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8 matches in All Departments
Julian Schwinger in Retrospect: Recollections of Julian Schwinger
(M. Hamermesh). Nonequilibrium Problems in Quantum Field Theory and
Schwinger's Closed Time Path Formalism (F. Cooper). Directions in
Particle Physics and Cosmology: Second Phase of the General Theory
of Relativity (B.N. Kursunoglu). Exact Solutions for Confinement of
Electric Charge via Condensation of a Spectrum of Magnetic Charges
(B.N. Kursunoglu). Current Status of Gravity Wave Detection: The
Search for Gravitation Waves (B.C. Barish). Reducing Thermal Noise
in Interferometric Detectors of Gravitational Waves (P.R. Saulson).
Neutrinos and Muons: Neutrino Reactions in Nuclei in the Large and
in the Small (S.L. Mintz, M. Pourkaviani). Physics Interest in u+u
Colliders (V. Barge). Strings and Superstrings: Spin Field Vertices
and Gauge Symmetry (L. Dolan). Identification as Black Holes of All
Massive Superstring States (P.H. Frampton). Progress in Some New
and Old Ideas: Reflection Matrices and Polymers at a Surface (M.
Batchelor, C.M. Yung). Spin Physics at High Energy: Polarized
Proton Beams at Fermilab (R.A. Phelps). 14 additional articles.
Unified General Relativity and Quantum Theory: Unified Symmetry: In
the Small and in the Large; B.N. Kursunogammalu. Results from
Quantum Cosmological Gravity; R.P. Woodard. The Very Early
Universe: Baryogenesis from Electroweak Strings; M. Barriola.
Reconstructing the Inflation Potential; E.W. Kolb, et al. Beyond
Potential Dominated Inflation; K. Freese, J. Levin. Axitons; E.W.
Kolb, I. Tkachev. Power Spectrum of Cosmic String Perturbations on
the Microwave Background; L. Perivolaropoulos. Progress in New and
Old Ideas: Time Reversal for Spacetime and Internal Symmetry;
E.C.G. Sudarshan. Superstring Fermion Vertex and Gauge Symmetry in
Four Dimensions; L. Dolan. Massive String Status as Extreme; M.J.
Duff, J. Rahmfeld. Z' Diagnostics at Future Colliders; M. Cvetic.
Aspects of Particle Physics: Siberian Snakes and Polarized Beams;
L.G. Ratner. Polarized Lepton Experiments; D.G. Crabb. Progress in
Neutrino Physics: A Survey of Experiments and Theory; S.L. Mintz,
M. Pourkaviani. Further Inspirations from the Electroweak Theory,
Supersymmetry, Supergravity: Implications of Supersymmetric Grand
Unification; V. Barger, et al. Realistic Superstring Models; A.E.
Faraggi. Flavor Mixing and the Generation of Mass; H. Fritzsch.
Unification of Fundamental Interactions in Supersymmetry; P. Nath,
R. Arnowitt. Dynamical Problems of Baryogenesis; J.M. Cornwall.
Conference Program. Index.
The present volume is a compilation of the talks presented at the
1972 Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High
Energy held at the University of Miami by the Center for
Theoretical Studies. The volume contains, in addition,
contributions by B. Kursunoglu and G. Breit, which were not
actually presented, but are included as tributes to Professor
P.A.M. Dirac, to whom the Conference is formally dedicated. Again
this year the theme, style and format of each session was in most
cases the responsibility of the section leaders who also cons
ituted the Conference Committee. This organization of the
conference meant that each section was coherent and essentially
self-contained, and as weIl, allowed for spirited panel discussions
to critically summarize, and to indicate new directions for future
research. This volume is divided into four sections on Constructive
Field Theory, and Advances in the Theory of Weak and Electro
magnetic Interactions, Cosmic Evolution, and New Vistas in the
Theory of Fundamental Interactions. Each section represents a
thorough, penetrating survey of one of the most active research
programs of theoretical physics. Thanks are due to typists Mrs.
