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Copyright laws worldwide were created for a publishing world where
books were tangible, printed in a limited number and sold within
territory based markets. Technological changes are giving place to
a new book market where books are intangible, exist in unlimited
number of copies and travel worldwide in an increasingly global
market. In this emerging global book market made possible by the
conjunction of the Internet, e-book technologies, DRM and print on
demand devices, the three important legal concepts traditionally
used in copyright laws have become obsolete: territory, property
and the Aristotelian idea of justice. These three concepts were
well suited to the tangible book market but are no longer for the
virtual book market where persons matter more than objects. This
book invites the reader to explore the specific functioning of the
virtual economy. It proposes guidelines to modernize copyright law
so that it can foster an adequate use of new communication
technologies. For the first time in History, the humankind has
acquired a technology that allows to create a world of information
affluence and freedom of speech or its opposite. This book explains
why the option for abundance and freedom must prevail, how the law
can support this movement and what would be, to the contrary, the
disastrous consequences of the other option. This book goes beyond
a simple reflection on the book market and considers the choice of
society, even of civilization implied by the use, right or wrong,
of the new communication technologies.
Your Dreams Can Save Your Life How and why yours dreams warn you of
every danger: tidal waves, tornadoes, storms, landslides, plane
crashes, assaults, attacks, burglaries, etc. Summary: Although we
naturally sense all the dangers of our environment through our body
and subconscious, we no longer know how to use these perceptions in
order to ensure our own safety. Animals are still able to do this
and this enables them to be warned and to flee before the outbreak
of natural disasters. However, by learning to benefit from their
dreams, humans can surpass animals in this field. The fruit of more
than 20 years of research, this book explains a method that is
accessible to everyone, that enables the links between the body,
conscious and subconscious to be re-established, in order to
receive more information on the dangers of our environment. Once
communication has been re-established between the body and the
subconscious, it turns out that human beings are far superior to
animals and to all existing technologies in sensing all kinds of
dangers, whether they be natural, human or technological. By using
the technique that is explained in this book, you will learn how to
'retrieve' information available to you in dreams, that is
important for the safety of you and the people close to you.
Through this you will also be able to, for example: - avoid
accidental death by escaping before the outbreak of a natural
disaster: earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, flood, storm,
tidal wave, avalanche, tornado, etc.; - foil the plans of
attackers, terrorists, thieves, rapists or burglars; - know, before
going away, for example by boat or plane, if you are going to
arrive safe and sound at your destination or if it would be better
to cancel this trip because of an attack, shipwreck, accident or
natural disaster...; - sense many other traps and dangers and avoid
them. - the most gifted among you will also be able to develop a
greater sensitivity and intuition directly in a waking state, which
will enable you to react even more effectively to the dangers of
your environment. - you will also learn not to become anxious for
no reason when you have simple nightmares, because you will have
learnt to detect what triggers them in you and you will thereby
know how to distinguish them from true warning dreams of natural
disasters, attacks, burglaries, accidents at nuclear power
stations, etc. Key Words: Premonitory dreams, body-mind,
anti-terorist training, security, anti-terrorism intelligence and
training, anti-terrorist protection, public security, earthquakes,
natural disasters, anticipation of disasters, security systems,
disaster dreams, nightmares, transit of Venus, 21 december 2012
How to unlock the secrets, enigmas, and mysteries of Ancient Egypt
and other old civilizations I realized while I was researching
Maat, the ancient goddess of justice, how hard it was for
Egyptologists to understand most of the ancient Egyptian artifacts
only with their conscious mind. Our modern mental structure bars us
from entering and comprehending the logic of ancient peoples. The
difference in understanding the world is why so many aspects of
ancient cultures remain enigmatic and strange, even for the most
intelligent modern scholars. The ancient people possessed a much
better sense of the energies of life and nature than modern man
does. These ancients explored the laws and properties of the
intangible world and its action upon the material world. They
gained valuable knowledge that has been preserved in their
archeological remains as well as in their archaic legal systems.
