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Join renowned spiritual teacher Adyashanti for a practice-based
journey out of the thinking mind and into the awakened awareness
beyond perceptual reality. For renowned teacher Adyashanti, every
single moment contains a doorway into spiritual awakening. But what
does it actually mean to "wake up" to the truth of reality? And
what does it take to recognize these opportunities? In The Direct
Way, Adya (as his students call him) offers a sequence of 30
practices intended to connect with and cultivate ever-greater
awareness of the unseen dimensions of your being. From the simple
expression of "I am," to an exploration of the Spiritual Heart, and
all the way into the fundamental ground of being, these exercises
emphasize that the process of awakening takes "many small glimpses,
experienced many times." Adya concludes with practical pointers on
how to integrate transcendent experiences into the everyday fabric
of life--including your career, personal goals, and intimate
relationships. Here you will discover: - How to dis-identify from
conceptual, ego-based thinking - Perceiving the ego as a tool to
navigate consciousness rather than an obstacle - The "knowing yet
empty" quality of foundational awareness - The surprising route to
realizing awareness of the Spiritual Heart - Feeling through the
Spiritual Heart as a way to experience true interconnection - The
meaning of the Zen teaching phrase, "This very body is the Buddha"
- Exploring the exhilarating paradox of Being and Becoming - How to
establish anchor points to stabilize your journey into the Ground
of Being - What it means to live each day with "enlightened
relativity" - How awakening puts control of your experience in your
hands--but also the responsibility for it No one experiences
awakening quite the same. With The Direct Way, join Adya to
discover pathways toward an awareness as wide as the sky and as
personal as your innermost heart.
Tap into your inherent wisdom, love, and wholeness as you journey
into the depths of the heart. The great human quest is to discover
who we really are—a discovery that changes our lives and the
lives of those around us. With The Deep Heart, spiritual teacher
and psychotherapist John J. Prendergast, PhD, invites us on a
pilgrimage within, using the heart as a portal to our deepest
psychological and spiritual nature. The “deep heart” is
Prendergast’s term for our heart center—the subtle center of
emotional and energetic sensitivity, relational intimacy, profound
inner knowing, and unconditional love. “The heart area is where
we feel most deeply touched by kindness, gratitude, and
appreciation, yet it is also where we feel most emotionally
wounded,” writes Prendergast. “Whether we realize it or not,
the heart is what we most carefully guard and most want to open.”
In The Deep Heart, Prendergast guides readers to safely open their
hearts and discover their true nature. Through precise and potent
meditative inquiries, insightful stories, and reflections drawn
from his intimate work with students and clients, Prendergast
explores the convergence of psychological healing and spiritual
awakening that happens most clearly and powerfully in “the deep
heart.” These short chapters, accompanied by guided meditations
and inquiries, will invite and inspire you to ponder and discover
the emotional, energetic, and spiritual depths of your heart.
From esteemed teacher Adyashanti, a collection of writings on the
search for the ultimate reality beneath the narrative of our lives
"Our inner lives are every bit as astonishing, baffling, and
mysterious as the infinite vastness of the cosmos." -Adyashanti We
all define our lives through the lens of stories. Whether we see
ourselves as heroes or victims, good people or bad, everyone lives
according to interwoven strands of narrative. "And yet," teaches
Adyashanti, "the truth is bigger than any concept or story." Drawn
from intimate, deep-dive talks, The Most Important Thing presents
writings devoted to the search for the ultimate reality of a self
that exists beyond the bounds of storytelling. Here you will find
vivid anecdotes and teaching stories that illuminate the felt
experience of Adyashanti's teachings-those moments of grace in
which every stone, tree, ray of light, and fraught silence reveal
that none of us is alone and no one is ever truly isolated from the
whole of existence. These selections consider: Exploration of the
true meaning of birth, life, and death * Why grace can arrive both
through struggle and as an unexpected gift * Meditation as the art
of "listening with one's entire being" * Why a good question can be
far more powerful than a concrete answer * How the things you
choose to serve shape your life * Discovering the wisdom found in
surprise, sadness, and uncertainty * Embodying your innate and
inextricable connection with the total environment * The nature of
ego and the ways it manifests * The moments of grace upon which all
great religions pivot What is the story of your life? Is it happy
or adventurous? Sad or lonely? In The Most Important Thing,
Adyashanti shows you how to look past your personal narratives,
delve inward, and connect with the truths that fundamentally
animate all of us.
