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Promotions > March Mayhem Sale Showing 1 - 25 of 201 matches in March Mayhem Sale
Morris Isaacson High School (MIHS) is widely known as the epicentre of the 1976 Soweto uprising. However, its legacy extends far beyond this event. This insightful book explores the rich, untold story of the school, revealing its profound impact on secondary education in Soweto. While the 1976 uprising cemented MIHS’s place in history, Clive Glaser argues that its true significance lies in its unwavering commitment to quality education during a tumultuous period. Located in the heart of Soweto, MIHS faced immense challenges – poverty, a repressive education system (Bantu Education) and political unrest. Yet, it defied the odds, nurturing generations of successful professionals throughout the 1960s and 1970s. How did MIHS flourish under Bantu Education, and why did its performance not reach its full potential in the democratic era? By examining the interplay between dedicated leadership, a strong alumni network and shifting socio-economic realities, the book provides some compelling answers. This book is not just about MIHS; it is a testament to the enduring power of education in the fight for social justice. MIHS’s story serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the transformative potential of education, even under the most challenging circumstances.
Ten spyte van getroue kerkbywoning, Bybel lees en gebede is dit
opvallend dat ons geloof dikwels nie ’n verskil in ons lewe maak nie.
Hoe kan ’n mens dan in ’n nuwe kragtige geloofsrat inbeweeg? Deur
'n ware konneksie met die Here te maak. In hierdie 250
onopgesmukte dagstukkies deel Susan alledaagse stories uit haar lewe
wat jou sal help om die Here se nabyheid oral tasbaarder te ervaar. Die
boek is daarop gemik om geestelike groei aan te moedig deur nuwe
maniere van dink en doen te kweek.
The world is driven by ambition, dreams, expectations, wishes and desires. We all believe we are the obvious choice to be selected, noted, identified, appointed or anointed. We may think and believe we are the obvious choice in many areas of our lives, but the reality is that this is not the case. When your boss informs you that you are not getting that role you assumed was in the bag (and you’d already informed your family and friends that it was yours – and had even bought the attire to go with it), you ask: what happened? What happened when you were bypassed for the lead role in a project? You believed in your potential and you believed that everyone in your organisation and circle saw you as the main person, the leader or the ‘go-to person’, and yet you were bypassed and someone else in your team was selected. You were the obvious choice, weren’t you? Think of the assignment you prepared, the one you believed was the perfect presentation and would earn you a distinction, and then you flunked it. Where did you go wrong? Mike Teke’s book is about showing you that you can be the obvious choice, in business or in life, but that being the obvious choice does not simply fall from any tree. Without focus, diligence and a strong work ethic you are unlikely to succeed, no matter how much you think you’re entitled to. The Obvious Choice debunks myths and prevailing negative mindsets. And, most usefully, it provides guidelines and lessons to prepare you for the journey to leadership greatness, to become the obvious choice in whatever setting or endeavour the universe presents
Greg Owen, die ou wat sy eie pa vir die wolwe gegooi het, is 'n eerstejaar op Stellenbosch. Klaar met hacking. Ingeskryf vir 'n graad in Sportwetenskap. Maar sal hy ooit van die skadu van Lawson Kollege en Project Nursery Rhyme kan wegkom? As jy wil wraak neem, moet jy twee grafte grawe, besef hy gou, in hierdie vervolg op die topverkoper Onderwęreld. Verkorte skooluitgawe van die topverkoper. 'n Gratis leesgids is beskikbaar.
A 12 piece artists' sketching set highly recommended by Natalie Breeze, Artist. The Zieler Sketching Pencil Set is ideal for budding artists and accomplished artists alike. Suitable for all ages looking to develop their drawing skills.
A moving journey of discovery into the unexplored continent that is often our families’ past. It can be read as a reconstruction of one’s own Jewish and at the same time European-South African roots, but through these micro-histories we arrive at the events of the Second World War and the Holocaust to the level of macro-history. Egonne Roth’s work brilliantly illustrates the complex mechanism of intergenerational, communicative memory and cultural memory (described by Jan and Aleida Assmann, among others). On a feminist level, it is also a personal history of the daughter-father relationship, leading to a kind of purification, a catharsis. The detective-like reconstruction of the multi-ethnic segments of the family’s history has as its backdrop the arduous completion of one’s own biography from scraps of documents, accounts of the now few witnesses, secrets, and traumas hidden for decades.
