Books > Professional & Technical > Technology: general issues > Engineering graphics & technical drawing
Originally published in 1903, this book is a comprehensively
detailed guide to technical drawing and machine design. The authors
have provided a large number of dimensioned illustrations as
examples, illustrations of a great variety of machine details, many
rules and tables of proportion and numerous examples showing the
application of the principles of mechanics to the calculation of
the proportions of parts of machines. The book is packed with
illustrations and diagrams and is still of much practical use to
today's draughtsman and designer.Contents Include: Various
Principles of Mechanics Strength and Nature of Materials Used in
Machine Construction Screws, Bolts and Nuts Keys Cotters Pipes and
Pipe Joints Shafting and Shaft Couplings Supports for Shafts Belt
Gearing Rope Gearing Wire-Rope Gearing Friction Gearing Toothed
Gearing Cranks, Cranked Shafts, and Eccentrics Connecting-Rods
Cross-Heads and Guides Pistons and Piston-Rods Stuffing-Boxes
Valves Riveted Joints Steam Boilers Steam Boilers, General
Dimensions Examples of Triple-Expansion Marine Engines Example of
Locomotive Engine
This compact texbook presents a solid fundamental treatment of the
essential comcepts of technical drawing that can be taught in one
semester of the engineering courses both at degree and diploma
A current, comprehensive and lavishly illustrated introduction to the fundamental skills needed for architectural drafting. Contains material about drafting equipment and office procedures along with the evolution of construction documents and construction techniques. This revision includes new case studies, new chapters on agencies and codes, and tenant improvement. Features more than 800 illustrations.
CONTENTS - I-Machine Technology - A-Machine Elements - B-Gearing -
C-Mechanical Transmissions - D-Mechanisms and Kinematics -
E-Fastening and Fasteners - II-Magnetics and Electronics -
A-Magnetics - B-Electricity - C-Electrical Devices - D-Electronic
Devices - E-Computer Technology - III-Light and Optics - A-Light
Sources - B-Lenses, Prisms and Mirrors - C-Cameras and Projectors -
D-Optical Instruments - IV -Fluid Technology - A-Hydraulic Elements
- B-Pumps - C-Valves - D-Hydraulic Components - E-Hydraulic Systems
- V -Industrial Processes - A-Tools - B-Machinery - C-Fabrication
Methods - VI-Power Generation - A-Engines - B-Turbines - C-Rockets
and Jets - D-Electric Power - VII-Structural Engineering -
A-Structures - B-Cranes, Derricks and Elevators - VIII-Comfort
Heating and Cooling - A-Refrigeration - B-Air Conditioning -
C-Steam Heating - D-Heating Systems - IX-Transducers -
A-Displacement Types - B-Pressure Transducers - C-Temperature -
D-Force and Torque - E-Velocity and Acceleration - X-Metrology -
A-Dimensional Measurement - B-Volume, Weights and Area - C-Pressure
and Weight - D-Torque and Temperature - E-Velocity - F-Angles -
G-Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments and Techniques - H-Time -
Index -
CONTENTS - Foreword - Why I Wrote This Book - Inspector's Creed -
An Introduction to Interchangeable Parts - Scale and Hook Rule -
Combination Square - Protractor - Outside Micrometer Caliper -
Micrometer Depth Gage - Inside Micrometer Caliper - How to Read a
Micrometer Caliper - Vernier Caliper - Vernier Height Gage - How to
Read the Vernier - Surface Gage - Universal Bevel Protractor -
Thickness or Feeler Gage - Screw-Pitch Gage - Small-Hole Gage -
Telescoping Gage - Locating Centers - Outside and Inside Calipers -
Combination Bevel - Fillet or Radius Gage - Flush-Pin Gage -
Taper-Plug Gage - Last-Word Indicator - Concentricity Setup -
Angle-Plate Setup - Size-Block Setup - Comparator Setup - Checking
Two Different Diameters with One Setup - Vee-Block and Size-Block
Setup - Checking a 45 0 Angle - Sine Bar - A Hole Drilled at Right
Angles to a Step - Bench-Center Setup - Shoulder Runout - Checking
the Center Distance between Two Holes - Checking the Center
Distance between Two Spherical - Depressions - Checking a Taper
Hole with a Taper-Plug Gage - Laying out a Rough Casting - Setting
Up Light Castings - Surface Geometry - Optical Flats - Surface
Shapes - "Pilot" Cylindrical Plug Gage - J-S Roll Thread Snap Gages
- Adjustable Limit Snap Gages - Ring and Plug Thread Gages - Hoke
Precision Gage Blocks - Gage-Block and Tie-Rod Assembly - Precision
Gage Blocks - Electrical Harness Lacing - Lockwiring - The
