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Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Crime & criminology > General
This edited collection highlights international research on domestic homicides and death reviews which are a rapidly growing intervention/prevention initiative in various countries. Chapters focus on: the impetus for the international development of such initiatives, the identification of risk factors and recommendations for improving systemic responses, the uptake and impact of these recommendations and, finally, the social and public policy implications of outcomes for developed and developing countries. Despite rapid growth, the current state of research and knowledge about domestic violence death review initiatives is limited, fragmented, and primarily descriptive, largely comprising annual public reports. The authors of this book bridge this significant gap by analysing the wide range of models currently in development and operation. A bold and important examination, this work will have a powerful impact on policy makers and scholars of social science theory, women's studies, and domestic violence.
Prisoners' rights is an area of constitutional law that is often overlooked. Combining an historical and strategic analysis, this study describes the doctrinal development of the constitutional rights of prisoners from the pre-Warren Court period through the current Rehnquist Court. Like many provisions in the Bill of Rights, the meaning of the Eighth Amendment's language on cruel and unusual punishment and the scope of prisoners' rights have been influenced by prevailing public opinion, interest group advocacy, and--most importantly--the ideological values of the nine individuals who sit on the Supreme Court. These variables are incorporated in a strategic analysis of judicial decision making in an attempt to understand the constitutional development of rights in this area. Fliter examines dozens of cases spanning 50 years and provides a systematic analysis of strategic interaction on the Supreme Court. His results support the notion that justices do not simply vote their policy preferences; some seek to influence their colleagues and the broader legal community. In many cases there was evidence of strategic interaction in the form of voting fluidity, substantive opinion revisions, dissents from denial of certiorari, and lobbying to form a majority coalition. The analysis reaches beyond death penalty cases and includes noncapital cases arising under the Eighth Amendment, habeas corpus petitions, conditions of confinement cases, and due process claims.
This book analyses how the complementarity regime of the ICC's Rome Statute can be implemented in member states, specifically focusing on African states and Nigeria. Complementarity is the principle that outlines the primacy of national courts to prosecute a defendant unless a state is 'unwilling' or 'genuinely unable to act', assuming the crime is of a 'sufficient gravity' for the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is stipulated in the Rome Statute without a clear and comprehensive framework for how states can implement it. The book proposes such a framework and argues that a mutually inclusive interpretation and application of complementarity would increase domestic prosecutions and reduce self-referrals to the ICC. African states need to have an appropriate legal framework in place, implementing legislation and institutional capacity as well as credible judiciaries to investigate and prosecute international crimes. The mutually inclusive interpretation of the principle of complementarity would entail the ICC providing assistance to states in instituting this framework while being available to fill the gaps until such time as these states meet a defined threshold of institutional preparedness sufficient to acquire domestic prosecution. The minimum complementarity threshold includes proscribing the Rome Statute crimes in domestic criminal law and ensuring the institutional preparedness to conduct complementarity-based prosecution of international crimes. Furthermore, it assists the ICC in ensuring consistency in its interpretation of complementarity.
This book presents the latest research and novel case studies on crime and corruption in the tourism and hospitality industry. It approaches tourism as both a globalised business impacting the livelihood of millions of people, and a highly challenging field of action for national legislators and law enforcement agencies. The global nature and ubiquity of tourism, as well as the core elements of the holiday experience - such as interactions with unknown environments and places, a care-free mind-set, novelty-seeking behaviour and anonymity - render it highly susceptible to victimisation, crime and corruption. Accordingly, the book addresses a comprehensive set of emerging issues, including: conflict and fraud during holidays; criminal and negligence offences at tourists' expense; exploitation and mistreatment of service workers; deterioration of heritage, cultural and natural resources; and securitisation of tourism.
This book examines the theoretical links between Edward W. Said and Sigmund Freud as well the relationship between psychoanalysis, postcolonialism and decoloniality more broadly. The author begins by offering a comprehensive review of the literature on psychoanalysis and postcolonialism, which is contextualized within the apparatus of racialized capitalism. In the close analysis of the interconnections between the Freud and Said that follows, there is an attempt to decolonize the former and psychoanalyze the latter. He argues that decolonizing Freud does not mean canceling him; rather, he employs Freud's sharpest insights for our time, by extending his critique of modernity to coloniality. It is also advanced that psychoanalyzing Said does not mean psychologizing the man; instead the book's aim is to demonstrate the influence of psychoanalysis on Said's work. It is asserted that Said began with Freud, repressed him, and then Freud returned. Reading Freud and Said side by side allows for the theorization of what the author calls contrapuntal psychoanalysis as liberation praxis, which is discussed in-depth in the final chapters. This book, which builds on the author's previous work, Decolonial Psychoanalysis, will be a valuable text to scholars and students from across the psychology discipline with an interest in Freud, Said and the broader relationship between psychoanalysis and colonialism.
