Books > Computing & IT > Computer hardware & operating systems > Operating systems & graphical user interfaces (GUIs) > IBM mainframe operating systems
This work presents traditional methods and current techniques of
incorporating the computer into closed-loop dynamic systems
control, combining conventional transfer function design and state
variable concepts. Digital Control Designer - an award-winning
software program which permits the solution of highly complex
problems - is available on the CRC Press Website at
http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9780824789145. This edition:
supplies new coverage of the Ragazzini technique; describes digital
filtering, including Butterworth prototype filters; and more.
This book provides an overview of modern boot firmware, including
the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) and its associated
EFI Developer Kit II (EDKII) firmware. The authors have each made
significant contributions to developments in these areas. The
reader will learn to use the latest developments in UEFI on modern
hardware, including open source firmware and open hardware designs.
The book begins with an exploration of interfaces exposed to
higher-level software and operating systems, and commences to the
left of the boot timeline, describing the flow of typical systems,
beginning with the machine restart event. Software engineers
working with UEFI will benefit greatly from this book, while
specific sections of the book address topics relevant for a general
audience: system architects, pre-operating-system application
developers, operating system vendors (loader, kernel), independent
hardware vendors (such as for plug-in adapters), and developers of
end-user applications. As a secondary audience, project technical
leaders or managers may be interested in this book to get a feel
for what their engineers are doing. The reader will find: An
overview of UEFI and underlying Platform Initialization (PI)
specifications How to create UEFI applications and drivers Workflow
to design the firmware solution for a modern platform Advanced
usages of UEFI firmware for security and manageability
Advanced data management has always been at the core of efficient
database and information systems. Recent trends like big data and
cloud computing have aggravated the need for sophisticated and
flexible data storage and processing solutions. This book provides
a comprehensive coverage of the principles of data management
developed in the last decades with a focus on data structures and
query languages. It treats a wealth of different data models and
surveys the foundations of structuring, processing, storing and
querying data according these models. Starting off with the topic
of database design, it further discusses weaknesses of the
relational data model, and then proceeds to convey the basics of
graph data, tree-structured XML data, key-value pairs and nested,
semi-structured JSON data, columnar and record-oriented data as
well as object-oriented data. The final chapters round the book off
with an analysis of fragmentation, replication and consistency
strategies for data management in distributed databases as well as
recommendations for handling polyglot persistence in multi-model
databases and multi-database architectures. While primarily geared
towards students of Master-level courses in Computer Science and
related areas, this book may also be of benefit to practitioners
looking for a reference book on data modeling and query processing.
It provides both theoretical depth and a concise treatment of open
source technologies currently on the market.
Jurgen Glag's book points out how to ensure professional and
efficient database software development in DB2 mainframe and
client/server environments. The asset of this book is that
technical aspects (performance, tuning) and organizational measures
(economical performance) are covered. Consequently, this book is
suitable particularly for organizations that want to use DB2 in an
economical and safe way.
Work in various large production systems with DB2 revealed that
most performance problems arise either from a certain critical
transaction load onwards or for particularly large tables. Many
measures can be taken in order to identify and to solve these
problems during software development and not, as is often the case,
only in production environment. Beyond explaining the causes for
performance problems, this book also describes and explains
well-proven measures to avoid such problems.
The book particularly addresses those persons who are responsible
for data processing and quality assurance; project leaders and
project managers in the data processing area; and software and
application developers.
Das Buch von Glag zeigt, wie professionelle und effiziente
DB-Anwendungsentwicklung im DB2-Grossrechnerbereich und
Client/Server-Umfeld sichergestellt werden konnen. Der Vorzug des
Buches ist es, dass sowohl die technischen Aspekte (Performance,
Tuning) als auch organisatorische Massnahmen zur Optimierung
(wirtschaftliche Performance) dargestellt werden. Damit eignet sich
das Buch insbesondere fur den Einsatz in Unternehmen, die DB2
kostengunstig und sicher einsetzen wollen.
