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Master Amazon Web Services solution delivery and efficiently
prepare for the AWS Certified SAA-C03 Exam with this all-in-one
study guide The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide:
Associate (SAA-C03) Exam, 4th Edition comprehensively and
effectively prepares you for the challenging SAA-C03 Exam. This
Study Guide contains efficient and accurate study tools that will
help you succeed on the exam. It offers access to the Sybex online
learning environment and test bank, containing hundreds of test
questions, bonus practice exams, a glossary of key terms, and
electronic flashcards. In this complete and authoritative exam prep
blueprint, Ben Piper and David Clinton show you how to: Design
resilient AWS architectures Create high-performing solutions Craft
secure applications and architectures Design inexpensive and
cost-optimized architectures An essential resource for anyone
trying to start a new career as an Amazon Web Services cloud
solutions architect, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study
Guide: Associate (SAA-C03) Exam, 4th Edition will also prove
invaluable to currently practicing AWS professionals looking to
brush up on the fundamentals of their work.
In the newly revised Third Edition of CompTIA Cloud+ Study Guide:
Exam CVO-003, expert IT Ben Piper delivers an industry leading
resource for anyone preparing for the CompTIA Cloud+ certification
and a career in cloud services. The book introduces candidates to
the skills and the competencies critical for success in the field
and on the exam. The book breaks down challenging cloud management
concepts into intuitive and manageable topics, including cloud
architecture and design, cloud security, deployment, operations and
support, and cloud troubleshooting. It also offers practical study
features, like Exam Essentials and challenging chapter review
questions. Written in a concise and straightforward style that will
be immediately familiar to the hundreds of thousands of readers who
have successfully use other CompTIA study guides to further their
careers in IT, the book offers: Efficient and effective training
for a powerful certification that opens new and lucrative career
opportunities Fully updated coverage for the new Cloud+ CV0-003
Exam that includes the latest in cloud architecture and design
Access to the Sybex online learning center, with chapter review
questions, full-length practice exams, hundreds of electronic
flashcards, and a glossary of key terms Perfect for everyone
preparing for the CompTIA Cloud+ Exam CV0-003 certification, this
book is an ideal resource for current and aspiring cloud services
professionals seeking an efficient and up-to-date resource that
will dramatically improve their ability to maintain, secure, and
optimize cloud environments.
Set yourself apart by becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Take the next step in your career by expanding and validating your
skills on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. The AWS Certified
Cloud Practitioner Study Guide Exam CLF-C01 provides a solid
introduction to this industry-leading technology, relied upon by
thousands of businesses across the globe, as well as the resources
you need to prove your knowledge in the AWS Certification Exam.
This guide offers complete and thorough treatment of all topics
included in the exam, beginning with a discussion of what the AWS
cloud is and its basic global infrastructure and architectural
principles. Other chapters dive into the technical, exploring core
characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud
Platform, as well as basic security and compliance aspects and the
shared security model. In addition, the text identifies sources of
documentation or technical assistance, such as white papers or
support tickets. To complete their coverage, the authors discuss
the AWS Cloud value proposition and define billing, account
management, and pricing models. This includes describing the key
services AWS can provide and their common use cases (e.g., compute,
analytics, etc.). Distinguish yourself as an expert by obtaining a
highly desirable certification in a widely used platform Hone your
skills and gain new insights on AWS whether you work in a
technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financial field Fully
prepare for this new exam using expert content and real-world
knowledge, key exam essentials, chapter review questions, and other
textual resources Benefit from access to the Sybex online
interactive learning environment and test bank, including chapter
tests, practice exams, key term glossary, and electronic flashcards
The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide is essential
reading for any professional in IT or other fields that work
directly with AWS, soon-to-be graduates studying in those areas, or
anyone hoping to prove themselves as an AWS Certified Cloud
The practical and conceptual knowledge you need to attain CCNP
Enterprise certification From one of the most trusted study guide
publishers comes CCNP Enterprise Certification Study Guide: Exam
350-401. This guide helps you develop practical knowledge and best
practices for critical aspects of enterprise infrastructure so you
can gain your CCNP Enterprise certification. If you're hoping to
attain a broader range of skills and a solid understanding of Cisco
technology, this guide will also provide fundamental concepts for
learning how to implement and operate Cisco enterprise network core
technologies. By focusing on real-world skills, each chapter
prepares you with the knowledge you need to excel in your current
role and beyond. It covers emerging and industry-specific topics,
such as SD-WAN, network design, wireless, and automation. This
practical guide also includes lessons on: Automation Network
assurance Security Enterprise infrastructure Dual-stack
architecture Virtualization In addition to helping you gain
enterprise knowledge, this study guidecan lead you toward your
Cisco specialist certification. When you purchase this guide, you
get access to the information you need to prepare yourself for
advances in technology and new applications, as well as online
study tools such as: Bonus practice exams Pre-made flashcards
Glossary of key terms Specific focus areas Expand your skillset and
take your career to the next level with CCNP Enterprise
Certification Study Guide.