This type of knowledge was often rendered in symbolic dream-like
language and images that modern scholars are not trained to
understand. Moreover, even when this knowledge is rendered in
remarkably clear language, how can one fully understand what one
has never experienced? It is when we dream that we come closer to
the mental universe of ancient peoples. While dreaming, modern man
becomes like the ancients-aware and concerned about life-energy, a
capacity modern man has now lost in his waking state. Through
learning a unique technique to decipher their dreams, modern
scholars would be enabled to understand more fully and perfectly
how ancient people perceived the world around them differently. In
this book, you will find an explanation of the technique I teach in
my workshops, which is based on more than 20 years of personal
research of ancient legal systems and the connections between
dreams and reality. My approach is completely different from and
much more practical than other techniques regarding dreams. This
teaching would be of great help and benefit to all scholars and
intelligent people who endeavor to advance our understanding of the
ancient Egyptian civilization and of other ancient worlds. Anna
Mancini Ph. D www.amancini.com
Throughout history famous researchers had innovative dreams that
sometimes won them a Nobel Prize. Why did they get these dreams?
Based on 20 years innovative work on the connections between dreams
and reality and on the role played by the whole body in the
innovative dream process, this revolutionary book answers many
questions about scientific creativity and how to boost it. It
explains why innovative dreams, ideas and intuitions occur and what
blocks them. It reveals how researchers can place themselves in the
best conditions to become discoverers. It teaches a powerful
technique to provoke innovative dreams, ideas and intuitions
instead of waiting for the stroke of luck.
Throughout history famous researchers had innovative dreams that
sometimes won them a Nobel Prize. Why did they get these dreams?
Based on 20 years innovative work on the connections between dreams
and reality and on the role played by the whole body in the
innovative dream process, this revolutionary book answers many
questions about scientific creativity and how to boost it. It
explains why innovative dreams, ideas and intuitions occur and what
blocks them. It reveals how researchers can place themselves in the
best conditions to become discoverers. It teaches a powerful
technique to provoke innovative dreams, ideas and intuitions
instead of waiting for the stroke of luck.
Our law and its philosophy were conceived for a material economic
world marked by scarcity and territoriality. Without the criterion
of territoriality, the dominant philosophies of law are left
bankrupt. This is especially the case for KELSEN's Pure Theory of
Law, in which the territoriality criterion is the cornerstone.
Since the world of Internet is marked by abundance rather than
scarcity, it has no territorial boundaries and it is not material,
it is easy to understand that it cannot be efficiently managed
according to our traditional legal and philosophical principles. On
the Internet, even the Aristotelian concept of justice -which gives
each his own and shares a limited amount of goods- is old hat.
Although our law only recognizes this concept of justice and its
nuances -as in RAWLS' Theory of Justice-, it is however impossible
to apply this idea of justice efficiently in cyberspace. This book
proposes a philosophy of justice suited to the virtual world and
some legal principles that law-makers could apply to act
efficiently and help the development of the Internet and the
Information Society.
Categories: Egyptology, philosophy of law, history of religions
Unlike ancient Rome, Egypt did not transmit any legal system to us,
but rather an idea of justice our modern minds can hardly
understand. In the ancient Egyptian world, almost all the texts and
inscriptions speak of justice. All the texts of wisdom teach that
one has to conform to Maat, an obscure and omnipresent concept that
Egyptologists have translated into the expression "Goddess of Truth
and Justice." Egyptian justice is so different from ours that
Egyptologists and historians of religions believe they have not yet
fully understood its meaning. They regret this fact because
understanding Maat would be a gateway to a deeper understanding of
the ancient Egyptian world. As for lawyers, they have limited
themselves to the Greco-Roman sources on the philosophy of Justice
and the discoveries of Egyptologists in this philosophical field
remain thoroughly ignored. Thanks to her experience in ancient
history of law and her ability to understand ancient symbols, the
author provides Egyptology with the missing pieces that were needed
to form a coherent image of Maat. Once revealed, Maat sheds a new
and unexpected light on the whole of Egyptian civilization. As a
bridge between traditionally separate fields of academic research,
this book is a useful and groundbreaking contribution to
Egyptology, the history of religions and the modern philosophy of
This is the Bulgarian edition of Your Dreams Can Save Your Life
(please see the bulgarian description on the back cover).
