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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Private, property, family law
Two major developments in European Private and European Business
Law come together when we speak about "Constitutional Values and
European Contract Law." European Contract Law has become extremely
dynamic over the last 10 years, both in substance and perspective:
all core areas are considered now in legal science and in EC
legislation, and there are even the prospects of some kind of
Information and the marketplace are uneasy bedfellows. The dissemination of information via media can have many different and overlapping purposes, including entertainment, art, ideology, and research. It is particularly among groups that need to share information - the academic and scientific communities, for example - that viewing it as something that can be bought and sold is intrusive and even damaging. There are many other reasons why the commodification of information, which continues to move from strength to strength with the expansion of international free trade, must be carefully scrutinized. To this end, a conference of specialists with expertise encompassing the area of law and practice where intellectual property, communications, privacy, free speech, collaborative research, and international trade all intersect met under the auspices of the University of Haifa Faculty of Law in May 1999. This book presents the analyses and recommendations that emerged from that conference. As one might expect, a broad spectrum of views is expressed, from commercialism as the liberator of free speech to commodification as de facto censorship.
This book addresses the key issues, challenges and implications arising out of changes in the copyright law and corresponding judicial responses. Using concrete examples, the book does not assume any prior knowledge of copyright law, but brings together leading intellectual property researchers to consider the significant role of copyright law in shaping the needs of the modern digital world. It provides an insight into two distinct arenas: copyright and digital media. The exponential increase in the ability to multiply and disseminate information by digital means has sparked numerous conflicts pertaining to copyright - and in turn has prompted lawmakers to expand the scope of copyright protection in the digital age. Bearing in mind the new questions that the advent of the digital age has raised on the role and function of copyright, the book presents a collection of papers largely covering new frontiers and changing horizons especially in this area. The contributions intensively address core issues including the exhaustion principle, copyright and digital media, liability of hosting service providers, the originality requirement, accessibility to published works for the visually disabled, criminalization of copyright infringement, and software protection under copyright law, among others. Consisting of 14 papers, this book will be equally interesting to researchers, policymakers, practitioners and lawmakers, especially those active in the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
There can be no doubt that both substantive family and succession law engage in significant interaction with private international law, and, in particular, the European Union instruments in the field. While it is to be expected that substantive law heavily influences private international law instruments, it is increasingly evident that this influence can also be exerted in the reverse direction. Given that the European Union has no legislative competence in the fields of family and succession law beyond cross-border issues, this influence is indirect and, as a consequence of this indirect nature, difficult to trace.This book brings together a range of views on the reciprocal influences of substantive and private international law in the fields of family and succession law. It outlines some key elements of this interplay in selected jurisdictions and provides a basis for discussion and future work on the reciprocal influences of domestic and European law. It is essential that the choices for and within certain European instruments are made consciously and knowingly. This book therefore aims to raise awareness that these reciprocal influences exist, to stimulate academic debate and to facilitate a more open debate between European institutions and national stakeholders.
Landmark Cases in Equity continues the series of essay collections which began with Landmark Cases in the Law of Restitution (2006) and continued with Landmark Cases in the Law of Contract (2008) and Landmark Cases in the Law of Tort (2010). It contains essays on landmark cases in the development of equitable doctrine running from the seventeenth century to recent times. The range, breadth and social importance of equitable principles, as these affect commercial, domestic and even political matters are well known. By focusing on the historical development of these principles, the essays in this collection help us to understand them more clearly, and also provide insights into the processes of legal change through judicial innovation. Themes addressed in the essays include the nature of the courts' equitable jurisdiction, the development of property rights in equity, constraints on the powers of settlors to create express trusts, the duties of trustees and other fiduciaries, remedies for breach of these duties, and the evolution of constructive and resulting trusts.