A very good overarching student text book which deals comprehensively with the main themes and topics within criminal justice. - Jenny Johnstone, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University An excellent book that is invaluable to new students in particular, it gives a good, clear insight into the Criminal Justice System and also has good review and discussion points to reinforce the key learning points...The best book in its field. - Dr. Richard Peake, University of Leeds The 5th edition continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of the Criminal Justice system. Fully up to date, it combines a description of the major agencies involved in the control of crime and the pursuit of justice with an introduction to criminal justice theory and key concepts in English criminal law.
This invaluable resource is written by leading international experts of policing and terrorism prevention. The contributors provide an in-depth analysis of the dilemmas, challenges, and solutions faced by police departments and law enforcement bodies in their efforts to counter local and global terrorism. The chapters cover terrorism and the policing of terrorism in various countries, such as the US, Palestine, Columbia, Turkey, Korea, and Malta. Table of Contents: Female Perpetrators of Palestinian Terrorist Attacks with a Special Reference to Their Socio-Cultural Position: An Exploratory Empirical Examination * The Concept of Social Equilibrium and Its Application to Policing Terrorism in the United States * Policing Terrorism in Colombia * Dynamics of Terrorism in Turkey * Threat from and Policing against Global Salafi Terrorism in the Republic of Korea: A Story from the Eastern Front * Policing Terrorism in Malta * Post-9/11 United States' Airport Security Changes and Displacement * Situational Crime Prevention Applied to Ricin and Bioterrorism. (Series: Israel Studies in Criminology - Vol. 11)
Whether criminologists position themselves in the "left" or "right" of the field, the reality common to their work involves a reconsideration of virtually all of our past theoretical journeys in criminology. This book captures the range of criminological thinking today, and provides a picture of a dynamic discipline in transition. Chapters consider contemporary theoretical development and discussion, focusing on street crime, youth and identity, and crime and social control in relation to questions of gender, class, race, learning, and culture. While there is disagreement among the authors about whether criminologists are developing "new" theory or circulating "old" theory, their contributions in this reader demonstrate the emerging plurality in criminological discourse, revealing continuities and discontinuities between "old" and "new."
aA lively, smart, combative collection, brimful of ideas and
insights, this book takes on athe war on crimea and shows how
America might move beyond it.a aThis brave book challenges us, urgently, to rethink crime and
punishment for the 21st century. It is not by accident that the US
became the worldas largest incarcerator in just thirty-five years.
After the War on Crime exposes how structural inequalities based on
race and class and written into our laws, institutions and everyday
practices have blackened our jails and prisons and reproduced
segregated communities inside and out.a Since the 1970s, Americans have witnessed a Pyrrhic war on crime, with sobering numbers at once chilling and cautionary. Our imprisoned population has increased five-fold, with a commensurate spike in fiscal costs that many now see as unsupportable into the future. As American society confronts a multitude of new challenges ranging from terrorism to the disappearance of middle-class jobs to global warming, the war on crime may be up for reconsideration for the first time in a generation or more. Relatively low crime rates indicate that the public mood may be swinging towards declaring victory and moving on. However, to declare that the war is over is dangerous and inaccurate, and After the War on Crime reveals that the impact of this war reaches far beyond statistics; simply moving on is impossible. The war has been most devastating to those affected by increased rates and longer terms of incarceration, but its reach has also reshaped a sweeping range of socialinstitutions, including law enforcement, politics, schooling, healthcare, and social welfare. The war has also profoundly altered conceptions of race and community. It is time to consider the tasks reconstruction must tackle. To do so requires first a critical assessment of how this war has remade our society, and then creative thinking about how government, foundations, communities, and activists should respond. After the War on Crime accelerates this reassessment with original essays by a diverse, interdisciplinary group of scholars as well as policy professionals and community activists. The volumeas immediate goal is to spark a fresh conversation about the war on crime and its consequences; its long-term aspiration is to develop a clear understanding of how we got here and of where we should go.
This book is a study of the legal reckoning with the crimes of the Latvian Auxiliary Security Police and its political dimensions in the Soviet Union, West and East Germany, and the United States in the context of the Cold War. Decades of work by prosecutors have established the facts of Latvian collaboration with the Nazis during the Holocaust. No group made a deeper mark in the annals of atrocity than the men of the so-called 'Arajs Kommando' and their leader, Viktors Arajs, who killed tens of thousands of Jews on Latvian soil and participated in every aspect of the 'Holocaust by Bullets.' This study also has significance for coming to terms with Latvia's encounter with Nazism - a process that was stunted and distorted by Latvia's domination by the USSR until 1991. Examining the country's most notorious killers, their fates on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and contemporary Latvians' responses in different political contexts, this volume is a record of the earliest phases of this process, which must now continue and to which this book contributes.
