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It was in the course of 1980 that it dawned upon several friends and colleagues of Manfred Bierwisch that a half century had passed since his birth in 1930. Manfred's youthful appearance had prevented a timely appreciation of this fact, and these friends and co11eagues are, therefore, not at ali embarrassed to be presenting him, almost a year late, with a Festschrift which willleave a trace of this noteworthy occasion in the archives of linguistics. It should be realized, however, that the deIay would have easily extended to 1990 if alI those who had wanted to contribute to this book had in fact written their chapters. Under the pressure of actuality, several co11eagues who had genu ineIy hoped or even promised to contribute, just couIdn't make it in time. Still, their greetings and best wishes are also, be it tacitly, expressed by this volume. Especia11y important for the archives would be a record of the celebrated one's works and physical appearance. For the convenience of present and future generations this Festschrift contains a bibliography of Manfred Bierwisch's scientific publications, which forms a chapter in itself. The frontispiece photograph was taken unawares by one of our accomplices. The title of this Festschrift may alIow for free associations of various sorts."
It was in the course of 1980 that it dawned upon several friends and colleagues of Manfred Bierwisch that a half century had passed since his birth in 1930. Manfred's youthful appearance had prevented a timely appreciation of this fact, and these friends and co11eagues are, therefore, not at ali embarrassed to be presenting him, almost a year late, with a Festschrift which willleave a trace of this noteworthy occasion in the archives of linguistics. It should be realized, however, that the deIay would have easily extended to 1990 if alI those who had wanted to contribute to this book had in fact written their chapters. Under the pressure of actuality, several co11eagues who had genu ineIy hoped or even promised to contribute, just couIdn't make it in time. Still, their greetings and best wishes are also, be it tacitly, expressed by this volume. Especia11y important for the archives would be a record of the celebrated one's works and physical appearance. For the convenience of present and future generations this Festschrift contains a bibliography of Manfred Bierwisch's scientific publications, which forms a chapter in itself. The frontispiece photograph was taken unawares by one of our accomplices. The title of this Festschrift may alIow for free associations of various sorts."
This study deals with variation in grammar both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. In Part I (Chaps. 1-4), an attempt is made to char acterize this phenomenon within the broader context of what might be called the "fluctuating character of natu'ral language," and to develop suitable and precise descriptive techniques that account for it. The method which is pro posed here is called "variety grammar" - roughly speaking, this is a formal grammar with probabilistic weighting for an ordered set of varieties, such as dialects, sociolects, registers, or developmental stages. In Part II (Chaps. 5-8), this technique is applied to an important area of grammatical variation - to the process of second language acquisition in social context, based on a large investigation of the language behavior of foreign migrant workers acquiring German through everyday contacts. We have tried to characterize their "developing grammars" and to relate this complex developmental process to social and individual factors that determine it."
Das Buch zieht eine Bilanz aller Forschungsvorhaben des Bundesforschungsministeriums im FArderschwerpunkt "A-kotoxikologie." Es spiegelt die Ergebnisse und Wirkungen bei Zielgruppen und Anwendern aus Wissenschaft, BehArden und Industrie an den ursprA1/4nglichen Zielsetzungen und Rahmenbedingungen. BerA1/4cksichtigt werden Kriterien wie Erkenntnisgewinn, Entwicklung von Themenfeldern, Positionierung im internationalen Vergleich, AktualitAt und FlexibilitAt der FArderung angewandter Forschung sowie die Effizienz in der Mittelvergabe. Neben der rA1/4ckblickenden Analyse enthAlt das Buch eine zukunftsorientierte Vorausschau, verbunden mit Empfehlungen fA1/4r die kA1/4nftige ForschungsfArderung des BMBF.
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