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Intelligent technical systems, which combine mechanical,
electrical and software engineering with methods from control
engineering and advanced mathematics, go far beyond the state of
the art in mechatronics and open up fascinating perspectives. Among
these systems are so-called self-optimizing systems, which are able
to adapt their behavior autonomously and flexibly to changing
operating conditions. The Collaborative Research Center 614
"Self-optimizing concepts and structures in mechanical engineering"
pursued the long-term aim to enable others to develop dependable
self-optimizing systems. Assuring their dependability poses new
challenges. However, self-optimization also offers the possibility
to adapt the system's behavior to improve dependability during
The aim of this book is to provide methods and techniques to
master the challenges and to exploit the possibilities given by
self-optimization. The reader will be able to develop
self-optimizing systems that fulfill and surpass today s
dependability requirements easily.
This book is directed to researchers and practitioners alike. It
gives a brief introduction to the holistic development approach for
self-optimizing mechatronic systems and the steps required to
assure a dependable product design starting with the very early
conceptual design phase. A guideline to select suitable methods for
each step and the methods themselves are included. Each method is
individually introduced, many examples and full references are
Intelligent technical systems, which combine mechanical,
electrical and software engineering with control engineering and
advanced mathematics, go far beyond the state of the art in
mechatronics and open up fascinating perspectives. Among these
systems are so-called self-optimizing systems, which are able to
adapt their behavior autonomously and flexibly to changing
operating conditions. Self-optimizing systems create high value for
example in terms of energy and resource efficiency as well as
The Collaborative Research Center 614 "Self-optimizing Concepts
and Structures in Mechanical Engineering" pursued the long-term aim
to open up the active paradigm of self-optimization for mechanical
engineering and to enable others to develop self-optimizing
This book is directed to researchers and practitioners alike. It
provides a design methodology for the development of
self-optimizing systems consisting of a reference process, methods,
and tools. The reference process is divided into two phases the
domain-spanning conceptual design and the domain-specific design
and development. For the conceptual design a holistic approach is
provided. Domain-specific methods and tools developed especially
for the design and development of self-optimizing systems are
described and illustrated by application examples. This book will
enable the reader to identify the potential for self-optimization
and to develop self-optimizing systems independently."
This book is the first of three volumes of HabitusAnalysis that
take the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu as a starting point to
develop a methodical approach to the habitus of social actors.
However, the concept of habitus and Bourdieu's approach to language
are somewhat disputed while his relationist epistemology is seldom
paid tribute to. The present volume therefore in its first part
deals with Bourdieu's roots in relationist Neo-Kantian philosophy,
the basic traits of his relationist sociology. The second part
examines Bourdieu's theoretical and empirical work on language
before elaborating its own praxeological concept of language use
that opens the road to a methodically and theoretically sound
reconstruction of the habitus of social actors. In the second
volume of HabitusAnalysis we will carefully re-read Bourdieu's
theory in order to develop a disposition-based theory of the
habitus that emphasizes the creative potential of the linkage
between mental orientations and socio-structural processes,
classification and classes, as well as dispositions and positions.
The method presented in the third volume will facilitate a detailed
empirical analysis of the creative transformations operated by the
habitus in relation with the social structures of domination and
the dynamics of social differentiation.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 5th European Software
Engineering Conference, ESEC '95, held in Sitges near Barcelona,
Spain, in September 1995.
The ESEC conferences are the premier European platform for the
discussion of academic research and industrial use of software
engineering technology. The 29 revised full papers were carefully
selected from more than 150 submissions and address all current
aspects of relevance. Among the topics covered are business process
(re-)engineering, real-time, software metrics, concurrency, version
and configuration management, formal methods, design process,
program analysis, software quality, and object-oriented software
This volume presents the proceedings of the Fourth European
Workshop on Software Process Technology, EWSPT '95, held in
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands in April 1995.
The book contains 28 revised full research papers selected from a
total of 50 submissions; in addition, the session chairpersons
contributed 7 short surveys on the topics treated. Among the issues
addressed are analysis and metrics, application experiments,
language experiments, models for distributions, mechanisms for
cooperation, and change and meta-processes. This book documents
that software process technology has become a key technology to
cope with the challenges of team-oriented production of large and
high-quality software systems.
Starting from the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, Schafer composes a
methodical approach to habitus of social actors and the logic of
their praxis: Building upon the generative terms of praxeology, he
focuses on identity and strategy in processes of internalization,
their transformation by means of dispositional schemes, and their
externalization in action. The emphasis lies on a theory of
dispositions that allows a flexible understanding of identity and
strategy formation in the context of social experience and the
interplay with social structures. This theory is developed over the
course of a three-step analysis on habitus as a network of
dispositions, on the dynamics that unfold between the logic of
socio-structural processes and practical logic, and on the
praxeological assessment of social structures via models of fields
and the social space.This book is the second of three volumes of
HabitusAnalysis. While the first volume deals with the
epistemological underpinnings of praxeology, this book advances
Bourdieu's theory with a special focus on creativity of action in
the context of social structures, thereby preparing the
methodological design of empirical models in the third volume.
Identitat kann nach Heinrich Wilhelm Schafer als Netzwerk von
Dispositionen des Wahrnehmens, Urteilens und Handelns begriffen
werden. So lassen sich kollektive Akteure wie religioese, ethnische
oder politische Bewegungen in ihren sozialen Entstehungs- und
Operationskontexten neuartig beschreiben. Bourdieus Soziologie
weiterfuhrend, kann das Zusammenspiel von kognitiven, affektiven
und leiblichen Dispositionen mit den Dynamiken gesellschaftlicher
Differenz und Konfliktivitat als menschliche Praxis erfasst werden.
