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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Botany & plant sciences > Plant physiology
It is now about 100 years since the chloroplast has been recognized as the site of photosynthesis in plant cells. The last 20 years have seen a striking increase in interest in the structure and function of the chloroplast. Hastened on by powerful new tools such as the electron microscope and the newer methods of isolation and analysis of chloroplasts, there is presently considerable experimental work on the properties of this organelle. In such a rapidly moving field and one which is reviewed systematically is various Annual Reviews, it is not possible to present a detailed critique of the prolific literature in a book of reasonable size. Rather the decision was made to sacrifice complete coverage of the field and to indicate general areas of investigation. In organization, problems here dealt with, are those concerned with the electron microscopy of chloroplast structure, development and conformation, genetic control of chloroplast development, characterization of some of the major components of the chloroplast and the biochemical properties of the chloroplast including the for mation of adenosine triphosphate and reduced pyridine nucleotide and the assim ilation of carbon dioxide into carbohydrate with subsequent conversion to second ary products. A historical outline on the general subject "Photosynthesis and the Chloroplast" has been included to place into proper perspective the rapid developments in the several areas covered in the book. I am particularly indebted to Dr. Roy E."
Dr Samuel Johnson, that famous eighteenth century lexicographer, said of oats 'A grain which in England is generally given to horses but in Scotland supports the people'. And presumably it was a Scotsman who riposted 'But what people and what horses ' That exchange encapsulates much of the history and role of oats - a cereal, once important as human food in parts of northern Europe but latterly used mainly as animal feed, especially favoured for horses. Although no longer a major food anywhere, oats still have a special and favoured niche in the cuisine of people living in the cooler and wetter regions of some parts of northern Europe. However, there is currently a resurgence of interest in the crop, because there is now considerable scientific evidence to support the view of Scotsmen who never doubted its dietary value. This book - very much an international effort, carefully orchestrated by Robert Welch - traces the origin, history and scientific progress which forms a sound basis for any further crop improvement and for broadening the utilization and marketing of oat products. Should rational consider ations lead to an increase in the importance of this cereal, I, for one, would be glad since I believe the rural landscape is the poorer for the increased rarity of golden fields of rippling oats which I used to be involved in harvesting."
Origins of Plastids looks at symbiosis and symbiogenesis as a mechanism of evolution. This theory of endosymbiotic evolution postulates that photosynthetic prokaryotes living as endosymbionts within eukaryotic cells gradually evolved into the organelle structures called chloroplasts. The theory is controversial but has been strongly advocated by Lynn Margulis. Based on a colloquium held at the Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory of the University of California at Davis, Origins of Plastids reviews recent data on this most basic problem in plant evolution. In it, leading researchers in the field apply the theory of endosymbiotic evolution to plastid origins, producing an important new reference work for both professionals and graduates interested in the origins of life, the origins of the eukaryotic cell and its organelles, and the evolution of the higher plants in general. Origins of Plastids represents the state-of-the-art in its field. It should find a place on the bookshelves of people interested in microbiology, plant science, phycology, cell biology, and evolution.
The ecology of world vegetation is described in numer all of the drafting and photographic work. They have ous books and journals, but these are usually very spe spent many hours on this project and their care and skill cialized in their scope and treatment. This book provides is reflected in the consistently high quality of the illus a synthesis of this literature. A brief introductory chap trations throughout the book. Many friends and col ter outlines general ecological concepts and subsequent leagues have provided photographs. It has not been chapters examine the form and function of the major possible to include all of them, but the 'global' perspect biomes of the world. A similar organization has been ive of the book has been greatly enhanced in this way. used for each biome type. These chapters begin with a I wish to thank them all for the time and trouble they description of environmental conditions and a brief have taken to supply this material. I must also thank account of floristic diversity in a regional context. The Mary Dykes and the staff of the interlibrary loans de remaining pages describe characteristic adaptations and partment of the Library, University of Saskatchewan, ecosystem processes. for their unfailing ability to get even the most obscure Although there is a rapidly growing literature on eco references."