Khrisimopiontas tis idiotites tou perivallontos, o anthropos, bori
na antilamvanetai me tropo phisiko, meso tou somatos kai tou
iposiniditou tou, tous kindinous tou perivallontos, kai kat'
epektasi na diatiri tin prosopiki tou asphalia. Par' ola afta o
anthropos den ekhi anaptixi, sto meyisto vathmo, tin ikanotita tou
afti. Ta zoa, omos, litourgontas vasi aftis tis ikanotitas, inai se
thesi na proidopiountai apo to perivallon yia tis phisikes
katastrophes kai na diaphevgoun prin apo to xespasma tous. Ostoso,
khrisimopiontas ta onira tous i anthropi tha borousan na xeperasoun
ta zoa ston tomea afto. Ekhontas aphierosi 20 kai pleon khronia se
erevnes pano sto singerimeno thema, apophasisa na analiso, mesa apo
afto to vivlio, mia prositi yia olous methodo, pou iposkhetai na
epanaktisi tin epikinonia metaxi tou somatos, tou siniditou kai
iposiniditou, me apotero skopo tin apoktisi perissoteron
plirophorion skhetika me tous kindinous tou perivallontos.
Epomenos, meso tis epikinonias tou somatos kai tou iposiniditou, i
anthropi tha borousan na inai saphos anoteri kai pio ikani, toso
apo ta zoa, oso kai apo ola ta tekhnoloyika mesa, os pros to na
diaisthanontai kai na provlepoun olon ton idon tous kindinous, ite
afti proerkhontai apo ti phisi, ite apo tin anthropini
drastiriotita i akomi kai apo tekhnoloyikous paragontes. I tekhniki
pou analietai sto vivlio afto, tha mas vithisi na anaktisoume oles
ekeines tis simantikes plirophories, pou egyiontai tin prosopiki
mas asphalia, alla ki ekines pou aphoroun tous kontinous mas
anthropous, i opies, vevaia, mas apokaliptontai kata ti diarkia tis
onirikis diadikasias. Etsi lipon, vasi tis singekrimenis tekhnikis
tha imaste se thesi: - na apophevgoume enan aiphnidio thanato,
trepomeni se phiyi prin to xespasma mias phisikis katastrophis:
enos sismou, mias iphaistiakis ekrixis, mias katolisthisis, enos
kataklismou, mias kataiyidas, enos tiphona klp. - na apophevgoume
tis epithesis apo englimaties, tromokrates, klephtes, viastes, alla
kai na anatrepoume ta skhedia tous. - na gnorizoume, prin tin
anakhorisi mas yia kapio taxidi, me to aeroplano i to plio, yia
paradigma, ean tha phtasoume soi kai avlavis ston proorismo mas i
ean tha itan protimotero na anavaloume to taxidi mas, logo kapias
endekhomenis epithesis, enos navayiou, kapias vlavis i kapias
epikimenis phisikis katastrophis... - na diaisthanomaste epipleon
kindinous kai payides kai na tis apophevgoume me epitikhia. - na
anaptixoume akomi perissotero tis ikanotites mas, outos oste na
enikhisoume ti diaisthisi mas kai na tin akolouthoume akomi ki
ektos ipnou, yegonos pou tha mas epitrepi na antilamvanomaste, me
megaliteri apotelesmatikotita, tous kindinous tou perivallontos
mas. - na entopizoume tis aities pou mas prokaloun tous aplous
ephialtes, me apotelesma na min anisikhoume khoris logo. Tha
imaste, epomenos, se thesi na xekhorizoume ta onira lanthasmenon
proidopiiseon apo ta onira, pou ontos mas proidopioun yia
epikimenes phisikes katastrophes, epithesis, listies, atikhi
peristatika se pirinikois stathmous k. o. k.
