, Hamburg 1972, S. 504. ) 2 Dysfunktionalitat sowohl irn Hinblick auf die Abwendung einer aut1enpolitischen Isolierung als auch im Hinblick auf die Wahrnehmung von okonomischen Interessen; vgl. Claudia von Braunmtihl, Kalter Krieg und friedliche Koexistenz, Frankfurt 1973. 3 Egbert Jahn, "Gesellschaftspolitische Implikationen der Konferenz flir Sicherheit und Zusam- menarbeit in Europa", in: Antimilitarismusinformation, III. Jg., 2/73, S. 35. 4 Dabei wird darauf verzichtet, auf Aspekte ausflihrlich einzugehen, die Gegenstand anderer Themenstellungcn innerhalb der Arbeitsgruppe "Ostpolitik" sind. 5 Vgl. die zahlreichen einschlagigen Arbeiten in: Eva Knobloch/Dieter Senghaas, "Ausgewahlte Bibliographie zur Friedensforschung", in: E. Krippendorff (ed. ), Friedensforschung, Koln- Berlin 1970, 2. Aufl., S. 564 ff.

Internationale Organisationen (German, Paperback, 4. Aufl. 2013): Volker Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl, Andreas Kruck Internationale Organisationen (German, Paperback, 4. Aufl. 2013)
Volker Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl, Andreas Kruck
R1,297 Discovery Miles 12 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Internationale Organisationen mit globaler oder regionaler Reichweite (z.B. UN, IWF, Weltbank, WTO, EU) spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle bei der Schaffung und Implementierung von internationalen Normen und Regeln, mithin bei Global Governance. Die Sicherheit, das oekonomische Wohlergehen, der Schutz der Menschenrechte und die oekologischen Lebensbedingungen von Menschen weltweit werden von der Fahigkeit bzw. Unfahigkeit internationaler Organisationen, Kooperation und Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates moeglich zu machen und zu stabilisieren, beeinflusst. Das Lehrbuch will die Leserin bzw. den Leser daher theoretisch informiert und empirisch fundiert mit den Entstehungsbedingungen, der Entwicklung, Funktionsweise und den Tatigkeiten internationaler Organisationen vertraut machen. Es fuhrt in die wichtigsten Theorien uber internationale Organisationen ein und bietet einen historischen UEberblick uber internationale Organisationen in verschiedenen Politikfeldern. Das Lehrbuch analysiert ferner die Akteure, Strukturen und Prozesse, die die Entscheidungsfindung in internationalen Organisationen pragen. Schliesslich werden die Tatigkeiten eines breiten Spektrums internationaler Organisationen und deren Beitrag zur kooperativen Bearbeitung grenzuberschreitender Probleme in den Sachbereichen "Sicherheit", "Wirtschaft", "Umwelt" und "Menschenrechte" untersucht.

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