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Showing 1 - 14 of 14 matches in All Departments
Based on the Simons Symposia held in 2015, the proceedings in this volume focus on rational curves on higher-dimensional algebraic varieties and applications of the theory of curves to arithmetic problems. There has been significant progress in this field with major new results, which have given new impetus to the study of rational curves and spaces of rational curves on K3 surfaces and their higher-dimensional generalizations. One main recent insight the book covers is the idea that the geometry of rational curves is tightly coupled to properties of derived categories of sheaves on K3 surfaces. The implementation of this idea led to proofs of long-standing conjectures concerning birational properties of holomorphic symplectic varieties, which in turn should yield new theorems in arithmetic. This proceedings volume covers these new insights in detail.
This volume presents the collection of mathematical articles by Martin Kneser, reprinted in the original language - mostly German -, including one yet unpublished. Moreover, also included is an article by Raman Parimala, discussing Kneser's work concerning algebraic groups and the Hasse principle, which has been written especially for this volume, as well as an article by Rudolf Scharlau about Kneser's work on quadratic forms, published elsewhere before. Another commentary article, written by Gunter M. Ziegler especially for this volume, describes the astounding influence on the field of combinatorics of what was published as "Aufgabe 360" and its subsequent solution in 1955 resp. 1957 in the "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung". However, as the titles of the articles show, Kneser's mathematical interests were much broader, which is beautifully discussed in an obituary by Ulrich Stuhler, included as well in this volume.
This volume is a tribute to Maxim Kontsevich, one of the most original and influential mathematicians of our time. Maxim's vision has inspired major developments in many areas of mathematics, ranging all the way from probability theory to motives over finite fields, and has brought forth a paradigm shift at the interface of modern geometry and mathematical physics. Many of his papers have opened completely new directions of research and led to the solutions of many classical problems. This book collects papers by leading experts currently engaged in research on topics close to Maxim's heart. Contributors: S. Donaldson A. Goncharov D. Kaledin M. Kapranov A. Kapustin L. Katzarkov A. Noll P. Pandit S. Pimenov J. Ren P. Seidel C. Simpson Y. Soibelman R. Thorngren
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: In Honor of Yu. I. Manin consists of invited expository and research articles on new developments arising from Manin's outstanding contributions to mathematics.
One of the great successes of twentieth century mathematics has been the remarkable qualitative understanding of rational and integral points on curves, gleaned in part through the theorems of Mordell, Weil, Siegel, and Faltings. It has become clear that the study of rational and integral points has deep connections to other branches of mathematics: complex algebraic geometry, Galois and etale cohomology, transcendence theory and diophantine approximation, harmonic analysis, automorphic forms, and analytic number theory. This text, which focuses on higher dimensional varieties, provides precisely such an interdisciplinary view of the subject. It is a digest of research and survey papers by leading specialists; the book documents current knowledge in higher-dimensional arithmetic and gives indications for future research. It will be valuable not only to practitioners in the field, but to a wide audience of mathematicians and graduate students with an interest in arithmetic geometry."
The transparency and power of geometric constructions has been a source of inspiration to generations of mathematicians. The beauty and persuasion of pictures, communicated in words or drawings, continues to provide the intuition and arguments for working with complicated concepts and structures of modern mathematics. This volume contains a selection of articles exploring geometric approaches to problems in algebra, algebraic geometry and number theory. Key topics include: * Curves and their Jacobians * Algebraic surfaces * Moduli spaces, Shimura varieties * Motives and motivic integration * Number-theoretic applications, rational points * Combinatorial aspects of algebraic geometry * Quantum cohomology * Arithmetic dynamical systems The collection gives a representative sample of problems and most recent results in algebraic and arithmetic geometry; the text can serve as an intense introduction for graduate students and those wishing to pursue research in these areas. Contributors: I. Bauer, F. Bogomolov, N. Budur, F. Catanese, C.-L. Chai, R. Cluckers, C. De Concini, J.S. Ellenberg, F. Grunewald, B. Hassett, T. Hausel, F. Loeser, J. Pineiro, R. Pink, C. Procesi, M. Spitzweck, P. Swinnerton-Dyer, L. Szpiro, H. Tamvakis, Y. Tschinkel, T.J. Tucker, A. Venkatesh, and Y.G. Zarhin.
This book is devoted to the study of rational and integral points on higher- dimensional algebraic varieties. It contains research papers addressing the arithmetic geometry of varieties which are not of general type, with an em- phasis on how rational points are distributed with respect to the classical, Zariski and adelic topologies. The book gives a glimpse of the state of the art of this rapidly expanding domain in arithmetic geometry. The techniques involve explicit geometric con- structions, ideas from the minimal model program in algebraic geometry as well as analytic number theory and harmonic analysis on adelic groups. In recent years there has been substantial progress in our understanding of the arithmetic of algebraic surfaces. Five papers are devoted to cubic surfaces: Basile and Fisher study the existence of rational points on certain diagonal cubics, Swinnerton-Dyer considers weak approximation and Broberg proves upper bounds on the number of rational points on the complement to lines on cubic surfaces. Peyre and Tschinkel compare numerical data with conjectures concerning asymptotics of rational points of bounded height on diagonal cubics of rank ~ 2. Kanevsky and Manin investigate the composition of points on cubic surfaces. Satge constructs rational curves on certain Kummer surfaces. Colliot-Thelene studies the Hasse principle for pencils of curves of genus 1. In an appendix to this paper Skorobogatov produces explicit examples of Enriques surfaces with a Zariski dense set of rational points.
