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Insectopedia uncovers the fascinating and infinitely varied world of insects. It explores their intriguing behaviour and biology – from mating and breeding, metamorphosis and movement to sight, smell, hearing and their adaptations to heat and cold. A chapter on superorganisms probes the curious phenomenon of social communities among insects; another covers the critical role that these creatures play in maintaining the fragile balance of life on our planet. The book concludes with a 60-page illustrated field guide, describing most insect orders and their main families. Previously published as Insectlopedia of Southern Africa, this fully revised and redesigned edition includes up-to-date information throughout, an expanded ID section, and several hundred new photographs.
Sharks are among the most persecuted animals on Earth. Nicole’s block-buster story lifts the lid on the shocking details of the trade in shark fins, and raises awareness of the plight of sharks in the 21st century. In November 2003 a female Great White Shark was tagged near Dyer Island in South Africa. Her tag popped up in February 2004, just south of Western Australia. The shark, later to be named Nicole (after shark enthusiast Nicole Kidman), had swum an epic 11,000 km. Scientists were even more surprised when she was identified back in South Africa in August 2004 – she had covered 22,000 km in less than nine months, using pinpoint navigation both ways. Since then, many Great Whites have been tagged and have shown a propensity for undertaking long migrations – but none has yet matched Nicole's amazing feat. This story incorporates a blend of science, actual events and real people, along with conjecture as to what might have happened on Nicole's momentous journey.
The definitive photographic guide to the amazing avifauna of South Africa. South Africa – from the vast savanna of Kruger to the unparalleled richness of the Cape – is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, featuring the highest number of endemics of any African country, as well as rich seabird assemblage and vast numbers of more widespread yet no less spectacular African birds. The perfect companion for any wildlife-friendly visitor, Birds of South Africa provides photographic coverage of more than 340 species that regularly occur in the region. Concise text for each species includes information on identification, songs and calls, behaviour, distribution and habitat, with each photo having been carefully selected to guide identification. A guide to the best birdwatching sites in South Africa is also included. Portable yet authoritative, this is the perfect guide for travellers and birdwatchers visiting this spectacular and bird-rich destination.
With its application-oriented approach, the fifth EMEA edition of Statistics for Business and Economics teaches students the core concepts of statistics in the fields of business, management, and economics, with the needs of the non-mathematician in mind. The authors interweave statistical methodology with applications of data analysis to enrich students’ understanding of how statistics underpin problem-solving and decision-making. Students develop a computational foundation and learn to use various techniques before moving on to statistical application and interpretation. At the end of each section, exercises focus on computation and the use of formulas, while application exercises require students to apply what they have learnt to real-world problems.
Break the rules, not the fast with world-renowned biohacker and New York Times bestselling author Dave Asprey. For more than a decade, the Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey has shared his unique point of view and expertise to help fans become the best versions of themselves. From living longer to getting smarter, maximising performance to practising mindfulness, Dave's followers look to him for his take on the most effective techniques to become healthier and more powerful than most doctors think is possible. Asprey has been fasting for years, long before it gained widespread popularity, and if you're a fan of The Bulletproof Diet, you have been enjoying some of the benefits of Intermittent Fasting too. In Fast This Way, Dave asks readers to forget everything they think they know about the ancient practice and takes them on a journey through cutting-edge science to examine the ways novice fasters and Intermittent Fasting loyalists can up-end their relationship with food and upgrade their fasting game beyond calorie restriction.
Fast This Way is a compelling read through the latest thinking on fasting and gives readers the manual and toolkit to make the most of their fasts and their personal biology.
Elephants are arguably Africa’s most charismatic animals, and among the biggest drawcards to our game reserves. While the burgeoning game-park industry may be increasing our access to these magnificent creatures, rising human-elephant encounters are an inevitable outcome – sometimes, sadly, fatal. Such encounters could likely have been avoided had those involved understood elephant behaviour, and particularly how these intelligent animals interface with traffic through their territory. This book describes elephant family life, from rearing of infants to establishing dominance within a herd; it unpacks regular elephant behaviour, the matriarchal system, the particular dangers of males in musth, and many other aspects of their lives. Most of all, it provides guidelines for ensuring safe and enjoyable encounters with these majestic animals. This is an essential guide for those planning visits to reserves: aside from the interest factor, being able to read the tell-tale signs may just save lives.
