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Books > Law > International law > Public international law > International human rights law
In the first part of this book, noted legal scholar Dimtris Liakopoulos deals with reconstructing the legal regulatory framework governing human rights violations in the activities of organizations. After identifying rules that are generally applicable to organizations’ offenses and govern the profile of reparations, this study assesses primary rules that guarantee the right to an effective remedy. Liakopoulos then moves on to how this works in practice, examining the reparations obtainable by an individual in disputes between states and organizations. This includes, for example, damages caused by the United Nations in the context of force operations and requests for the cancellation or modification of sanctions unjustly imposed by the UN’s Sanctions Committee. The author then assesses enforcement practices, highlighting the limits of diplomatic protection from the perspective of protecting individual interests and enhancing some recent tendencies of “humanizing” institutions in question.
This book constitutes the first comprehensive publication on the duty of care of internationalorganizations towards their civilian personnel sent on missions and assignments outsideof their normal place of activity. While the work of the civilian personnel of internationalorganizations often carries an inherent risk, the regulations, policies and practices of theemployer can help to address and mitigate that risk. In this book, the specific content and scope of the duty of care under international law is clarifiedby conducting an unprecedented investigation into relevant jurisprudence and legal sources.Included is a critical assessment of the policies of selected international organizations while aset of guiding principles on the duty of care of international organizations is also presented. This publication fills a gap in the existing academic literature on the topic and is aimedparticularly at academics and practitioners interested in the legal implications of the deploymentof civilian personnel abroad by international organizations. This includes scholarsand university-level students specializing in international law, international human rightslaw, the law of international organizations, labour law, EU law, international administrativelaw and the UN system, and practitioners, such as lawyers and consultants, representing oradvising international organizations or their personnel on the legal aspects of deployment. The book is also aimed at the senior management of international organizations and at theirofficers in charge of recruitment, human resources, training and security, in that it clarifiestheir legal obligations and provides concrete examples of the policies various internationalorganizations have in place for the protection of civilian personnel. Current and prospectivecivilian personnel of international organizations should also find the book useful forclarifying their rights and duties. Andrea de Guttry is Full Professor at the Dirpolis Institute of the Sant'Anna School ofAdvanced Studies in Pisa, Micaela Frulli is Associate Professor at the Dipartimento di ScienzeGiuridiche (DSG), University of Florence, Edoardo Greppi is Full Professor at the Dipartimentodi Giurisprudenza, University of Turin, and Chiara Macchi is Research Fellow at theDirpolis Institute of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.
This multi-disciplinary book addresses the ever-expanding notion of human rights within the 21st century. By analyzing the global dynamics of the mobilization of new actors, claims, institutions and modes of accountability, Brysk and Stohl assess the potential and limitations of global reforms. Expanding Human Rights gives a comprehensive overview of current human rights issues and the outlook for the future. The contributors present evidence of new methods for enforcing existing rights and new strategies for further development through in-depth analysis of campaigns and reforms from Eastern Europe, Japan, India, Africa and the US. These include rights of indigenous peoples, food and water rights, violence against women, child mortality and international financial and corporate responsibility. This book will interest academics and advanced students in human rights, international affairs, political science and law. Policy makers and global human rights activists will find the analyses and insights concerning the expansion of rights and the often accompanying backlash to be of great use when approaching their next human rights campaign. Contributors include: J. Alley, C. Apodaca, P. Ayoub, M. Baer, A. Brysk, S. Hertel, R. Howard-Hassmann, V. Hudson, F.G. Isa, H. Jo, W. Sandholtz, C. Stohl, M. Stohl, K. Tsutsui
How does an idea that forms in the minds of a few activists in one part of the world become a global norm that nearly all states obey? How do human rights ideas spread? In this book, Robyn Linde tracks the diffusion of a single human rights norm: the abolition of the death penalty for child offenders under the age of 18. The norm against the penalty diffused internationally through law-specifically, criminal law addressing child offenders, usually those convicted of murder or rape. Through detailed case studies and a qualitative, comparative approach to national law and practice, Linde argues that children played an important-though little known-role in the process of state consolidation and the building of international order. This occured through the promotion of children as international rights holders and was the outcome of almost two centuries of activism. Through an innovative synthesis of prevailing theories of power and socialization, Linde shows that the growth of state control over children was part of a larger political process by which the liberal state (both paternal and democratic) became the only model of acceptable and legitimate statehood and through which newly minted international institutions would find purpose. The book offers insight into the origins, spread, and adoption of human rights norms and law by elucidating the roles and contributions of principled actors and norm entrepreneurs at different stages of diffusion, and by identifying a previously unexplored pattern of change whereby resistant states were brought into compliance with the now global norm against the child death penalty. From the institutions and legacy of colonialism to the development and promotion of the global child-a collection of related, still changing norms of child welfare and protection-Linde demonstrates how a specifically Western conception of childhood and ideas about children shaped the current international system.
