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It is to the great and lasting credit of LORENZ BOHLER and his
school that they have in the last decade developed and demonstrated
so thoroughly the techniques for the conservative management of
fractures. Nevertheless there have always been many, including some
from BOHLER'S school, who have found considerable place for
surgical management, and with the significant progress in general
surgery seen in postwar years, a new stimulus has been given to
this part of traumatic surgery, especially since bone injuries have
become more complex and frequent. The concept of internal fixation
is not new. The serious criticisms that have been levelled at it
retain today their basic significance. Progress in the fields of
asepsis, corrosion-free metal implants, operative experience and
postoperative care has diminished the dangers but has not relieved
the surgeon of responsibility. The Association for the Study of the
Problems of Internal Fixation (AO) has devoted itself over a number
of years to the basic principles and best methods of open treatment
of fractures by means of extended clinical and scientific studies
in order to determine in each individual case the most promising
line of treatment. At the same time a well designed and tested
instrument set has been developed with precise instructions for the
appropriate techniques. As a result, the new observations about
primary bone healing which have emerged from the practice of rigid
internal fixation are as interesting as the uses to which they can
be put in allowing early mobilization.
The German edition of our book entitled "Operative Frakturen
(Springer, Berlin . Goettingen . Heidelberg, 1963) has been out of
print now for more than three years. We are planning a new edition
which will deal with the collective experience of 14,000 new cases,
all treated by internal fixation, and will include the newest
developments in the field of internal fixa tion. However, it will
be some time before this new edition can be published. Increasing
demands for a description of the AO technique of internal fixation
has stimulated us to publish this manual. In it we shall describe
in a comprehensive but somewhat apodictic mann er the principles
and techniques of the AO methods of fracture treatment and
reconstructive surgery, which in our hands, have stood the test of
time. The book is written in a somewhat abbreviated style. It cor
responds in subject matter to the teaching given at the AO courses
in Davos, but deals with each subject more thoroughly. We have
dispensed with pictures of the instruments, as these may be found
in the Synthes Catalogue *. This manual should be regarded as the
product of collective experiencc, containing new thoughts and new
discoveries from basic research. In considering the risks of
mistakes and dangers, we can only reiterate what we have already
stated in "Technique of Internal Fixation of Fractures": "Open
treatment of fractures is a valuable but difficult method which
involves much responsibility.
The first part of this manual deals with the experimental and
scientific basis and the principles of the AOjASIF method of stable
internal fixation. It deals with the function and main use of the
different AO implants, the use of the different AO instruments, and
with the essentials of the operative technique and of postoperative
care. It also discusses the handling of the most important
postoperative complications. The second part deals at length with
the AO recommendations for the operative treatment of the most
common closed fractures in the adult. This has been organized in
anatomical sequence. The discussion of the closed fractures is
followed by a discus sion of open fractures in the adult, then by
fractures in children and finally by pathological fractures. The
third part presents, in a condensed fashion, the application of
stable internal fixation to reconstructive bone surgery. 1 GENERAL
CONSIDERATIONS 1 Aims and Fundamental Principles of the AO Method
The Chief Aim of Fracture Treatment is the Full Recovery of the
Injured Limb In every fracture there is a combination of damage to
both the soft tissues and to bone. Immediately after the fracture
and during the phase of repair, we see certain local circulatory
disturbances, certain manifestations of local inflammation, as well
as pain and reflex splinting. These three factors, that is,
circulatory disturbances, inflammation and pain, when combined with
the defunctioning of bone, joints and muscle, result in the
so-called jl'acture disease.
1m allgemeinen Teil dieses Manuals sollen experimentelle und
wissenschaftliche Grund lagen und Prinzipien der stabilen
Osteosynthese nach der AO-Methode, Funktion und Hauptindikation der
verschiedenen AO-Implantate, Handhabung des Standardin
strumentariums der AO sowie einige wesentliche Gesichtspunkte der
Operationstechnik und der Nachbehandlung dargestellt werden. Auch
die Behandlung der wichtigsten postoperativen Komplikationen wird
besprochen. 1m spe:: iellen Teil werden die von der AO befolgten
Richtlinien fur die operative Behandlung der haufigsten
geschlossenen Frakturen beim Erwachsenen nach anatomi schen
Regionen eingehend erortert. Es folgen dann die Behandlung der
offenen Fraktu ren beim Erwachsenen, der Frakturen bei Kindern und
beim alten Menschen sowie der pathologischen Frakturen. In einem
drittel1 Teil wird die Anwendung der stabilen Osteosynthese bei
Wiederher stellungseingriffen am Knochen zusammenfassend
dargestellt. R T IL LL MI 1 Ziele, Grundlagen und Prinzipien der
AO-Technik Hauptziel jeglicher Knochenbruchbehandlung ist die
Wiederherstellung der vol/en Funk tion der verletzten Extremitat.
Jede Fraktur stellt eine Kombination von Weichteil-und
Knochenschaden dar. Sofort nach der Fraktur und im Laufe der
Reparationsvorgange treten lokale Zirkulationssto rungen,
entziindliche Erscheinungen und Schmerz mit reflektorischer
Immobilisierung auf. Diese drei Faktoren fiihren in Verbindung mit
dem Ausfall funktioneller Beanspru chung von Knochen, Gelenken und
Muskeln zur sog. Frakturkrankheit, d.h. chroni scher Odembildung,
Atrophie der Weichteile, Knochenabbau (Osteoporose) und Ge
lenksteifen. Jede Behandlung einer Fraktur muS deshalb sowohl den
Bruch an sich als auch die damit in Verbindung stehenden lokalen
Reaktionen des Organismus beriicksichtigen."
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