Thermometer and How It Works - Basic Helical Spring Designs -
Fundamental Features of a Thread - Basic Points in Thread Measuring
- The Microinch Scale - Nomenclature of the Circle - Geometrical
Forms and Their Meaning - Calculations - How to Check Internal and
External Military Pipe Threads - Step-by-Step Checking of Threads -
Diametral Pitch or D. P. Calculations - Diametral Pitch Formulas -
Interpretation of Mechanical Drawings - Mechanical Drawing Symbols
- Indication of Materials - Indication of Direction - Miscellaneous
Symbols - Abbreviations Frequently Used on Drawings - Standard
System of Marking American Thread - Truncated and Full Form Thread;
Setting Plug Gages - Gage Care - APPENDIX: - INDEX -
Text in Arabic. Originally written in the 400s (Al Hijri calendar),
scientist Abul Wafaa Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al Bouzjany illustrated
the fundamentals of geometric drawing using the ruler, compass and
set square simply and easily, regardless of the proofs and reasons.
This text includes 172 geometric issues, mostly belonging to
two-dimensional plain geometry and three-dimensional spherical
geometry. A fascinating historical study and important reference
guide for modern-day engineers and designers working in the field
of engineering and handicrafts constituting the basis of Islamic
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well
enough." -Albert Einstein Our everyday lives are filled with a
massive flow of information that we must interpret in order to
understand the world we live in. Considering the complex variety of
data floating around us, sometimes the best-or even only-way to
communicate is visually. This unique book presents a fascinating
perspective on the subject, highlighting the work of the masters of
the profession, creators of breakthroughs that have changed the way
we communicate. Information Graphics has been conceived and
designed not just for graphics professionals, but for anyone
interested in the history and practice of communicating visually.
The in-depth introductory section, illustrated with over 60 images
(each accompanied by an explanatory caption), features essays by
Sandra Rendgen, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Richard Saul Wurman, and Simon
Rogers. Looking back all the way to primitive cave paintings as a
means of communication, this section gives readers an excellent
overview of the subject. The second part of the book is entirely
dedicated to contemporary works by today's most renowned
professionals, presenting 200 graphics projects, with over 400
examples-each with a fact sheet and an explanation of methods and
objectives-divided into chapters by the topics Location, Time,
Category, and Hierarchy. Includes: 200 projects and over 400
examples of contemporary information graphics from all over the
world-ranging from journalism to art, government, education,
business and much more Four essays about the development of
information graphics since its beginnings
Manual of Engineering Drawing: British and International Standards,
Fifth Edition, chronicles ISO and British Standards in engineering
drawings, providing many examples that will help readers understand
how to translate engineering specifications into a visual medium.
The book includes 6 introductory chapters which provide
foundational theory and contextual information regarding the
broader context of engineering drawing and design. The concepts
enclosed will help readers gain the most out of their drawing
skills. As the standards referred to in this book change every few
years, this new edition presents an important update.
For all students and lecturers of basic engineering and technical
drawing The new edition of this successful text describes all the
geometric instructions and engineering drawing information, which
are likely to be needed by anyone preparing or interpreting
drawings or designs. There are also plenty of exercises to practise
these principles.
Up and Running with AutoCAD 2021: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and
Modeling presents a combination of step-by-step instruction,
examples and insightful explanations. The book emphasizes core
concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in engineering,
architecture and design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom
training, self-study, or as a professional reference, the book is
written with the user in mind by a long-time AutoCAD professional
and instructor.