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This authoritative Handbook compiles a diverse set of contributions
on digital entrepreneurship, providing an in-depth study of how
digital entrepreneurship research has evolved over the years, and
where it stands today. Offering a snapshot of the major themes in
digital entrepreneurship research, the Handbook highlights a wide
range of both practice-engaged and practice-relevant works and
explores the fundamental concepts and common themes in the field.
Chapters examine key topics including the digital platform economy,
the digitalization of work, the blockchain economy, and the
rural-urban digital divide. The Handbook further analyzes the
history and theory of digital entrepreneurship, while also sparking
ideas for future research through a consideration of emerging
phenomena and new ways to approach research in this broad area of
study. Discussing a diverse set of questions, contexts, theories,
and methods, this Handbook will be a key resource for researchers
and advanced students with a particular interest in
entrepreneurship, innovation, technology management, and digital
business models. Managers and entrepreneurs will also find the
discussion of digital entrepreneurship in relation to financing,
social issues, and technology beneficial.
This book is a unique blend of history, technology review,
theoretical fundamentals, and design guide. The subject matter is
primarily piston aeroengine superchargers - developed in Germany
during the Second World War (WWII) - which are centrifugal
compressors driven either by the main engine crankshaft or by an
exhaust gas turbine. The core of the book is an unpublished
manuscript by Karl Kollmann, who was a prominent engineer at
Daimler-Benz before and during the war. Dr. Kollmann's manuscript
was discovered by Calum Douglas during his extensive research for
his earlier book on piston aeroengine development in WWII. It
contains a wealth of information on aerothermodynamic and
mechanical design of centrifugal compressors in the form of
formulae, charts, pictures, and rules of thumb, which, even 75
years later, constitute a valuable resource for engineering
professionals and students. In addition to the translation of the
original manuscript from German, the authors have completely
overhauled the chapters on the aerothermodynamics of centrifugal
compressors so that the idiosyncratic coverage (characteristic of
German scientific literature at that time) is familiar to a modern
reader. Furthermore, the authors added chapters on exhaust gas
turbines (for turbo-superchargers), piston aeroengines utilizing
them, and turbojet gas turbines. Drawing upon previously
unpublished material from the archived German documents, those
chapters provide a concise but technically precise and informative
look into those technologies, where great strides were made in
Germany during the war. In summary, the coverage is intended to be
useful not only to history buffs with a technical bent but also to
the practicing engineers and engineering students to help with
their day-to-day activities in this particular field of
Autochromes were the first commercial colour photographs. Invented
in 1904 by the Lumière brothers Auguste and Louis in Paris, colour
photographs caused a great sensation at the time. They were an
innovation and the first way to depict the world in true-to-life
colour and thus capture it for eternity. This impressive book was
compiled by the two authors Dr. Maria Reitter-Kollmann and Dr.
Alfred Weidinger. The scholars are leading experts on the history
of colour photography at the Oberösterreichische Landes-Kultur
GmbH in Linz. The museum holds one of the most important European
collections of historical autochromes. The exciting collection
consists of more than 1,000 photographs by photographic pioneers
such as the Archduchess, Margarethe of Austria-Tuscany or from the
collection of Hans Frank, the founder of the first Austrian photo
museum in Bad Ischl. Photographs by important photographers such as
Auguste Lumière are also part of this unique collection. In the
coffee table book Autochrome, the authors present the most
beautiful and important pieces from this collection in their full
glory. In addition to the wonderful pictures, the book also
provides a lot of background knowledge about the technique of this
first commercially usable colour photography. Text in English and
This collection of essays offers a series of reflections on the
specific literary and cultural forms that can be seen as the
product of modernity's spatial transformations, which have taken on
new urgency in today's world of ever increasing mobility and global
networks. The book offers a broad perspective on the narrative and
poetic dimensions of the modern discourses and imaginaries that
have shaped our current geographical sensibilities. In the early
twenty-first century, we are still grappling with the spatial
effects of 'early' and 'high' modern developments, and the
contemporary crises revolving around political boundaries and
geopolitical orders in many parts of the world have intensified
spatial anxieties. They call for a sustained analysis of individual
perceptions, cultural constructions and political implications of
spatial processes, movements and relations. The contributors of
this book focus both on the spatial orders of modernity and on the
various dynamic processes that have shaped our engagement with
modern space. They creatively engage in a dialogue between
literature, cinema, art history, geography, architecture, cultural
semiotics and political science, and they transform twentieth- and
twenty-first-century theory and philosophy to examine the textual
forms of different spatial modernities. The chapters do not only
engage with the cartographies, crossings and displacements
represented within different texts and media, but are also
attentive to the ways in which the latter produce space and perform
mobility. Tracing an arc from Thomas More's Utopia to the digital
spatiality of contemporary autobiographical film, they treat texts
as active cultural forces that crystallize, reinforce, interrogate
or complicate the spatial imaginaries of modernity through their
own narrative and poetic form.