A Silicon Valley icon - and inventor of the iPod and iPhone - dispenses valuable tips and life lessons for entrepreneurs at any stage in their careers. Tony Fadell has spent the last three decades making things and founding companies that have profoundly changed millions of lives. After leading the team that created the iPod and iPhone, products that saved a struggling Apple, Tony founded Nest Labs and revolutionised household electronics. He has worked with everyone from Steve Jobs to Larry Page, advised companies from Impossible Foods to Diamond Foundry, built products that have literally shaped the modern world, and learned a lot of things about business, innovation and solving all manner of problems. In BUILD, Tony shares stories and valuable lessons from his career, offering advice and solutions for your toughest moments. For anyone striving to grow in their career, start-up founders and start-up dreamers, leaders of businesses big and small, this book will show you how to navigate challenges and take that next big leap.
VELD Voëls van Suider-Afrika: Die volledige fotogids bring die heel nuutste foto’s, navorsing en verspreidingsdata oor alle voëlspesies wat tot op hede in Suider-Afrika aangeteken is, byeen. Hierdie omvattende veldgids bevat nagenoeg 2 000 pragtige kleurfoto’s, asook:
Of jy buite in die veld of op die rusbank in jou huis is, is hierdie gids ’n onontbeerlike metgesel.
Ons weet dat die maan iets met die getye te doen het, maar het jy geweet dat jy met volmaan altyd dieselfde kant van die maan sien? Of dat weerligstrale vol vernietigende elektrisiteit is, maar dat ’n elektriese paling ’n lading van tot 600 volt kan vrystel? Hierdie feite is deel van ’n magdom kennis oor die natuur, fisiese wetenskap en die ruimte wat die RSG-program Hoe verklaar jy dit? reeds jare lank beantwoord. Hierdie publikasie bevat ’n keur uit die honderde vrae van nuuskierige luisteraars wat deur kundiges verduidelik is om die wêreld minder vreemd te maak, want nie alle kennis van die wêreld om ons is voor die hand liggend nie. Daar is honderde verskynsels in die natuur en ruimte wat vra om verklaar te word. Dan praat ons nie eens van die mensgemaakte uitvindings soos die internet, persoonlike rekenaars, globale posisioneringstelsels, selfone, radiogolwe, teorie van evolusie, relatiwiteitsteorie, narkose en mense in die ruimte nie. Agter die alledaagse skuil die fassinerende werking van kragte en wette en die wetenskap in werking: Wat bepaal dat ’n mens se hart aan die linkerkant van die liggaam sit? Hoekom vries water in ’n dam van bo en nie van onder af nie? Kan gene deur omstandighede gemodifiseer word? Hoe Verklaar Jy Dit? is ’n boek wat jou belangstelling in die wêreld om jou sal prikkel. Dit is ’n boek wat op sy eie gelees kan word, wat op die koffietafel kan lê en wat saam kan gaan kamp om wonderlike gesprekke om die braaivleisvuur uit te lok.
In our deluge of information, it's getting harder and harder to distinguish the revelatory from the contradictory. How do we make health decisions in the face of conflicting medical advice? How can we navigate the next uncomfortable discussion with family members, who follow completely different experts on climate? In Third Millennium Thinking , a physicist, a psychologist, and a philosopher introduce readers to the tools and frameworks that scientists use to keep from fooling themselves, to understand the world, and to make decisions. We can all borrow from these trust-building techniques that scientists have tested and developed for more than two millennia to tackle problems both big and small. Readers will learn:
Through engaging thought exercises, clear language free from technical jargon, and compelling illustrations drawn from history, everyday life, and insider stories of scientists, Third Millennium Thinking presents a fresh approach for readers to untangle the confusing and make sense of it all.
Why do boys instinctively bullsh*t more than girls? How do economic recessions shape a generation's confidence? Can we have too much confidence and, if so, what are the consequences? Imagine we could discover something that could make us richer, healthier, longer-living, smarter, kinder, happier, more motivated and more innovative. Ridiculous, you might say... What is this elixir? Confidence. If you have it, it can empower you to reach heights you never thought possible. But if you don't, it can have a devastating effect on your future. Confidence lies at the core of what makes things happen. Exploring the science and neuroscience behind confidence that has emerged over the last decade, clinical psychologist and neuroscientist Professor Ian Robertson tells us how confidence plays out in our minds, our brains and indeed our bodies. He explains where it comes from and how it spreads - with extraordinary economic and political consequences. And why it's not necessarily something you are born with, but something that can be learned.
