Books > Children's & Educational > Language & literature
Die Klankboek vir leerders vir Huistaal is ontwikkel volgens die
vereistes van die Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring
(KABV) vir Graad 3. Die boek kan jaar na jaar gebruik word. Dit gee
geleentheid vir die bekendstelling en inskerping van leerinhoud,
met minstens twee bladsye aktiwiteite per week. Ook verskaf die
Leerderboek aktiwiteite wat vir assessering gebruik kan word. Die
onderrigplanne in die Onderwysersgids beskryf volledig hoe, waar en
wanneer elke bladsy in die Leerderboek gebruik moet word.
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. We find out all
about meerkats - where they live, what they do and what they eat,
and how they keep themselves safe from predators. Part of the Bug
Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child
develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age
5-6 (Year 1) Book band: Green A Phonics phase: 5
The Big books introduce the learners to a variety of text types.
The books include story text, simple factual text, rhymes, riddles,
jokes and graphic text and have been specially developed to
introduce the learners, in an informal manner, to a variety of
characteristics of printed text. The level of difficulty of the Big
Books increases from the first easy repetitive text in Big Book 1
to Big Book 16, where learners are expected to use their increasing
visual literacy skills and understanding of language. The books
have been specially written to suit the level of development, the
experiential/life world and the sense of humour of the Grade
3-learner. This book ties in with the topic “About me” in the
Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide. The books have also been
developed so that they can be used in more that one reading session
as is comprehensively explained in the teaching plans.
The Big books introduce the learners to a variety of text types.
The books include story text, simple factual text, rhymes, riddles,
jokes and graphic text and have been specially developed to
introduce the learners, in an informal manner, to a variety of
characteristics of printed text. The level of difficulty of the Big
Books increases from the first easy repetitive text in Big Book 1
to Big Book 16, where learners are expected to use their increasing
visual literacy skills and understanding of language. The books
have been specially written to suit the level of development, the
experiential/life world and the sense of humour of the Grade
3-learner. This book ties in with the topic “About me” in the
Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide. The books have also been
developed so that they can be used in more that one reading session
as is comprehensively explained in the teaching plans.
The Big books introduce the learners to a variety of text types.
The books include story text, simple factual text, rhymes, riddles,
jokes and graphic text and have been specially developed to
introduce the learners, in an informal manner, to a variety of
characteristics of printed text. The level of difficulty of the Big
Books increases from the first easy repetitive text in Big Book 1
to Big Book 16, where learners are expected to use their increasing
visual literacy skills and understanding of language. The books
have been specially written to suit the level of development, the
experiential/life world and the sense of humour of the Grade
3-learner. This book ties in with the topic “About me” in the
Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide. The books have also been
developed so that they can be used in more that one reading session
as is comprehensively explained in the teaching plans.
The complete and comprehensive way to support your studies and
assessments in 2021 and exams in 2022. Get to grips with grammar,
punctuation and spelling and build confidence in your creative
writing and reading skills. Sharpen your existing skills using the
'Exam focus' Sample Answer sections. Practise recalling your
knowledge, analysing texts and structuring your responses with the
bespoke 'Applying your skills' tasks. Stay focused and save time
with sections on every type of question to help you feel fully
ready and equipped to excel in any test or assessment. For the
first time, York Notes bring you a Revision and Exam Practice guide
for the whole of your English Language and English Literature GCSE
9-1 courses. So whether you're studying at home, online or in the
classroom, York Notes is your best bet for the best grades. Packed
with more powerful features than any other study companion, our AQA
English Language & Literature Revision and Exam Practice guide
is easy to use, brimming with essential info and will quickly
become your go-to buddy as you navigate your GCSE course, build
your confidence, stay motivated and get ready to impress in any
test, assessment or exam. To make sure you feel really ready for
the unique challenges of assessment and to get the grades you know
you deserve, why not use this guide with the AQA English Language
& Literature Workbook and AQA English Language Practice Tests?
Just search for 9781292186207 for the Workbook and 9781292186337
for the Practice Tests.
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. A zebra and a
yak having a race. Yaz straps on a jet pack, but it is more than he
can handle! He ends up in the mud while Zed wins the race. Part of
the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your
child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children
age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red A Phonics phase: 3
Jou venster op die Lae Lande (Nederland en Belgie) en Europa!.
Eenders & Anders voldoen aan al die vereistes van die Nasionale
Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV) en kan as
verryking saam met een van die hoofstukke in jou taalhandboek
gebruik word. Dit sluit by die KABV-kurrikulum kwartaal 2, week 5
en 6 aan. Die doel van hierdie lespakket is om jou ’n blik op die
letterkunde, taal en kultuur van Nederland en Vlaandere (die
Nederlandssprekende deel van Belgie) te bied. Aan die einde van die
lespakket gaan jy selfs ’n bietjie Nederlands praat. Die teks is
soms in Afrikaans en soms in Nederlands. Jy sal leer van die
ooreenkomste (eenders) en die verskille (anders) tussen die twee
tale. Vrae en opdragte word ingesluit. Jy sal agterkom dat taalleer
nie vir dooie fossiele en bleeksiele is nie. Met jou nuwe kennis
van Nederlands sal jy skielik verstaan waar baie van die woorde en
uitdrukkings in Afrikaans vandaan kom en hoe Afrikaans uit
hoofsaaklik Nederlands ontwikkel het. Taalleer word ’n opwindende