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Books > Medicine > Surgery > Cardiothoracic surgery

Social Disparities in Thoracic Surgery, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 32-1 (Hardcover): Cherie P Erkmen Social Disparities in Thoracic Surgery, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 32-1 (Hardcover)
Cherie P Erkmen
R2,684 Discovery Miles 26 840 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In this issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Guest Editor Cherie Erkmen brings considerable expertise to the topic of social disparities in thoracic surgery. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as social disparities in lung cancer, population health, esophageal cancer, benign lung diseases, and more. Provides in-depth, clinical reviews on social disparities in thoracic surgery, providing actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field; Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews. Contains 12 relevant, practice-oriented topics including Social Disparities Database and Big Data; Health Disparities in Recruitment and Enrollment in Research; Social Disparities in Lung Cancer Risk and Screening; and more.

Surgical Treatment for Advanced Heart Failure (Hardcover, 2013 ed.): Jeffrey A. Morgan, Yoshifumi Naka Surgical Treatment for Advanced Heart Failure (Hardcover, 2013 ed.)
Jeffrey A. Morgan, Yoshifumi Naka
R5,208 R4,849 Discovery Miles 48 490 Save R359 (7%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The treatment of end-stage heart failure with advanced surgical therapies has evolved significantly over the last several years and is a dynamic subspecialty within cardiac surgery. "Surgical Treatmentfor Advanced Heart Failure "describes the surgical management of advanced heart failure, including coronary artery revascularization, mitral valve repair, aortic valve replacement, ventricular remodeling, cardiac resynchronization, mechanical circulatory support with short-term devices for acute stabilization, long-term mechanical support as a bridge to transplant and for destination therapy, left ventricular assist devices, complete cardiac replacement with the total artificial heart, and cardiac transplantation. With contributions from a distinguished group of heart failure cardiologists and transplant surgeons, it is an authoritative resource for cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and surgeons.

Little Panda and Her Super Heart (Hardcover): Marta Almansa Esteva Little Panda and Her Super Heart (Hardcover)
Marta Almansa Esteva; Illustrated by Silvia Romeral Andres
R489 Discovery Miles 4 890 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Surgical Options for the Treatment of Heart Failure (Hardcover, 1999 ed.): R. Masters Surgical Options for the Treatment of Heart Failure (Hardcover, 1999 ed.)
R. Masters
R3,049 Discovery Miles 30 490 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Despite the significant decline in heart disease mortaht>' rates over the last 25 years, heart failure has remained a significant problem. We are now confronted with large numbers of terminally ill patients for whom conventional therapies for heart failure have been exhausted and for whom repeated hospital visits are necessary. There now is a major thrust towards a management strategy which embraces a comprehensive approach including vigorous preventive measures and earlier surgical interventions. This book outlines the major surgical options for the treatment of heart failure and brings together a very broad base of opinions with contributions from several outstanding individuals. With the improved knowledge and techniques to control rejection, transplantation has become the central pillar in the surgical management of this group of patients. Unfortunately, because of limited donor supply the teclmique cannot be applied to large numbers of patients. A great deal of excitement, however, exists in the potential for xenotransplantation as a supplement to homotransplantation. The use of cardiac assist devices has become a reality with several hundred LVADS and BiVADS implanted throughout the world and cardiac replacement with total artificial hearts continues to be used successfully as a bridge to transplantation. We are on the thieshold of the broad application of assist devices to provide prolonged relief of heart failure and restore patients to an ambulatoiy home environment and hopefully return to the work force in significant numbers.

Surgical Management of Benign Lung Disease, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 31-2 (Hardcover): Stephen R.... Surgical Management of Benign Lung Disease, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 31-2 (Hardcover)
Stephen R. Hazelrigg, Traves Crabtree
R2,688 Discovery Miles 26 880 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Stephen Hazelrigg and Traves Crabtree, is devoted to Surgical Management of Benign Lung Disease. Drs. Hazelrigg and Crabtree have assembled expert authors to review the following topics: Evaluation of the emphysema patient: Best medical treatment and indications for surgical intervention; Life expectancy after lung volume reduction surgery; Analysis of recent literature on lung volume reduction surgery; Present role of endobronchial valves in emphysema treatment; Critical Analysis of the National Emphysema Treatment Trial Results for Lung-Volume-Reduction Surgery; Technical aspects of LVRS including anesthetic management and surgical approaches; Future treatment of emphysema with roles for valves and LVRS; Alpha one antitrypsin disease, treatment and role for lung volume reduction surgery; Postoperative Air-Leaks after Lung Surgery: Predictors, Intraoperative Techniques, and Postoperative Management; Value of a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment of emphysema; Economic considerations with endobronchial valves and lung volume reduction surgery; Outcomes of lung volume reduction surgery in homogenous emphysema; and more!