Visele Va Pot Salva Viata - Cum Si de Ce Visele Va Alerteaza in Ceea Ce Priveste Toate Pericolele: Cutremure, Flux, Tornade, Furtuni, Surpari de Teren, Accidente de Avion, Agresiuni, Atentate, Sparegeri, Etc. (Romanian, Paperback)
Anna Mancini; Translated by Giorgiana Alisa Armeanu; Illustrated by Cristiane Mancini
Discovery Miles 3 750
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Cum si de ce visele va alerteaza in ceea ce priveste toate
pericolele: cutremure, flux, tornade, furtuni, surpari de teren,
accidente de avion, agresiuni, atentate, sparegeri, etc. Rezumat:
Chiar daca percepem in mod natural cu ajutorul corpului si al
subconstientului toate pericolele din jurul nostru, nu stim sa
utilizam aceste perceptii pentru a ne asigura protectia personala.
Animalele stiu sa o faca si acest lucru le permite sa fie alertate
si sa fuga inainte de declansarea catastrofelor naturale. Totusi,
invatand sa se ajute de aceste vise, fiinta umana poate depasi
animalele in acest domeniu. Fructul a 20 de ani de cercetari,
aceasta carte explica o metoda accesibila tuturor, care permite
reconstructia legaturilor intre corp, constient si subconstient
inainte de a obtine mai multa informatie despre pericolele din
jurul nostru. Odata stabilit dialogul dintre subconstient si corp,
fiinta umana se adevereste a fi superioara animalelor si tuturor
tehnologiilor existente pentru a simti venirea tuturor tipurilor de
pericole, fie ca sunt de origine naturala, umana sau tehnologica.
Utilizand tehnica care este explicata in aceasta carte, puteti
invata sa recuperati" informatiile importante, pentru siguranta
voastra si cea a apropiatilor vostri care sunt la dispozitia
voastra in momentul in care sunteti in stare de vis. Astfel, veti
fi voi insiva capabili, de exemplu: Sa evitati o moarte accidentala
fugind inaintea declansarii unei catastrofe naturale: cutremur,
eruptie vulcanica, surpare de teren, potop, furtuna, flux,
avalansa, tornada, etc.; agresorii, teroristii, hotii, violatorii
sau spargatorii sa esueze in proiectele lor; sa stiti, inainte de a
pleca intr-o calatorie, de exemplu cu avionul sau cu vaporul, daca
veti ajunge vii si nevatamati la destinatie sau daca ar fi mai bine
sa renuntati la calatoria voastra din cauza unui atentat,
naufragiu, accident sau un dezastru natural...; sa resimtiti alte
piedici si pericole si sa le evitati; puteti de asemenea, pentru
cei mai dotati dintre dumneavoastra, sa dezvoltati o sensibilitate
mai mare si o intuitie mai mare direct in starea de veghe, ceea ce
va va permite sa reactionati mult mai eficient in fata pericolelor
din jurul dumneavoastra; veti invata de asemenea sa nu va speriati
in mod inutul cand aveti simple cosmaruri, pentru ca veti invata sa
detectati cine le provoaca si veti sti de asemenea sa le distingeti
de visele adevarate de alerta a catastrofelor naturale,
atentatelor, spargerilor, incidentelor la centralele nucleare, etc.