Sarnoff's Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Climate Change is packed with varied perspectives and essential information and is therefore a very useful guide for anyone interested in IP and climate change (and beyond!). To have all this packed tightly into one book is a great thing. I m quite pleased to have it on my bookshelf.' - Eric Lane, Green Patent Blog Written by a global group of leading scholars, this wide-ranging Research Handbook provides insightful analysis, useful historical perspective, and a point of reference on the controversial nexus of climate change law and policy, intellectual property law and policy, innovation policy, technology transfer, and trade. The contributors provide a unique review of the scientific background, international treaties, and political and institutional contexts of climate change and intellectual property law. They further identify critical conflicts and differences of approach between developed and developing countries. Finally they put forward and analyze the relevant intellectual property law doctrines and policy options for funding, developing, disseminating, and regulating the required technologies and their associated activities and business practices. The book will serve as a resource and reference tool for scholars, policymakers and practitioners looking to understand the issues at the interface of intellectual property and climate change. Contributors: P. Ala'i, C. de Avila Plaza, D. Borges Barbosa, P. Bifani, M.A. Carrier, M.W. Carroll, J.L. Contreras, C.M. Correa, E. Derclaye, P. Drahos, C.H. Farley, S. Ferrey, S.E. Gaines, D.A. Gantz, D.J. Gervais, D. Hunter, The International Council on Human Rights Policy, D.S. Levine, C.R. McManis, R.K. Musil, S.K. Sandeen, J.D. Sarnoff, D. Shabalala, G. Tansey, B. Tuncak, J.M. Urban, D. Vivas-Eugui, H. Wang, P.K. Yu
Buying and Clearing Rights is the first work to consider the difficulties of rights clearances in all forms of media. It offers practical advice on how to plan, clear and pay for rights. Covering such areas as co-production and the co-financing of contracts, multimedia, text, pictures, footage, software, moral rights and production paperwork, this book will be of use to producers, directors, suppliers of creative material and distributors as well as academics and media studies students.
This volume addresses the study of family law and society in Europe, from medieval to contemporary ages. It examines the topic from a legal and social point of view. Furthermore, it investigates those aspects of the new family legal history that have not commonly been examined in depth by legal historians. The volume provides a new 'global' interpretative key of the development of family law in Europe. It presents essays about family and the Christian influence, family and criminal law, family and civil liability, filiation (legitimate, natural and adopted children), and family and children labour law. In addition, it explores specific topics related to marriage, such as the matrimonial property regime from a European comparative perspective, and impediments to marriage, such as bigamy. The book also addresses topics including family, society and European juridical science.
The Impact of Institutions and Organisations on European Family Law looks at the impact that institutions and organisations have had, and continue to have, on European family law. In many ways the chapters in this volume provide the easiest explanation for the existence of a European family law. While there is no European body that could actually legislate definitively on family law even the European Union has no such mandate there are still some obvious institutions that have a very direct impact on European family law. These can be divided into two groups; namely those that have a direct impact, such as the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union, and those that have an indirect impact, such as the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL), the Council of Europe and the International Commission on Civil Status (ICCL/CIEC) as well as the private international law instruments of the Hague Conference (HCCH) and the EU. Together, with religion, all of these institutions are contributing to the creation of a European family law.This book, and the others in the set, will serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in family law. It will be of particular use to students and scholars of comparative and international family law, as well as family law practitioners. Contributors: H. Baker, K. Boele-Woelki, D. Coester-Waltjen, G. De Baere, M. Groff, K. Gutman, N. Lowe, J. Mair, D. Martiny, W. Pintens, J.M. Scherpe
Translational Medicine: Tools and Techniques provides a standardized path from basic research to the clinic and brings together various policy and practice issues to simplify the broad interdisciplinary field. With discussions from academic and industry leaders at international institutions who have successfully implemented translational medicine techniques and tools in various settings, readers will be guided through implementation strategies relevant to their own needs and institutions. The book also addresses regulatory processes in USA, EU, Japan and China. By providing details on omics sciences techniques, biomarkers, data mining and management approaches, case reports from industry, and tools to assess the value of different technologies and techniques, this book is the first to provide a user-friendly go-to guide for key opinion leaders (KOLs), industry administrators, faculty members, clinicians, researchers, and students interested in translational medicine.
This book considers whether coercive control (particularly non-physical forms of family violence) should be prohibited by the criminal law. Based on the premise that traditional understandings of family violence are severely limited, it considers whether the core of family violence is power-based controlling or coercive behavior: attempts by men to psychologically dominate their partners. Such behavior can cause significant psychological, physical and economic harms to victims and is increasingly recognized as a form of human rights abuse. The book considers the new offences that have been introduced in England and Wales (controlling or coercive behavior), Ireland (controlling behavior) and Scotland (domestic abuse). It invites consideration of three key questions: Do conventional criminal laws adequately regulate non-physical abuse? Is the criminal law an appropriate mechanism for responding to the coercive control of family members? And if a new and distinctive offence is warranted, what is the optimal form of that offence? This ground-breaking work is essential reading for researchers and practitioners interested in coercive control and the proper role of the criminal law as a mechanism for regulating family violence.
