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In a clich -free zone, 'Twenty Four' suggests practical ways that
we can discover a more 24/7 approach to discipleship. It is real,
stimulating and designed to make you think about the stuff that
makes up the daily diet called life. Taking a day in the life of an
ordinary person, it is designed for Christians everywhere to gain
an exciting new perspective on all parts of their lives and shows
how every aspect can be part of worship. Each chapter is filled
with illustrations from modern culture and the biblical viewpoint
on each area is considered. Through Krish Kandiah's thoughtful and
original teaching, we see how to serve and worship our amazing God
in each of these.With a brand new cover and internal design. Twenty
Four now includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Twenty Four can be used in small groups or in mentoring situations.
We live in angry times. No matter where we go, what we watch, or
how we communicate, our culture is rife with division and
polarization. Unfortunately, Christians appear to be caught up in
the same animosity as the culture at large. While our faith calls
us to Christian unity, the hard fact remains: our churches are
tragically divided across class, ethnic, gender, and political
lines. As these social chasms grow--both inside and outside the
church--the role of the preacher becomes paramount. This book
issues a prophetic call to pastors to use the influence of their
pulpits to promote reconciliation and unity in their churches and
communities. Two scholar-practitioners who are experts in
homiletics and reconciliation present a practical, 7-step model
that empowers faithful leaders to bring healing and peace to their
fractured churches and world. The book includes questions for
reflection, salient illustrations, and an accountability covenant.
It also includes useful appendixes on preaching themes, preaching
texts, and sample sermons from three leading preachers: Ralph
Douglas West, Rich Villodas, and Sandra Maria Van Opstal.
Have we replaced the glory of God with our church programs. If so,
is there anything we can do to get the glory of God back into our
gatherings and individual lives? While we have good music,
well-written songs and history to learn from, we can still miss
having the presence of God in our meetings the way it was in Bible
times. In this challenging and often provocative book, Jarrod
Cooper deals with these important questions. Providing plenty of
biblical illustrations to support his concerns, Jarrod shakes up
more of our conventional thinking on the subject or worship. Can we
for example only worship in the presence of the microphone, worship
leader and powerpoint. What if all these were stripped away and it
was just God and us? What would our worship be like then?
Most congregations today exist in what George Thompson calls the
"middle of anywhere." They live comfortably with their surrounding
culture, focusing their energies on serving the needs of their
current members. These congregations have many strengths and gifts
that they can exercise without changing a thing. But Thompson
envisions a deeper, more prophetic call for congregations to
explore the meaning of being in the world but not of it--a church
on the "edge of somewhere." Thompson sees a church that is deeply
engaged in ministering to the community while calling on others to
commit to doing the same. By analyzing the interaction between a
congregation's focus of identity and their stance with the world,
Thompson has created a helpful grid for congregations to place
themselves on today's cultural map. A congregation that sees itself
as existing on the margins of society will look different than one
that sees itself as embedded in society. A congregation that hears
a call to serve the surrounding community will look different from
one that focuses on its internal needs. Knowing where they stand
now is the key for congregations to discover where they must go in
the future to fully live out their call to be God's people in the
To live as Christ lived we must love as He loved. A challenging,
practical approach of viewing love as Christ did: a choice made for
the highest good of another.
Coloring fun with familiar Bible stories from Genesis to
Revelation. Over 380 pages of coloring fun covering 45 favorite
Bible stories with a Bible reference on each page.
In the acclaimed book Muslim Evangelism, Phil Parshall devotes one
chapter to "bridges" which can assist in facilitating understanding
between Islam and Christianity. In Bridges to Islam he expands that
key chapter into a book. The most promising bridges can be found
not in orthodox Islam, contends the author, but in "folk Islam,"
which is less well known in the West but which influences about 70
percent of the world's Muslims. "Popular Islam consists largely of
people who desire to know God and to be accepted by him," writes
the author. "They have a high view of one God who is . . .
all-powerful and merciful." The mystical Sufis press for a more
satisfying personal relationship with Allah. These teachings and
aspirations, argues the author, have immense potential as bridges,
which he has personally witnessed spending many years ministering
among Muslims. This thorough and in depth study of ways to bridge
folk Islam will be invaluable to missionaries, students, and those
interested in reaching Muslims for Christ.