This is a magisterial new account of the day-to-day practice of
Russian criminal justice in the seventeenth and early eighteenth
centuries. Nancy Kollmann contrasts Russian written law with its
pragmatic application by local judges, arguing that this
combination of formal law and legal institutions with informal,
flexible practice contributed to the country's social and political
stability. She also places Russian developments in the broader
context of early modern European state-building strategies of
governance and legal practice. She compares Russia's rituals of
execution to the 'spectacles of suffering' of contemporary European
capital punishment and uncovers the dramatic ways in which even the
tsar himself, complying with Moscow's ideologies of legitimacy,
bent to the moral economy of the crowd in moments of uprising.
Throughout, the book assesses how criminal legal practice used
violence strategically, administering horrific punishments in some
cases and in others accommodating with local communities and
popular concepts of justice.
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie Deutschland als fuhrende Industrienation
auch in der Digitalen Wirtschaft ein starker Player werden kann.
Deutschland verfugt uber unzahlige Weltmarktfuhrer in den
klassischen Wirtschaftsbranchen, bisher aber uber keinen digitalen
Champion. Die grossen Player aus dem Internet wie Google, Facebook
& Co. dringen zunehmend auch in die realen Wirtschaftsbranchen
ein und wollen hier die Spielregeln verandern. Vor diesem
Hintergrund analysieren Tobias Kollmann und Holger Schmidt die
Rahmenbedingungen eines digitalen Wandels fur unsere Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft, beleuchten die aktuellen Entwicklungen und geben
Hinweise auf die notwendigen AEnderungen fur die Zukunft. Im
Zentrum stehen die Fragen: Was haben wir aus der bisherigen
Digitalisierung gelernt? Wie sieht die aktuelle Digitale
Transformation unserer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft aus? Was ist zu
tun, damit wir in Zukunft im digitalen Wettbewerb einen starken
Stellenwert erreichen? Oder kurz gesagt: Wie muss ein digitaler
Masterplan fur Deutschland aussehen? Die Autoren Prof. Dr. Tobias
Kollmann ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls fur E-Business und
E-Entrepreneurship an der Universitat Duisburg-Essen. Er ist
Vorsitzender des Beirats "Junge Digitale Wirtschaft" im BMWi und
Beauftragter fur die Digitale Wirtschaft in NRW. Als Mitgrunder von
AutoScout24 gehoerte er zu den Pionieren der deutschen
Internet-Grunderszene. Er konzipierte 2004 die erste mobile
UMTS-App in Deutschland, wurde 2012 zum Business Angel des Jahres
gewahlt und sitzt u.a. im Aufsichtsrat von Kloeckner & Co SE.
Laut dem Magazin Business Punk (02/2014) zahlt er zu den 50
wichtigsten Koepfen der Startup-Szene in Deutschland. Dr. Holger
Schmidt ist Chefkorrespondent mit Schwerpunkt Internet des Magazins
FOCUS in Berlin. Zuvor hat er 14 Jahre fur die Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung uber die digitale OEkonomie berichtet und dort
die woechentliche Sonderseite "Netzwirtschaft" verantwortet. Als
Internet-Koordinator war er fur die Zusammenarbeit Print/Online
zustandig. Sein Blog "Netzoekonom" gehoert zu den meistgelesenen
Publikationen der Digitalen Wirtschaft in Deutschland. Daruber
hinaus unterrichtet er als Dozent "Digitale Transformation" an der
TU Darmstadt und "Medienoekonomie" an der Hamburg Media School.