Cerebral Cortex - Models of Cortical Circuits (Hardcover, 1999 ed.): Philip S. Ulinski Cerebral Cortex - Models of Cortical Circuits (Hardcover, 1999 ed.)
Philip S. Ulinski
R6,218 Discovery Miles 62 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Thisisthefirstvolumeinthe CerelJral Cortexseriesdevotedtomathematicalmodels ofthecortex. Itwasmotivatedbytherealizationthatcomputationalmodelsof individualneuronsandensemblesofneuronsareincreasinglyusedinresearchon corticalorganizationandfunction. Thisis,inpart,becauseofthenowubiquitous presenceofpowerfulandaffordablecomputers. Suitablemachineswereformerly rareinresearchlaboratoriesandrequiredsubstantialprogrammingexpertisetobe usedinconstructingandusingneuronalmodels. However,computersarenow routinelyusedinallareasofneurobiologyandanumberofsoftwarepackagesallow scientistswithminimalcomputerscienceandmathematicalbackgroundstocon- structseriousneuronalmodels. Asecondfactorleadingtotheproliferationof modelingstudiesisthedevelopmentoftechnologiesthatallowthekindsofdata collectionneededtodeveloprealisticmodelsofcorticalneurons. Characterization ofthekineticsofvoltage-andligand-gatedchannelsandreceptorshadbeenlim- itedtorelativelylargeneurons. However,therapiddevelopmentofsliceprepara- tions,patch-clampmethods,andimagingmethodsbasedonvoltage-sensitivedyes andintracellularcalciumindicatorshasresultedinasignificantdatabaseonthe biophysicalfeaturesofcorticalneurons. Thescopeofmodelingapproachestocorticalneuronsandfunctionsiswide anditseemednecessarytolimitthepurviewofthevolume. Thefocusisonattempts tounderstandthepropertiesofindividualcorticalneuronsandneuronalcircuitry throughmodelsthatincorporatesignificantfeaturesofcellularmorphologyand physiology. Noattemptwasmadetoincludemodelingapproachestounderstanding corticaldevelopmentandplasticity. Thus,workdealingwiththedevelopmentof oculardominancecolumnsandtheorientationselectivityofneuronsinvisualcortex isnotconsidered. Similarly,modelsdealingwiththecellularmechanismsunderlying long-termplasticityandwithapproachestolearningandmemorybasedonmodifica- tionofHebbiansynapsesarenotconsidered. Relativelyabstractattemptstounder- standhigherlevelandcognitiveprocessesbasedonneuralnetsrepresentasecond, majorareaofworkthatisnottreated. Modelsofcognitiveprocessesbasedon dynamicalsystemsmethodsinwhichnoattemptismadetoincludethebiophysical featuresofindividualneuronsarealsonotconsidered. vii viii Thetenmajorchaptersfallintothreegroups. Thefirstgroupdealswith compartmentalmodelsofindividualcorticalneurons. LyleBorg-Grahamprovides PREFACE anintroductiontothemethodsinvolvedinconstructingcompartmentalmodels andthenreviewstheexistingmodelsofhippocampalpyramidalcells. Becauseof theeffectivenessofhippocampalslicepreparations,theseneuronshavewell-ehar- acterizedbiophysicalproperties. Thischapterillustrateshowcompartmentalmod- elscanbeusedtosynthesizeexperimentaldataandprovideanintegrativeviewof thepropertiesofindividualneurons. PaulRhodescontinuesthethemebyfocusing ontheroleofvoltage-gatedchannelslocatedonthedendritesofcorticalneurons. Thisisanareainwhichtechnologicaladvancesinthevisualizationofneuronsin slicepreparationsbasedoninfraredmicroscopyhavegreatlyexpandedtheinfor- mationavailableondendriticfunctioninjustafewyears. Thechapterbothreviews theexperimentaldataonactivedendriticconductancesandemphasizestheirpo- tentialfunctionalroles. Thesecondgroupofchaptersdealwiththegenerationofreceptivefield propertiesofneuronswithinvisualcortex. Theyaddressissuesstemmingfromthe originalattempttounderstandhowthereceptivefieldpropertiesofneuronsincat andmonkeyprimaryvisualcortexaregeneratedbyinteractionsbetweengenicu- lateafferentsandcorticalneurons. ThechapterbyFlorentinWorgotterevaluates modelsthathavebeenusedtoanalyzethegenerationofreceptivefieldproperties. RodneyDouglasandhiscolleaguesaddressaspecificsetofissuesdealingwiththe roleofintracorticalexcitationmediatedbypyramidalcellcollaterals. Animportant featureofthischapterisitsrelationtoattempttoconstructfabricatedcircuitsthat duplicatethefunctionsofcorticalcircuits. ThechapterbyPhilipUlinskifocuseson thegenerationofmotion-selectivepropertiesincorticalneurons. Itseekstoidenti- tycellularmechanismsusedbyneuronsthatrespondpreferentiallytovisualstimuli movingwithparticularspeedsordirections. MatteoCarandiniandhiscolleagues discussthefeatureofcorticalneurons,knownasgaincontrol,thatallowsneurons torespondeffectivelytovisualstimulibypoolinginformationacrosspopulationsof corticalneurons. ThechapterbyHughWilsondealswiththereceptivefieldproper- tiesofextrastriateareasandintroducesnewworkanalyzingface-selectiveneurons. Thefinalsetofchaptersconsidermodelsofensemblesofthalamicandcortical neurons. ThechapterbyWilliamLyttonandElizabethThomasusesthetheoryof dynamicalsystemstoanalyzethetemporalrelationshipsbetweenthalamicand corticalneurons. Animportantfeatureoftheinteractionbetweenthalamusand cortexisthepresenceofoscillationsthatdependinpartuponthevoltage-gated conductancespresentonindividualneuronsandinpartonthestructureofthe overallnetwork. PaulBushcontinuesthisemphasisonoscillationsbydiscussinga modelthatdealswiththegenerationofsynchronizedoscillationsinvisualcortex. Oscillationsofthiskindhaveattractedsubstantialattentioninrecentyearsbecause oftheirpotentialroleincognitiveprocesses. Thelastchapter,byMichaelHasselmo andChristianeLinster,reviewstheirworkonmodelingpiriformcortex,emphasiz- ingtheroleofcholinergicmechanismsinmodulatingtheactivityofcorticalneu- rons. Anattempthasbeenmadethroughouttomakethevolumeaccessibleto readerswithminimalmathematicalbackgrounds. Thevolumethusbeginswitha shorthistoryofmodelsofcorticalneuronsandcircuitrythatintroducestheprinci- palmodelingstyles. ThechaptersbyWorgotterandUlinskicontainmoreextensive ix introductionstosomeofthemodelingmethodsthathavebeenusedtostudyvisual cortex,andthemathematicallychallengedreaderwillfindthatthechapterby PREFACE LyttonandThomascontainsareadableintroductiontotheuseofdynamical systemstheoryinneurobiology. PhilipS. Ulinski EdwardG. Jones Chicago and Davis Contents Chapter 1 ModelingCorticalCircuitry:AHistoryandProspectus PhilipS. Ulinski 1. Introduction "...1 2. LorentedeNothroughDynamicalSystemsModels...2 2. 1. LorentedeNo...2 2. 2. CellAssembliesandNeuralNets...3 2. 3. DynamicSystemsModels...8 3. HodgkinandHuxleythroughNetworkModels...11 3. 1. HodgkinandHuxley...11 3. 2. WilfridRall...11 3. 3. SoftwarePackages...13 3. 4. RealisticModelsofCorticalNetworks...14 4. Prospectus...14 5. References...15 Chapter 2 InterpretationsofDataandMechanismsforHippocampalPyramidal CellModels LyleJ Borg-Graham 1. Introduction...19 1. 1. NeuronModelEvolution-followingElectrophysiology...19 1. 2. NeuronModelEvaluation-followingtheParameters...21 1. 3. WhyHippocampus? 21 1. 4. OrganizationofThisChapter...22 xi xii 2. TheDatabaseforSingle-NeuronModels...23 2. 1. VoltageClampversusCurrentClamp...23 CONTENTS 2. 2. Single-ChannelversusMacroscopicCurrents...24 2. 3. TypeofPreparation...24 2. 4. KineticandPharmacologicalDissection...25 2. 5. TemperatureDependence...26 2. 6. AgeDependence...27 2. 7. HippocampalSubfieldDependence...27 2. 8. DifferencesinFiringPropertiesbetweenSharpversusPatch Recordings...28 2. 9. TheMeasuredVoltage...