Akteure kommen somit uber subjektive Einstellungen und
gesellschaftliche Positionierung, Reproduktivitat und Kreativitat
des Handelns, UEbereinstimmungen und Differenzen in den Blick.
Kollektive Mobilisierung individueller Identitaten wird ebenso
plausibel wie der Zusammenhang zwischen dispositionaler
Orientierung und strategischem Kalkul. Schafer entwickelt aus der
empirischen Untersuchung religioeser Bewegungen in einem
Counter-Insurgency-Krieg eine methodisch operationalisierte Theorie
der Identitat, die unmittelbar anschlussfahig ist an die bei
Springer erschienene praxeologische Epistemologie und Methodologie
der HabitusAnalysis.
Technologische Entwicklungen in der Informatik haben heute
weitreichende Auswirkungen nicht nur auf den privaten Alltag,
sondern vor allem auch auf die gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung.
Dieser umfassenden Bedeutung will die 29. Jahrestagung der
Gesellschaft fiir Informatik unter dem Motto, Informatik
iiberwindet Grenzen" gerecht werden. In eingeladenen Vortragen und
Podiumsdiskussionen, in rezensierten technischen Beitragen und in
Prasentationen ausgewahlter aktueller Promotionsvorhaben werden
deshalb sowohl technische Neuerungen als auch die sich verandernden
gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen vorgestellt. Hauptthema der
Tagung sind der elektronische Handel und das damit eng verbundene
Thema der Sicherheit, z. B. im elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr. Wir
freuen uns, zu diesen Themen herausragende eingeladene Sprecher aus
Industrie und Wissenschaft gewonnen zu haben. Einen Hauptvortrag
halten: Dr. K. Eierhoff (Bertelsmann AG, Giitersloh), Prof. Dr. H.
Maurer (TU Graz, bsterreich), E. Koller (IBM Deutschland,
Stuttgart), J. Frischmuth (Siemens Business Services, Miinchen),
Prof. Dr. U. Maurer (ETH Zurich, Schweiz). Die Zusammenfassungen
ihrer Vortrage finden sich in diesem Band. Die relativ junge
Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Informatik und die damit verbundene
Frage der mangelnden Qualitat der (Software-)Produkte in der IT
-Branche sind das Thema des ersten Nachmittags. Die eingeladenen
Sprecher sind Prof. Dr. W. . Aspray (CRA, Washington D.C., USA) und
Prof. Dr. R. Vollmar (Universitat Karlsruhe (TH)). Ander
anschlieBenden Podiumsdiskussion nehmen teil: Prof. Dr. W. Aspray,
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. F.L. Bauer (TU Miinchen), Dr. K.
Beiersdorfer (Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Paderborn), Prof. Dr. R.
Keil-Slawik (Universitat Paderborn), Prof. Dr. P. Lockemann
(Universitat Karlsruhe (TH)), Prof. Dr. R."
Dieses Buch wendet sich sowohl an InfOImatiker in der Praxis als
auch an Dozenten und Studenten der Informatik an Universitaten, die
an einem umfassenden und detaillierten Einblick in das Themengebiet
der Programmentwicklungsumgebungen bzw.
Softwareentwicklungsumgebungen interessiert sind. Dieses
Forschungsthema hat gerade in den letzten 10 Jahren eine
theoretische Fundierung und auch praktische Relevanz erlangt. Auf
immer mehr Messen und in immer grosseren Anzeigen wird fur
Softwarewerkzeuge, die die Produktivitat der Entwickler um das
n-fache steigern sollen, geworben. Im Forschungssektor ist eine
Vielzahl von Veroffentlichungen uber "Umgebungen" auf
einschlagigen, insbesondere Software-Engineering Konferenzen zu
beobachten, was letztlich sogar zur Grundung einer eigenen
internationalen Konferenzreihe fuhrte, dem Symposium uber
"Practical Software Development Environments," das bisher in
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Palo Alto (Kalifornien) und Boston (Mas
sachusetts) stattfand. Das Buch ist entstanden auf der Grundlage
der Dissertationen der beiden Autoren sowie mehrerer
Spezialvorlesungen, die beide Autoren an den Universitaten
Braunschweig, Dortmund und McGill (Mont real) in den letzten Jahren
gehalten haben. Beide Autoren beschaftigen sich seit Anfang der
80er Jahre insbesondere im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes IPSEN
(Integrated Programming Support Environ ment) intensiv mit diesem
Themengebiet. Programmentwicklungsumgebungen stellen einen
integrierten Satz von Software-Werkzeugen bereit, die einen
Programmierer bei der Entwicklung eines Programms unterstutzen.
Hierzu gehoren z.B."
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Fruhzeit: Erzahlungen Wilhelm Schafer Tal & Co., 1921
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Irrungen Und Rechtsstreit Zwischen Kurfurst Friedrich II. Und
Conrad Von Kaufungen Und Der Dadurch Am 7/8. Juli 1455
Herbeigefuhrte Prinzenraub: Der Montag Vor Kiliani Vor 400 Jahren:
Nach Grotentheils Noch Ungedr. Urkunden U. Acten D.
Haupt-Staats-Archivs Zu Dresden ... Wilhelm Schafer Meinhold, 1855
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Die Begrabene Hand: Und Andere Anekdoten Wilhelm Schafer G.
Muller, 1918
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
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