It is very clear nowadays that plants offer several opportunities for basic studies, e.g. on development and embryogenesis, and that the fundamental principles laid open contribute to the development of new tools for plant breeding. Within the scope of the present publication, the editors have had to make a difficult choice from the many important subjects that have contributed to the remarkable progress of our molecular biological understanding of complex biological problems. This has resulted in review papers showing the present state of the art in genetic engineering, gene expression and its manipulation, microbe and insect interactions with plants, transposable elements and gene tagging, plant and organ development, the function and structure of the genome chloroplasts, and lipid biosynthesis. All papers have been written in such a way that they are also useful for non-experts interested in a particular field, as well as for students following courses in plant molecular biology. Besides presenting the state of the art, each paper gives some historical background to the developments in the field as well as perspectives for further basic research and applications. Because of the latter, scientists and students engaged in plant breeding will also profit from this publication.
It is paradoxical that, despite the key role of plants in the book's preparation by reviewing manuscripts or the environment and our dependence on plant life for providing literature and case studies for inclusion. our very existence, the conservation movement has The preparation of the text, which went through var not given plants attention that is commensurate with ious drafts, involved Dr. Given in a great deal of re their importance. In an attempt to redress the balance search and travel for fact finding and consultation. of effort between plant and animal conservation, The completed draft was edited by Martin Walters, IUCN and WWF established in 1984 a joint Plant who also prepared it for publication. Professor Ver Conservation Programme, the aim of which was to non Heywood (IUCN) undertook a scientific edit of "assert the fundamental importance of plants in all the final draft. conservation activities: ' Both IUCN and WWF would like to express their gratitude to Dr. Given for the enormous effort and One of the main themes of the joint Plant Conser painstaking labor that he has invested in the prepara vation Programme was "building the capacity to con serve. " This included a project, "Plant Conservation: tion of this book over a period of six years. The result Principles and Practice," aimed at providing practic is the first detailed overview ever to be published of ing conservationists with a handbook that explained this vitally important subject."
Ethylene is a simple gaseous plant hormone produced by higher plants, bacteria and fungi. Thanks to new tools that have become available in biochemistry and molecular genetics, parts of the ethylene biosynthesis, perception and signal transduction reactions have been elucidated. This knowledge has been applied to enhance the quality of a number of agronomically important crops. In Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene, leading figures in the field provide surveys of the current state of ethylene biosynthesis and action, perception and signal transduction pathways, senescence, biotechnological control, and the involvement of ethylene in pathogenesis and stress. Audience: Indispensable to all academic, industrial and agricultural researchers as well as undergraduates and graduates in plant biology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology and food science.
The last decade has seen tremendous progress in our knowledge of the pollen development and gene expression on one hand and the characterization of pollen specific proteins on the other. In compiling the chapters for this volume, we have pragmatically categorized these basic developments in pollen molecular biology and biotechnology into two sections based on their applications in agricul ture and implications in medicine. Pollen developmental biology and gene expression: applications in agricul ture. Pollen development is an extremely complex process encompassing a series of biochemical, physiological and genetic events. At the basic level, sporophyt ically expressed genes may expound our knowledge of unique processes of cellular differentiation which ultimately give rise to a full-fledged organism. At the applied level, the studies on the pollen and male sporophyte-specific gene expression, and of promoters and transcription factors of relevant genes have the potential to manipulate the fertility in certain cash crops leading to agricultural biotechnology."
Plants offer exciting opportunities to understand major biological questions, i.e. the regulation of development and morphogenesis. How are changes of the environment, developmental cues, and other signals perceived and transduced in physiological responses? What are the elements of plant signalling pathways and what is their organization? The panoply of molecular tools and techniques as well as the blossoming field of plant genetics are providing an exciting ground for major breakthroughs in unravelling the fundamental mechanisms of plant signalling. The present book establishes a state-of-the-art framework spanning the wide spectrum of perception, signal transduction events and transport processes, including cell proliferation and cell cycle regulation, embryogenesis, and flowering. Moreover, the volume emphasizes the role of the major plant signalling substances known to date (the phytohormones and more recently studied substances) and summarizes what we know on their molecular mechanisms of action. The book emphasizes how the use of molecular technology has made plant signalling processes accessible to experimental test.