Cardiac Surgery, v. 1: Current Issues (Hardcover): Aurel C. Cernaianu, Anthony J. Delrossi Cardiac Surgery, v. 1: Current Issues (Hardcover)
Aurel C. Cernaianu, Anthony J. Delrossi
R2,527 Discovery Miles 25 270 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Mitral Valve Surgery (J.R. Pluth). Myocardial Augmentation Using Skeletal Muscle (R. Fietsam, L.W. Stevenson). Thoracic Transplantation (G.M. Deeb et al.). Coronary Bypass Grafting in Conjunction with Carotid and Valvular Disease (A.J. DelRossi, A.C. Cernaianu). Cardiac Anesthesia and Oxygen Delivery and Uptake in the Critically Ill (T.J. Gallagher). Complex Cardiac Surgery (D.A. Cooley). Cardiac Surgery without Transfusion (R.K. Spence). Physiology of Blood during Cardiopulmonary Perfusion (R.A. Vertrees, L. Brownstein). Postoperative Responses to Hypothermia (J.A. Fikkert). Cardiac Valve Replacement in the 1990s (S.K. Eckert). Intraoperative Care of the CABG Patient (G. Kaempf). ECMO (M. Kurusz). Biomaterials and the Development of Membrane Technology (J.P. Sites). The Physiologic Impact of Cardiac Surgery (B.R. Sakallaris). 3 additional articles. Index.