Crime and the law have now been studied by historians of early modern England for more than a generation. This book attempts to reach further than most conventional treatments of the subject, to explore the cultural contexts of law-breaking and criminal prosecution, and to recover their hidden social meanings. It also examines in detail the crimes of witchcraft, coining--counterfeiting and coin-clipping--and murder, in order to reveal new and important insights into how the thinking of ordinary people was transformed between 1550 and 1750.
THE CRIMES. THE STORIES. THE LAW 'Fascinating' - Sunday Times 'Masterful' - Judith Flanders 'A page-turning read' - Prof. David Wilson Totally gripping and brilliantly told, Murder: The Biography is a gruesome and utterly captivating portrait of the legal history of murder. The stories and the people involved in the history of murder are stranger, darker and more compulsive than any crime fiction. There's Richard Parker, the cannibalized cabin boy whose death at the hands of his hungry crewmates led the Victorian courts to decisively outlaw a defence of necessity to murder. Dr Percy Bateman, the incompetent GP whose violent disregard for his patient changed the law on manslaughter. Ruth Ellis, the last woman hanged in England in the 1950s, played a crucial role in changes to the law around provocation in murder cases. And Archibald Kinloch, the deranged Scottish aristocrat whose fratricidal frenzy paved the way for the defence of diminished responsibility. These, and many more, are the people - victims, killers, lawyers and judges, who unwittingly shaped the history of that most grisly and storied of laws. Join lawyer and writer Kate Morgan on a dark and macabre journey as she explores the strange stories and mysterious cases that have contributed to UK murder law. The big corporate killers; the vengeful spouses; the sloppy doctors; the abused partners; the shoddy employers; each story a crime and each crime a precedent that has contributed to the law's dark, murky and, at times, shocking standing.
This work describes a large-scale retrospective study of the psychological antecedents of criminal recidivism. Previous work has shown that a variety of measures can predict recidivism, but does little to elucidate what actually happens when an experienced offender reoffends after release from prison. In contrast, this study proceeds from the perspective that criminal actions are the result of ongoing psychological processes, and that they can be understood better in this context. Over 300 serious male criminal offenders were interviewed and tested after they returned to prison for new crimes, and were asked about their problems, emotions, thoughts and behaviour prior to reoffending. The results show a broad range of differences between the recidivists and a comparison group of ex-offenders surviving in the community. Moreover, the antecedents for recidivism differed according to the type of new offense, indicating how experiential and environmental details may direct the course of recidivism.
Why do our night-time cities seem to mix pleasure with violence? This is the time and place when cities are taken over by young men in search of alcohol, drugs, another club or a fight. Current public policy has patently failed to keep on top of the new trends in both consumption and destruction which make urban centres simultaneously seductive and dangerous. Violent Night uses powerful insider accounts to uncover the underlying causes and meanings of violence. Interviews with the police, the perpetrators and the victims of violence reveal the complex emotions that surround both the perpetration and resolution of crime. Violent Night shows that a new approach is needed to successfully rehabilitate a culture struggling and failing to deal with nihilism and escalating hostility.
SlutWalk explores representations of the global anti-rape movement of the same name, in mainstream news and feminist blogs around the world. It reveals strategies and practices used to adapt the movement to suit local cultures and contexts and explores how social media organized, theorized and publicized this contemporary feminist campaign.
This open access book discusses British literature as part of a network of global entangled modernities and shared aesthetic concerns, departing from the retrospective model of a postcolonial "writing back" to the centre. Accordingly, the narrative strategies in the texts of early Black Atlantic authors, like Equiano, Sancho, Wedderburn, and Seacole, and British canonical novelists, such as Defoe, Sterne, Austen, and Dickens, are framed as entangled tonalities. Via their engagement with discourses on slavery, abolition, and imperialism, these texts shaped an understanding of national belonging as a form of familial feeling. This study thus complicates the "rise of the novel" framework and British middle-class identity formation from a transnational perspective combining approaches in narrative studies with postcolonial and queer theory.
Exploring the dynamics of law-making in a world where the pace of technological change is outstripping our capacity to capture new forms of transnational crime, this book uses the innovative concept of unlawfulness to examine the crimes of the global overworld, forming a unique analysis of global order in the twenty-first century.
