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Pierce Brosnan's third outing as Bond sees him come up against
another dangerous nemesis - Renard (Robert Carlyle), a power-crazed
terrorist intent on taking control of the world's oil supplies.
Bond has his work cut out defeating Renard, as the villain has a
bullet lodged in his brain which renders him immune to any pain. As
his mission grows more perilous Bond also encounters sultry oil
heiress Elektra (Sophie Marceau), and nuclear scientist Christmas
Jones (Denise Richards).
Spectre (DVD)
Monica Bellucci, Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, …
Discovery Miles 530
Ships in 10 - 20 working days
Daniel Craig returns as 007 in the 24th instalment of the James
Bond franchise. After the devastating attack on MI6, a cryptic
message leads Bond on a rogue mission to Rome where he meets Lucia
Sciarra (Monica Bellucci), the widow of a notorious crimelord. On
ilfiltrating a top secret meeting, Bond discovers the existance of
the global crime organisation SPECTRE and sets about trying to
expose them and ultimately bring them down. The cast also includes
Ralph Fiennes, Christoph Waltz and Ben Whishaw.
This book, edited and authored by world leading experts, gives a
review of the principles, methods and techniques of important and
emerging research topics and technologies in wireless
communications and transmission techniques. The reader will:
Quickly grasp a new area of research Understand the underlying
principles of a topic and its application Ascertain how a topic
relates to other areas and learn of the research issues yet to be
"Our purpose in writing this book is multifaceted. First, this
book aims to present a clear understanding of going concern
valuations, at the same time resolving the current
misrepresentations surrounding the issue.
Additionally, this book offers a new set of rules readers can
use to determine which property types qualify as going concern
valuations and which do not."
This book presents an understanding that in performing a Going
Concern Valuation of properties which are perceived to have a
business component, it may not be possible to segregate, allocate,
or value the components individually.
"For example, when appraising the going concern value of a
motel with occupancy of 75% it could be argued and possibly proven
that there is a value that can be separated from the overall value,
or going concern value, to the business component. On the other
hand, however, appraising that same motel with only 40% occupancy
presents a completely different set of circumstances that could
easily draw completely opposite conclusions. It simply may be a
lack of sufficient tools or data to argue and prove that the
business component in fact has value separate from the real estate.
To do so with authority is tantamount to ignorance or
The first book entirely devoted to this topic, Ecosystem Engineers
begins with the history of the concept, presenting opposing
definitions of ecosystem engineeing. These varied definitions
advance the debate and move past trivial difficulties to
crystallize key issues such as the value of process-based vs.
outcome-based. Authors include case studies spanning a wide
spectrum of species and habitats, including above and below-ground,
aquatic and terrestrial, and extant and paleontological examples.
These studies enable readers to understand how the categorization
of species as ecosystem engineers allows scientists to forge new
explanatory generalizations. Key for all ecologists and
environmentalists, this book ultimately illustrates how to inform
and manage natural resources.
* The only consolidated treatment available
* Provides definitions, case studies, and examples of ecological
* Discusses how ecosystem engineering can inform and improve the
management of natural resources
* Includes contributions from Clive Jones, the leading figure in
the development of the ecosystem engineer concept, and many other
eminent ecologists, such as Alan Hastings
A much-needed contemporary analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy and Germany's role within it. The authors investigate the effect of reunification on German policy today, and ask whether she has acted as leader, partner or obstructor in the formation of policy. Their analysis includes social and environmental aspects, as well as the economic and political, with a special focus on the "green agenda" in European agriculture
"Love at Work" foments a revolution for workplaces of every
description and in every industry: a revolution in which leaders
understand that engaging people's hearts trumps engaging their
minds. Wilson shows how leaders who love: believe in their people;
pull out their highest good; serve their success; and challenge
them to stress. When people's felt needs are met, says author Brady
Wilson, they release the energy that triggers discretionary effort
— 400% more effort, according to the Corporate Leadership
Council. The principles in this cutting-edge book are sure to
change the face of the workplace for years to come.
“A game changer ... provocative, thoughtful, and
—JIM BROWN, author of "The Imperfect Board Member"
“... a must read for anyone who interacts with people at
—JOSE TOLOVI, Jr., PhD, Global CEO, Great Place to Work
“True love is a competence, a spiritual force, a strategy,
a way of life.