The principal author published the first edition of a book entitled
in German "Technologie des Holzes" (Springer-Verlag) in the year
1936. This book was available only in photostat copy form in the
United States during World War n. A translation into the English
language was later made in Australia. Due to many hampering factors
caused by World War n it was not unti11951 that the second edition
of the first volume of thir:; book with the enlarged title
(translated) "Technology of 'Vood and W ood Based Materials" was
published. The se co nd volume followed in 1955. The enormOllS
expansion of wood seience and technology within less than two
deeade,: is evident from a comparison of the number of pages of
these two editions. The first edition eomprises 764 pages, the two
volumes of the second edition 2231 pages. More recently, it becamc
evident that an English version in a condensed up- to-date form was
needed. Therefore, the principal author decided to publish a book
on "Principles of W ood Science and Technology" in English. The
first volume dealt with solid wood, this second volume deals with
wood based materials. U sing the ward "Principles" in the title of
the condensed book this led directly to abandoning ft11 detailed
historie al reviews, explanations, ftnd discussions of mftchines
and processes.
Modern forest products research had its start hardly fifty years
ago. Today we are in a position to apply the title "wood science"
to the field of wood technology that is based on scientific
investigation, theoretical as well as experimental. It is this
research that fosters new uses for wood as a raw material and that
creates the foundation for new industries for the manufacture of
wood-base materials such as plywood, laminated products, particle
and fiber board and sand wich construction. Wood technology in its
broadest sense combines the disciplines of wood anatomy, biology,
chemistry, physics and mechanical technology. It is through this
interdisciplinary approach that progress has been made in wood
seasoning, wood preservation methods, wood machining, surfacing and
gluing, and in the many other processes applied in its utilization.
In 1936 the senior author published a book entitled, "Technologie
des Holzes," which was a first approach to a universal reference
book on wood technology. The first edition of Volume I of the
Textbook of Wood Technology, co-authored by H. P. BROWN, A. J. P AN
SHIN, and C. C. FORSAITH, was published in 1948. An indication of
the rapid development of this field can be gained from the fact
that the second edition of "Technologie des Holzes und der
Holzwerkstoffe," completely revised, was needed by 1951. It
contains 2233 pages compared with the 764 pages of the 1936
Tobias Kollmann and Matthias Hasel explore the manifold
possibilities of cross-channel cooperation and present the first
systematic investigation and classification of cooperation
strategies between partners equipped with online and offline
business models. They provide a conceptual framework to understand
the subject and examine the practical implications for the
implementation of their new concept.
Praktische Probleme der Maschinenakustik sind komplex. Aus
diesem Grund wird im vorliegenden Buch vorrangig die indirekte
Kette der Schallabstrahlung behandelt. Es werden
Berechnungsgleichungen, akustische Messverfahren und konstruktive
Massnahmen zur Reduzierung der indirekten Abstrahlung von
Gerauschen vorgestellt. Ausgehend von den im Inneren einer Maschine
wirkenden dynamischen Kraften werden die Anregung von Korperschall
und dessen Abstrahlung von der Oberflache der Maschine
The geologie term "'Tethys" introduced by Eduard Suess (1893) into
Reience waR originally a paleogeographic one. Since its original
des- eription it has been used in various ways. One of them is
Tethys as a paleo-biogeographie eoneept. This eoneept was adopted
for IGCP Project 262, Tethyan Cretaeeous Correlation. It was
proposed by G. CSASZAR and Heim; A. KOLLMANN and has been approved
by the IGCP Board in February 1987. The projeet haR its aimH
primarily in the improvement of the stra- tigraphie cOl'relation
between the heterogenous faeies of the Tethyan realm. The requests
to paleontology in this programme are of variouR kindH: The
delimitation of the Tethyan realm in spaee and time needH a dear
statements on the eomposition of Tethyan faunal 01' floral assem-
blages. Riozones based on various fossil groups have to be
eRtablished fOI' biostratigraphie eorrelation. Finally, Tethyan
bioprovinees have to be established. TheHe problems have been
diseussed in a special meeting of the palaeontologieal group of the
projeet whieh was held on January 25-27, 1988, in Vienna. Papers
presented at this meeting are published in this volume. Heinz A.
KOLI.MANN 1. Cretaceous Tethys versus Mesogee Xew Aspects on
Tethyan Cretaceous Fossil Assemblages. Band 9 Schriftenreihe der
Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen der Osterreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften. 15-33.
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