As usage of the NEC (formerly the New Engineering Contract) family of contracts continues to grow worldwide, so does the importance of understanding its clauses and nuances to everyone working in the built environment. This set of contracts, currently in the third edition, is different to others in concept as well as format, so users may well find themselves needing a helping hand along the way. Understanding the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract uses plain English to lead the reader through the contract's key features, including: the use of early warnings programme provisions payment compensation events preparing and assessing tenders Common problems are signalled to the reader throughout, and the correct way of reading each clause explained. In addition, the things to consider when deciding between the ECSC and the longer Engineering and Construction Contract are discussed in detail. Written for professionals without legal backgrounds, by a practicing construction contract consultant, this handbook is the most straightforward, balanced and practical guide to the NEC3 ECSC available. An ideal companion for Employers, Contractors, Project Managers, Supervisors, Engineers, Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Subcontractors, and anyone else interested in working successfully with the NEC3 ECSC.
Children's access to justice has emerged as an important topic in the children's rights domain. While there has been increasing attention paid to child-friendly justice internationally, there has been relatively little research in this area. This book, with contributions from researchers and practitioners, explores the meaning, practice and challenges of children's access to justice and contributes to a deeper understanding of what access to justice means to children, how they experience it and what it should look like in practice. It seeks to define access to justice in a global way, by addressing current challenges, asking new questions and providing answers to existing problems. One of the main areas of focus is children's participation in legal proceedings, which critically explores how children are heard in family law, criminal law and child protection procedures. Special challenges faced by groups of children, such as indigenous children, are brought to light. The roles of different actors in justice, including judges and lawyers, but also institutions such as independent child commissioners and schools, and how they can improve children's access to justice are explored. The book also highlights structural obstacles to children's participation that can be explained by country-specific situations and the attitudes of adults towards children. Many of the contributions are based on empirical research, bringing forth the voices of actors of justice and children themselves. While many of these contributions are county-specific, the book clearly demonstrates how challenges to children's access to justice are universal in nature.
In recent years several cases concerning the liability of directors and officers have courted controversy. Arguments raised in such discussions oscillate between two extremes: on the one hand, the need for governing bodies to give a space to entrepreneurial discretion and on the other hand to ensure the protection of investors in and creditors of a company from the consequences of disadvantageous decisions by those bodies. In light of the geographical dispersal of the above stakeholders, the study offers a comparative insight into the liability of directors and officers in 10 key European jurisdictions (in particular, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and Switzerland) and 4 non-European jurisdictions (namely Brazil, Israel, Turkey and the United States). Amongst other things it investigates existing company law principles on the topic and examines their interaction with tort law and other fields with a view to suggesting principles for better stakeholder protection. National reports are complemented by an economic analysis and insurance, conflict of laws and comparative reports. The study also benefits from case study analyses.
This book deals with major contributions by the English Courts in the Twentieth Century to three areas of Contract Law: the variation of contracts by subsequent agreement, the extent to which contracts can benefit or bind third parties, and the distinction between four types of contractual terms: conditions, warranties, intermediate (or innominate) terms and fundamental terms.
Featuring international contributions from leading and emerging scholars, this innovative Research Handbook presents a panoramic view of how law sees visual art, and how visual art sees law. It resists the conventional approach to art and law as inherently dissonant - one a discipline preoccupied with rationality, certainty and objectivity; the other a creative enterprise ensconced in the imaginary and inviting multiple, unique and subjective interpretations. Blending these two distinct disciplines, this unique Research Handbook bridges the gap between art and law. This highly original Research Handbook provides stimulating and provocative discussions that bring together multiple perspectives on how art and law relate to each other in all of their various manifestations, across diverse legal regimes, fields, contexts, and times. With the objective of starting an interdisciplinary dialogue on visual art and the law, this Research Handbook reflects the varied voices of lawyers, artists, criminologists and curators, and engages with broad notions of the two fields, exploring established themes alongside new areas and unfamiliar questions. Wide-ranging and accessible, the Research Handbook on Art and Law will be of interest to law students and scholars engaged with the fields of law and the visual arts, as well as copyright lawyers, art historians and socio-legal scholars.