There is something about you brighter than the sun and more
mysterious than the night sky. Who are you when you are not
thinking yourself into existence? What is ultimately behind the set
of eyes reading these words? In Emptiness Dancing, Adyashanti
invites you to wake up to the essence of what you are, through the
natural and spontaneous opening of the mind, heart, and body that
holds the secret to happiness and liberation. From the first stages
of realization to its evolutionary implications, Adyashanti shares
a treasure trove of insights into the challenges of the inner life,
offering lucid, down-to-earth advice on topics ranging from the
ego, illusion, and spiritual addiction to compassion, letting go,
the eternal now, and more. Whether you read each chapter in
succession or begin on any page you feel inspired to turn to, you
will find in Adyashanti's wisdom an understanding and ever-ready
guide to the full wonder of your infinite self-nature.
For almost two millennia, the story of Jesus has shaped the lives
of countless people. Yet today, even though the majority of us grew
up in a culture suffused by the mythos of Jesus, many of us feel
disconnected from the essence of his teachings. With Resurrecting
Jesus, Adyashanti invites us to rediscover the life and words of
Jesus as a direct path to the most radical of transformations:
spiritual awakening. Jesus crossed all of the boundaries that
separated the people of his time because he viewed the world from
the perspective of what unites us, not what divides us. In
Resurrecting Jesus, Adya embarks on a fascinating reconsideration
of the man known as Jesus, examining his life from birth to
Resurrection to reveal a timeless model of awakening and
enlightened engagement with the world. Through close consideration
of the archetypal figures and events of the Gospels, Adya issues a
call to "live the Christ" in a way that is unique to each of us.
"When the eternal and the human meet," writes Adya, "that's where
love is born-not through escaping our humanity or trying to
disappear into transcendence, but through finding that place where
they come into union." Resurrecting Jesus is a book for realizing
this union in your own life, with heart and mind wide open to the
mystery inside us all. With an all-new foreword by Episcopalian
priest and scholar Cynthia Bourgeault.
What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as
it is? If you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced
the whole of your experience in each moment that arose? In the
fourteen years that he studied Zen, Adyashanti found that most
seasoned meditators had used the practice as a means to a goal they
never reached. What he ultimately realized: that only when you let
go of all techniques?even the concept of yourself as a
meditator?will you open to the art of true meditation: dwelling in
the natural state. True Meditation invites you to join the growing
number of seekers who have been touched by the wisdom of
Adyashanti asks us to let go of our struggles with life and open to
the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and
the discovery of our essential being. In his 15 years as a
spiritual teacher, Adyashanti has found that the simpler the
teaching, the greater its power to change our lives. In Falling
into Grace, he shares what he considers fundamental insights that
will "... spark a revolution in the way we perceive life".
Available in CD or book format, here is a progressive inquiry
exploring: The human dilemma-the concept of a separate self and the
choice to stop believing the thoughts that perpetuate suffering *
"Taking the backward step" into the pure potential of the present
moment * Why spiritual awakening can be a disturbing process *
Intimacy and availability-feeling absolute union with every part of
our experience * True autonomy-the unique expression of our own
sense of freedom In the same way that we fall into the arms of a
loved one or drop our heads on the pillow at night, we can
surrender into the beauty and truth of who and what we really are.
Falling into Grace is an investigation into the core of why we
suffer. It's also Adyashanti's invitation "... to be taken by a
moment of grace and fall into a sense of life when it is not
separate from you, when life is actually an expression of something
indefinable, mysterious, and immense."
More and more people are "waking up" spiritually. And for most of
them, the question becomes: now what? "Information about life after
awakening is usually not made public," explains Adyashanti. "It's
most often shared only between teachers and their students." The
End of Your World is his response to a growing need for direction
on the spiritual path. Consider the book you hold in your hands
Adyashanti's personal welcome to "a new world, a state of oneness."
