Books > Religion & Spirituality
15 Steps to Effective Prayers a " Knowing how to Pray with Results!
will teach you how you can pray effectively and get results by
doing so. Our walk and spiritual growth depends on our prayer life!
This book aims to show every Christian the importance of such a
prayer life from the viewpoint of an experienced Prayer
Intercessor, Sharon Downer. The author will teach you the
importance of praying continually, praying for others, praying for
miracles and communicating with the Lord, which will help you build
a closer relationship with Him through prayer. Ita s a must read
for every Christian as prayer moves mountains.
For many of us, believing in Jesus feels like the first step on a
journey that can only get better and better with every step. Then
trials come and it can be hard to keep walking. When faced with
disappointment, disillusionment, doubt, and death, we may be
tempted to turn back. The road ahead seems too hard, too long, too
fraught with danger and difficulty. With great passion and deep
understanding of the struggles believers go through, Rashawn
Copeland encourages and inspires you to stay the course. In No
Turning Back he shares practical and productive ways you can
experience true and lasting growth based on the promises God makes
to those who follow him. He shows you how to apply the truths of
Scripture to be transformed by God's power, grow your identity in
Christ, renew your mind, free yourself from your past, and become
the person God has called you to be.
This beautiful softcover economy outreach full-text Bible features the
New Living Translation, a clear, faithful rendering of God’s Word in
contemporary English. This Bible is designed to be used by churches,
ministries, and other Christian organizations for outreach efforts.
Features such as “Welcome to the Bible,” “How to Know Jesus
Personally,” “Where Can I Find It”, and “The Apostles’ Creed Bible
Reading Plan” provide helpful guidance to readers who may be
encountering the Bible for the first time or who need to reconnect with
its words of hope and healing.
Why is suffering the common lot of all people everywhere - believers
and non-believers alike - and why does it seem that the world is out of
control when it comes to the problem of pain and suffering?
These are not easy questions, and in reality, you will never know the
answers completely until you see our Lord face to face in heaven.
Nevertheless, the Bible does give you some answers.
Who’s in Charge of a World that Suffers? includes an informative and
inspirational new introduction by Franklin Graham that speaks to
today’s reader in the midst of painful circumstances.
In this book, originally titled Till Armageddon, world-renowned
evangelist Billy Graham uncovers the clues the scriptures offer you to
this universal question--the question of suffering. Readers will
discover what the Bible says about:
- Why Christians are not exempt from suffering
- Living above your circumstances
- The place of prayer in suffering
- God’s promises for those who suffer
- And much more
Christians are called to learn what it means to trust God in every
circumstance, and to live for Him no matter what comes our way. It is
essential to think more clearly about suffering, and to rearrange your
priorities so that when your personal armageddons come, you will not be
taken by surprise or be unprepared. Christian readers, pastors, Bible
study leaders, and anyone questioning where God fits into suffering
will find encouragement in this message of hope for a broken world.
The fire of love in some of its different forms is described in
graphic detail in this book by Kenneth Payne. How does a God of
love come into our lives - or does he? These personal encounters,
from which the author has drawn strength and inspiration, act as an
antidote to terrible events and anxieties of the present time. This
is an encouraging book to read.
This book will answer all of your questions about the anointing. It will prepare you to experience the precious touch of God on everything you do.
How can some ministers whose personal and spiritual lives are dried up and in shambles still operate in the anointing and continue to minister with power? Pastor Benny Hinn asked this question during a season of personal trial, and his quest led him to an in-depth understanding of the three “rivers,” or types, of anointing in Scripture: 1 John 2:27 (the anointing within you); Acts 1:8 (the anointing upon you); and Isaiah 10 (a global anointing related to building up and destroying nations).
In Mysteries of the Anointing, Hinn explores these three types of anointing, sharing personal stories of things he learned firsthand from Kathryn Kuhlman and Oral Roberts, as well as providing biblical and historical examples that illustrate his teachings.