Frontiers of Industrial Mycology describes the present efforts underway to create a broad range of large-scale applications using filamentous fungi. Important and environmentally sound applications currently being developed include the use of fungi for novel *B-lactams in antibiotic production, biobleaching and the bioconversion of wood pulp, agricultural biotechnology for creating biological insecticides and herbicides, food fermentations, and the commercial raising of shiitake mushrooms, a growing and largely untapped market in North America. The topics discussed in this volume are on the cutting edge of industrial mycology. This book will thus benefit a wide range of professionals and academics in biotechnology, mycology, microbiology, plant science, entomology, and biochemistry.
Phospholipidshavelongbeenknownfortheirkeyroleinmaintainingthebilayer structureofmembranesandinphysicallyseparatingthecytosolfromorganelles andtheextracellularspace. Inthepastdecade,acompletelynovelandunexpected functionemerged,full?llingacrucialroleincellsignaling. Itwasthediscoveryin animalcells,thatagonist-activatedcellsurfacereceptorsledtotheactivationofa phospholipase C (PLC), to hydrolyze the minor lipid, phosphatidylinositol 4- bisphosphateintotwosecondmessengers,inositol1,4,5-trisphosphate(InsP)and 3 2+ diacylglycerol(DAG). WhileInsP diffusesintothecytosol,whereitreleasesCa 3 2+ from an intracellular store by activating a ligand-gated Ca -channel, DAG remainsinthemembranetorecruitandactivatemembersoftheproteinkinase Cfamily. Overtheyears,avarietyofotherlipidbased-signalingcascadesweredisc- ered. Theseinclude,phospholipaseA,generatinglyso-phospholipidsandfreefatty acids(tobeconvertedintoprostaglandinsandleukotrienes),phospholipaseD,to generatethelipidsecondmessenger,phosphatidicacid(PA),andphosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), generating a distinct set of polyphosphoinositides (PPI) ph- phorylated at the D3-position of the inositol ring, all with separate signaling functions. Sphingolipids,representinganotherimportantgroupofsignalinglipids, alsocameacross. Themajorityoftheselipid-basedsignalingpathwayshavebeendiscoveredin plantcellstoo. Moreover,theyhavebeenfoundtobeactivatedinresponsetoa widevarietyofbioticandabioticstresssignals,butalsotobebasicallyinvolvedin plantgrowthanddevelopment. Whilemanyoftheenzymes,lipids,andtheirtargets involved arewell conserved, major differences with the mammalian paradigms havealsoemerged. Thisbookhighlightsthecurrentstatusofplantlipidsignaling. Allchaptershave beenwrittenbyexpertsinthe?eldandcoverinformationforbothbeginnersand advancedlipidologists. PartIincludesphospholipases(Chaps. 1-3),partII,lipid kinases (Chaps. 4-7), part III, lipid phosphatases (Chaps. 8-9), part IV, ix x Preface inositolphosphates and PPI metabolism (Chaps. 10-13), part V, PA signaling (Chaps. 14-17),andpartVI,additionallipidsignals,e. g. oxylipins,NAPEand sphingolipids(Chaps18-20). Ithasbeenagreatpleasuretobetheeditorofthis bookandtobeawitnessofthislipid-signalingadventure. Amsterdam,June2009 TeunMunnik Contents PartI Phospholipases PhospholipaseAinPlantSignalTransduction...3 Gu..ntherF. E. Scherer TheEmergingRolesofPhospholipaseCinPlantGrowth andDevelopment...23 PeterE. DowdandSimonGilroy PlantPhospholipaseD...39 WenhuaZhang,XiaoboWan,YueyunHong,WeiqiLi,andXueminWang PartII Kinases Phosphatidylinositol4-PhosphateisRequiredforTip GrowthinArabidopsisthaliana ...65 AmyL. SzumlanskiandErikNielsen PIP-KinasesasKeyRegulatorsofPlantFunction ...79 TillIschebeckandIngoHeilmann PlantPhosphatidylinositol3-Kinase...95 YureeLee,TeunMunnik,andYoungsookLee DiacylglycerolKinase...107 StevenA. AriszandTeunMunnik xi xii Contents PartIII Phosphatases SignalingandthePolyphosphoinositidePhosphatasesfromPlants ...117 GlendaE. Gillaspy PhosphatidicAcidPhosphatasesinSeedPlants...131 YukiNakamuraandHiroyukiOhta PartIV PPIMetabolism InsP inPlantCells ...145 3 YangJuIm,BrianQPhillippy,andImaraYPerera InositolPolyphosphatesandKinases...161 JillStevenson-PaulikandBrianQ. Phillippy PhosphoinositidesandPlantCellWallSynthesis ...175 RuiqinZhong,RyanL. McCarthy,andZheng-HuaYe