Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Aspects of religions (non-Christian) > Worship > Prayer
?Divine Entreaty is a great resource for all who are called upon to
offer prayer for gatherings that include people from diverse
backgrounds. The prayers written by Dr. Menz provide us with
sensitivity training and show that he is both a verbal artist and
philosopher. Suellen Mazurowski, JD; Hilton Head, SC Teach us to
pray? was the elementary request of the first disciples of Jesus.
Yet their desire is a universal one; a spiritual longing at the
heart of persons of all religions and cultures. In this remarkable
little volume Dr. Menz captures both the complexity of cultural
sensitivity and also the commonality of public prayer. This is a
resource for both guiding those who are called upon to articulate a
prayer in our diverse world and encouraging business and civic
leaders who feel the need for the prayers of the people to be
voiced.? ?James Gebhart, PhD, clinical psychologist; Columbus, Ohio
?Bob Menz and I have a friendship that goes back twenty-plus years
revolving around human resource conferences and issues. Bob has
shared prayers with people for decades and I would like to thank
him for giving others a place to begin as we seek communication
with our Creator.?Bill Henry, human resources manager; Ava,
Missouri ?We live and work in a culturally, religiously, and
spiritually diverse world. For those of us who are challenged by
issues of diversity every day, Dr. Menz's volume, Divine Entreaty,
is a welcome resource calling our attention to the necessity of
inclusiveness. Both the famous prayers of the past and those for
public and diverse settings will enlighten your own sense of
oneness with humanity. Carl Kyle, DMin, board-certified chaplain;
Jacksonville, Florida Divine Entreaty offers a collection of
inclusive prayers for leadership in civic, business, education,
politics, ministry, and other disciplines to adopt or modify when
communities seek to clarify their purpose and capture the moment.
THE VOICE OF FAITH explores the sermons and writings of New England
divine, Jonathan Edwards, and draws a comprehensive picture of his
theology of prayer. Starting with a foundation of who God is-his
character and attributes-author Peter Beck illustrates why Edwards
believed God would hear the prayers of his people. He also examines
Edwards's view of Christ, the work of the Spirit and the nature of
man. Interspersed are three external biographies that set the
historical and theological scene in which Edwards was writing.
Although Christians are lovers of the Bible, not all have learned
and followed the venerable Christian custom of praying directly
from Scripture. In this thoroughly readable and helpful book, Evan
Howard shows Christians how to recover and reap the rewards of this
vital practice. Praying the Scriptures features down-to-earth
guidance on praying the Lord's Prayer and the Psalms, on praying
out of the Scriptures for worship, thanksgiving, revival and
personal needs. It includes a clear and thorough listing of
biblical passages for a variety of prayers. Free of gimmickry but
full of practical advice, this book is for new Christians and those
who desire a deeper, more biblically saturated prayer life.
In 1988 I wrote a book called "Why Pray?" which went through 6
printings by Creation House and one by the author. That book was
written because I knew I had something to say to the pray-ers of
America. I have, over the past 50 years of ministry, read scores of
books on the subject of prayer. Most of them dealt with some rather
fundamental issues, but none seemed to answer the questions I had
regarding this matter. I wanted to know why God, who has all power,
a plan and a will would need us to pray.
I had read early in my life with God a statement attributed to John
Wesley in which he said, "God does nothing, but in answer to
prayer." He did not explain the statement, but he sure caused me to
think. If God does nothing but in answer to prayer, then prayer
must be one of the most important things a Christian, can do.
I believed the statement, but did not understand it and Wesley did
not explain himself. Later I came to believe the following: God,
who is sovereign, certainly has the power to do anything He wills
to do whether anyone prays of not, however, I can say, from a
careful study of the Word and a thorough examination of life's
experiences; as a rule, God does nothing, but in answer to
THE LAW OF PRAYER is a follow-up of 'Why Pray?" I have included in
it some of the same material, with several new chapters, a new
cover, forward and updated illustrations.
David Shibley will write the forward. Other recommendations will
come from Bishop Ken Ulmer of Los Angeles, CA, Pastor Steve Dixon,
Jack Hayford and Mike Bickel.
My Purpose in writing this:
.Is to instruct, encourage and inspire God's children to pray by
convincing them that He will hear their prayer as quickly as He
will hear the prayer of anyone.
.Is to share the truth that God, our Father desires to have a
relationship with each of His children and has made a way for this
to happen. His door is never closed, and all are invited to come in
for a chat.
.Is to communicate, a few more things I have learned, to the
thousands who read "Why Pray?"
.Last but not least. I want to obey my Father.
Each and every prayer and pray-er in the Bible is now available,
together and categorized. Bible Prayer Pray-ers lists references
only of all the prayers and every pray-er in the Bible within three
separate lists: pray-er sequence, Biblical sequence, and category
sequence. God's Book of Prayers and The Lord's Prayers both also
contain all the prayers of the Bible. God's Book of Prayers
separates each into nine categories for convenient reading, while
The Lord's Prayers lists them in biblical sequence, with an
exhaustive concordance of major words or phrases. These volumes
will help you to easily be able to pray God's own words. Most of us
already use the Lord's Prayer, so why not use all of The Lord's
Prayers? See all of God's Prayers inside and be a Bible Prayer
WARNING This is a propaganda book. I realize the word propaganda is
not a word that is politically correct today. But in its original
usage, it was a word coined by Pope Urban VIII. He formed the
College of Propaganda in the 17th century in order to spread the
Christian faith. In this sense, I AM striving for propaganda. Much
of what I write in this book is meant to cause you to embrace
prayer as a friend as well as a vital tool of your faith. Prayer is
not boring; it is an adventure. I begin with the confession that
there is probably nothing else in my spiritual life or disciplines
I have struggled with more than prayer. I have read thousands of
books on the subject (yes, an exaggeration), and I have been
reluctant to add yet another literary work to the chaos of
differing opinions, theological studies, and sure-fire
methodologies that will guarantee a successful prayer life. Right
And yet, as I pondered the direction of this volume, it dawned on
me that my personal journey has had little to do with theology or
methodology. It hasn't even had much to do with verbiage. But it
had and has everything to do with my honestly and openness before
God and with what's happening in my heart at the time I'm praying.
And it has everything to do with the words of Jesus--"Come to Me,
all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly
in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Our Lord wants us
to pray. Always and about everything. During times of joy as well
as sorrow. He wants us to talk to Him...not about Him. I've asked
myself the question often lately--"Do I pray out of thoughtfulness
or habit? What can I do to get my heart involved as well as my
mouth?" I continue to struggle. May these writings help you in your
struggle. May you enjoy your journey through the school of groaning
in the days and months to come. God bless you.
God's Word, the Holy Bible, is more than a history book or even
an instruction manual. It is a personal love letter from God to his
believers containing very specific promises.
God's answer seeks to link your concerns with his promises and
help you pray back the Scripture, his own words, to Him.
Jim Greene is a layman Sunday school teacher who challenges
himself and his class to enjoy a closer relationship with God.
This book, along with his others, Unlocking Your Spiritual
Greatness and A Place of Faith, are practical guides to that closer
Each and every prayer in the Bible is now available, together
and categorized. God's Book of Prayers and The Lord's Prayers both
contain all the prayers of the Bible. God's Book of Prayers
separates each into nine categories for convenient reading, while
The Lord's Prayers lists them in biblical sequence, with an
exhaustive concordance of major words or phrases. Both versions
have some elementary analysis of all the prayers for better
understanding of the whole of the prayers in God's Book, including
the most common words in biblical praying. These volumes will help
you to easily be able to pray God's own words