"Slavery is the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised." So reads the legal definition of slavery agreed by the League of Nations in 1926. Further enshrined in law during international negotiations in 1956 and 1998, this definition has been interpreted in different ways by the international courts in the intervening years. What can be considered slavery? Should forced labour be considered slavery? Debt-bondage? Child soldiering? Or forced marriage? This book explores the limits of how slavery is understood in law. It shows how the definition of slavery in law and the contemporary understanding of slavery has continually evolved and continues to be contentious. It traces the evolution of concepts of slavery, from Roman law through the Middle Ages, the 18th and 19th centuries, up to the modern day manifestations, including manifestations of forced labour and trafficking in persons, and considers how the 1926 definition can distinguish slavery from lesser servitudes. Together the contributors have put together a set of guidelines intended to clarify the law where slavery is concerned. The Bellagio-Harvard Guidelines on the Legal Parameters of Slavery, reproduced here for the first time, takes their shared understanding of both the past and present to project a consistent interpretation of the legal definition of slavery for the future.
In the light of NATO's humanitarian war in Kosovo is it possible to understand or explain wars as an outcome of perceptions of rights? How did rights, be they divine rights in the Middle Ages, territorial rights in the eighteenth century, or human rights today, become something that people are willing to fight and die for? To answer these questions, this book explores the linkage between concepts of rights and the practice of war in the international arena. Alkopher describes how normative structures of rights have shaped different practices of war from medieval to modern times, through the lens of social constructivism. From the eleventh to the thirteenth century, concepts of divine rights and institutionalized practices of the Crusades to the Holy Land fostered the prevailing ideas of international rights and war. In the eighteenth century, the institutionalization of states' rights and territorial wars shaped international conflict. This view held until the late twentieth century when the institutionalization of human rights coupled with the emerging practice of humanitarian war, particularly NATO's war in Kosovo, engendered new norms of international conduct. The author concludes that rights have the power to constitute an international order that will be either cooperative or conflictual and the choice of outcome is very much in our hands. This book will be essential reading for international relations and political science scholars and students but also philosophers, legal and sociological historians and international lawyers.
In Humanitarian Law in Action within Africa, Jennifer Moore studies the role and application of humanitarian law by focusing on African countries that are emerging from civil wars. Moore offers an overview of international law, including its essential vocabulary, and describes four particular subfields of international law: international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, and international refugee law. After setting forth this overview, Moore considers practical mechanisms to implement international humanitarian law, focusing specifically on the experiences of Uganda, Sierra Leone, and Burundi. Through the case studies of these countries, Moore describes transitional justice's fundamental components: criminal, social, and historical. Although the African continent has gone through some of the world's greatest humanitarian emergencies, issues such as violence against women, child soldiers, and genocide are not unique to Africa, and as such, the study of humanitarian law by examining Africa's experience is important to conflict resolution and reconstruction throughout the world.
Based on official records and reports, relevant secondary sources, and observations of members of the Convention's implementary organ, The Convention on the Rights of the Child describes and evaluates the first international human rights treaty to deal specifically with the rights and freedoms of the child. Mower deals first with the significance, origin, and development of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, then describes and analyzes its substantative content, procedures, and mechanisms for the Convention's implementation. He concludes with an examination of the factors that are most likely to determine the rate of progress toward the realization of the convention's goals. Based on official records, relevant secondary sources, and observations of members of the Convention's implementary organ, the book will be of considerable use to scholars and researchers in the fields of human rights and children's welfare.