Artificial Hearts - The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology (Hardcover): Shelley McKellar Artificial Hearts - The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology (Hardcover)
Shelley McKellar
R1,309 Discovery Miles 13 090 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Artificial hearts are seductive devices. Their promissory nature as a cure for heart failure aligned neatly with the twentieth-century American medical community's view of the body as an entity of replacement parts. In Artificial Hearts, Shelley McKellar traces the controversial history of this imperfect technology beginning in the 1950s and leading up to the present day. McKellar profiles generations of researchers and devices as she traces the heart's development and clinical use. She situates the events of Dr. Michael DeBakey and Dr. Denton Cooley's professional fall-out after the first artificial heart implant case in 1969, as well as the 1982-83 Jarvik-7 heart implant case of Barney Clark, within a larger historical trajectory. She explores how some individuals-like former US Vice President Dick Cheney-affected the public profile of this technology by choosing to be implanted with artificial hearts. Finally, she explains the varied physical experiences, both negative and positive, of numerous artificial heart recipients. McKellar argues that desirability-rather than the feasibility or practicality of artificial hearts-drove the invention of the device. Technical challenges and unsettling clinical experiences produced an ambivalence toward its continued development by many researchers, clinicians, politicians, bioethicists, and the public. But the potential and promise of the artificial heart offset this ambivalence, influencing how success was characterized and by whom. Packed with larger-than-life characters-from dedicated and ardent scientists to feuding Texas surgeons and brave patients-this book is a fascinating case study that speaks to questions of expectations, limitations, and uncertainty in a high-technology medical world.

