Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services
The definitive guide to the law that all nurses need to know.
Written specifically for student nurses as well as those already in
practice, Dimond's Legal Aspects of Nursing is your essential
practical guide to the legal principles you need to be aware of in
your everyday nursing practice. Building on previous editions of
the book by Bridgit Dimond, this 8th edition has been significantly
reworked by a new author team with extensive experience in teaching
nursing law. It has also been fully updated and revised in line
with recent legal developments and the new Nursing standards to
ensure it continues to meet the requirements of nursing law
modules. New to this edition: Introduction of new and updated
Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) Fitness to Practise procedures
Reference to the NMC Code 2015 (updated 2018) including Duty of
candour Data Protection legislation updated including reference to
the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 Greater reference to
the devolved UK administrations Updated overview of a nurses' duty
of care Reference to the new NMC approved curriculum, and the
introduction of nursing associates Introduction of upcoming changes
to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Comprehensive discussion of the
practice implications of the Supreme Court Decisions in Montgomery
v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] Consideration of the revised
Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated activities) regulations
2014 Updated consideration of gross negligence manslaughter
Practical implications of the extension of the crimes of ill
treatment and willful neglect under the Criminal Justice and Courts
Act 2015 section 20 and 21
Natural Biopolymers in Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering
systematically examines a broad range of natural polymers and their
applications in drug delivery and tissue engineering. The book
thoroughly collates the most relevant and up-to-date research on
natural biopolymers, covering a variety of key natural polymer
types such as chitin, chitosan, alginate, guar gum and collagen. It
is divided into two sections, covering drug delivery and tissue
engineering applications. Each section focuses on natural
biopolymers in the form of scaffolds, membranes, films, gels and
nanoparticles, thus helping the reader select not only the most
appropriate polymer type, but also the most relevant structure.
This comprehensive resource is ideal for materials scientists,
biomedical engineers, tissue engineers, pharmaceutical scientists
and anyone interested in developing novel materials for biomedical
Cell Instructive Materials to Control and Guide Cell Function:
Programmable Bioactive Interfaces looks at the key determinants of
the dynamic interface between cell and materials and how this can
be applied in developing new, bioactive biomaterials surfaces. The
interface between cell and synthetic materials has attracted
considerable scientific and technological interest, leading to the
awareness that functional interfaces can actively guide and control
specific adhesion and recognitions events.
Foundational Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and
Bioscience: A User Friendly Guide for IT Professionals, Healthcare
Providers, Researchers, and Clinicians uses color-coded
illustrations to explain AI from its basics to modern technologies.
Other sections cover extensive, current literature research and
citations regarding AI's role in the business and clinical aspects
of health care. The book provides readers with a unique opportunity
to appreciate AI technology in practical terms, understand its
applications, and realize its profound influence on the clinical
and business aspects of health care. Artificial Intelligence is a
disruptive technology that is having a profound and growing
influence on the business of health care as well as medical
diagnosis, treatment, research and clinical delivery. The AI
relationships in health care are complex, but understandable,
especially when discussed and developed from their foundational
elements through to their practical applications in health care.
From basic eye care services to visual performance training, this
evidence-based resource explores a range of sports vision services,
including assessment and treatment procedures, outcome
expectations, and applications to a variety of sports.
Optometrists, ophthalmologists, and sports medicine practitioners
will find a thorough review and discussion of the role of vision
care in an athlete's performance, as well as practical
recommendations for applying current research findings to clinical
practice. Contains practical, clinically oriented chapters on
visual assessment, prescribing, and ocular injuries in athletes.
Takes a task analysis approach allowing the reader to develop solid
reasoning skills and evaluate information needed for clinical
practice. Includes a new chapter on Assessment and Management of
Sports-Related Concussion. Features visual aids throughout
including photographs, tables, and boxes to help clarify and
visualize important concepts. Addresses sports vision training
approaches and updated digital options reflecting the collaboration
between athletic trainers, optometrists, and ophthalmologists in
helping optimize vision in athletes.
