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Several important problems arising in Physics, Di?erential Geometry
and other n topics lead to consider semilinear variational elliptic
equations on R and a great deal of work has been devoted to their
study. From the mathematical point of view, the main interest
relies on the fact that the tools of Nonlinear Functional Analysis,
based on compactness arguments, in general cannot be used, at least
in a straightforward way, and some new techniques have to be
developed. n On the other hand, there are several elliptic problems
on R which are p- turbative in nature. In some cases there is a
natural perturbation parameter, like inthe bifurcationfromthe
essentialspectrum orinsingularlyperturbed equations or in the study
of semiclassical standing waves for NLS. In some other circ-
stances, one studies perturbations either because this is the ?rst
step to obtain global results or else because it often provides a
correct perspective for further global studies. For these
perturbation problems a speci?c approach,that takes advantage of
such a perturbative setting, seems the most appropriate. These
abstract tools are provided by perturbation methods in critical
point theory. Actually, it turns out that such a framework can be
used to handle a large variety of equations, usually considered
di?erent in nature.
their applications to several perturbation problems, whose common
feature is to n involve semilinear Elliptic Partial Di?erential
Equations on R with a variational structure.
This volume contains the notes of the lectures delivered at the
CIME course GeometricAnalysis
andPDEsduringtheweekofJune11-162007inCetraro (Cosenza). The school
consisted in six courses held by M. Gursky (PDEs in Conformal
Geometry), E. Lanconelli (Heat kernels in sub-Riemannian s- tings),
A. Malchiodi(Concentration of solutions for some singularly
perturbed Neumann problems), G. Tarantello (On some elliptic
problems in the study of selfdual Chern-Simons vortices), X. J.
Wang (Thek-Hessian Equation)and P. Yang (Minimal Surfaces in CR
Geometry). Geometric PDEs are a ?eld of research which is currently
very active, as it makes it possible to treat classical problems in
geometry and has had a dramatic impact on the comprehension of
three- and four-dimensional ma- folds in the last several years. On
one hand the geometric structure of these PDEs might cause general
di?culties due to the presence of some invariance (translations,
dilations, choice of gauge, etc. ), which results in a lack of c-
pactness of the functional embeddings for the spaces of functions
associated with the problems. On the other hand, a geometric
intuition or result might contribute enormously to the search for
natural quantities to keep track of,
Thistwo-foldaspect of the study makes it both challenging and
complex, and requires the use of
This book covers recent advances in several important areas of
geometric analysis including extremal eigenvalue problems, mini-max
methods in minimal surfaces, CR geometry in dimension three, and
the Ricci flow and Ricci limit spaces. An output of the CIME Summer
School "Geometric Analysis" held in Cetraro in 2018, it offers a
collection of lecture notes prepared by Ailana Fraser (UBC), Andre
Neves (Chicago), Peter M. Topping (Warwick), and Paul C. Yang
(Princeton). These notes will be a valuable asset for researchers
and advanced graduate students in geometric analysis.
Many problems in science and engineering are described by nonlinear
differential equations, which can be notoriously difficult to
solve. Through the interplay of topological and variational ideas,
methods of nonlinear analysis are able to tackle such fundamental
problems. This graduate text explains some of the key techniques in
a way that will be appreciated by mathematicians, physicists and
engineers. Starting from elementary tools of bifurcation theory and
analysis, the authors cover a number of more modern topics from
critical point theory to elliptic partial differential equations. A
series of Appendices give convenient accounts of a variety of
advanced topics that will introduce the reader to areas of current
research. The book is amply illustrated and many chapters are
rounded off with a set of exercises.