Die Zertifizierung zum AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
verschafft Ihnen einen klaren Vorteil, wenn Sie als
Cloud-Spezialist arbeiten wollen. FA1/4r das neue, A1/4berarbeitete
Associate-Examen ist dieses umfassende Lehrbuch eine groA e Hilfe.
Es deckt alle relevanten Aspekte ab. Im ersten Teil lernen Sie die
wichtigsten Services kennen wie Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Route 53 und Simple Storage Service
(S3), um nur einige wenige zu nennen. Manchmal scheint es fA1/4r
einen Anwendungfall mehrere AWS Services zu geben. Sie erfahren, wo
die feinen Unterschiede sind und wann Sie welchen Service nutzen.
Der zweite Teil des Buchs enthAlt Best Practices und wichtige
Prinzipien, sodass Sie spAter Systeme fA1/4r die Cloud sinnvoll
designen, sicher implementieren und effizient betreiben kAnnen. In
jedem Kapitel gibt es am Ende eine Zusammenfassung mit den
wichtigsten Inhalten fA1/4r die PrA1/4fung, auA erdem beispielhafte
A bungen, die Ihnen helfen, Ihr VerstAndnis fA1/4r das Thema des
Kapitels zu A1/4berprA1/4fen, und anhand derer Sie sich ein Bild
von den PrA1/4fungsfragen machen kAnnen. Durch das Buch erhalten
Sie Zugang zu einer englischsprachigen Lernumgebung mit
Karteikarten, A bungsaufgaben und einigen anderen Hilfen.
Virtual, hands-on learning labs allow you to apply your technical
skills in realistic environments. So Sybex has bundled AWS labs
from XtremeLabs with our popular AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Study Guide to give you the same experience working in these labs
as you prepare for the Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam that you
would face in a real-life application. These labs in addition to
the book are a proven way to prepare for the certification and for
work as an AWS Cloud Practitioner. The AWS Certified Cloud
Practitioner Study Guide Exam CLF-C01 provides a solid introduction
to this industry-leading technology, relied upon by thousands of
businesses across the globe, as well as the resources you need to
prove your knowledge in the AWS Certification Exam. This guide
offers complete and thorough treatment of all topics included in
the exam, beginning with a discussion of what the AWS cloud is and
its basic global infrastructure and architectural principles. Other
chapters dive into the technical, exploring core characteristics of
deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud Platform, as well as basic
security and compliance aspects and the shared security model. In
addition, the text identifies sources of documentation or technical
assistance, such as white papers or support tickets. To complete
their coverage, the authors discuss the AWS Cloud value proposition
and define billing, account management, and pricing models. This
includes describing the key services AWS can provide and their
common use cases (e.g., compute, analytics, etc.). Distinguish
yourself as an expert by obtaining a highly desirable certification
in a widely used platform Hone your skills and gain new insights on
AWS whether you work in a technical, managerial, sales, purchasing,
or financial field Fully prepare for this new exam using expert
content and real-world knowledge, key exam essentials, chapter
review questions, and other textual resources Benefit from access
to the Sybex online interactive learning environment and test bank,
including chapter tests, practice exams, key term glossary, and
electronic flashcards XtremeLabs virtual labs that run from your
browser. The registration code is included with the book and gives
you 6 months unlimited access to XtremeLabs AWS Certified Cloud
Practitioner Labs with 8 unique lab modules based on the book. The
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide is essential reading
for any professional in IT or other fields that work directly with
AWS, soon-to-be graduates studying in those areas, or anyone hoping
to prove themselves as an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
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