The Mellerware Kindle Hot Water Bottle locks in heat for 3 hours after charging, giving you comfort, heat and relief. With it's conveniently small sized and light-weight body, it's easy to carry around.
Avoid splatter while keeping an eye on your food with our Universal Lids! Tempered glass bodies help you monitor what's cooking, holding the heat in to save energy and leaves less of a mess on your hob.
Has any war in history gone according to plan? Monarchs, dictators and elected leaders alike have a dismal record on military decision-making, from over-ambitious goals to disregarding intelligence, terrain, or enemy capabilities. This not only wastes the lives of civilians, the enemy and one’s own soldiers, but also fails to achieve geopolitical objectives, and usually lays the seeds for more wars. Conflict scholar and former soldier Mike Martin takes the reader through the hard logic to fighting a conclusive interstate war that solves geopolitical problems and reduces future conflict. He outlines how to orchestrate military forces, from infantry and information to strategy and tactics. Martin explains the unavoidable art of using violence to force your enemies to do what you want. It should be read by everyone seeking to understand today’s wars, and those wishing to lead us through future conflicts.
Hierdie boek is DEEL 2 van ‘n STEL van 2 Lewenswetenskappe-gidse wat die Graad 12 KABV-kurrikulum wat in 2014 geimplementeer is, breedvoerig dek. Dit bevat die 2 Kennisvelde wat in VRAESTEL II van die eksterne Nasionale finale eksamen geeksamineer word: Lewe op die Molekulere, Sellulere en Weefselvlak en Diversiteit, Verandering en Kontinuiteit. Beide DEEL 1 en DEEL 2 Graad 12 studiegidse bied: Breedvoerige NOTAS per module, Vrae en ‘Snelvure’ per module en Gedetailleerde memo’sHierdie 3 in 1 studiegidse spreek tot leerders van alle vermoens en leerstyle. Dit verskaf duidelike, nuut-nagevorsde notas en kolpuntlys-opsommings. Duidelike diagramme verbeter die leerproses en vergemaklik begrip van uitdagende onderwerpe. Vakmateriaal is in kleiner dele opgebreek en praktiese wenke word deurgaans gegee. Die ‘Snelvuurvrae’ aan die einde van elke module toets en bevorder konsolidering van noodsaaklike terminologie. ‘n Wye reeks vrae en antwoorde berei leerders vir hul finale eksamens voor. Deur reg deur die jaar, sistematies deur die vakmateriaal te werk, word die leerder in staat gestel om in hierdie vak te presteer.
blue PVC square ground cover sheet used to protect the bottom of pool liner
Hierdie studiegids is noodsaaklik om die Rekeningkunde-kurrikulum in Graad 10 – 12 aan te durf. Die boek is in logiese afdelings ingedeel; elke afdeling verduidelik basiese terminologie, konsepte en prosesse aan die leerder sodat hierdie uitdagende vak bemeester kan word. Dit sluit in: Omvattende Notas met Uitgewerkte Voorbeelde vir elke Onderwerp, Vrae & Antwoorde vir elke Onderwerp en Eksamenvraestelle en Antwoorde sowel as handige wenke. Hierdie studiegids is propvol spesifiek gekose, gegradeerde vrae en oplossings wat die teorie toepas en so daartoe lei dat elke onderwerp deeglik verstaan word. Leerders sal vinnig deur die afdelings vorder en selfvertroue sowel as kundigheid opbou soos wat hulle elke oefening suksesvol voltooi. Die geheim van hierdie vak is om te OEFEN en dit is wat hierdie boek jou in staat stel om te doen! Dit sal vir die leerder voel asof ’n ervare onderwyser teenwoordig is om elke wenk en stukkie raad wat regdeur die boek voorkom, aan te bied. Die opsommings en verduidelikings maak die studiemateriaal as ’n geheel verstaanbaar en dit motiveer die leerder om in die vak uit te blink.