Robotic Thoracic Surgery, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 33-1 (Hardcover): Elliot Servais, Peter J Smit Robotic Thoracic Surgery, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 33-1 (Hardcover)
Elliot Servais, Peter J Smit
R3,002 R2,684 Discovery Miles 26 840 Save R318 (11%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In this issue, guest editors bring their considerable expertise to this important topic. Provides in-depth reviews on the latest updates in the field, providing actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize

Thoracic Trauma and Critical Care (Hardcover, 2002 ed.): Riyad Karmy-Jones, Avery Nathens, Eric Stern Thoracic Trauma and Critical Care (Hardcover, 2002 ed.)
Riyad Karmy-Jones, Avery Nathens, Eric Stern
R6,056 Discovery Miles 60 560 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Transmediastinal gunshot injuries present the risk of immediately life threatening injuries. Stable patients have been evaluated by a combination of esophageal swallow and endoscopy, aortography and bronchoscopy. There is an increasing trend favoring CT scan. Unstable patients require immediate exploration, being prepared to enter both hemi-thoraces. Selected References: * Bergsland J, Karamanoukian HL, Soltoski PR, Salerno TA. Single suture forcircumflex exposure in coronary artery bypass grafting. Ann Thorac Surg.1999;68: 1428-1430. * Fedalen PA, Bard MR, Piacentino V, et al. Intraluminal shunt placement and off- pump coronary revascularization for coronary artery stab wound. J Trauma 200 1;50: 133-135 * Hanpeter DE, Demetriades D, Asensio JA, Berne TV, Velmahos G, Murraygunshot wounds. J Trauma 2000;49(4):689-695. * MacPherson D. Bullet Penetration: Modeling the dynamics and the incapacitation resulting from wound trauma. Ballistics Publications, EI Segundo, CA, 1994 * Wall MJ, Soltero E. Damage control for thoracic injuries, Surg Clin North AmI997;77(4):863-878. * Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV, Oschner MG, Knudson MM, Hoyt DB, Davis F, Hammerman D, Figueredo V, Harviel JD, Han DC, Schmidt JA. The role ofUltrasound in patients with possible penetrating cardiac wounds: aProspective multicenter study. J Trauma 1999; 46(4):543-552. * Roussseau H, Soula P, Bui B, D'Othee BJ, Massabuau P, Meites G, Concina P,Mazzerolles M, Joffre F, Otal P. Delayed treatment of traumatic ruptureof the thoracic aorta with endoluminal covered stent. Circulation 1999 Feb2; 99(4): 498-504.

Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Paperback, 3rd Revised edition): Florian Falter, Albert C. Perrino Jr, Roberta Baker Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Paperback, 3rd Revised edition)
Florian Falter, Albert C. Perrino Jr, Roberta Baker
R1,526 Discovery Miles 15 260 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The third edition of Cardiopulmonary Bypass offers a comprehensive, and up-to-date reference text to extracorporeal cardiopulmonary support. This book provides a clinically-focused tutorial with chapters spanning the technical aspects, patient related considerations, and human factors essential to contemporary practice of cardiopulmonary bypass. Written concisely to allow the reader to gain and apply critical knowledge to the clinical setting and featuring artwork that has been extensively updated to include numerous figures and color plates imbedded into each chapter. A remarkable collection of international experts in the fields of perfusion, anesthesiology, and cardiac surgery were recruited to co-author chapters, providing a multidisciplinary approach to case management. This completely updated edition includes expanded content on developments in minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation, anticoagulation, organ injury, and human factors. The comprehensive coverage of perfusion practice in a concise, highly illustrated format makes it the go-to, portable reference manual for perfusionists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists.

Surgery of the Esophagus - Textbook and Atlas of Surgical Practice (Hardcover, 2009 ed.): Jakob R Izbicki, Alexander F.... Surgery of the Esophagus - Textbook and Atlas of Surgical Practice (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
Jakob R Izbicki, Alexander F. Chernousov, Dieter Broering, Yuri I. Gallinger, Emre F. Yekebas, …
R2,243 R1,703 Discovery Miles 17 030 Save R540 (24%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

While a surgeon many decades agotreated diseases from headtotoe, this concept has evolved, and today some degree of specialization is the rule worldwide. In many countries various boards for sub-specializations are designed, and after a broad training in general surgery, many young surgeons move on further into a specific field. Knowledge of anatomy and precise surgical technique remain the foundation of high quality surgery. A knowledgeable surgeon, equipped with excellent theore- cal and clinical skills, will only be accomplished when he or she masters the - erative techniques of the practice of surgery. The legacy of an academic surgeon or a surgical teacher relies in great part onthe transmission of his or her surgical abilities. Significant influence on the development in esophageal surgery arises from the surgical understanding of the anatomical and functional structures of the esophagus as well as the ongoing developments in the multidisciplinary m- agement in this challenging field of surgery. In bringing forth this atlas, we were motivated by the desire to create a comp- hensive and educational atlas on esophageal diseases, emphasizing all details of pathophysiologies, diagnostic strategies, pre- and postoperative management, and operative techniques covering minimally invasive and open procedures ranging fromstraightforward tomore complex procedures.

