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CASIO fx-82ZA PLUS II Scientific Calculator
A non-programmable, Natural Textbook Display scientific calculator. South African curriculum approved. Used by educators & learners from Secondary school onwards. Available in 3 colours.
283 functions
Natural Textbook 2-line Display
Ratio MODE
Base-n MODE
Quotient & Remainder
Dual Table MODE (2 functions)
Statistics MODE – Data handling and Regression analysis
Prime Factorisation
Random Integers
Previous Answer & Answer functions
9 Memories
Auto Power Off (10min / 60min)
Casio FX-82ZA Plus II Scientific Calculator - Blue
The brand new Sharp EL-W535SA scientific calculator was specifically designed for the South African CAPS curriculum, and includes a lowest common mulitple and highest common factor function. It has a very easy to use statistics mode, as well as a mental maths (Drill) practice mode. It has an unlimited dual table mode with asymptotes that actually look like asymptotes. In addition to this, the Sharp calculator is supported by mathsatsharp.co.za with free worksheets, and exam papers.
The brand new Sharp EL-W535SA scientific calculator was specifically designed for the South African CAPS curriculum, and includes a lowest common mulitple and highest common factor function. It has a very easy to use statistics mode, as well as a mental maths (Drill) practice mode. It has an unlimited dual table mode with asymptotes that actually look like asymptotes. In addition to this, the Sharp calculator is supported by mathsatsharp.co.za with free worksheets, and exam papers.
Casio FX-82ZA Plus II Scientific Calculator - Pink
BAII Plus Professional The best-selling financial calculator from Texas Instruments just got better! In addition to standard capabilities such as time-value-of-money, accrued interest, amortization, cost-sell-margin, and depreciation, the BA II PLUS PROFESSIONAL also includes: - Net Future Value (NFV) - Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) - Modified Duration - Payback - Discount Payback The BA II PLUS PROFESSIONAL features even more time-saving calculations to make short work of complex equations. It's ideal for finance, accounting, economics, investment, statistics, and other business classes, as well as on the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam.
Software of fx-ES PLUS series Software of fx-ES PLUS series operations with a similar operating feel. Strong support for educational-material preparation and the teaching process Provides strong support to teachers with many of the functions most appropriate and needed for educational-material preparation and the teaching process, including functions such as screen capture, zoom display, and key logging functions. Installation can be done separately for each model to be used Various models are available. Each model can be installed one by one and introduced in the classroom as necessary.
The BA II PLUS, our most popular financial calculator for business professionals and students.