Helga S. Billings, Mrs. Jackie Zagursky, Miss Connie Retting, and
to Mrs. Norma Gayle Hagan for her industrious supervision of the
many programs involved in the conference. This conference received
some support from the Atomic Energy Commission and the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Editors vii Miss Sevil
Kursunoglu, Professor Behram Kursunoglu, Professor P. A. M. Dirac,
Mrs. Behram Kursunoglu, Mr."
This volume contains a portion of the presentations given at the
session on Laser-Fusion and Laser Develop ment of Orbis Scientiae
II, held at the Center for Theoretical Studies, University of
Miami, from January 20 through January 24, 1975. This second in the
new series of meetings held at the CTS strove to implement the
goals professed in the organization of Orbis Scientiae in 1974,
namely to encourage scientists in several disci plines to exchange
views, not only with colleagues who share similar research
interests, but also to acquaint scientists in other fields with the
leading ideas and current results in each area represented. Thus,
an effort has been made to include papers in each session that
discuss fundamental issues in a way which is com prehensible to
scientists who are specialists in other areas. Also in keeping with
the philosophy of Orbis Scientiae, the major topics each year are
to be varied, with the invariant being the inclusion of
developments in fundamental physics. The discussions of the current
state of the art in lasers and fusion represented in this volume
are not only of interest because they deal with newly unfolding
branches of physics, but also because of their potential
technological and societal significance. The paper by v. N. Lugovoi
and A. M. Prokhorov was not presented at Orbis Scientiae II, but is
included because of its relevance to the topics in this volume."
This volume contains the papers presented during the
Neurophysiology Session of the first Orbis Scientiae of the Center
for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, Coral Gables,
Florida. With this first Orbis which met from January 7 - 11, 1974,
the Center for Theoretical Studies has inaugerated a new set of
annual gatherings devoted to the natural sciences and to problems
on the "interface" of science and society. The content of the talks
presented ranged over a wide variety of topics in neurophysiology,
biophysics and biochemistry. A number of the talks concerned
various aspects of the brain and its functions. Recent results were
also presented on the physics and chemistry of membranes. The
papers in the volume are presented in the order in which they were
originally delivered. Special thanks are due to Mrs. Helga
Billings, Miss Sara Lesser and Mrs. Jacquelyn Zagursky for the
typing of the manuscript and for their efficient and cheerful
attention to the details of the conference.
The editors are pleased to submit to the readers the state of the
art in high energy physics as it appears at the beginning of 1980.
Great appreciation is extended to Mrs. Helga S. Billings and Mrs.
Connie Wardy for their assistance with the conference and skillful
typing of the proceedings which was done with great enthusiasm and
dedication. Orbis Scientiae 1980 received some support from the
Department of Energy. THE EDITORS v CONTENTS The Variation of G and
the Problem of the Moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 P. A. M. Dirac
Primatons, Maximum Energy Density Quanta, Possible Constituents of
the Ylem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A. J. Meyer
Dynamical Higgs Mechanism and Hyperhadron Spectroscopy. . . . . 23
M. A. B. Beg Glueballs: Their Spectra, Production and Decay. . . .
. . . . . . . . . 43 Sydney Meshkov Quarks in Light Baryons. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Nathan Isgur and Gabriel Karl Color van der Waals Forces?. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 O. W.
Greenberg The Question of Proton Stability, Summary. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 87 Maurice Goldhaber A Review of Charmed
Particle Production in Hadronic Collisions. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Stephen L. Olsen
Infrared Properties of the Gluon Propagator: A Progress Report. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
F. Zachariasen Theoretical Aspects of Proton Decay. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 William J. Marciano Fun with E .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 141 6 R. Slansky vii OON N SOlO as a Viable Unification
Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 P. Ramond
Migdalism Revisited: Calculating the Bound States of Quantum
Chromodynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
173 Paul M. Fishbane The U{l) Problem and Anomalous Ward
Identities. . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Pran Nath and R."