This book presents a creative synthesis of two ostensibly disparate fields of law - arbitration and human rights. More specifically, it focuses on various legislative approaches to excluding the annulment of arbitral awards (setting-aside proceedings) at the seat of arbitration and evaluates the compatibility of such approaches with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), in particular the right to a fair trial under Article 6(1). The book first assesses the applicability and impact of the ECHR, in particular Article 6(1), on international commercial arbitration. It then analyses a number of legislative approaches to excluding setting-aside proceedings, focusing on two synergetic phenomena - exclusion agreements and the total lack of setting-aside proceedings in national arbitration law. Lastly, the book investigates to what extent the lack of setting-aside proceedings in national arbitration law may lead to a violation of arbitrating parties' right to a fair trial under Article 6(1), and puts forward certain de lege ferenda recommendations on how to best approach the regulation of setting-aside proceedings in national arbitration law from the standpoint of compliance with the ECHR.
The controversial nature of seeking globalised justice through national courts has become starkly apparent in the wake of the Pinochet case in which the Spanish legal system sought to bring to account under international criminal law the former President of Chile,for violations in Chile of human rights of non-Spaniards. Some have reacted to the involvement of Spanish and British judges in sanctioning a former head of state as nothing more than legal imperialism while others have termed it positive globalisation. While the international legal and associated statutory bases for such criminal prosecutions are firm, the same cannot be said of the enterprise of imposing civil liability for the same human-rights-violating conduct that gives rise to criminal responsibility. In this work leading scholars from around the world address the host of complex issues raised by transnational human rights litigation. There has been, to date, little treatment, let alone a comprehensive assessment, of the merits and demerits of US-style transnational human rights litigation by non-American legal scholars and practitioners. The book seeks not so much to fill this gap as to start the process of doing so, with a view to stimulating debate amongst scholars and policy-makers. The book's doctrinal coverage and analytical inquiries will also be extremely relevant to the world of transnational legal practice beyond the specific question of human rights litigation.
This book provides insight into the globally interlinked disability rights community and its political efforts today. By analysing what disability rights activism contributes to a global power apparatus of disability-related knowledge, it demonstrates how disability advocacy influences the way we categorise, classify, distribute, manipulate, and therefore transform knowledge. By unpacking the mutually constitutive relations between (practical) moral knowledge of international disability advocates and (formal) disability rights norms that are codified in international treaties such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the author shows that the disability rights movement is largely critical of statements that attempt to streamline it. At the same time, cross-cultural disability rights advocacy requires images of uniformity to stabilise its global legitimacy among international stakeholders and retain a common meta-code that visibly identifies its means and aims. As an epistemic community, disability rights advocates simultaneously rely on and contest the authority of international human rights infrastructure and its language. Proving that disability rights advocates contribute immensely to a global culture that standardises what is considered morally and legally 'right' and 'wrong', thereby shaping the human body and the body politic, this book will be of interest to all scholars and students of critical disability studies, sociology of knowledge, legal and linguistic anthropology, social inequality, and social movements.
Since the nineteenth century, the development of international humanitarian law has been marked by complex entanglements of legal theory, historical trauma, criminal prosecution, historiography, and politics. All of these factors have played a role in changing views on the applicability of international law and human-rights ideas to state-organized violence, which in turn have been largely driven by transnational responses to German state crimes. Here, Annette Weinke gives a groundbreaking long-term history of the political, legal and academic debates concerning German state and mass violence in the First World War, during the National Socialist era and the Holocaust, and under the GDR.