I challenge you to read this book, think, and
—MARK RIVERS, CEO, Canadian Equity Opportunity Capital
BRADY G. WILSON is also the author of "Juice: The Power of
Conversation" and "Finding the Sticking Point: Increase Sales by
Transforming Customer Resistance into Customer Engagement." He is
the co-founder of Juice Inc., an organization committed to
transforming people, teams, and organizations. Brady has energized
leaders, managers, and front-line workers in many of North
America's Fortune 500 companies, through keynote speeches,
facilitation, coaching, and training. www.juiceinc.com
Quantum of Solace (DVD)
Daniel Craig, Mathieu Amalric, Judi Dench, Gemma Arterton, Olga Kurylenko, …
Discovery Miles 370
Ships in 10 - 20 working days
Daniel Craig returns as James Bond 007 in the globe-trotting
franchise for which the term action movie was invented. After being
betrayed by Vesper in Casino Royale, Bond (Craig) turns his sights
on those who controlled her. Interrogating Mr White (Jesper
Christensen), Bond discovers that the shadowy organisation
responsible for blackmailing Vesper is a lot more powerful and
dangerous than he ever imagined. Tracing a link to Hawaii, Bond
soon crosses paths with Ukrainian beauty Camille (Olga Kurylenko)
who leads him to megalomaniacal businessman Dominic Greene (Mathieu
Amalric), head of the organisation known simply as Quantum. Wishing
to control one of the world's natural resources, Greene's
organisation has a finger in every government agency worldwide, and
it falls to Bond to keep one step ahead of his friends, and
enemies, to stop Greene holding the world to ransom.
Kinship care is part tradition and part social welfare policy.
Tradition and Policy Perspectives in Kinship Care examines the
balance of the two perspectives and presents current practice
challenges of formal and informal kinship care. This important
resource focuses on both the needs of the caregiver as well as the
impact of kinship care on children. Public policy issues related to
kinship care are discussed in detail. This insightful book explores
this crucial issue through the lens of social workers who fully
understand the strengths and challenges of kinship care. Tradition
and Policy Perspectives in Kinship Care discusses this issue from
both micro and macro levels, explaining the outcomes of kinship
based on variables such as the youth's and parent's outlook for the
future, performance in school, welfare reform, domestic violence,
respite care, spirituality, and involvement of nonbiological
relatives. The book then focuses on the subject of grandparents as
caregivers, examining their coping resources, effectiveness of
programs serving them, and recommended changes to services to
enhance their well-being. Topics in Tradition and Policy
Perspectives in Kinship Care include: study examining the future
outlook in African American kinship care families the effect of
family disruption on a child's educational performance the impact
of the Temporary Assistance to Need Families (TANF) legislation and
future policy links between domestic violence and kinship care the
role of spirituality and religion in kinship care a study on the
needs of biological parents the impact of a grandparent's parenting
responsibilities on his or her psychological well-being
intergenerational communication kinship care in public housing
examination of the factors that influence kinship care provided by
African American grandfathers AARP study of grandparents raising
grandchildren in the District of Columbia the KinNET project funded
by the Children's Bureau for a national support network for kinship
care providers Tradition and Policy Perspectives in Kinship Care is
an invaluable resource for social workers, counselors, child
welfare agency administrators and practitioners, educators, and
graduate students.
Gas-Turbine Regenerators begins with a thorough introduction to
regenerators, familiarizing the reader with the terminology used in
regenerator analysis and design. The book then describes the
historical background of regenerator analysis and design and their
development through the years. Following the historical background,
this book explores gas-turbine cycles, the thermodynamic cycle by
which gas turbines convert heat into work. The book then presents
three design models: Direct Regenerator Design; Optimal Regenerator
Design, and the design methods of Kays and London. The text
concludes with three significant kinds of regenerator performance:
heat transfer; leakage, and pressure drops. Regenerative gas
turbines have the potential to be more efficient and lower in cost
than competing diesel and combined cycle engines. In addition,
regenerative gas turbines require less maintenance, require less
space, and pollute less than competitive systems. This text
provides engineers and designers with the tools needed to achieve
these qualities in four distinct ways: First, in the preliminary
stages, designers can choose from one or more designs that may be
suitable for their application. Second, the designer who has some
design specifications can use the optimization method to choose the
remaining specifications in order to provide maximum thermal
efficiency. Third, this book can be used by the manufacturer of
regenerator cores in selecting core-passage geometrics and core
materials. Finally, inexperienced designers can use the
step-by-step examples of designs of regenerative gas turbines.