Wat Moet Ons Met Ons Kerk Doen? is 'n poging om te probeer verstaan waar ons as Afrikaners teologies vandaan kom, watter kragte en magte ons en ons Kerk gevorm het en hoe ons Kerk tans daar uitsien. Die N.G.Kerk was 'n belangrike en rigtinggewende rolspele in die opheffing van die Afrikaner na die Britse vergrype tydens en na die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog. Tans word die N.G.Kerk ervaar as 'n instansie wat ongevoelig teenoor die geestelike behoeftes van haar lidmate staan. Hierdie is 'n moet-lees boek vir:
Ideal for those studying biochemistry for the first time, this proven book balances scientific detail with readability and shows you how principles of biochemistry affect your everyday life. Designed throughout to help you succeed (and excel!), the book includes in-text questions that help you master key concepts, end-of-chapter problem sets grouped by problem type that help you prepare for exams, and state-of-the art visuals that help you understand key processes and concepts. In addition, visually dynamic "Hot Topics" cover the latest advances in the field, while "Biochemical Connections" demonstrate how biochemistry affects other fields, such as health and sports medicine. The accompanying OWL homework offers end-of-chapter problems in digital form, giving you on-demand access to hints, solutions, and other information directly related to the problem.
In this book, Adrian Koopman describes the complex relationship between birds, the Zulu language and Zulu culture. A number of chapters look at the underlying meaning of bird names, and here we will find that the Zulu name of the Goliath Heron means ‘what gives birth to baby crocodiles’, the dikkop (umbangaqhwa) means ‘what causes frost’, and the African Hoopoe is a party-goer who wears a colourful blanket. The book goes further than just Zulu names, exploring the underlying meanings of bird names from other South African languages and languages from Central and East Africa. Here we find birds with names that translate as ‘cool-porridge’, ‘kiss-banana-flower’ and ‘waiter-at-the-end-of-the furrow’. A focus on Zulu traditional oral literature details the roles birds have played in Zulu praise poetry (including the praise poems of certain birds themselves) and in proverbs, riddles and children’s games. Also considered is traditional bird lore, examining the role played by various species as omens and portents, as indicators of bad luck and evil, as forecasters of rain and storm, and as harbingers of the seasons. Here we see that the Bateleur Eagle (ingqungqulu) is linked to war, the Southern Ground Hornbill (insingizi) to thunder and heavy rain, the Red-chested Cuckoo (uphezukokhono) to the start of the ploughing season, and the Jacobin Cuckoo (inkanku) to the start of summer. Zulu Bird Names and Bird Lore discusses the Zulu Bird Name Project, a series of Zulu bird name workshops held between 2013 and 2017 with Zulu-speaking bird guides designed to confirm (or otherwise) all previously recorded Zulu names for birds, while at the same time devising new names for those without previously recorded names. The result has been a list of species-specific names for all birds in the Zulu-speaking region. Finally, the book turns to the role such new bird names can play in conservation education and in avi-tourism.
It's been said that, after 9/11, the 2008 financial crash and the Covid-19 pandemic, we're a more fearful society than ever before. Yet fear, and the panic it produces, have long been driving forces - perhaps THE driving force - of world history: fear of God, of famine, war, disease, poverty, and other people. In Fear: An Alternative History of the World, Robert Peckham considers the impact of fear in history, as both a coercive tool of power and as a catalyst for social change. Beginning with the Black Death in the fourteenth century, Peckham traces a shadow history of fear. He takes us through the French Revolution and the social movements of the nineteenth century to modern market crashes, Cold War paranoia and the AIDS pandemic, into a digital culture increasingly marked by uniquely twenty-first-century fears. What did fear mean to us in the past, and how can a better understanding of it equip us to face the future? As Peckham demonstrates, fear can challenge as well as cement authority. Some crises have destroyed societies; others have been the making of them. Through the stories of the people and the moments that changed history, Fear: An Alternative History of the World reveals how fear and panic made us who we are.