This book, in traditional English, provides the complete text for
the service of Holy Baptism in the Orthodox Church. Included are
the Prayer at the Making of a Catechumen, The Order of Holy
Baptism, and the Prayer for Holy Baptism, Briefly, How to Baptize a
Child Because of Fear of Death.
The Pursuit of God is the enduring Christian classic written by
renowned pastor and theologian A.W. Tozer. More than 65 years
later, the words Tozer penned on a train from Illinois to Texas
echo across the decades to resonate with power in the heart of
anyone longing for a deeper experience with God. This devotional
masterpiece is at once thought-provoking and spirit-enlivening, an
invitation to think deeply about your faith even as you come alive
to God's presence surrounding, sustaining and--yes--pursuing you.
"This book is a modest attempt," Tozer wrote, "to aid God's
children so to find Him." If you are hungry, The Pursuit of God
will lead you to the only One who can satisfy the soul.
MORE THAN 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD! A road map for discipleship with
Jesus that is powerfully transformative. Peter Scazzero learned the
hard way: you can't be spiritually mature while remaining
emotionally immature. Even though he was the pastor of a growing
church, he did what most people do--avoid conflict in the name of
Christianity; ignore his anger, sadness, and fear; use God to run
from God; and live without boundaries. Eventually God awakened him
to a biblical integration of emotional health and the spiritual
practice of slowing down and quieting your life for to experience a
firsthand relationship with Jesus. It created nothing short of a
spiritual revolution in Scazzero, in his church, and now in
thousands of other churches. In this updated edition, Scazzero
shares new stories and principles as he outlines his journey and
the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides
seven biblical, reality-tested steps to become emotionally mature:
Become your authentic self Break the power of the past Let go of
power and control Surrender to your limits Stop to breathe by
practicing rest and Sabbath Learn new skills to love well Love
Christ above all else Plus, check out the full line of Emotionally
Healthy Spirituality books dedicated to many different key areas of
life. Workbooks, study guides, curriculum, and Spanish editions are
also available.
Nigel Zimmermann presents critical reflections from leading
Catholic prelates and scholars on the significance of the Second
Vatican Council fifty years after it began. These include two
senior Cardinals, one of whom is the head of the Congregation of
Bishops and the other a member of Pope Francis' new advisory body
on reforming the Roman Curia, as well as Prefect of the Secretariat
for the Economy. Together with thinkers from North America, the UK,
Rome and Australia, they take up key themes from the Conciliar
documents and assess the reception of the Council half a century on
from its inception. In doing so, they open up new avenues for
thinking through the authentic witness and teaching of the most
important ecclesiastical event of the twentieth century. These
avenues include discussion of themes such as the liturgy, communio,
the Council in its historical context, the role of the laity,
communicating the Council in a social media world, and the task of
mission in the future. This volume marks a turning point in the
Council's reception in the wider Church.
Have you found fulfillment in life? When you look at a plate, cup,
or fork, you realize each has been designed and created for a
different purpose. What if you could look into the mind and heart
of God and see just how you have been designed and created? If you
truly knew you were a "plate, cup, or fork," you would be freed
from trying to be someone you are not, and free to live your life
with greater faithfulness, fruitfulness, and fulfillment...making
God famous! God created you to be fruitful by discovering your
God-given design and the role he created for you. What You Do Best
equips you to identify and express your unique contribution to this
world as an integral part of your relationships, life, and
ministry. The biblical principles in these pages can free you to
pursue your life's calling with enthusiasm and confidence as you
gain a better understanding of who God made you to be. Bruce Bugbee
provides proven tools and a conversational approach that will guide
you with confidence and competence toward a greater fulfillment of
God's will for your life. What You Do Best provides reflection
questions for each chapter that help you journal or discuss what
you are learning with others, as well as Scripture passages for
further study. You'll learn about the importance and use of
spiritual gifts and how to identify the gifts God has given to you.
You'll discover your unique relational style and uncover your life
passion. What You Do Best helps you to closely examine yourself,
assess your relationship with God, and reflect on what you need in
order to thrive as the person you were created to be. You'll emerge
from the process with a greater understanding of God, his purposes,
your calling, and your role in this world. Each copy of the book
includes access to three online self-assessments that help you to
identify your unique spiritual gifts, relational style, and life