The book analyses the emerging concept of ‘non-regression’ as a novel legal principle of international environmental law. It traces the development of non-regression in the context of international human rights law and provides an examination of the respective jurisprudence under universal and regional human rights instruments. These are then compared to closely-related normative concepts in the framework of international environmental law, including the Paris Climate Change Agreement and biodiversity-related agreements such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the Bonn Convention on Migratory Species. The book advocates an innovative usage of comparative law methods in order to enable fruitful interactions between human rights and international environmental law. Non-Regression in International Environmental Law is an important contribution to the development of international environmental law that offers a fresh perspective on the relationship between human rights and international environmental law.
This book deals with the gathering of evidence in cross-border investigations in Europe. The issue of obtaining evidence in and from European countries has been among the most debated issues of EU cross-border cooperation in criminal matters over the last two decades, going through periods of intensive discussions and showing an extraordinary adaptability to the evolution of EU legislation for criminal matters. On the other hand, the prosecution and investigations of cross-border cases pose unprecedented challenges in the European scenario, characterized by the increasing flow and activity of citizens over the territory of more than one country and therefore by the need to lay the foundations of a transcultural criminal justice system. The book analyses this complex topic starting with the current perspectives of EU legislation, thus providing a critical analysis of the legislative initiative aimed at introducing a new tool for gathering almost any type of evidence in other Member States, i.e., the European Investigation Order. On a second level, this study deals with the solution models and human rights challenges posed by the increasingly intensive dialogues between domestic and supranational case laws, and formulates essential guidelines for setting up a fair transnational enquiry system in Europe.
The leading textbook on international human rights law is now better than ever. The content has been fully updated and now provides more detailed coverage of substantive human rights, along with new sections on the war on terror and on the progressive realization of economic and social rights, making this the most comprehensive book in the field. It has a new, more student-friendly text design and has retained the features which made the first edition so engaging and accessible, including the concise and critical style, and questions and case studies within each chapter, as well as suggestions for further reading. Written by De Schutter, whose extensive experience working in the field and teaching the subject in both the US and EU gives him a unique perspective and valuable insight into the requirements of lecturers and students. This is an essential tool for all students of international human rights law.
The scale and variety of acts of religious intolerance evident in so many countries today are of enormous contemporary concern. This 2005 study attempts a thorough and systematic treatment of both Universal and European practice. The standards applicable to freedom of religion are subjected to a detailed critique, and their development and implementation within the UN is distinguished from that within Strasbourg, in order to discern trends and obstacles to their advancement and to highlight the rationale for any apparent departures between the two systems. This dual focus also demonstrates the acute need for the European Court to heed the warnings from various patterns of violation throughout the world illustrated by the Human Rights Committee and the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief.
The deeply moving memoir of an award-winning war correspondent turned activist - and her rousing defence of human rights in times of resurgent authoritarianism. As a broadcast journalist for Sky News and Al Jazeera, Sherine Tadros was trained to tell only the facts, as dispassionately as possible. But how can you remain neutral when reporting from war zones, or witnessing brutal state repression? For twenty-six years, Tadros grew up in the quiet surroundings of her family's London home, and yet injustice was something her Egyptian immigrant parents could never shelter her from. From her first journalistic assignment trapped inside a war zone in the Gaza Strip, to covering the Arab uprisings that changed the course of history, Tadros searched for ways to make a difference in people's lives. But it wasn't until her fiance left her on their wedding day, and her life fell apart, that she found the courage to pursue her true purpose. It was the beginning of a journey leading to her current work for Amnesty International at the United Nations, where she lobbies governments to ensure that human rights are protected around the world. With the compassion and verve of a clear-sighted campaigner and a natural storyteller, Tadros shares her remarkable journey from witnessing injustice to fighting it head-on in the corridors of power.
In modern societies, full criminal trials are avoided on many occasions. This book is concerned with mechanisms that either divert from or speed up the proceedings. Koen Vriend argues that the fair trial rights as established by the European Court of Human Rights under Article 6 ECHR provide a normative framework that does not only apply in a full criminal trial, but that it can also be used for diverted and shortened proceedings. He shows that the concept of fairness-as derived from ECtHR case law-is a fundamental principle that underlies all criminal law enforcement. It provides for the appropriate framework to assess whether diverted or shortened proceedings are fair and legitimate. The book is intended for criminal law scholars and practitioners and human rights scholars. Dr. Koen Vriend is a Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law at the University of Amsterdam.