This book is the result of over ten (10) years of research and
development in flexible robots and structures at Sandia National
Laboratories. The authors de cided to collect this wealth of
knowledge into a set of viewgraphs in order to teach a graduate
class in Flexible Robot Dynamics and Controls within the Mechanical
En gineering Department at the University of New Mexico (UNM).
These viewgraphs, encouragement from several students, and many
late nights have produced a book that should provide an upper-level
undergraduate and graduate textbook and a reference for experienced
professionals. The content of this book spans several disciplines
including structural dynam ics, system identification,
optimization, and linear, digital, and nonlinear control theory
which are developed from several points of view including
electrical, me chanical, and aerospace engineering as well as
engineering mechanics. As a result, the authors believe that this
book demonstrates the value of solid applied theory when developing
hardware solutions to real world problems. The reader will find
many real world applications in this book and will be shown the
applicability of these techniques beyond flexible structures which,
in turn, shows the value of mul tidisciplinary education and
John Boorman's Point Blank (1967) has long been recognised as one
of the seminal films of the sixties, with its revisionary mix of
genres including neo-noir, New Wave, and spaghetti western. Its
lasting influence can be traced throughout the decades in films
like Mean Streets (1973), Reservoir Dogs (1992), Heat (1995), The
Limey (1999) and Memento (2000). Eric Wilson's compelling study of
the film examines its significance to New Hollywood cinema. He
argues that Boorman revises traditional Hollywood crime films by
probing a second connotation of 'point blank'. On the one hand, it
is a neo-noir that aptly depicts close range violence, but, it also
points toward blankness, a nothingness that is the consequence of
corporate America unchecked, where humans are reduced to
commodities and stripped of agency and playfulness. He goes on to
reimagine the film's experimental style as a representation of and
possible remedy for trauma. Examining Boormanâs formal
innovations, including his favouring of gesture over language and
blurring of boundaries between dream and reality, he also positions
the film as a grimly comical exploration of toxic masculinity and
gender fluidity. Wilson's close reading of Point Blank reveals it
to be a film that innovatively inflects its own generation and
speaks powerfully to our own, arguing that it is this amplitude,
which encompasses the many major films it has influenced, that
qualifies the film as a classic.
This book guides through the fascinating world of viruses and makes
readers enjoy science in an accessible way. Virologist and author
Professor Van Wilson imparts knowledge about what viruses are, how
they work, and how much they impact life on Earth. The book equips
the reader with the scientific basics behind virus function and
presents the historic milestones of virus research and discovery.
Well-known viruses such as HIV or Influenza are tackled alongside
novel pathogens like coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Professor Wilson
explores where they come from and how they impact our society. Last
but not least the book provides exciting insights into how our
immune system reacts to different viruses and how vaccines
contribute to conquer pandemics. While scientifically informative,
this book makes the field of virology understandable to a lay
audience and encourages readers to further thinking. And more
importantly, it conveys the wonder, beauty, and mystery of these
ubiquitous, microscopic marvels. This book addresses anyone
interested in understanding the principles of virology, viral
diseases, or the impact of viruses on human societies.
"Controlled Release in Oral Drug Delivery" provides focus on
specific topics, complementing other books in the initial CRS
series. Each chapter sets the context for the inventions described
and describe the latitude that the inventions allow. In order to
provide some similar look to each chapter, the coverage includes
the historical overview, candidate drugs, factors influencing
design and development, formulation and manufacturing and delivery
system design. This volume was written along three main sections:
the relevant anatomy and physiology, a discussion on candidates for
oral drug delivery and the major three groups of controlled release
systems: diffusion control (swelling and inert matrices);
environmental control (pH sensitive coatings, time control,
enzymatic control, pressure control) and finally lipidic systems.
