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Global populations have grown rapidly in recent decades, leading to
ever increasing demands for shelter, resources, energy and
utilities. Coupled with the worldwide need to achieve lower impact
buildings and conservation of resources, the need to achieve
sustainability in urban environments has never been more acute.
This book critically reviews the fundamental issues and applied
science, engineering and technology that will enable all cities to
achieve a greater level of metropolitan sustainability, and assist
nations in meeting the needs of their growing urban populations.
Part one introduces key issues related to metropolitan
sustainability, including the use of both urban metabolism and
benefit cost analysis. Part two focuses on urban land use and the
environmental impact of the built environment. The urban heat
island effect, redevelopment of brownfield sites and urban
agriculture are discussed in depth, before part three goes on to
explore urban air pollution and emissions control. Urban water
resources, reuse and management are explored in part four, followed
by a study of urban energy supply and management in part five.
Solar, wind and bioenergy, the role of waste-to-energy systems in
the urban infrastructure, and smart energy for cities are
investigated. Finally, part six considers sustainable urban
development, transport and planning.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert
contributors, Metropolitan sustainability is an essential resource
for low-impact building engineers, sustainability consultants and
architects, town and city planners, local/municipal authorities,
and national and non-governmental bodies, and provides a thorough
overview for academics of all levels in this field.
Critically reviews the fundamental issues and applied science,
engineering and technology that will enable all cities to achieve a
greater level of metropolitan sustainabilityWill assist nations in
meeting the needs of their growing urban populationsChapters
discuss urban land use, the environmental impact of the build
environment, the urban heat island effect, urban air pollution and
emissions control, among other topics
This volume is an introduction to inner model theory, an area of
set theory which is concerned with fine structural inner models
reflecting large cardinal properties of the set theoretic universe.
The monograph contains a detailed presentation of general fine
structure theory as well as a modern approach to the construction
of small core models, namely those models containing at most one
strong cardinal, together with some of their applications. The
final part of the book is devoted to a new approach encompassing
large inner models which admit many Woodin cardinals. The
exposition is self-contained and does not assume any special
prerequisities, which should make the text comprehensible not only
to specialists but also to advanced students in Mathematical Logic
and Set Theory.
The 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology in
Construction (NICOM 3) follows the highly successful NICOM 1
(Paisley, UK 2003) and NICOM 2 (Bilbao, Spain 2005) Symposia. The
NICOM3 symposium was held in Prague, Czech Republic from May 31 to
June 2, 2009 under the auspices of the Czech Technical University
in Prague. It was a cross-disciplinary event, bringing together
R&D experts and users from different fields all with interest
in nanotechnology and construction. The conference was aimed
- Understanding of internal structures of existing construction
materials at nano-scale
- Modification at nano-scale of existing construction
- Production and properties of nanoparticulate materials,
nanotubes and novel polymers.
- Modeling and simulation of nanostructures.
- Instrumentation, techniques and metrology at nano-scale.
- Health and safety issues and environmental impacts related to
nanotechnology during research, manufacture and product use. Review
of current legislation.
- Societal and commercial impacts of nanotechnology in
construction, their predictions and analysis.
Hydroinformatics systems are systems that combine computational
hydraulic modelling with information systems (including
knowledge-based systems). They are gaining rapid acceptance in the
areas of environmental planning, design and management. The present
book focuses exclusively on sewage systems, starting with their
planning and then going on to discuss their design, operation and
rehabilitation. The very experienced authors discuss business and
information needs in the management of urban drainage, tools for
collecting and archiving such data, and their use in modelling
catchment hydrology, sewer systems hydraulics, wastewater quality,
wastewater treatment plant operation, and receiving waters. The
control and operation of sewer systems in real time is described,
followed by a discussion of their maintenance and rehabilitation.
Intelligent decision support systems for managing the urban
drainage business process are presented. Audience: Researchers into
sewer design, municipal engineers, planners and managers interested
in an innovative approach to all aspects of the planning, design
and operation of sewer systems.