Bei der Arbeit in mehreren grossen produktiven DB2-Umgebungen hat
sich gezeigt, dass die meisten Performance-Probleme entweder erst
ab einer bestimmten kritischen Transaktionslast oder bei besonders
umfangreichen Tabellengrossen auftreten. Um diese Probleme nicht
erst in der Produktionsumgebung, sondern bereits wahrend der
Softwareentwicklung erkennen und losen zu konnen, sind eine Reihe
von Massnahmen"
Quick Boot is designed to give developers a background in the basic
architecture and details of a typical boot sequence. More
specifically, this book describes the basic initialization sequence
that allows developers the freedom to boot an OS without a fully
featured system BIOS. Various specifications provide the basics of
both the code bases and the standards. This book also provides
insights into optimization techniques for more advanced developers.
With proper background information, the required specifications on
hand, and diligence, many developers can create quality boot
solutions using this text. Pete Dice is Engineering Director of
Verifone, where he manages OS Engineering teams in Dublin, Ireland
and Riga Latvia. Dice successfully launched Intel (R) Quark (TM),
Intel's first generation SoC as well as invented the Intel (R)
Galileo (TM) development board and developed a freemium SW strategy
to scale Intel IoT gateway features across product lines. He is
also credited with architecting the "Moon Island" software stack
and business model.
This is the latest edition of our classic COBOL book that has set
the standard for structured design and coding since the mid-1970s.
So if you want to learn how to write COBOL programs the way they're
written in the best enterprise COBOL shops, this is the book for
you. And when you're done learning from this book, it becomes the
best reference you'll ever find for use on the job. Throughout the
book, you will learn how to use COBOL on IBM mainframes because
that's where 90% or more of all COBOL is running. But to work on a
mainframe, you need to know more than just the COBOL language.
That's why this book also shows you: how to use the ISPF editor for
entering programs; how to use TSO/E and JCL to compile and test
programs; how to use the AMS utility to work with VSAM files; how
to use CICS for developing interactive COBOL programs; how to use
DB2 for developing COBOL programs that handle database data; how to
maintain legacy programs. If you want to learn COBOL for other
platforms, this book will get you off to a good start because COBOL
is a standard language. In fact, all of the COBOL that's presented
in this book will also run on any other platform that has a COBOL
compiler. Remember, though, that billions of lines of mainframe
COBOL are currently in use, and those programs will keep
programmers busy for many years to come.
This book provides a friendly, practical introduction to open
source development options for programmers who build applications
to run on IBM i computers. The book will help developers get
started using open source, giving plenty of specific examples. The
author dispenses guidance to help IBM i developers get into open
source in a strategic way--for example, helping them to assess and
evaluate the tools and platforms based on criteria such as their
business needs, capabilities and flexibility of the open source
technologies, and career development considerations. Readers will
take away a clear understanding of open source on IBM i platforms
and tools, how they fit in with IBM i app development, and the next
steps they must take in order to start developing with open source
Configure, customize, and administer AIX version 5L effectively using this expert resource. Use system management tools, work with network and distributed file systems, manage the user environment, tune and monitor the system, and much more.
In this eloquent first-person account of a family drama that changed the face of American business, the man who transformed IBM into the world's largest computer company reflects on his lifelong partnership with his father--and how their management style and shared dedication to excellence united to create a unique corporate culture that became the blueprint for the entire technology boom.
In the course of sixty years Thomas J. Watson Sr. and his son, Thomas J. Watson Jr., together built the international colossus that is IBM. This is their story: a riveting and revealing account of two men who loved each other--and fought each other--with a terrible fierceness.
But along with the story of a father and son, this is IBM's story too. It chronicles the management insights that shaped its course and its unique corporate culture, the style that made Thomas Watson Sr. one of America's most charismatic bosses, and the daring decisions by Thomas Watson Jr. that transformed IBM into the world's largest computing company. One of the greatest business-success stories of all time, Father, Son & Co. is a moving lesson for fathers who dream for their children, as well as a testament to American ingenuity and values, told in a disarmingly frank and eloquent voice.
Promising to remain an important business reference as we move into the next century, FATHER, SON & CO. takes a look at the management insight that helped to shape IBM's course and unique corporate culture. It looks at Watson, Sr., one of America's most charismatic bosses, and Watson, Jr., who spurred IBM into the computer age.
Ten years after its original publication, FATHER, SON & CO. remains a uniquely honest book. Watson's willingness to write about the loving but ferociously combative relationship he had with his father and the turbulent battles behind some of IBM's most far-reaching decisions gives readers rare insights into the realities of leadership. -->