This book is a statement of the current law of compulsory purchase of land and compensation for that purchase. It covers all major aspects of the procedure for the compulsory acquisition of land and deals in full detail with all aspects of the law of compensation for such an acquisition. The many and diverse statutory provisions are organised into a series of chapters containing all principles and rules and there is a full analysis and explanation of the leading authorities on the subject and the principles derived from those authorities without which the subject cannot be understood. The aim of the book is, not only to explain the statutory provisions and to organise the various possible claims for compensation into different heads, but also to explain and analyse the substantial body of case law which has built up, particularly in recent years, and the relationship between that body of law and the underlying statutory provisions. The book also attempts to explain the purpose of the statutory provisions and the reason for the rules that are derived from the authorities. Chapters of the book are devoted to the procedure for formulating and pursuing a claim for compensation and to the valuation principles which must be applied in advancing claims. An Appendix is provided by Mr Nicholas Eden FRICS, a leading valuer in the field, which contains examples of different types of compensation valuation with annotations as to how the valuations are prepared and built up. A further aim of the book is to provide, where possible, practical advice to public authorities and landowners involved in the process of compulsory purchase and compensation as well as to explain the legal principles.
Recent leading cases have demonstrated the urgent need to modernize the learning on breach of trust,which has lagged behind the flourishing scholarship on the creation of trusts. Since breach of trust or fiduciary duty occupies the centre of the legal stage, it comes as a surprise that, although one or two novelists have chosen 'Breach of Trust' as the title to their book, no lawyer has so far thought it necessary to produce a specialized work on the subject. To fill the gap, this book, written by a team of leading trust lawyers from a number of common law jurisdictions, investigates all the principal aspects of the subject. The nature of the trustee's duties and of the liability for breach is closely examined, and all available defences and excuses are reviewed. Two substantial chapters consider the consequences of assisting a breach or receiving trust property from a trustee acting in breach. The book closes with a critical overview of the entire topic. CONTENTS: 1 Robert Chambers 'Liability for Breach'; 2 Joshua Getzler 'The Duty of Care'; 3 Edwin Simpson 'The Conflict of Interest'; 4 David Fox 'Overreaching'; 5 Lionel Smith 'Property Transferred in Breach'; 6 Charles Mitchell 'Assistance'; 7 Peter Birks 'Receipt'; 8 James Penner 'Exemption clauses'; 9 John Lowry and Rod Edmunds 'Honest and Reasonable Breach'; 10 Jennifer Payne 'Consent'; 11 William Swadling 'Limitation'; 12 Gary Watt 'Laches, Estoppel and Election'; 13 David Hayton 'An Overview'.
This book presents a critical reassessment of theories of property rights, in response to conflicts and competition between different groups, and the state. It does so by taking an institutional political perspective to analyse the structures of property rights, with a focus on a series of case studies from Bangladesh. In doing so, the book highlights the importance of property rights for economic growth, why developing countries often fail to design property rights conducive for economic development, and the strategies required for designing an efficient structure of rights. Since property rights falls within the domain of Law and Economics, the book ventures to explain legal issues from an economic perspective, resulting in empirical analysis that comprises both legal and non-legal cases.
This book offers comprehensive, easy to understand guidance for medical device technology innovators on how to work through the United States FDA regulatory review process, while also providing insight on the various intellectual property concerns that many medical device innovators face. In the first portion of this book, readers are introduced to important concepts concerning FDA compliance for medical devices, as well as strategies for successfully navigating the FDA regulatory review process. Specifically, the first portion discusses the expansive range of medical devices and then walks through the most common routes to market: the PMA and 510(k) application processes. In the second portion of this book, readers are introduced to the various types of intellectual property rights that are available for medical device technology inventions and innovations, and can explore ways to overcome unique intellectual property challenges faced by many medical device technology innovators. In the third portion of the book, specific strategies are discussed to navigate the interface between the FDA regulatory process and the process of obtaining intellectual property protection. This book also includes a number of descriptive examples, case studies and scenarios to illustrate the topics discussed, and is intended for use by medical device designers, developers and innovators.
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