Armed groups have played a predominant role in the violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law committed in conflict settings. The increase in the number of non-international armed conflicts during the past decades has emphasised the need to address the multiple legal challenges posed by the actions of armed groups. In particular, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the framework of responsibility for armed groups in international law. While much has been written regarding their international (primary) obligations, the possibility of developing a responsibility framework for armed groups under international law has been underexplored. Consequently, the aim of this book is to examine how the principles of international responsibility could be developed and adjusted to account for armed groups as collective entities. This general aim has been divided into three specific objectives. First, the book analyses the concept of responsibility in international law and assesses the legal and practical reasons in favour of developing such a regime for armed groups. Second, it examines the viability of establishing a responsibility regime for armed groups based on rules of attribution. Third, it explores the possible legal consequences of responsibility applicable to armed groups, with a particular focus on the obligation to provide reparations to victims. In doing so, this book will argue that certain non-traditional sources of international law could be used to interpret and adapt international law to the current conditions of contemporary armed conflict.
Since the end of World War II, the ongoing efforts aimed at criminal prosecution, restitution, and other forms of justice in the wake of the Holocaust have constituted one of the most significant episodes in the history of human rights and international law. As such, they have attracted sustained attention from historians and legal scholars. This edited collection substantially enlarges the topical and disciplinary scope of this burgeoning field, exploring such varied subjects as literary analysis of Hannah Arendt's work, the restitution case for Gustav Klimt's Beethoven Frieze, and the ritualistic aspects of criminal trials.
The Sovereignty of Human Rights advances a legal theory of international human rights that defines their nature and purpose in relation to the structure and operation of international law. Professor Macklem argues that the mission of international human rights law is to mitigate adverse consequences produced by the international legal deployment of sovereignty to structure global politics into an international legal order. The book contrasts this legal conception of international human rights with moral conceptions that conceive of human rights as instruments that protect universal features of what it means to be a human being. The book also takes issue with political conceptions of international human rights that focus on the function or role that human rights plays in global political discourse. It demonstrates that human rights traditionally thought to lie at the margins of international human rights law - minority rights, indigenous rights, the right of self-determination, social rights, labor rights, and the right to development - are central to the normative architecture of the field.
This work is based on papers presented at a conference entitled "The Sex of Labour Law in Europe/Le Sexe du droit du travail en Europe", which was held at the European University Institute in Florence. The contributors argue that law in general, and especially social and labour law, is not asexual, and that law has been written from a male point of view. As a consequence, many rules and regulations do not take into account a typical female point of view and therefore appear to disregard the position of women, which leads in many cases to sexual inequality. The contributors give a detailed account of the position of women in labour law in their own jurisdiction. The text should be of interest to academics and practitioners involved in labour law, human rights, gender studies and women's studies.
The free movement of labour will be one of the key elements of the Single Market soon to be implemented, One would therefore expect that efforts would have been made to harmonize social policies, especially on the legal status of workers. But the existing EC Treaty contains no provision and the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers of 1989 fails to fill the gap. The Charter delegates the socio-political responsibility in almost all points to the member states. Yet the constitutions of most refer to general human rights only. The author here stresses the importance of economic and social human rights which, like human rights in general, have their roots in the Enlightenment, especially in the works of Montesquieu, Adam Smith and Kant.
In a departure from the mainstream methodology of a positivist-oriented jurisprudence, Collective Rights provides the first legal-theoretical treatment of this area. It advances a normative-moral standpoint of 'value collectivism' which goes against the traditional political philosophy of liberalism and the dominant ideas of liberal multiculturalism. Moreover, it places a theoretical account of collective rights within the larger debate between proponents of different rights theories. By exploring why 'collective rights' should be differentiated from similar legal concepts, the relationship between collective and individual rights and why groups should be recognised as the third distinctive type of right-holders, it presents the topic as connected to the larger philosophical debate about international law of human rights, most notably to the problem of universality of rights.
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