Notwithstanding past achievements, flood damage continues to rise
throughout the world as the magnitudes of floods increase, partly
as a result of poor land management and partly by climate change,
growing populations and continuing development in flood-prone
areas, and the aging and deterioration of flood defences. One of
the major goals of water management is the protection of society
from floods. That issue is addressed here in terms of such broad
issues as flood analysis, flood impact, non-structural and
structural flood management measures. Non-structural measures focus
on flood plain management, flood insurance, flood forecasting and
warning, and emergency measures during floods. Structural measures
focus on catchment management, embankments and flood reservoirs.
Post-flood measures are also discussed. Future planning of flood
management should be based on a clear understanding of the
effectiveness interventions and their impacts on river catchment
In 1997 disastrous flooding running through the Czech Republic,
Poland, Germany took the lives of a great number of people and
caused economic damage estimated in tens of billions of dollars.
Flooding of the Yangtze river in 1998 killed more than 3000 people,
dislocated 230 million souls, and caused direct damage of more than
$ 45 billion. Both the general public and the experts are asking
what we can learn from these recent events to reduce loss of life
and flood damage. The 1997 floods were dealt with by experts from
the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, who presented timely
reports on combatting floods, both success stories and
shortcomings. This experience is further extended by reports from
experts drawn from 13 other countries, developing a broad overview
of flood risk management, covering the ecosystem approach to flood
management, including socioeconomic issues, flood impacts on water
quality, human health, and natural ecosystems.
Urban population growth dramatically alters material and energy
fluxes in the affected areas, with concomitant changes in
landscape, altered fluxes of water, sediment, chemicals and
pathogens and increased releases of waste heat. These changes then
impact on urban ecosystems, including water resources and result in
their degradation. Such circumstances make the provision of water
services to urban populations even more challenging. Changing
weather patterns, rising temperature and large variations in
precipitation contr- ute to increased damages, caused by weather
related disasters, including floods. Ones of the major contributors
to increasing flood peaks are land use changes and particularl-
urban development. Consequently, there is a need to look for low
environmental impact land development and to manage runoff in urban
areas by storm water management. Much progress in the management of
urban waters has been achieved in the most - vanced jurisdictions,
but much more remains to be done. In this respect the EC Water
Framework Directive can provide some guidance. Urban water
management issues are particularly important in the countries in
transition in Central and Eastern Europe. During the last decade
political, economical and social changes in the countries under
transition have influenced almost every element of the public
sector, including water services. There is an urgent need for
exchange of information among various countries on this issue and
for identification of best approaches to achieving this transition.
Successful Transformations? contrasts the recent experience of
economic development in Eastern Germany and the Czech Republic. It
provides a comparative up-to-date account critically assessing the
transition from central planning to a free market economy. The book
highlights the very different paths that these two economies have
taken. Eastern Germany has been absorbed almost entirely into the
political and economic framework of West Germany. In contrast the
Czech Republic - which is widely acclaimed to have made the
speediest transition - has from the outset adopted an independent
line. The book illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of these
two different paths and addresses the key question as to whether
the relative success of these two economies can point to a special
policy regime which might aid economic transition in other former
communist countries.
Under the Bed (DVD)
Jonny Weston, Gattlin Griffith, Peter Holden, Musetta Vander, Kelcie Stranahan, …
Discovery Miles 530
Ships in 10 - 20 working days
Steven C. Miller directs this suburban horror film starring Jonny
Weston and Gattlin Griffith. When brothers Neal (Weston) and Paulie
(Griffith) join forces to get rid of a creature living under the
bed, nightmare ordeals ensue.
Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Solar Cells: Modeling,
Materials and Device Technology provides a comprehensive overview
of materials for application in thin film solar cells. It is the
first book that compares experimental and computer-modeling
methods, combining the state of the art in technology with the
latest insights in device modeling. A wide range of experimental
issues are explored, from materials and basic device physics of
thin film solar cells to potential mass production facilities for
solar panels. The modeling section presents an approach to
integrated optical and electrical modeling of complete devices,
including optical light trapping, and describes the physical
materials parameters related to amorphous silicon that are crucial
for successful modeling. The increasing importance of multijunction
cells with different bandgap components for thin film silicon cells
is reflected in a description of the latest breakthroughs acquired
experimentally and by modeling. Concluding chapters describe what
can be learned from combined modeling and device fabrication,
indicating potential future methods of amorphous silicon solar cell
optimization. This book will prove invaluable to researchers in the
amorphous and microcrystalline silicon field and the physical and
experimental approaches will be of interest to researchers
investigating solar cells or other film devices for large area
This four-part chronology presents the unfolding of the American
West from 23,000 B.C.E. to A.D. 2001 Not long ago, the story of the
American West was an uncomplicated tale. Its theme was "The Winning
of the West," and its plot simply followed Euro-Americans as they
galloped across the continent. But throughout the last two decades,
historians like Scott C. Zeman have begun to examine the story and
separate the myths from the facts. Today the history of the
American West is about the land itself; about conquest and
colonization; about migration and social change. Its heroes are not
only white men, but also women and children, and peoples of
African, Asian, Native American, and European descent. In this up
to date chronology, readers can explore hundreds of political,
social, and cultural plot points, from the arrival of the
continent's first migrants more than 20,000 years ago to the
Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890, and from the completion of the
trans-Alaska pipeline in 1977 to the shootings at Columbine High
School in 2000. Presented in four parts: The Native West (23,000
B.C.E.-A.D.1500); The Imperial West (1500-1840); The Incorporated
West (1841-1932); and The Contested West (1932-2001) Sidebars offer
in-depth treatment of selected topics Generously illustrated Each
section opens with an overview of major events and historical
trends of the period
This book offers a sustained, interdisciplinary examination of
taste. It addresses a range of topics that have been at the heart
of lively debates in philosophy of language, linguistics,
metaphysics, aesthetics, and experimental philosophy. Our everyday
lives are suffused with discussions about taste. We are quick to
offer familiar platitudes about taste, but we struggle when facing
the questions that matter-what taste is, how it is related to
subjectivity, what distinguishes good from bad taste, why it is
valuable to make and evaluate judgments about matters of taste, and
what, exactly, we mean in speaking about these matters. The essays
in this volume open up new, intersecting lines of research about
these questions that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.
They address the notion of aesthetic taste; connections between
taste and the natures of truth, disagreement, assertion, belief,
retraction, linguistic context-sensitivity, and the
semantics/pragmatics interface; experimental inquiry about taste;
and metaphysical questions underlying ongoing discussions about
taste. Perspectives on Taste will be of interest to researchers and
advanced students working in aesthetics, philosophy of language,
linguistics, metaphysics, and experimental philosophy.
Mass incarceration is one of the most pressing ethical and
political issues of our time. In this volume, philosophers join
activists and those incarcerated on death row to grapple with
contemporary U.S. punishment practices and draw out critiques
around questions of power, identity, justice, and ethical
responsibility. This work takes shape against a backdrop of
disturbing trends: The United States incarcerates more of its own
citizens than any other country in the world. A disproportionate
number of these prisoners are people of color, and, today, a black
man has a greater chance of going to prison than to college. The
United States is the only Western democracy to retain the death
penalty, even after decades of scholarship, statistics, and even
legal decisions have depicted a deeply flawed system structured by
racism and class oppression. Motivated by a conviction that mass
incarceration and state execution are among the most important
ethical and political problems of our time, the contributors to
this volume come together from a diverse range of backgrounds to
analyze, critique, and envision alternatives to the injustices of
the U.S. prison system, with recourse to deconstruction,
phenomenology, critical race theory, feminism, queer theory, and
disability studies. They engage with the hyper-incarceration of
people of color, the incomplete abolition of slavery, the
exploitation of prisoners as workers and as "raw material" for the
prison industrial complex, the intensive confinement of prisoners
in supermax units, and the complexities of capital punishment in an
age of abolition. The resulting collection contributes to a growing
intellectual and political resistance to the apparent inevitability
of incarceration and state execution as responses to crime and to
social inequalities. It addresses both philosophers and activists
who seek intellectual resources to contest the injustices of
punishment in the United States.