Dina Drommar Kan Radda ditt Liv - Hur och varfoer dina drommar varnar dig for alla faror: jordskalv, flodvagor, tornados, stormar, jordskred, flygolyckor, overfall, attentat, inbrott, etc. (Swedish, Paperback)
Cristiane Mancini; Translated by Ellis Jonhansson; Anna Mancini
Discovery Miles 5 140
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Aven om vi pa ett naturligt satt genom var kropp och vart
undermedvetna uppfattar alla faror i var omgivning, kan vi inte
langre anvanda dessa fornimmelser for att garantera var personliga
sakerhet. Djuren kan fortfarande det och darfor kan de varna och
fly innan uppkomsten av naturkatastrofer. Genom att lara sig
utnyttja sina drommar, kan manniskan overtraffa djuren pa detta
omrade. Tack vare mer an 20 ars forskning, forklarar denna bok en
metod som ar tillganglig for alla som tillater sig att bygga broar
mellan kroppen, det medvetna och det undermedvetna for att fa mer
information om farorna i var omgivning. Nar dialogen med det
undermedvetna och kroppen ar aterstalld, ar manniskan i sjalva
verket overlagsen djuren och alla existerande teknologier pa att
uppfatta alla typer av faror, de ma vara naturliga, manskliga eller
tekniska. Genom att anvanda tekniken som forklaras i denna bok kan
du lara dig att aterskapa viktig information for din och dina
narmastes sakerhet nar du ar i dromtillstand. Pa det sattet kommer
aven du att kunna, till exempel: - undvika en dodsolycka genom att
fly innan uppkomsten av en naturkatastrof: jordskalv,
vulkanutbrott, jordskred, oversvamning, ovader, flodvag, lavin,
tornado, etc.; - forekomma valdsbrottslingar, terrorister, tjuvar,
valdtaktsman eller inbrottstjuvar i deras planer; - veta innan
avresa, till exempel med flyg eller bat, om du kommer att anlanda
valbehallen till destinationen eller om det ar bast att avsta fran
resan pa grund av ett attentat, ett skeppsbrott, en olycka eller en
naturkatastrof...; - kanna av manga andra fallor och faror och
undvika dem. - de mest begavade kan aven utveckla en storre
kanslighet och en okad intuition i vaket tillstand, vilket gor att
du reagerar annu mer effektivt pa faror i din omgivning. - du lar
dig ocksa att inte angslas i onodan over enkla mardrommar, eftersom
du har lart dig upptacka vad som orsakar dem och du kan pa sa satt
skilja dem fran verkliga varningsdrommar om naturkatastrofer,
attentat, inbrott, karnkraftsincidenter, etc.
Os Seus Sonhos Podem Salvar-lhe a Vida - Como e porque os seus sonhos podem alertar de todos os perigos: sismos, maremotos, tornados, tempestades, deslizamentos de terras, acidentes de aviao, agressoes, atentados, assaltos, etc. (Portuguese, Paperback)
Ana Cristina E. Almada; Illustrated by Cristiane Mancini; Anna Mancini
Discovery Miles 3 740
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Apesar de apercebermo-nos naturalmente atraves do nosso corpo e do
nosso subconsciente todos os perigos ambientais, ja nao sabemos
utilizar essas percepcoes para assegurar a nossa seguranca pessoal.
