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The Frontal Sinus (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2016): Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent A Senior, Wolfgang Draf The Frontal Sinus (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2016)
Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent A Senior, Wolfgang Draf
R5,540 Discovery Miles 55 400 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This is the only book dedicated solely to frontal sinus disorders. It is a richly illustrated and comprehensive mine of information on the anatomy and management of these disorders. This updated second edition offers much new information. Additional topics include balloon dilation, frontal surgery as part of skull base surgery, and advances in endoscopic techniques and tools that have occurred since 2004 and have made open osteoplastic procedures almost obsolete. The anatomy and surgery of the supraorbital ethmoid cell and its significance in the pathology of frontal sinus disease are also covered. Throughout the book, particularly important areas of text are highlighted and core messages, emphasized. Videos of described procedures are available online.

Surgery of the Skull Base - An Interdisciplinary Approach (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989): Madjid... Surgery of the Skull Base - An Interdisciplinary Approach (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989)
Madjid Samii; Contributions by Johannes Lang; Wolfgang Draf
R4,361 Discovery Miles 43 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The region of the skull base was long considered a surgical barrier because of its complex anatomy. With few exceptions, the region immediately beyond the dura or bony skull base constituted a "no man's land" for the surgeon working from the other direction. A major reason for this was the high morbidity associated with operative procedures in that area using traditional dissection techniques. This situation changed with the advent of the operating microscope. Used initially by ear, nose and throat specialists for resective and reconstructive surgery of the petrous bone and parana sal sinuses, the operating microscope was later introduced in other areas, and neurosurgeons began using it in the mid-1960s. With technical equality thus established, the groundwork was laid for taking a new, systematic, and interdisciplinary approach to surgical problems of the skull base. Intensive and systematic cooperation between ear, nose and throat surgeons and neurologic surgeons had its origins in the departments of the University of Mainz bindly supported by our chairmen Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Kurt Schiirmann (Department of Neurosurgery) and Prof. Dr. W. Kley (Depart ment of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Head and Neck Surgery). The experience gained from this cooperation was taught in workshops held in Hannover from 1979 to 1986, acquiring a broader interdisciplinary base through the participation of specialists from the fields of anatomy, patholo gy, neuroradiology, ophthalmology, and maxillofacial surgery.

Endoscopy of the Paranasal Sinuses - Technique * Typical Findings Therapeutic Possibilities (Paperback, Softcover reprint of... Endoscopy of the Paranasal Sinuses - Technique * Typical Findings Therapeutic Possibilities (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1983)
Wolfgang Draf; Translated by William E. Pohl; Foreword by Helmuth Goepfert
R2,899 Discovery Miles 28 990 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The exponential explosion of diagnostic techniques that is the hallmark of Twentieth Century medicine often makes us forget that the human perceptual senses are still the simplest, most reliable, and most readily available means of recognizing disease and detecting abnormalities in the human body. Improvements in optical telescopes and in glass rod light transmission have enables us to look directly into the human body, and they are indispensable to modern endoscopy. The present monograph is a product of many years of diligent search and tireless work by Professor WOLFGANG DRAF in the field of endoscopy of the parana sal sinuses. Scholastic curiosity, pursuit of academic excellence, and a fervent desire to give patients prompt and lasting relief of symptoms caused by paranasal sinus disease were the author's initial motivations. As time went on and the methodology became more refined, he ventured from the field of endoscopic diagnostic and photographic documentation into the area of endoscopic therapy for selective diseases of maxillary, frontal, and sphenoid sinuses. Many of the instruments and most of the optical and photo graphic equipment and accessories have been developed and improved in parallel with the author's professional career; indeed, many of these technical innovations were a product of Professor DRAF'S keen and methodical research.