ImagingLipidsinLivingPlants ...185 JoopE. M. VermeerandTeunMunnik PartV PASignaling PhosphatidicAcid:AnElectrostatic/Hydrogen-BondSwitch?...2 03 EdgarEduardKooijmanandChristaTesterink NitricOxideandPhosphatidicAcidSignalinginPlants...223 AyelenM. Diste'fano,M. LucianaLanteri,ArjentenHave, CarlosGarc?'a-Mata,LorenzoLamattina,andAnaM. Laxalt 3-Phosphoinositide-DependentProteinKinaseisaSwitchboard fromSignalingLipidstoProteinPhosphorylationCascades...243 ChristineZalejskiandLa'szlo'Bo..gre PartVI AdditionalLipidSignals DiacylglycerolPyrophosphate,ANovelPlantSignalingLipid...263 EmmanuelleJeannette,SophieParadis,andChristineZalejski OxylipinSignalingandPlantGrowth...277 AlinaMosblech,IvoFeussner,andIngoHeilmann Contents xiii FattyAcidAmideHydrolaseandtheMetabolismof N-AcylethanolamineLipidMediatorsinPlants...293 KentD. ChapmanandElisonB. Blanca?or SphingolipidSignalinginPlants...307 LouiseV. MichaelsonandJohnathanA. Napier Index ...323 Contributors Steven A. Arisz Section Plant Physiology, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences,UniversityofAmsterdam,SciencePark904,NL-1098XH,Amsterdam, TheNetherlands ElisonB. Blanca?or SamuelRobertsNobleFoundation,PlantBiologyDivision, Ardmore,OK73401,USA,eblanca?or@noble.
It is appropriate at this time to reflect on two decades of research in biological control of weeds with fungal plant pathogens. Some remarkable events have occurred in the last 20 years that represent a flurry of activity far beyond what could reasonably have been predicted. In 1969 a special topics review article by C. L. Wilson was published in Annual Reviews of Phytopathology that examined the literature and the potential for biological control of weeds with plant pathogens. In that same year, experiments were conducted in Arkansas that determined whether a fungal plant pathogen could reduce the infestation of a single weed species in rice fields. In Florida a project was under way to determine the potential use of a soil-borne plant pathogen as a means for controlling a single weed species in citrus groves. Work in Australia was published that described experiments that sought to determine whether a pathogen could safely and deliberately be imported and released into a country to control a weed of agricultural importance. All three projects were successful in the sense that Puccinia chondrillina was released into Australia to control rush skeleton weed and was released later into the United States as well, and that Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. aeschynomene and Phytophthora palmivora were later both marketed for the specific purpose of controlling specific weed species.
This book is addressed to all biologists seeking a review of the various transport processes of minerals and organic substances in plants from the level of cell organelles to the longer-distance movements in the largest trees. It is directed toward students having had some elementary physiol ogy, but the attempt has been made to provide information of interest on the frontiers of current research. Doing this comprehensively, we wished to consider all of the points of view that appeared to be important; on the other hand, space and time were limited. Therefore, the presentation had to strike an intermediate ground between the style of a textbook giving of selected problems and a comprehensive ref representative treatments erence book covering all ramifications. The reader will notice that the pendulum will swing more toward one and then to the other. We did not want to avoid, and we felt it was not appropriate to neglect completely our own special research interests, which led to some emphasis on certain SUbjects. The immediate origin ofthe book is the Heidelberger Taschenbuch 125 (HTB 125) Stojjtransport der Pflanzen by U. L. (1973), which in turn was preceded by an earlier work, Aktiver Transport: Kurzstreckentransport bei Pflanzen Protoplasmatologia vol. VIII17 b by U. L. (1969). At the Li verpool Workshop on Ion Transport in 1972 organized by W. Peter An derson, and while in a jovial and expansive mood, the authors agreed to produce an English version."