Adyashanti begins by describing the "I got it/I lost it" phenomenon
that perplexes so many of his students-the fluctuation between what
he calls "nonabiding" awakening and the ultimate state of "abiding"
enlightenment. With straight talk and penetrating insight,
Adyashanti then points out the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs that
"un-enlighten" us along the journey, including the trap of
meaninglessness, how the ego can "co-opt" realization for its own
purposes, the illusion of superiority that may accompany intense
spiritual breakthroughs, and the danger of becoming "drunk on
emptiness." "Full awakening comes when you sincerely look at
yourself, deeper than you've imagined, and question everything,"
teaches Adyashanti. The End of Your World is your invitation to
join Adyashanti for an honest investigation of what you really
are-and how to live once you discover it. Contents Chapter One:
Exploring Life After Awakening Chapter Two: Authentic Awakening-And
the Disorientation That Can Follow Chapter Three: "I Got It, I Lost
It" Chapter Four: We Come to Nirvana by Way of Samsara Chapter
Five: Coming Completely Out of Hiding Chapter Six: Common
Delusions, Traps, and Points of Fixation Chapter Seven: Life Itself
Holds Up a Mirror for Our Awakening Chapter Eight: The Energetic
Component of Awakening Chapter Nine: When Awakening Penetrates the
Mind, Heart, and Gut Chapter Ten: Effort or Grace? Chapter Eleven:
The Natural State Chapter Twelve: The Story of the Wedding Chapter
Thirteen: An Interview With Adyashanti Excerpt There's a phenomenon
happening in the world today. More and more people are waking
up-having real, authentic glimpses of reality. By this I mean that
people seem to be having moments where they awaken out of their
familiar senses of self, and out of their familiar senses of what
the world is, into a much greater reality-into something far beyond
anything they knew existed. These experiences of awakening differ
from person to person. For some, the awakening is sustained over
time, while for others the glimpse is momentary-it may last just a
split second. But in that instant, the whole sense of "self"
disappears. The way people perceive the world suddenly changes, and
they find themselves without any sense of separation between
themselves and the world. It can be likened to the experience of
waking up from a dream-a dream you didn't even know you were in
until you were jolted out of it. In the beginning of my teaching
work, most of the people who came to me were seeking these deeper
realizations of spirituality. They were seeking to wake up from the
limited and isolated senses of self they had imagined themselves to
be. It's this yearning that underpins all spiritual seeking: to
discover for ourselves what we already intuit to be true-that there
is more to life than we are currently perceiving. But as time has
passed, more and more people are coming to me who have already had
glimpses of this greater reality. It is because of them that I am
giving the teachings of this book.
From esteemed teacher Adyashanti, an eight-hour audio learning
series on the search for the ultimate reality beneath the narrative
of our lives "Our inner lives are every bit as astonishing,
baffling, and mysterious as the infinite vastness of the cosmos."
-Adyashanti For Adyashanti, every ripple of light across a lake,
friendly gaze, and reassuring word from a mentor presents a
potential gateway to a deeper connection with all of life. With The
Most Important Thing, Volume 2, this esteemed teacher presents a
series of talks on what it means to peer through these gateways and
into a universe of infinite possibility. In this second collection
of deep-dive audio sessions, Adyashanti offers evocative teaching
stories and anecdotes pointing you toward the ultimate reality that
exists beyond the bounds of storytelling. Whether questioning the
cultural identities we adopt or recalling the events that set him
on the seeker's path, Adyashanti devotes these talks to pulling
back the curtain of our assumptions to reveal that none of us is
alone and no one is ever truly isolated from the whole of
existence. These selections consider: Exploring the meaning of
birth, life, and death * The nature of ego and the ways it
manifests * Meditation as the art of "listening with one's entire
being" * Embodying your innate and inextricable connection with the
total environment * Examining the patterns of conditioned thinking
around "I" * Why our most nourishing stories embrace uncertainty
and paradox * Embracing the natural awe and wonder of existence *
The ultimate simplicity of consciousness * "Know thyself": the
cornerstone of all spiritual inquiry Ideal for anyone wanting to
delve beyond the surface of their spiritual journey, The Most
Important Thing, Volume 2 offers portals to that which is already
alive and waiting within: the truths that fuel the most authentic
expression of your life.
In the same way that we fall into the arms of a loved one or drop
our heads on the pillow before sleep, we can let go into the beauty
and truth of who and what we really are. Falling Into Grace
presents Adyashanti's response to anyone looking for a way out of
suffering and into the freedom of spiritual awakening. With his
first introductory book, he offers what he considers the
fundamental teachings on ''seeing life with clear eyes'' to
transcend the illusions that lead to unhappiness. Readers join this
sought-after teacher to explore: The concept of a separate self as
the root of all suffering - and how to stop believing the thoughts
that perpetuate our self-image How to take ''the backward step''
into the pure potential of the present moment Giving up the control
we only think we have The essential invitation of spirituality:
wake up from the dream to embrace what is When we realize that
there is grace in every moment, our minds will open, our hearts ...
What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as
it is? If you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced
the whole of your experience in each moment that arose? In the
fourteen years that he studied Zen, Adyashanti found that most
seasoned meditators had used the practice as an end instead of a
means to an end. What he ultimately realized was that only when you
let go of all technique seven the concept of yourself as a
meditator will you open to the art of True Meditation, dwelling in
the natural state. True Meditation invites you to join the growing
number of seekers who have been touched by the wisdom of Adyashanti
to learn; How to make the effortless effort that will vivify the
present moment Meditative self-inquiry and The Way of Subtraction;
how to ask a spiritually powerful question and determine the real
answer Two guided meditations on CD intended to reveal what
Adyashanti calls your home as awareness itself We've been taught
that awakening is difficult, explains Adyashanti, that to wake up
from the illusion of separation takes years. But all it really
takes is a willingness to look into the depths of your experience
here and now. True Meditation gives you the opportunity to reclaim
the original purpose of meditation as a gateway to the objectless
freedom of being.