The Frontal Sinus (Paperback, Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2005): Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent Senior, Wolfgang Draf The Frontal Sinus (Paperback, Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2005)
Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent Senior, Wolfgang Draf
R6,515 Discovery Miles 65 150 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Addressing disease of the frontal sinus successfully remains, perhaps, one of the most technically challenging issues encountered by otolaryngologists. The intricate anatomy, combined with a narrow aperture and relatively acute angle of approach, leads to complexity not encountered elsewhere in surgery of the sinuses. This comprehensive volume with contributions by over 30 of the world's leading rhinologists will help to shed light on this difficult topic. Thorough discussions of anatomy and pathophysiology of a variety of frontal sinus diseases provide a background for in-depth chapters on aspects of both medical and surgical management. A variety of surgical approaches are discussed, including the latest endoscopic techniques, as well as more traditional open and microscopic approaches. Heavily illustrated, this volume will be a "must have" for the rhinologist managing disease in the frontal sinus.

Surgical Anatomy of Head and Neck (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988): Jelena Krmpotic-Nemanic,... Surgical Anatomy of Head and Neck (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988)
Jelena Krmpotic-Nemanic, Wolfgang Draf, Jan Helms
R3,357 Discovery Miles 33 570 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Contents: The Neck and Thorax.- The Larynx and the Thyroid Gland.- The Face.- The Oral Cavity and the Oropharynx.- The Nose.- The Paranasal Sinus and the Retromaxillary Space.- The Eye and its Orbital Adnexa.- The Ear.- The Middle and Posterior Cranial Fossae.- The Skull and the Gross Anatomy of the Central Nervous System.- The Topography and Variations of the Extra- and Intracranial Vessels.- The Paraganglia.- References.- Index of Operations and Surgically Important Anatomic Relationships.- Subject Index.

The Frontal Sinus (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 2nd ed. 2016): Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent A Senior, Wolfgang... The Frontal Sinus (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 2nd ed. 2016)
Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent A Senior, Wolfgang Draf
R5,307 Discovery Miles 53 070 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is the only book dedicated solely to frontal sinus disorders. It is a richly illustrated and comprehensive mine of information on the anatomy and management of these disorders. This updated second edition offers much new information. Additional topics include balloon dilation, frontal surgery as part of skull base surgery, and advances in endoscopic techniques and tools that have occurred since 2004 and have made open osteoplastic procedures almost obsolete. The anatomy and surgery of the supraorbital ethmoid cell and its significance in the pathology of frontal sinus disease are also covered. Throughout the book, particularly important areas of text are highlighted and core messages, emphasized. Videos of described procedures are available online.

Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2009): Fred J. Stucker, Chris De... Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2009)
Fred J. Stucker, Chris De Souza, Guy S. Kenyon, Timothy S. Lian, Wolfgang Draf, …
R4,793 Discovery Miles 47 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Georg von Bekesey was awarded the Nobel Prize for his seminal everyone all over the world. In other words it is directed toward work on hearing. It was, however, 43 years later in 2004 that evolving a common scientifc language that is spoken uniformly Linda Buck and Richard Axel were awarded the Nobel Prize for and consistently all over the world. Universality, so that norms, their work on olfaction. Tis is indicative of how the science of staging systems, etc., can be applied anywhere in the world with rhinology is only now coming into its own. For quite some time, equal validity. Tis can only be achieved through consensus. rhinology was thought to be limited in scope. It is now appreci- Tis book contains not only the genesis and pathogenesis of ated that the nose is not only an organ of aesthetic appeal, but rhinologic disease, but also what all surgeons want and that is one that carries out several important, complex functions. Te operative steps to bring about successful resolution of disease, tremendous surge in medical literature in recent times bears with the return of normal function.