Your gut is astonishingly clever. It contains millions of neurons - as many as you would find in the brain of a cat - and is home to the microbiome, trillions of microbes that influence your mood, your immune system, and even your appetite. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Mosley takes us on a revelatory journey through the gut, showing how junk food and overuse of antibiotics have wiped out many good gut bacteria, leading to a modern plague of allergies, food intolerances, and obesity. Drawing from the latest cutting-edge research, Dr. Mosley provides scientifically proven ways to control your cravings, boost your mood, and lose weight by encouraging a more diverse microbiome and increasing the good bacteria that keep you healthy. Packed with delicious, healing recipes, meal plans, checklists, and tips, The Clever Guts Diet includes all the tools you need to transform your gut and your health, for life.
VELD Birds of Southern Africa: The complete photographic guide incorporates the latest photographs of, and research and atlas information on, all species of birds recorded in southern Africa to date. This comprehensive field guide contains almost 2 000 beautiful colour photographs, as well as:
An essential companion, whether you’re out in the field or on the couch at home.
Published annually, Sky Guide Southern Africa is a practical
resource for all stargazers, whether novice, amateur or professional.
It highlights the cosmic events for each month of the upcoming year,
including planetary movements, predicted eclipses and meteor showers.
This book’s title says it all! Now in an updated second edition, it provides a clear understanding of how trees are constructed and what to look for when identifying a tree. The book is divided into two parts: Part 1 describes and clearly illustrates the different parts of a tree and their role in tree identification. Part 2 features a key to 43 tree groups, based on easy-to-observe stem and leaf features. It carefully outlines each group and the southern African tree families represented in the different groups. Numerous colour photographs and explanatory illustrations support the text, making this an accessible and easy-to-use guide. How To Identify Trees In Southern Africa will equip readers with a sound understanding of how trees work and what to look for in order to make a positive ID.
UNDERSTANDING FOOD: PRINCIPLES AND PREPARATION is your introductory guide to food, food preparation, food service and food science. Integrating these key topics with relevant information about nutrition and the food industry, this best-selling text gives you a thorough overview of the different dimensions of food principles and insight into the variety of career options available in the food industry. Numerous photographs and illustrations help you understand and apply what you read, and the sixth edition is now available with MindTap Nutrition--a digital learning platform that lets you learn how, when and where you want--even on your mobile! With features like self-assessments, pop-up tutors, videos and an interactive ebook, MindTap Nutrition makes studying a breeze.
This fully updated edition of Field Guide to Wild Flowers of South Africa covers more than 1,100 species of flora, focusing on the most common, conspicuous and ‘showy’ plants around the region. An informative introduction discusses plant diversity, vegetation types, and includes a key to identifying plant groups. The species descriptions follow and each is accompanied by:
This invaluable, up-to-date guide provides the tools and information needed to identify flowering plants across South Africa.
Do you often feel exhausted and negative? Do you spend your days
feeling tired and wired? Your nights unable to fall asleep easily, or
without a drink? Do you wake up anxious and stressed and in need a
coffee to get going? Do you forget what you were doing, forget people’s
names and where you put things? Is your mental acuity and memory
slipping? Are you concerned about your memory or mental wellbeing?
A groundbreaking exploration of the neuroscience of spirituality and a bold new paradigm for health, healing, and resilience. Whether it's meditation or a walk in nature, reading a sacred text or saying a prayer, there are many ways to tap into a heightened awareness of the world around us and our place in it. Lisa Miller draws on decades of clinical experience and award-winning research to show that humans are universally equipped with this capacity for spirituality, and that our brains become more resilient and robust as a result of it. Bringing scientific rigour to the most intangible aspect of our lives, Miller's counterintuitive findings reveal the measurable positive effects of spirituality: for better decision-making, a healthier brain and an inspired life. Brimming with inspiration and compassion, this landmark book revolutionizes our understanding of spirituality, mental health and how to find meaning and purpose in life.
ow in its fifth edition, Sasol Birds of Southern Africa has been brought fully up to date by its expert author panel, with additional contributions from two new birding experts. Greatly enhanced, this comprehensive, best-selling guide is sure to maintain its place as one of Africa’s most trusted field guides. Key features of the 5th revised edition:
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