This is the second edition of a very well received book that
details how the sumoylation system functions and how it modulates
numerous cellular activities. SUMO is a post-translational modifier
in the ubiquitin super-family that has gained recognition over the
last twenty years as an essential and prevalent regulatory
molecule. Individual chapters explore the biochemistry, molecular
biology, and cell biology of the sumoylation system and its
substrate proteins. The book is divided into three themed parts:
Molecular Functions (I), Cell Growth Regulation (II), and Diseases
(III). Parts I and II focus on the contribution of sumoylation to
cellular activities in both the nuclear and cytoplasmic
compartments. The nuclear activities covered include nucleic acid
metabolism (both RNA and DNA), chromosome structure and
replication, and nucleocytoplasmic transport. Cytoplasmic processes
presented include regulation of membrane ion channels, general
metabolism, and apoptotic signalling. Topics in Part III include
the role of sumoylation in developmental abnormalities
(craniofacial and cardiovascular), diabetes, neurodegenerative
diseases, cancer, and infections with viruses and bacteria. Each of
the corresponding chapter authors is an active researcher who has
made significant contributions to understanding sumoylation. This
second edition provides updates and revisions to most of the
original chapters plus adds six new chapters to address important
developing areas of sumoylation research. This volume is intended
for a scientific audience from undergraduates to independent
researchers. The content will serve as both a solid introduction
for the novice reader and an in depth treatment for the advanced
In the last twenty years or so, numerous mainstream movies have
drawn from the ideas and images of ancient thought to address the
collapse of appearance and reality. These films have consistently
featured the Gnostic currents that emerged from Plato: not only
Gnosticism itself but also Cabbala and alchemy. Despite important
differences, these traditions have provided filmmakers with
ready-made ruminations on the relationship between surface and
depth as well as with engaging plot lines and striking scenes. In
films like "The Matrix" (1999) and "The Truman Show" (1998),
Gnostic myths have offered speculations on the real as well as
conspiracy theories. The Cabbalistic motif of golem-making has
provided such movies as "A.I." (2001) and "Blade Runner" (1982)
with mediations on the human and with parables of machines yearning
for life. Pictures like "Dead Man" (1996) and "Altered States"
(1980) have drawn on alchemical symbols to explore the
possibilities of transmutation and to feature stories of the dead
rising to life. Recent commercial Gnostic films are meditations on
the conundrums of the post-modern age and the timeless soul. These
pictures constitute archetypal sites for sacred contemplation. They
create spaces akin to the caves of Eleusis or Lascaux, chambers
where habits are annihilated and the ego is shattered. Maybe this
spiritual attraction is the secret reason behind the recent
abundance of Gnostic films. If so, then the dream factory is
betraying its purpose. It is negating its deceptions and sales in
the name of a bewildering reality that cannot be found. "Secret
Cinema" explores these possibilities through engaging in three
related activities. One, the book establishes the theoretical
foundations and implications of the genre of Gnostic cinema. It
develops these theoretical elements in the contexts of Gnosticism
and the esoteric traditions emerging from it, Cabbala and alchemy.
Two, in undertaking this work, Wilson considers several collateral
issues. The book discusses the functions of genre, the
relationships between cinema and psychology, the connections
between the moving image and sacred power, the role of the
cinematographic apparatus, and the romance of film. Three, the book
is a broad meditation on the seductions of cinema. It is attuned to
material attractions of the movies, those gorgeous lights and lurid
shadows, but also the film's spiritual invitations, the gaps
between the pictures, the empty spaces at the heart of life.
First published in 1971, Professor Knight's book draws analytic
attention to poets including Tennyson, Masefield, and Brooke, who
are shown to hold a dimension of meaning previously ignored or
misunderstood. Homage is paid to John Cowper Powys as one of the
foremost seers of the modern age. A comprehensive review of the
work of Francis Berry claims to establish him as our foremost
living poet. Professor Knight urges, and goes far to prove, that
modern literary criticism up until the 1970s failed to touch upon
the richer meanings of contemporary literature - he stresses the
relation between such acclaimed poets as Yeats and Eliot and the
spiritualistic movements of contemporary times. Knight regards
youth-revolts as a sign of a healthy dissatisfaction with an
irreligious and directionless culture, and believes that hope lies
in the neglected powers pressing for acceptance.
When the activating button for a nuclear launch is lost at sea, it
is up to James Bond to retrieve it before it falls into the wrong
hands. Roger Moore once again plays 007 in this, the 12th Bond
outing, director John Glen's first Bond film and the first without
an Ian Fleming credit. Highlights include a climb up a sheer
rock-face; a car chase down a steep, winding mountain road; an
underwater battle; and what might be the greatest of all Bond's
celebrated ski chase sequences.
First published in 1965, The Golden Labyrinth provides a coherent
and readable history of the essential nature of British drama in a
single volume. The treatment is philosophical and imaginative, and
full of enthusiasm and clarity which have made Professor Wilson
Knight's works, of Shakespearian and other interpretations, so
famous. The chapters in this book have been organized according to
literary periods and will appeal to both students of literature and
casual readers.
For the past two centuries, brewing has been a constantly
innovative and evolving industry, subject to changes in technology,
taste and industrial structure. This ground-breaking book is one of
the first to examine the industry from the perspectives of economic
and business history. It combines chapters on the major European
nations with chapters on the United States and Australia.