Eisenstein series are an essential ingredient in the spectral theory of automorphic forms and an important tool in the theory of L-functions. They have also been exploited extensively by number theorists for many arithmetic purposes. Bringing together contributions from areas which are not usually interacting with each other, this volume will introduce diverse users of Eisenstein series to a variety of important applications. With this juxtaposition of perspectives, the reader obtains deeper insights into the arithmetic of Eisenstein series. The central theme of the exposition focuses on the common structural properties of Eisenstein series occurring in many related applications that have arisen in several recent developments in arithmetic: Arakelov intersection theory on Shimura varieties, special values of L-functions and Iwasawa theory, and equidistribution of rational/integer points on homogeneous varieties. Key questions that are considered include: Is it possible to identify a class of Eisenstein series whose Fourier coefficients (resp. special values) encode significant arithmetic information? Do such series fit into p-adic families? and, Are the Eisenstein series that arise in counting problems of this type?
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: In Honor of Yu. I. Manin consists of invited expository and research articles on new developments arising from Manin s outstanding contributions to mathematics. Contributors in the second volume: M. Harris D. Kaledin M. Kapranov N.M. Katz R.M. Kaufmann J. Kollar M. Kontsevich M. Larsen M. Markl L. Merel S.A. Merkulov M.V. Movshev E. Mukhin J. Nekovar V.V. Nikulin O. Ogievetsky F. Oort D. Orlov A. Panchishkin I. Penkov A. Polishchuk P. Sarnak V. Schechtman V. Tarasov A.S. Tikhomirov J. Tsimerman K. Vankov A. Varchenko A. Vishik A.A. Voronov Yu. Zarhin Th. Zink"
Rationality problems link algebra to geometry, and the difficulties involved depend on the transcendence degree of $K$ over $k$, or geometrically, on the dimension of the variety. A major success in 19th century algebraic geometry was a complete solution of the rationality problem in dimensions one and two over algebraically closed ground fields of characteristic zero. Such advances has led to many interdisciplinary applications to algebraic geometry. This comprehensive book consists of surveys of research papers by leading specialists in the field and gives indications for future research in rationality problems. Topics discussed include the rationality of quotient spaces, cohomological invariants of quasi-simple Lie type groups, rationality of the moduli space of curves, and rational points on algebraic varieties. This volume is intended for researchers, mathematicians, and graduate students interested in algebraic geometry, and specifically in rationality problems. Contributors: F. Bogomolov; T. Petrov; Y. Tschinkel; Ch. Bohning; G. Catanese; I. Cheltsov; J. Park; N. Hoffmann; S. J. Hu; M. C. Kang; L. Katzarkov; Y. Prokhorov; A. Pukhlikov"
Based on the Simons Symposia held in 2015, the proceedings in this volume focus on rational curves on higher-dimensional algebraic varieties and applications of the theory of curves to arithmetic problems. There has been significant progress in this field with major new results, which have given new impetus to the study of rational curves and spaces of rational curves on K3 surfaces and their higher-dimensional generalizations. One main recent insight the book covers is the idea that the geometry of rational curves is tightly coupled to properties of derived categories of sheaves on K3 surfaces. The implementation of this idea led to proofs of long-standing conjectures concerning birational properties of holomorphic symplectic varieties, which in turn should yield new theorems in arithmetic. This proceedings volume covers these new insights in detail.
This volume is a tribute to Maxim Kontsevich, one of the most original and influential mathematicians of our time. Maxim's vision has inspired major developments in many areas of mathematics, ranging all the way from probability theory to motives over finite fields, and has brought forth a paradigm shift at the interface of modern geometry and mathematical physics. Many of his papers have opened completely new directions of research and led to the solutions of many classical problems. This book collects papers by leading experts currently engaged in research on topics close to Maxim's heart. Contributors: S. Donaldson A. Goncharov D. Kaledin M. Kapranov A. Kapustin L. Katzarkov A. Noll P. Pandit S. Pimenov J. Ren P. Seidel C. Simpson Y. Soibelman R. Thorngren
This book is devoted to the study of rational and integral points on higher- dimensional algebraic varieties. It contains research papers addressing the arithmetic geometry of varieties which are not of general type, with an em- phasis on how rational points are distributed with respect to the classical, Zariski and adelic topologies. The book gives a glimpse of the state of the art of this rapidly expanding domain in arithmetic geometry. The techniques involve explicit geometric con- structions, ideas from the minimal model program in algebraic geometry as well as analytic number theory and harmonic analysis on adelic groups. In recent years there has been substantial progress in our understanding of the arithmetic of algebraic surfaces. Five papers are devoted to cubic surfaces: Basile and Fisher study the existence of rational points on certain diagonal cubics, Swinnerton-Dyer considers weak approximation and Broberg proves upper bounds on the number of rational points on the complement to lines on cubic surfaces. Peyre and Tschinkel compare numerical data with conjectures concerning asymptotics of rational points of bounded height on diagonal cubics of rank ~ 2. Kanevsky and Manin investigate the composition of points on cubic surfaces. Satge constructs rational curves on certain Kummer surfaces. Colliot-Thelene studies the Hasse principle for pencils of curves of genus 1. In an appendix to this paper Skorobogatov produces explicit examples of Enriques surfaces with a Zariski dense set of rational points.
This text offers a collection of survey and research papers by leading specialists in the field documenting the current understanding of higher dimensional varieties. Recently, it has become clear that ideas from many branches of mathematics can be successfully employed in the study of rational and integral points. This book will be very valuable for researchers from these various fields who have an interest in arithmetic applications, specialists in arithmetic geometry itself, and graduate students wishing to pursue research in this area.
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