This study guide covers the Grade 10 CAPS curriculum and offers, FOR EACH TOPIC: Comprehensive Notes, Questions and Answers and includes: Practical Work: Food Production and an Exam Paper & Memo. The detailed notes, practical tips, generous array of questions, answers and exam paper practice provide the Grade 10 learner with all the skills, content material and consolidation necessary to excel in this subject. The bulleted style and table formatting makes learning easy and the content more accessible. This book will enable learners to achieve top marks in this increasingly relevant and interesting subject.
This study guide for Varsity Maths Preparation has been compiled by Emeritus Professor John Webb in response to the dire challenges experienced by first year university students, in Mathematics as well as in courses in Science, Engineering and Business Science, all heavily dependent on mathematical thinking. By working through the problem sets in this self-study book, learners should develop and test their skills, on their own, in areas such as algebraic expertise, trigonometry skills, word problems, geometric insight, numerical facility, logical reasoning and flexible thinking. This cannot be taught and is best achieved without assistance and timeously, i.e. prior to students entering university. The problem-solving techniques which learners could acquire from dedicated, independent use of this outstanding booklet will contribute significantly to their success in the National Benchmark tests (NBTs). Varsity Maths Prep is a gem for learners who are serious about an academic future.
The Special Air Service – the SAS – are known to be the greatest elite fighting force in the world. This book focuses on the most famous operations undertaken by the SAS from its inception during the Second World War to the present day, describing in dramatic detail the unit’s most daring and memorable missions in trouble spots across the world. Revelatory and gripping, the author weaves together the extraordinary true stories of this brave fighting force, wherever they are in action. From missions on home shores to Iraq, Sierra Leone, the Falkland Islands, Europe, Libya, Malaya, Afghanistan and more, SAS Battle Ready brings together both the history of the unit and some of its most powerful moments. From hostage rescues to ambushes, from sabotage to jungle warfare and from pitched battles to reconnaissance, it hasn’t always gone according to plan but the courage and devotion to duty revealed within show just what it takes to be an SAS soldier.
’n Vreemdeling by ’n familiebegrafnis keer Kristie se lewe onderstebo.
Haar daaglikse take by die argiteksfirma beleef ook ’n wending: Erik is
’n moeilike kliёnt en ook die onweerstaanbare tipe. Toe Kristie se
werklikheid ineenstort, vlug sy na Phuket in Thailand. Maar die eiland
bring nie vir haar die gemoedsrus waarop sy gehoop het nie. Terwyl sy
van haar omgekeerde węreld probeer sin maak, begin een van die laaste
bastions in haar lewe wankel.
Combined with over 170 years of manufacturing and quality control expertise, the formulation of Artist's Oil Colour ensures the best raw materials are made into the world's finest colours. Artists' Oil Colour uses the highest level of pigmentation consistent with the broadest handling properties. The quantity of pigment used provides covering power and tinting strength.
Discover Cook&Go, the perfect range to carry your meals everywhere. Thanks to its 4 flap lid which guarantees airtight and leakproof. Made in borosilicate glass, all the products are suitable for oven, microwave, fridge and freezer. You will easily know what is stored thanks to the transparency of the glass and a specific space on the lid to write the content. Taking your meal with you has never been so easy !
Authentic and simple, this retelling of the Passover story in the Haggadah is designed to guide Passover participants through the Seder while educating them about the practice. Detailing the meaning of the ceremony in the past and present, the book also discusses the authenticity of the ceremony and the story, allowing those with little or no experience conducting a Seder to do so with confidence. A phonetic version of the Hebrew text is also included to aid those unfamiliar with Hebrew pronunciation.
After Vanessa Goosen is imprisoned for smuggling drugs out of Thailand she gives birth to Felicia in Lard Yao Prison. Felicia is sent back to South Africa when she turns three. Here she is lovingly raised by her mom's best friend. But Felicia feels desolated and she does not know how to voice her feelings. Years of rebellion and self harming follows. In her student years Felicia's life turns around, and she becomes a wounded healer, reaching out to others bringing a message of hope. |
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