Heart of Carbon - The Story Behind the Pursuit of the Perfect Mechanical Heart Valve (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2023): Jack Bokros Heart of Carbon - The Story Behind the Pursuit of the Perfect Mechanical Heart Valve (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2023)
Jack Bokros
R3,793 Discovery Miles 37 930 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book offers a historical account of the development of the On-X carbon mechanical heart valve, discussing the steps involved in developing the materials, and describes how the design of the valve has evolved over the years. It explores both the scientific and corporate problems researchers have encountered over the years in the journey of making a mechanical heart valve. The chapters provide a detailed description of the design of the mechanical leaflet-based prosthetic valve, with a particular focus on blood flow characteristics. This book includes an overview of the state-of-the-art in the chemistry and physics of carbon, and compiles the advances in carbon-based technology and its applications in cardiac and thoracic surgery. This is an ideal book for bioengineers working on the chemistry and physics of carbon, and other professionals involved with cardiac and thoracic surgery.

Thoracic Surgery: Latest Contributions (Hardcover): Charles Heim Thoracic Surgery: Latest Contributions (Hardcover)
Charles Heim
R3,205 Discovery Miles 32 050 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Ventricular-Assist Devices and Kidney Disease - Clinical Perspectives (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Chaitanya Desai, William G.... Ventricular-Assist Devices and Kidney Disease - Clinical Perspectives (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Chaitanya Desai, William G. Cotts, Edgar V Lerma, Michael R. Rudnick
R3,678 Discovery Miles 36 780 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This text serves as a convenient one-stop resource on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases in context of advanced heart failure and presence of ventricular assist devices. Advances in managing heart failure, evidence-based practices and therapies are covered, along with the management of this unique and complex subset of patients. The book also provides insights into combined heart and kidney transplantation. Authored by leaders in nephrology, cardiology and transplantation, this book fills a critical knowledge gap in understanding and treating patients with acute or chronic dysfunction of the heart and kidneys and how one induces dysfunction in the other organ.

Test Procedures for the Blood Compatibility of Biomaterials (Hardcover, 1993 ed.): S. Dawids Test Procedures for the Blood Compatibility of Biomaterials (Hardcover, 1993 ed.)
S. Dawids
R6,125 Discovery Miles 61 250 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book represents the first European effort to provide a collection of test descriptions used in evaluation of the compatibility of biomaterials in contact with tissues and blood. The urge to compile this book arose from the fact that it is the properties of the material which ultimatively seem to determine the functional outcome of a medical device, almost regardless of how ingenious the construction of the very device is. The longer the exposure is, the more important these basic properties become. Unfortunately only a small part of the interactive phenomena is fully elucidated and understood. This challenge reflects itself in an effort to cover numerous aspects of testing, beginning with fundamental analysis of the material, continuing with the mechanical properties, the resistance to degradation and the analysis of surface and chemical properties including adsorption patterns of proteins ending with test on cell cultures, ex vivo and in vivo. A number of the tests which are generally accepted as being important are already described as official requirements (primarily Pharmacopeas). These official requirements are not included in order to limit the size of the book. It is the aim of this book to present the tests like a recipe in a uniform way to ease the reader in finding his/her way through the material and to present it as a kind of "cook-book" in an order to provide an easy access to copy the procedures. This has unfortunately not been possible in all circumstances.