The Key to Fully Understanding the Basics of a 3D World Prominently
used in games, movies, and on television, 3D graphics are tools of
creation used to enhance how material and light come together to
manipulate objects in 3D space. A game-changer written for the
non-technical mind, Essential Skills for 3D Modeling, Rendering,
and Animation examines the complexities of 3D computer-generated
art, and outlines the basics of how things work and are used in 3D.
This text describes the three cornerstones of 3D-modeling,
rendering, and animation; focuses on common elements; and provides
a full understanding of the foundational concepts involved.
Detailing the skills and knowledge needed to become an accomplished
3D artist, it includes step-by-step instruction with ample
examples, and allows absolute beginners to move at their own pace.
Master Anything You Are Tasked to Model The author incorporates
historical information-presenting a contextual understanding of the
various techniques and methodologies in their historical place.
Each chapter builds on the fundamentals of 3D computer graphics and
augments skills based on the concepts, enabling the student to
learn both theory and application simultaneously. The book
highlights two basic geometry types, polygons and NURBS surfaces,
showing the student basic modeling techniques with both. While more
techniques are available, an artist can cover any model by grasping
these basic techniques. Supplies examples that are specifically
taken from Autodesk Maya Contains exercises that are meant to be
used in conjunction with the training videos on the website
Includes a documented history of computer graphics Essential Skills
for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Animation offers a fundamental
understanding of the mechanics of 3D graphics to modelers,
animators, texture artists, render artists, game developers, and
production artists, as well as educators teaching an undergrad or
tech course in 3D animation.
Examines the impact of the Czechoslovak and East German uranium
industries on local politics and on societies, particularly in the
decade or so after the end of the Second World War. The Erzgebirge
- the Ore Mountains - on the border of Czechoslovakia and East
Germany of the time, was the oldest uranium mine in the world,
whose important resources were badly needed for Stalin's atomic
bomb. This book contains an introduction that discusses the
silver-mining industries in the Erzgebirge region, the history of
experiments in physics on the instability of matter, and on the
increasing demand for uranium beginning in the middle of the 19th
century. The book outlines the fate of this mining region in the
Cold War period, including the various political pressures and
medical problems its inhabitants came under. The two industries are
compared at the peak of their production and at the top of their
strategic importance for Stalin. The highly secret "state within a
state" is examined in the two countries. In addition, the analysis
of the uranium issue helps the reader to see the origins of the
Cold War in a different perspective.
There is among many nations a growing awareness that the arts and
culture have an important role to play in forming the image that
nations hold of themselves and that they convey in the
international arena. At the same time, increased pressure on the
public purse, new trade environments, and the revolution in
communications technology are forcing the reexamination of cultural
policy objectives and strategies for achieving those objectives in
countries throughout the world. This book, based on the research
and expertise of practitioners and scholars in the field of
cultural policy, provides a broadly based cross-cultural analysis
of policy in two countries with very different cultural traditions.
The authors move beyond cultural boundaries to define 'art' and
'culture, ' explore the role of cultural policies in a nation's
cultural development, and evaluate policy effectiveness and
relevance. Case studies of organizations in art, music, dance, and
drama, in both the United States and Japan, examine the elements
that contribute to effective arts management and policy-making.