Os animais sabem ainda faze-lo e e o que os mantem alertas e o que
lhes permite a fuga antes das catastrofes naturais. Porem, ao
aprender a servir-se dos seus sonhos, o ser humano pode ultrapassar
os animais nesse dominio. Fruto de mais de 20 anos de investigacao,
este livro explica um metodo acessivel a todos, permitindo a
reconstrucao de pontes entre o corpo, o consciente e o
subconsciente com o objectivo de obter mais informacoes sobre os
perigos do nosso ambiente. Uma vez o dialogo restabelecido com o
seu subconsciente e o seu corpo, o ser humano torna-se de facto bem
superior aos animais e a todas as tecnologias actuais para sentir a
vinda de todo o tipo de perigo, sejam de origem natural, humana ou
tecnologica. Ao utilizar a tecnica explicada neste livro, podera
aprender a recuperar as informacoes importantes para a sua
seguranca e a dos seus proximos que estao a vossa disposicao quando
estao no estado de sonho. Assim, sera capaz por exemplo: - de
evitar uma morte por acidente fugindo antes do inicio de uma
catastrofe natural, sismo, erupcao vulcanica, deslize de terras,
diluvio, tempestade, maremoto, avalanche, tornado, etc.; - de
impedir qualquer tentativa de agressao, terrorismo, roubo, violacao
ou assalto; - de saber, antes de viajar, por exemplo de aviao ou de
barco, se ira chegar sa e salvo ao seu destino ou se sera melhor
renunciar a viagem por causa de um atentado, um naufragio, de um
acidente ou de um desastre natural...; - de pressentir ainda outros
perigos e de evita-los. Podera tambem, e isto para os leitores mais
dotados, desenvolver uma maior sensibilidade e uma maior intuicao
directamente no estado de vigilia, o que permitira uma reaccao
ainda mais eficaz aos perigos do vosso ambiente. Aprendera tambem a
nao alimentar inutilmente angustias quando tiver pesadelos porque
sabera detectar o que os motivou e sabera tambem distingui-los dos
verdadeiros sonhos de alerta de catastrofes naturais, atentados,
assaltos, incidentes de centrais nucleares, etc. Palavras Chave:
Sonhos premonitorios, corpo-espirito, treino antiterrorismo,
seguranca, intelligence e formacao antiterrorista, proteccao
antiterrorista, seguranca publica, sismos, tremores de terra,
transito de Venus, previsao de catastrofe, pesadelos, transito de
Venus, 21 de dezembro de 2012
Per capire l'essenza di una civilta abbiamo bisogno di capirne
l'idea di giustizia. Nell'antico Egitto, c'era una dea onnipresente
che si chiamava Maat. Questa dea e stata considerata dagli
scienziati occidentali come la "dea della verita-giustizia," ma
allo stesso tempo essi hanno ammesso di non avere capito bene il
concetto di Maat che e rimasto oscuro perche e stato creato da
gente che aveva una mentalita molto diversa dalla nostra. Ed e vero
che l'antico Egitto aveva una maniera di percepire il mondo
all'opposto della nostra. Noi, siamo incentrati sull'aspetto
materiale del mondo, mentre loro erano incentrati sull'aspetto
immateriale piu importante del mondo: sulla vita. Molti testi
ritrovati dimostrano che per gli antichi Egiziani, Maat era la luce
solare che infondeva la vita. Quindi, per loro, la giustizia
consisteva nel far circolare la vita nel microcosmo e nel
macrocosmo: uno scopo del tutto ignorato dalla giustizia moderna
Una volta trovata questa chiave di comprensione, i testi egiziani
che parlano di Maat e l'iconografia (specialmente la scena chiamata
"della psicostasia" o "del giudizio dei morti" che mostra Maat in
azione) rivelano all'uomo moderno i loro "segreti." Questo studio
universitario, basato sulle fonti accademiche dell'egittologia,
della filosofia del diritto e della storia delle religioni apre
nuovi orizzonti per capire meglio questa affascinante civilta e
approfittare delle sue conoscenze sull'energia solare e sulla
maniera di usarla per creare un mondo prospero materialmente e
"vitalmente," cioe pieno di vita, di felicita, di salute mentale e
fisica. La dott.ssa Anna Mancini, e nata in Francia da genitori
Italiani. Ha studiato la filosofia del diritto a Parigi e la
filosofia della mente a Londra. Appassionata dallo studio del
sogno, Anna Mancini, ha fatto piu di venti anni di ricerche sul
processo onirico e ha creato a Parigi: Innovative You,
un'organizzazione dedicata allo studio del sogno creativo. Le
immagini dell'antico Egitto furono concepite per "informare"
l'inconscio, come fanno anche le immagini dei sogni. Quindi siamo
fortunati ad avere uno studio su Maat fatto da una ricercatrice che
riunisce sia le capacita razionali accademiche sia un'esperienza
del processo onirico che le permette di capire molto meglio
l'iconografia dell'antico Egitto.