Annual desert plant species of unrelated taxa in the Negev Desert of Israel have developed complementary sets of adaptations and survival strategies as ecological equivalents with physiological, morphological and anatomical resemblances, in the various stages of their life cycles. After 40 years of research in hot deserts Yitzchak Gutterman provides a comprehensive treatise of such adaptations and strategies. In doing so he covers the following topics: post-maturation primary seed dormancy, which prevents germination of maturing seeds before the summer; seed dispersal mechanisms with escape or protection strategies; cautious or opportunistic germination strategies; seedling drought tolerance. The day-length is an important factor in regulating flowering as well as the phenotypic plasticity of seed germination which is also affected by maternal factors.
The activation of carbon dioxide by transition metal complexes has been extensively studied. both experimentally and theoretically. 1 Central reactions in this chemistry are the insertion of C02 into M-X bonds. where X = H. C. 0. and N. (eq. 1-4). We are presently investigating the mechanistic aspects of these reaction processes and will herein deSCribe our current level of understanding. Comparisons of the pathway of the carbon-carbon bond fonning process in transition metal chemistry with the well known analogous chemistry involving organolithium reagents will be presented. Furthermore. the role of these reaction types in both homogeneous and heterogenous catalytic processes leading to useful chemicals will be elaborated. _OM> (1) lMt-H + ~ lMlopi _OM> (2) [Mt-R + C0. 2 [M]0. 2CR _OM> (3) [Mt-OR+ ~ [M]0. 2COR _OM> (4) [Mt-NR2 + C0. 2 [M]~CNR2 Insertion of C02 into the Metal-Hydride Bond. The reaction of anionic group 6 (Cr. Mo. W) transition metal hydrides with carbon dioxide to afford metalloformates occurs readlly at ambient temperature and 2 reduced pressures of carbon dioxide. This insertion process is referred to the normal pathway (Scheme 1). There are no documented cases of C02 insertion into the metal hydride bond to provide the alternative. metallocarboxylic acid. isomer (referred in Scheme 1 as abnormal). 3 Recent theoretical studies ascribe this preference to an unfavorable electrostatic interaction and poorer orbital overlap in the latter pro 4 cess. Nevertheless.
This volume focuses on the structure, function and regulation of plant signaling G proteins and their function in hormonal pathways, polarity, differentiation, morphogenesis and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Plants are sessile organisms that need to continuously coordinate between external and internal cues. This coordination requires the existence of hubs to allow cross-talk between different signaling pathways. A single family of Rho GTPases, termed either ROPS or RACs, and heterotrimeric G proteins have emerged as the major molecular switches in a multitude of signal transduction pathway in plants.
It was around 1970, I had just completed a 5-year breeding project aiming at fxing fower colour in gerbera progenies: white, yellow, pink, and red; colour homogeneity was sound, but size and shape still required some improvement. The problem was defnitely resolved by Murashige and Skoog, USA who published a reliable protocol for gerbera micropro- gation. In short, my gerbera seed lines were immediately rendered obsolete by this e- cient cloning system, able to produce millions of plants of a matchless and previously unknown homogeneity, the uniformity of fower shape and colour being the basic requi- ments for the market. The success of micropropagation resulted in a tremendous growth in gerbera fower production worldwide, and this species conquered a leading place in the foriculture industry. This personal experience stresses the impact of micropropagation on the genetic improvement research strategies in ornamentals. Micropropagation has become "in- sive", especially in ornamental plant material issues. Today, hundreds of protocols exist; however, only a modest percentage of them are exploited economically. Thus, only micropropagation of plants with a high market price range, like orchids for instance, has proved cost-effective and achieved great success. Micropropagation is a labour-intensive system: hand-power is estimated to rep- sent 60-70% of total costs. This explains the outsourcing of the major labs in developing countries where labour is cheaper. Nevertheless, certain industrial protocols remain a proprietary technology of leading labs, mostly western, with the exception of Japan and Taiwan.