The Beat of Life - A surgeon reveals the secrets of the heart (Hardcover): Reinhard Friedl The Beat of Life - A surgeon reveals the secrets of the heart (Hardcover)
Reinhard Friedl
R389 Discovery Miles 3 890 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
The Knife's Edge - The Heart and Mind of a Cardiac Surgeon (Paperback): Stephen Westaby The Knife's Edge - The Heart and Mind of a Cardiac Surgeon (Paperback)
Stephen Westaby 1
R227 Discovery Miles 2 270 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A TIMES BEST BOOK OF 2019 An intimate and compelling exploration into the unique psyche of the heart surgeon, by one of the profession's most eminent figures. Although Professor Stephen Westaby was born with the necessary coordination and manual dexterity, it was a head trauma sustained during university that gifted him the qualities of an exceptional heart surgeon: qualities that are frequently associated with psychopathy. His thirty-five-year career has been characterised by fearlessness and ruthless ambition; leaving empathy at the hospital door as thousands of patients put their lives in his hands. For heart surgeons, the inevitable cost of failure is death and in The Knife's Edge, Westaby reflects on the unique mindset of those who are drawn to this exhilarating and often tragic profession. We discover the pioneers who grasped opportunities and took chances to drive innovation and save lives. Often difficult, uninhibited and fearless, theirs is a field constantly threatened by the risk of public failure. Like those before him, Westaby refuses to draw the line in his search of a lifetime solution to problems of the heart. His determination is unerring - a steadfastness underpinned by his unusual mind. But as we glimpse into the future of cardiac surgery, for all its remarkable scientific advancement, one question remains: within the confines of socialised medical healthcare systems, how can heart surgeons - individuals often hardwired with avoidance of self-doubt, a penchant for glory and a flagrant disregard for authority - truly flourish?

Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians - A Text and E-book (Paperback): Claire Tobin, Y C Gary Lee, Fergus Gleeson, Najib Rahman,... Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians - A Text and E-book (Paperback)
Claire Tobin, Y C Gary Lee, Fergus Gleeson, Najib Rahman, David Feller-Kopman
R1,497 Discovery Miles 14 970 Ships in 9 - 15 working days

With a large volume of ultrasound images and teaching videos, Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians: A Text and E-book is a print and interactive digital resource that provides practical guidance for all those undertaking pleural ultrasound investigations and procedures. With clear, precise instructions for clinical practice, it will help clinicians: Recognise normal anatomy as well as common pleural pathologies Perfect techniques for ultrasound-guided pleural procedures Learn how to choose the correct ultrasound equipment for their department Test their knowledge through the self-assessment and revision sections

Ventricular Geometry in Post-Myocardial Infarction Aneurysms - Implications for Surgical Ventricular Restoration (Hardcover,... Ventricular Geometry in Post-Myocardial Infarction Aneurysms - Implications for Surgical Ventricular Restoration (Hardcover, 2012)
Srilakshmi Adhyapak, Srilakshmi M. Adhyapak
R2,941 Discovery Miles 29 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The topic of heart failure although extensively researched and reported, has several gray areas. This is especially seen in determining strategies for combating advanced heart failure. The global burden of ischemic heart disease is increasing at an alarming rate to almost pandemic proportions. Even in the presence of state-of the art technology for prompt and successful coronary reperfusion, the population progressing to ischemic cardiomyopathy is substantial. The treatment strategies for ischemic cardiomyopathy do not always ensure optimal clinical results, the reasons for which are varied. The proper patient selection is vital as is the tailoring of suitable therapy. The approach is thus multi-pronged, of which surgical ventricular restoration (SVR) has a definite role. Despite various randomized studies like the STICH-hypothesis 2, where there was a huge selection bias, with patients subjected to an erroneous technique of SVR, with inadequate ventricular remodelling assessment. The present need is to understand the unique anatomy of the left ventricle, its function and perturbations with the onset of heart failure, in order to plan therapeutic strategies to restore near normal anatomy and function. A study of the hemodynamics in ischemic cardiomyopathy is essential, as it differs in certain aspects from other causes of heart failure like idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and valvular heart diseases. Since information on these aspects are scattered in various scholarly articles, a concise source in the form of a book would be appropriate and useful for both cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. This project represents a concise review of normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy and physiology, the evolution of SVR to EVLPP with validation of near normal ventricular restoration, plus act as a reference guide for cardiac surgeons with interest in SVR.

Coronary Sinus Intervention in Cardiac Surgery (Paperback, 2nd edition): Werner Mohl Coronary Sinus Intervention in Cardiac Surgery (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Werner Mohl
R1,890 Discovery Miles 18 900 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Topics include basic considerations and techniques, venous drainage of the myocardium, structure and function of the cardiac lymphatic system, coronary sinus interventions in experimental research, and more.