Readers will discover:
- How to detect if the anointing within you is weakening or gone
- The blessings—and dangers—that can happen when God begins to use you
- When you’re most vulnerable to demonic attack and what to do about it
- What hinders the anointing in your life and ministry and what increases it
- The impact of the anointing around the world and how the church will experience it in greater measure
Neels Jackson, kerkjoernalis van byna 30 jaar, glo dat godsdiens
grootliks gaan oor die nakoming van Jesus se oproep om Hom te
volg. Vir hom het Jesus se liefde egter bepalende implikasies vir die
gay debat. Sy empatie en liefde vir gay mense moet verstaan word in
die lig van Jesus se onvoorwaardelike liefde vir die randfigure van sy
tyd en hoe Hy teenoor die Fariseërs opgetree het. Die skrywer
ontleed die sewe gaytekste in die Bybel binne die konteks waarin dit
geskryf is en kom tot die slotsom dat dit niks met homoseksualiteit te
doen het nie. Die skrywer vul sy argument aan met die behandeling
van 'n aantal misverstande oor gaywees en gay mense, asook ander
argumente wat gaywees as sonde veroordeel. Hy voer dan ook aan
dat Jesus se verruiming van die wet, asook die verskerping van die
wet, vir ons die riglyn moet wees.
Soos die ganse Ou Testament afgestem was op die koms van die
beloofde Messias, so is die Nuwe Testament afgestem op sy reële
koms en die totstandkoming van die nuwe Israel. Die skrywer hou
daarvan om die kronologie, tydvak en kulturele atmosfeer rondom ’n
gebeurtenis of persoon te ondersoek en poog om die stof toeganklik
te maak, met herkenbare raakpunte van die lewe vandag. Die
daaglikse lewe en geografie in die wêreld van die Nuwe Testament
word nagevors. Die universeel menslike dilemma word weerspieël in
die tema van alle musiek en literatuur: Verloor, soek, vind. Die goue
draad van die verlossingsgeskiedenis bly behoue tot waar dit
aangegee word na die evangelieskrywers vir die krip in Betlehem en
daarna aan die apostels van Christus, tot by die boek Openbaring.
"These encounters bring amazing changes to our life, resulting in more
faith, surrender, power, understanding, and fruit." – Randy Clark,
bestselling author of Power to Heal
“The subject of Heaven on earth is one of those strategic themes and
Candice Smithyman is one of those anointed chosen messengers.” – James
W. Goll, God Encounters Ministries
This is the key to supernaturally shifting atmospheres!
Many Christians assume that only a few gifted individuals can move in
the miraculous, but the Bible teaches that all believers have unlimited
access to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
When you discover your identity in Jesus, cultivate a heavenly mindset,
and access the authority you have received in Jesus, you can
immediately release the power of Heaven into your everyday
circumstances. This is the key to changing atmospheres and
circumstances around you.
Candice Smithyman is a prophetic voice who has learned to move in the
supernatural by accessing an open Heaven. Now, she wants to mentor you
to do the same.
Releasing Heaven will…
• Encourage you to confidently enter the supernatural realm as a
citizen of Heaven.
• Empower you to release miracles by praying from a heavenly dimension.
• Impart principles for accessing your heavenly riches every day.
• Teach you how to release the vats of heaven for your need and the
needs of others.
Begin accessing the Heavenly realm to change your world today!
Is Wesleyan-Holiness theology still relevant for the twenty-first
century? Does Wesleyan-Holiness theology--as a vital, experiential,
living and breathing theology-still exist?This study of the
doctrine of Holiness examines its biblical, historical, and
theological foundations, as well as the importance of the holiness
life in the twenty-first century.Written with solid biblical
evidence and historical insight, Discovering Christian Holiness
will supply you with an understanding and awareness of holiness and
its breadth, depth, and practicality.Thomas Jay Oord reviews
Discovering Christian Holiness