which individuals are heterozygous (H). A review by Selander (1976] comparing these param eters in various populations has been followed by many other studies. In the present volume, J. B. Mitton has used H to evaluate the importance of heterozygosity in natural populations. The degree of polymorphism expressed by P, has been used in several contributions to approach various problems of population genetics. particularly breeding structure and mating systems by Hamrick, Barrett and Shore, Brown, Burdon and Jarosz. as well as Soltis and Soltis, and Wyatt. Stoneburner. and Odrzykoski. New knowledge derived from these investigations has strengthened a point of view already stressed by Darwin: evolution takes place in a complex environment, that can be constantly changing over long periods of time. or can alternate between long periods of relative stability and cycles of rapid change. The most successful plant species become adjusted to these vagaries in several ways, including shifts in heterozygosity. polymorphism and mating systems. The strength of isozyme ana ysis for testing hypotheses is well illustrated by the contribution of the Soltises, who have shown clearly that a previously held hypothesis, predicting self fertilization fortified by polyploid genetic segregations in ferns, must be rejected."
Grassland farming in Europe was already established during the settlement of the rst farmers together with their domesticated animals after the last ice age. Since then, grassland provides the forage basis to feed ruminant animals for the p- duction of meat and milk. Depending on the ecological conditions and intensity of usage, various plant communities with different species developed, displaying a rich biodiversity. With the introduction of improved crop rotations at the end of the 16th century, grasses and legumes were also grown to an important extent as forage crops on arable land. In the last decades the importance of amenity grasses increased markedly, due to the demand of the society for new usages like landscape protection. Around 1900 interested farmers and academics identi ed the need for gra- land improvement through systematic selection and seed production. This marks the beginning of breeding and research in companies but also at universities and specialized research institutes. Plant collection started with many of the species that are still of importance today. The collected materials were grouped according to the intended use and some type of phenotypic selection was applied. Seed mul- plication of such populations was performed in pure stands and the harvested seed was marketed. Although the vegetative biomass and its quality are of utmost imp- tance in forage crop breeding, it is the seed yield potential which determines the commercial success of a new variety.
With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology, and vegetation science.
The Second International Congress on Photosynthesis Research took place in Stresa, Italy during June 24-29, 1971; two centuries after the discovery of Photosynthesis by Joseph Priestley in 1771. This important anniversary was celebrated at the Congress by a learned account of Priestley's life and fundamental discoveries given by Professor Robin HILL, F. R. S. Professor HILL's lecture opens the first of the three volumes which contains the contributions presented at the Congress. The manuscripts have been distributed into three volumes. Volume I con tains contributions in the areas of primary reactions and electron transport; Volume II ion transport and photophosphorylation, and Volume III carbon assimilation, regulatory phenomena, developmental aspects, and from the two special sessions of the Congress devoted to evolution and photorespiration. It is realized that this division is necessarily somewhat arbitrary since many contributions relate to more than one of the above mentioned titles. However, the large number of contributions (over 3000 typed pages) made it impossible to publish the proceedings in less than three volumes. The printing of these volumes and the organization of the Congress were made possible by a contribution from the Consigio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy. The generous support of the Istituto Lombardo Acca demia di Scienze e Lettere to the publication of these proceedings is gratefully acknowledged. The editors wish to express their appreciation to all the scientists who contributed the results of the investigations, for their coopera tion; and to Drs."