Thoracic Surgery: Advanced Concepts (Hardcover): Charles Heim Thoracic Surgery: Advanced Concepts (Hardcover)
Charles Heim
R2,302 Discovery Miles 23 020 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Cardio-Aortic and Aortic Surgery (Hardcover, 2001 Ed.): S. Kawada, T. Ueda, H. Shimizu Cardio-Aortic and Aortic Surgery (Hardcover, 2001 Ed.)
S. Kawada, T. Ueda, H. Shimizu
R2,959 Discovery Miles 29 590 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

As societies have aged and aortic diseases have become more prevalent, advances in diagnostic imaging and surgical techniques have brought significantly improved results for patients. In cardiovascular surgery, important questions remain to be addressed, however. "Strategy for Cardio-aortic and Aortic Surgery" was the theme of the 7th Keio University International Symposium for Life Sciences and Medicine. Meeting in Tokyo, researchers and specialists in cardiac surgery from around the world discussed crucial issues in their field. Papers from the symposium, collected in this volume, cover a broad range of topics, including recent advances in diagnostic imaging, brain protection during aortic surgery, spinal protection during thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair, treatment of type A acute aortic dissection, and stent-grafts and less-invasive aortic surgery. This unique book provides valuable information especially for aortic, cardiovascular, and thoracic surgeons.

Innovations in the Management of Foregut Disease, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 28-4 (Hardcover): Brian Louie Innovations in the Management of Foregut Disease, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics, Volume 28-4 (Hardcover)
Brian Louie
R2,767 R2,582 Discovery Miles 25 820 Save R185 (7%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics of North America, guest edited by Dr. Brian E. Louie, is devoted to Innovations in the Management of Foregut Disease. Dr. Louie has assembled expert authors to review the following topics: Endoscopic approaches to cricopharyngeal myotomy and pyloromyotomy; Options for the challenging hiatus during paraesophageal hernia repair; Endoluminal therapies for esophageal perforations and leaks; Extraluminal approaches to GERD; Advanced endoluminal technologies for Barrett's esophagus - focus on OCT and CLE; Mucosal ablation techniques for Barrett's esophagus and early esophageal cancer; Best practices for training, education and introduction of new techniques for foregut disease management into clinical practice; Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia; Endoscopic resection of tumors of the esophagus; The role of the functional probe in esophageal disease; Enhance the detection of Barrett's esophagus; Endoluminal approaches to GERD; The role of functional fluorescence imaging during esophagectomy; and more!

Cardiac Pacing for the Clinician (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2008): Fred M. Kusumoto, Nora F. Goldschlager Cardiac Pacing for the Clinician (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2008)
Fred M. Kusumoto, Nora F. Goldschlager
R6,693 Discovery Miles 66 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Since the publication of the first edition of Cardiac Pacing for the Clinician, the use of implantable cardiac devices has expanded rapidly. Certain classes of devices such as implantable loop recorders and cardiac resynchronization pacing systems were not commonly used when the first edition was published, and recent studies have shown that implantable cardioverter defibrillators are beneficial in large, previously unrecognized patient populations at risk for sudden death. In order to meet this demand, cardiologists without special training in electrophysiology or pacing are implanting an increasing number of cardiac devices. It is in this rapidly evolving setting that Cardiac Pacing for the Clinician, Second Edition is being undertaken.

The main focus of this volume will be to provide a practical discussion of the a oenuts and boltsa of implantable cardiac devices. The target audience will be cardiologists in practice and in training as well as nurses, technologists and industry. In addition, it will benefit physicians preparing for certification.

Additions to the new edition will include: Chapters discussing new cardiac devices; Implantation of Left Ventricular Leads for Cardiac Resynchronization Pacing Systems; Identification of Candidates for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy; Follow-Up Issues in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy; Implantable Loop Recorders.

Updates to the existing chapters will include: New Trial Information & Follow-Up of the Newest Generation of Defibrillators; Use of Defibrillators in Patients at Increased Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death due to Long QT Syndrome, Brugada Syndrome and Congenital Heart Disease; Updates to Lead Extraction a" NewTechniques and Tools; Cardiac Pacing chapter will shift focus to Cardiac Devices.

This new edition of Cardiac Pacing for the Clinician, Second Edition will become a valuable resource to the general cardiologist and cardiology fellow by providing practical information for managing patients with complex cardiac devices.

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