Deep Learning (DL) is a method of machine learning, running over
Artificial Neural Networks, that uses multiple layers to extract
high-level features from large amounts of raw data. Deep Learning
methods apply levels of learning to transform input data into more
abstract and composite information. Handbook for Deep Learning in
Biomedical Engineering: Techniques and Applications gives readers a
complete overview of the essential concepts of Deep Learning and
its applications in the field of Biomedical Engineering. Deep
learning has been rapidly developed in recent years, in terms of
both methodological constructs and practical applications. Deep
Learning provides computational models of multiple processing
layers to learn and represent data with higher levels of
abstraction. It is able to implicitly capture intricate structures
of large-scale data and is ideally suited to many of the hardware
architectures that are currently available. The ever-expanding
amount of data that can be gathered through biomedical and clinical
information sensing devices necessitates the development of machine
learning and AI techniques such as Deep Learning and Convolutional
Neural Networks to process and evaluate the data. Some examples of
biomedical and clinical sensing devices that use Deep Learning
include: Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI), Ultrasound, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
(SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Magnetic Particle
Imaging, EE/MEG, Optical Microscopy and Tomography, Photoacoustic
Tomography, Electron Tomography, and Atomic Force Microscopy.
Handbook for Deep Learning in Biomedical Engineering: Techniques
and Applications provides the most complete coverage of Deep
Learning applications in biomedical engineering available,
including detailed real-world applications in areas such as
computational neuroscience, neuroimaging, data fusion, medical
image processing, neurological disorder diagnosis for diseases such
as Alzheimer's, ADHD, and ASD, tumor prediction, as well as
translational multimodal imaging analysis.
Health Care Paradigms in the Internet of Things Ecosystem brings
all IoT-enabled health care related technologies into a single
platform so that undergraduate and postgraduate students,
researchers, academicians and industry leaders can easily
understand IoT-based healthcare systems. The book uses data and
network engineering and intelligent decision support
system-by-design principles to design a reliable IoT-enabled health
care ecosystem and to implement cyber-physical pervasive
infrastructure solutions. It takes the reader on a journey that
begins with understanding the healthcare monitoring paradigm in
IoT-enabled technologies and how it can be applied in various
aspects. In addition, the book walks readers through real-time
challenges and presents a guide on how to build a safe
infrastructure for IoT-based health care. It also helps researchers
and practitioners understand the e-health care architecture through
IoT and the state-of-the-art in IoT countermeasures. Readers will
find this to be a comprehensive discussion on functional frameworks
for IoT-based healthcare systems, intelligent medicine, RFID
technology, HMI, Cognitive Interpretation, Brain-Computer
Interface, Remote Health Monitoring systems, wearable sensors,
WBAN, and security and privacy issues in IoT-based health care
monitoring systems.
The PCP's Bicentennial Edition Remington: The Science and Practice
of Pharmacy, Twenty Third Edition, offers a trusted, completely
updated source of information for education, training, and
development of pharmacists. Published for the first time with
Elsevier, this edition includes coverage of biologics and
biosimilars as uses of those therapeutics have increased
substantially since the previous edition. Also discussed are
formulations, drug delivery (including prodrugs, salts,
polymorphism. With clear, detailed color illustrations, fundamental
information on a range of pharmaceutical science areas, and
information on new developments in industry, pharmaceutical
industry scientists, especially those involved in drug discovery
and development will find this edition of Remington an essential
reference. Intellectual property professionals will also find this
reference helpful to cite in patents and resulting litigations.
Additional graduate and postgraduate students in Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences will refer to this book in courses dealing
with medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutics.
Rehabilitation helps individuals maintain and optimize
independence. Historically, people with dementia have received
little rehabilitation and the focus has been on care to replace
lost function. Dementia Rehabilitation is a resource for health and
social professionals, service planners, policy makers, and
academics. The book makes a compelling case for rehabilitation for
people with dementia, including the views of people with dementia
and the research evidence. For each area of function, the research
evidence and relevant theory is summarized, followed by practical
information on clinical assessment, and delivery of therapies.
Data Analytics in Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare explores
key applications using data analytics, machine learning, and deep
learning in health sciences and biomedical data. The book is useful
for those working with big data analytics in biomedical research,
medical industries, and medical research scientists. The book
covers health analytics, data science, and machine and deep
learning applications for biomedical data, covering areas such as
predictive health analysis, electronic health records, medical
image analysis, computational drug discovery, and genome structure
prediction using predictive modeling. Case studies demonstrate big
data applications in healthcare using the MapReduce and Hadoop