Endoskopie der Nasennebenhoehlen - Technik * Typische Befunde, Therapeutische Moeglichkeiten (German, Paperback, Softcover... Endoskopie der Nasennebenhoehlen - Technik * Typische Befunde, Therapeutische Moeglichkeiten (German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1978)
Walter Kley; Wolfgang Draf
R2,016 Discovery Miles 20 160 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Sowohl bei der konservativen als auch bei der operativen Therapie von Nasennebenhoehlenerkrankungen erlebt man als Arzt immer wieder Enttauschungen insofern, als sich die Beschwerden des Patienten nicht oder nur wenig bessern, ja, dass sie sich- und dies ist besonders nach operativen Eingriffen gar nicht so selte- sogar verschlimmern. Diese Unsicherheit in der Prognose hangt nicht zuletzt mit den beschrankten diagnostischen Moeglichkeiten zusammen, die eine sichere Beurteilung der Nasennebenhoehlener krankung, insbesondere des Schleimhautzustandes, der Abflussver haltnisse und der Menge und Konsistenz des pathologischen Sekretes bisher nur in begrenztem Umfang zuliessen. Seit Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts wurde durch verschiedene Autoren versucht, mit Hilfe optischer Systeme Einblick in die Kieferhoehle und damit groessere Sicherheit in der Beurteilung des Krankheitsprozesses zu gewinnen. Aber erst in den letzten Jahren gewinnt die Endoskopie der Nasennebenhoehlen mit der Entwick lung verbesserter Optiken und mit besserer Ausleuchtung immer mehr Anhanger und findet nach und nach die ihr gebuhrende Verbreitung. An dieser Entwicklung ist der Autor dieser Monographie in einem hohen Masse beteiligt, indem er sich seit Jahren intensiv und systematisch zunachst mit der Sinuskopie befasste und die er hobenen Befunde photographisch dokumentierte. Unmittelbar habe ich miterlebt, wie Herr Professor Dr. DRAF an der stark frequentierten Universitats-Hals-Nasen -0 hren-Klinik Mainz ein reichhaltiges Bildmaterial von typischen Normalbefunden, von Normvarianten und von pathologischen Zustanden sammeln konnte. Erstaunt waren wir immer wieder uber die haufige Diskrepanz zwischen Roentgenbefund einerseits und endo skopischem Befund andererseits, eine Diskrepanz, sicher in die vielen Fallen eine Erklarung fur die unbefriedigenden Ergebnisse der Therapie abgeben kann.

Die Operationen an Den Nasennebenhoehlen Und Der Angrenzenden Schadelbasis (German, Paperback, 3rd 3. Aufl. 1992. Softcover... Die Operationen an Den Nasennebenhoehlen Und Der Angrenzenden Schadelbasis (German, Paperback, 3rd 3. Aufl. 1992. Softcover Reprint of the Original 3rd 1992 ed.)
Hans Joachim Denecke, Maria-Ursula Denecke, Wolfgang Draf, Werner Ey
R2,490 Discovery Miles 24 900 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Ein weiteres Standardwerk aus der Kirschnerschen Operationslehre In dieser Neuauflage wird dem Bereich der Nasennebenh-hlen und der angrenzendenSch{delbasis endlich ein eigener Band einger{umt. Die entsprechenden Kapitelder vorliegenden Auflage sind dazu nat}rlich komplett }berarbeitet worden. F}r alle Nasennebenh-hlen werden die bekannten Standardoperationen - auch im Hinblick auf den Einsatz modernster technischer Hilfsmittel - beschrieben. So wird z.B. auch besonders auf die Mikrochirurgie der Nasennebenh-hlen mit Hilfe von Endoskopen und Mikroskop eingegangen. Au erdem ist eine detaillierte Darstellung der Chirurgie der angrenzenden Sch{delbasis bei Mi bildungen, Traumen, Entz}ndungen und Tumoren mit aufgenommen. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit wichtigen anatomischen Hinweisen, streift die Wahl der geeigneten An{sthesiemethode und bespricht dann eingehend die Indikationen f}r den jeweiligen Eingriff. Besonders eindrucksvoll wirkt die Illustration dieses Werkes. Die zahlreichen Abbildungen sind zum gr- ten Teil neu erstellt und mit aussagekr{ftigen Legenden versehen. Sowird schon durch die Bilder jeder Operationsschritt anschaulich erkl{rt. Au erdem wird auch im Text ausf}hrlich jeder Eingriff beschrieben und auf Fehler- und Gefahrenquellen aufmerksam gemacht.

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