In the first part (Part A) of this volume on transport, there was an emphasis on the processes occurring at the membranes bounding the cells. It was convenient to distinguish active and passive processes of transport across the membranes, and to recognize that certain transport processes may be regulated by internal factors in the cells such as cytoplasmic pH, concentrations of ions, of malate or of sugar in the vacuoles, or the hydrostatic pressure. Cells in tissues and organs show the same kinds of properties as individual cells, but in addition there can be cell to cell transport related to the organization of the tissue. Firstly cells within a tissue are separated from the external solutions by a diffusion path comprising parts of the cell walls and intercellular spaces; more generally this extra-cytoplasmic part of the tissue has been called the apoplasm. A similar term is "free space." Secondly, the anatomy of cells in tissues seems to allow some facilitated, local transport between cells in a symplasm. Entry into the symplast and subsequent transport in a symplasmic continuum seems to be privileged, in that ions may not have to mix with the bulk of the cytoplasm and can pass from cell to cell in particular cytoplasmic structures, plasmodesmata. In Chara plants, this kind of transport is found operating across the multi-cellular nodes as the main means of transport between the long internodal cells.
The second international symposium on Pectins and Pectinases was organized by Wageningen University and Research Centre and held in Rotterdam, May 6-10, 2001. This successful meeting was attended by around 130 participants from more than 20 countries representing almost all of the groups and industries working woridwide on pectins and pectinases. Following the first meeting on this subject held in December 1995, the symposium defInitely forms a platform for researchers and industries working in the fIeld, all within their own discipline and expertise. The symposium demanded a written account and this book is the resuit of that. It contains aIl keynote lectures and other oral presentations and provides an update about the current research. SignifIcant progress has been made in the last 5 years. This book provides an up-to-date insight into the research on pectin and pectic enzymes involved in their biosynthesis, degradation, modifIcation or utilization. The progress in the elucidation of the chemical structure of pectin and mode of action and 3-D structure of the pectin degrading enzymes allows us to identify and influence the functionality of pectins and pectic enzymes, both in vitra after isolation as weIl in the plants themselves (in planta). Other contributions deal with new applications of both pectin and pectin-degrading enzymes, while more and more attention is paid to health and nutritional aspects ofpectins. The book provides a 'state of the art' account for both beginners and experienced researchers of almost all disciplines of pectin research.
A. POLJAKOFF-MAYBER and J. GALE The response of plants to saline environments is of interest to people of many disciplines. In agriculture the problem of salinity becomes more severe every year as the non-saline soils and the non-saline waters become more intensively and more extensively exploited. Further expansion of agriculture must consider the cultivation of saline soils and the use of water with a relatively high content of soluble, salts. Moreover, industrial development in many countries is causing severe water pollution, especially of rivers, and mismanagement in agriculture often induces secondary salinization of soils and sources of irrigation water. From the point of view of agriculture it is, therefore, of the utmost importance to know the various responses of plants to salinity and to understand the nature of the damage caused by salinity to agricultural crops. Botanists and plant physiologists study plants, their form, growth, metabolism and response to external stimuli. A challenging problem for them is to understand the differences between glycophytes, plants growing in a non-saline environment and halophytes, plants which normally grow in salt marshes, in sea water or in saline soils. This includes the elucidation of structural and functional adaptations which enable halophytes to tolerate the saline environment, and also questions as to whether they only tolerate the saline environment or actually thrive in it. Ecologists and environmentalists are interested in the interrelationships be tween the organism, in this case the plant, and its environment, from the climatic, edaphic and biotic points of view."
Cyanobacterial symbioses are no longer regarded as mere oddities
but as important components of the biosphere, occurring both in
terrestrial and aquatic habitats worldwide. It is becoming apparent
that they can enter into symbiosis with a wider variety of
organisms than hitherto known, and there are many more still to be
discovered, particularly in marine environments. The chapters cover
cyanobacterial symbioses with plants (algae, bryophytes, Azolla,
cycads, Gunnera), cyanobacterial symbioses in marine environments,
lichens, Nostoc-Geosiphon (a fungus closely related to arbuscular
mycorrhiza fungi) symbiosis, and artificial associations of
cyanobacteria with economically important plants. In addition,
cyanobiont diversity, sensing-signalling, and evolutionary aspects
of the symbiosis are dealt with. Renowned experts actively involved
in research on cyanobacterial symbioses deal with ecological,
physiological, biochemical, molecular, and applied aspects of all
known cyanobacterial symbioses. |
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