Uw Dromen Kunnen Uw Leven Redden - Hoe En Waarom Uw Dromen U Waarschuwen Voor Alle Gevaren: Aardbevingen, Vloedgolven, Tornado's, Stormen, Aardverschuivingen, Vliegtuigongelukken, Aanvallen, Aanslagen, Inbraken, Enz. (Dutch, Paperback)
Anna Mancini; Illustrated by Cristiane Mancini; Translated by Krista Roest
Discovery Miles 4 040
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Uw dromen kunnen uw leven redden Hoe en waarom uw dromen u
waarschuwen voor alle gevaren: aardbevingen, overstromingen,
tornado's, vloedgolven, aardverschuivingen, vliegtuigongelukken,
aanvallen, aanslagen, inbraken etc. Hoewel we van nature via ons
lichaam en ons onderbewustzijn alle gevaren in onze omgeving
opmerken, weten we niet meer hoe we die waarnemingen kunnen
gebruiken om onze persoonlijke veiligheid te garanderen. De dieren
weten nog wel hoe ze dat moeten doen en dat is wat hen in staat
stelt om gewaarschuwd te worden en te vluchten voordat de
natuurrampen zich voordoen.Toch kan de mens de dieren
voorbijstreven op dit gebied, door gebruik te leren maken van zijn
dromen. Dit boek, het resultaat van meer dan 20 jaar onderzoek,
legt een voor iedereen toegankelijke methode uit die u in staat
stelt om de bruggen te herstellen tussen het lichaam, het
bewustzijn en het onderbewustzijn om meer informatie te kunnen
ontvangen over de gevaren in onze omgeving. Als de dialoog met het
onderbewustzijn en het lichaam eenmaal hersteld is, blijkt de mens
in feite superieur aan de dieren en aan alle bestaande
technologieen om alle soorten gevaren aan te voelen komen, of die
van natuurlijke, menselijke of technologische oorsprong zijn. Door
de techniek te gebruiken die in dit boek wordt uitgelegd, kunt u
leren belangrijke informatie over de veiligheid van uzelf en uw
naasten "terug te vinden," die tot uw beschikking staan wanneer u
in droomtoestand bent. Zo zult u bijvoorbeeld in staat zijn: -een
dodelijk ongeluk te voorkomen door te vluchten voordat een
natuurramp zich voordoet: aardbeving, vulkaanuitbarsting,
aardverschuiving, overstroming, vloedgolf, lawine, tornado etc.;
-plannen van aanvallers, terroristen, dieven, verkrachters of
inbrekers te laten mislukken; -te weten, voordat u op reis gaat,
bijvoorbeeld met het vliegtuig of de boot, of u veilig en wel zult
aankomen op uw bestemming, of dat het beter is af te zien van de
reis vanwege een aanslag, een schipbreuk, een ongeluk of een
natuurramp; -nog veel meer vallen en gevaren aan te voelen en ze te
ontwijken. -voor de meer begiftigden onder u is het zelfs mogelijk
een grotere gevoeligheid en een sterkere intuitie te ontwikkelen
rechtstreeks in wakende toestand, wat u in staat zal stellen om nog
effectiever te reageren op gevaren in uw omgeving. -u zult ook
leren om u niet onnodig zorgen temaken wanneer u eenvoudige
nachtmerries hebt, omdat u geleerd hebt wat die bij u opwekt en u
zult ze zo kunnen onderscheiden van echte waarschuwingsdromen over
natuurrampen, aanslagen, inbraken, incidenten met nucleaire
energiecentrales, etc.
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