Arts managers, cultural policy-makers, researchers, practitioners,
and educators will find this an excellent resource that provides
valuable teaching materials in the field of cultural policy and
facilitates cross-cultural learning about arts management
Character rigging is the method with which you create a system for
animating a character. A rig is represented by two primary
mechanics: the skeleton, consisting of hierarchical rotations to
drive the motions, and a skin, or method of deforming the geometry
that makes up the character model. Essential Skills in Character
Rigging is a beginner's guide to learning and understanding the
essential aspects of character setup, evaluation, skeletal
construction, and deformation. Borrowing from the author's
extensive experience in the field, it presents the primary
theories, constructs, and objectives for constructing a basic rig
from the ground up, just as it would be done in a professional
studio. The book explains the basic elements of hierarchies,
skeletons, kinematics, deformation, skinning, and creating
relationships between nodes. It gives hands-on experience with
taking a completed character model and setting it up with a
skeleton with kinematics and soft-skin deformation. It also gives
specific instructions on using inverse kinematics systems, and how
to set up the essential mechanics of a human rig with these
systems. All of these lessons are conducted using a simplistic,
conversational style that keeps technical and mathematical jargon
to a minimum. The book also includes video tutorials corresponding
to specific modules. Essential Skills in Character Rigging takes
aspiring character artists through the vital components in the
process of taking a 3D character model and turning it into an
animatable rig that is ready for production in film or games. It
identifies the universal fundamentals at work behind character
rigging, and the practical complexities of the process are broken
down into simple steps that are easy to comprehend and execute.
This title was first published in 2001. The cardiovascular system
serves to carry essential compounds to the tissues and to remove
metabolic by-products. It also plays an important role in
maintaining homeostasis, and functions directly or indirectly in
the regulation of body temperature, oxygen supply, nutrient
distribution, water and electrolyte balance, and endocrine
activity. Consisting of a pump, connecting tubes, exchange
membranes and blood, this system is governed by a diverse and
complex array of regulatory mechanisms, encompassing central
neural, autonomic, endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine control.
Drugs used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease are
disseminated widely in western industrialized countries. In the US
alone, nearly $18 billion was spent on drugs for the treatment of
cardiovascular disease and stroke in 1999. This Handbook contains
records for all the major drugs that directly affect the
cardiovascular system. Monographs are provided for over 1900
cardiovascular agents. For each main entry, the following
information is provided: the chemical name and a list of
proprietary names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service
(CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing
Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) number; and the Merck Index
(12th edition) number. The physical properties of each compound are
described and the known biological activity and indicated
applications are presented. The structure of each compound is
provided, together with a summary of the acute toxicity data
associated with it, and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug
are also given. Indexes, including a master index of names and
synonyms, are appended.
The Key to Fully Understanding the Basics of a 3D World Prominently
used in games, movies, and on television, 3D graphics are tools of
creation used to enhance how material and light come together to
manipulate objects in 3D space. A game-changer written for the
non-technical mind, Essential Skills for 3D Modeling, Rendering,
and Animation examines the complexities of 3D computer-generated
art, and outlines the basics of how things work and are used in 3D.
This text describes the three cornerstones of 3D modeling,
rendering, and animation; focuses on common elements; and provides
a full understanding of the foundational concepts involved.
Detailing the skills and knowledge needed to become an accomplished
3D artist, it includes step-by-step instruction with ample
examples, and allows absolute beginners to move at their own pace.
Master Anything You Are Tasked to Model The author incorporates
historical information presenting a contextual understanding of the
various techniques and methodologies in their historical place.
Each chapter builds on the fundamentals of 3D computer graphics and
augments skills based on the concepts, enabling the student to
learn both theory and application simultaneously. The book
highlights two basic geometry types, polygons and NURBS surfaces,
showing the student basic modeling techniques with both. While more
techniques are available, an artist can cover any model by grasping
these basic techniques. Supplies examples that are specifically
taken from Autodesk Maya Contains exercises that are meant to be
used in conjunction with the training videos on the website
Includes a documented history of computer graphics Essential Skills
for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Animation offers a fundamental
understanding of the mechanics of 3D graphics to modelers, anima
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