Originally published in 1901. Author: Havelock Ellis Language: English Keywords: Psychology Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Obscure Press are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
This is the first comprehensive account of President Herbert Hoover's policies to reform federal criminal justice administration. Beginning with the first words in his inaugural address, Hoover informed the public that a high priority of his administration would be to insist upon reorganization, qualitative improvement, new efficiencies, and formal study of justice system organizations in the federal system. Calder examines Hoover's background and affinity for justice system reform, the campaign trail and crime control issues of 1928 and 1929, intellectual and practitioner resources, the Wickersham Commission, and the reforms of the federal law enforcement, court, and prison systems. Drawing upon extensive primary source collections, this book provides a thorough examination of the Hoover initiatives and assesses their impact on later federal policy. It will be of considerable interest to political scientists, social historians, and those involved in criminal justice programs.
Judges and courts do a considerable amount of harm in applying some criminal laws and policies, such as the felony murder rule, mandatory sentences, and the drug war. These and other positivist policies do not lessen crime, but instead, teach criminogenic messages contrary to what a magisterial criminal policy would teach. American judges apply criminal laws and policies that teach wrong lessons to users of the justice system, including criminals themselves. The source of this lies both in judicial passivity and legislative indifference. Judge Gerber expresses his confidence that a justice-oriented system can be achieved when politicians surrender control of the justice system to professionals in the field. American judges apply criminal laws and policies that teach wrong lessons to users of the justice system, including the criminals themselves. These wrong lessons include mathematical and mandatory sentencing, plea bargaining, the death penalty, the felony murder rule, marijuana prohibitions, the drug war, and the penchant for solving crime by building more and bigger prisons. The source of these harms lies both in judicial passivity and legislative indifference to the costs and shortcomings of anti-crime policies, usually because of nothing but electoral concerns. The result is a system of laws and policies that really have little to do with lessening crime but much to do with politics. The book contrasts this positivist criminal justice system with a justice-oriented magisterial system which Judge Gerber believes, can be achieved if politicians surrender control of the justice system to professionals and experts in that field. This book has applications for academic as well as professional use and will also be of interest to some general readers who are interested in the legal system.
This book explores a wide range of topics in digital ethics. It features 11 chapters that analyze the opportunities and the ethical challenges posed by digital innovation, delineate new approaches to solve them, and offer concrete guidance to harness the potential for good of digital technologies. The contributors are all members of the Digital Ethics Lab (the DELab), a research environment that draws on a wide range of academic traditions. The chapters highlight the inherently multidisciplinary nature of the subject, which cannot be separated from the epistemological foundations of the technologies themselves or the political implications of the requisite reforms. Coverage illustrates the importance of expert knowledge in the project of designing new reforms and political systems for the digital age. The contributions also show how this task requires a deep self-understanding of who we are as individuals and as a species. The questions raised here have ancient -- perhaps even timeless -- roots. The phenomena they address may be new. But, the contributors examine the fundamental concepts that undergird them: good and evil, justice and truth. Indeed, every epoch has its great challenges. The role of philosophy must be to redefine the meaning of these concepts in light of the particular challenges it faces. This is true also for the digital age. This book takes an important step towards redefining and re-implementing fundamental ethical concepts to this new era.
This book critically explores the development of radical criminological thought through the social, political and cultural history of three periods in Ancient Greece: the Classical, the Hellenistic and the Greco-Roman periods. It follows on from the previous volume which examined concepts of law, legitimacy, crime, justice and deviance through a range of Ancient Greek works including epic and lyrical poetry, drama and philosophy, across different chapters. This book examines the three centuries that followed which were very important for the history of radical thinking about crime and law. It explores the socio-political struggles and how ruptures produced breaks in knowledge production and developed the field of deviance and social control. It also examines the key literature, religions and philosophers of each period. The gap between social consensus and social conflict deepened during this time and influenced the theoretical discourse on crime. These elements continue to exist in the theoretical quests of the modern age of criminology. This book examines the links between the origins of radical criminology and its future. It speaks to those interested in the (pre)history of criminology and the historical production of criminological knowledge.
This book analyses current developments in Europe and Latin America towards the greater involvement of the parties in the administration of criminal justice. Focusing on both national criminal proceedings and transnational cases, this study employs a comparative law approach to examine the shift experienced by Italy and Brazil from the long tradition of mixed criminal justice to unprecedented adversarial trends. The identification of common needs and divergences from the national approach to criminal justice paves the way for a subsequent analysis of new solution models emerging from international human rights law and EU law. To a great extent, these developments are due to the increasing impact of international human rights case-law on the criminal justice systems of the countries in question. The book concludes by proposing a set of qualitative requirements for a participatory model of criminal justice. |
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