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This monograph consists of six chapters that provide updates in the
field of earth science research. Chapter One explicates the history
of exploration of the Antarctic continent and tries to answer
questions surrounding the initial discovery of Antarctica. Chapter
Two describes the properties of the Kwanza Basin in terms of the
presence of hydrocarbons and other aspects of interest to oil
companies. Chapter Three includes information about the planktic
foraminiferal biostratigraphy at the K/PG boundary at El Kef GSSP
of the Tethyan realm. Chapter Four quantitively assesses the
microfabric of the Kawabata Formation by evaluating rock specimens
using magnetic techniques. Chapter Five presents the results of the
research of distribution of rare-earth and other trace elements in
relict zircons from restitogenic ultramafic rocks of Shaman
massifs. Finally, Chapter Six introduces a new monitoring
technology that could lead to the next generation of hydraulic
fracture optimization and rejuvenate unconventional reservoir
In the opening chapter Volume 19 uses obtained kinetic data to
estimate the growth rate of the basic copper carbonates with the
participation of complexing agents, thus demonstrating that natural
organic complexing agents can play an important role in the
formation of copper carbonate minerals. The next section deals with
how the presence of organic matter, which is much softer than the
inorganic matrix, affects gas production in shale reservoirs. A
comprehensive study of the characteristics of organic matter can
improve our understanding of organic-rich shale reservoirs.
Additionally, remote-sensing for oil spills is reviewed. The
technical aspects of sensors are summarised and the benefits and
limitations of each sensor are given. In the last few decades, as
the number of reclamation projects has increased, the diversity of
the landscape has also increased, as has the proportion of
ecologically valuable elements (such as forests, meadows and water
bodies) which can approximate the original landscape with a greater
degree of ecological stability. More accurate quantification of the
extent of mining activities and reclamation projects is important
for exploration of environmental impacts on the ecosystem. In order
to address coastal degradation, the Atlantic Andalusian Coastal
District has performed beach and dune restoration planning,
described by the authors as an example of sustainable coastal
management. In the penultimate chapter, the method of the
gravitational mass spectroscopy is used to investigate the
inhomogeneity of the density in the surface layers of the Earth's
crust under the European continent in the area of massive deposits
of hard coal. The final chapter describes the petrography,
whole-rock major and trace-element geochemistry of lamprophyre dyke
reported in southern India.
This book explores the most recent developments in Earth Science
research. Chapters include research on the Indian Summer Monsoon
and its impacts on society and the economy; geothermal heat pumps
(GSHPs) or direct expansion (DX) ground source heat pumps as a
highly efficient renewable energy technology; a comprehensive
review of biomass energy sources, environment and sustainable
development; aerodynamic landforms and their sedimentological
characteristics and environmental implications; the mechanism of
assymetric basin formation and evolution; a discussion on the
development of inselbergs; the application of GREENSCOPE as a
sustainability assessment tool for chemical processes; sedimentary
basin as a cradle for biodiversity, focusing on the Buenos Aires
Province in Argentina; deep sea depositional systems and their use
as primary target for hydrocarbon exploration and development; the
transformation of rivers during the process of certain human
activities; and the results of field observations of small river
basin waters, including their chemical composition.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the utilisation of biomass for renewable
bioenergy development; depressions of superficial deposit; nature
and origin of granitic rocks; nature and technology of geothermal
energy, clean sustainable energy for the benefit of humanity and
environment; kinetic energy metamorphosis of rocks; an improved
workflow towards real-time microseismic data processing; a brief
overview of the Brazilian legislation and the radioactive wastes
geologic repository project; detection of groundwater and soil
contamination by hydrocarbons using radon as a tracer; genetic
programming applied to chemical and environmental engineering; and
a multisided analysis of living matter in an aquatic ecosystem.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the impact of internal wave breaking on
ocean upper layer formation; geoexchange; neutron clusters in the
earth's core; pyrite as a concentrator of gold in laboratory and
natural systems; triggering earthquakes by rainfalls; and
mineralogy and origin of rare-earth-element-bearing granites.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on high resolution insight on the submarine
mudflows of the gulf of Mexico; shale and its beneficial and
dangerous characteristics for human beings; publicly available open
access data and machine learning model-predictions applied with
open source GIS for the entire Antarctic ocean: a first
meta-analysis and synthesis from 53 charismatic species; a case
study on ice sheets self-destructing and causing rapid climate
change; conservation planning and management of limited water
resources in arid and semi-arid areas as economic resources; laser
Raman spectroscopy study on the growth zoning of feldspar, zircon
and apatite; statistical prediction of winter rainfall in Patagonia
(Argentina); and research of seismicity at an oceanic and sea
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the role of hydrology in salt marsh
ecology; modelling tool applications in freshwater ecosystems and
resource management; the flood cycle model; mechanisms of global
change in the biosphere; the impact of tropical forest canopies in
the planning of rural settlements and sustainable environments;
long-term consistency of main taxonomic groups of Lake Kinneret
phytoplankton; modelling landslide susceptibility analysis; and the
Earth's gravitational dipole.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on glacial erosion and Karst Evolution; the
Lake Urmia Dike and its hydrodynamic and geological impact;
geometry of coronal rays; Estonian dolomite; the last continental
glaciation of Western Siberia; fracture network properties in
limestone and dolostone; and solar EUV coronas.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the utility of schist in rock art studies;
fossil records of angiosperm origin; crater detection algorithms;
crater distributions in volcanoes controlled by magmatic and
tectonic conditions; and the mineralogical compositions of gneisses
and schists.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a specific focus on the kryosphere and its
relationship to the hydrosphere. Explored also are the shield
volcanoes of the Siberian flood basalts and the dynamics of lava
sheet formation, as well as the planetary conditions at the Hadean
and Archean transition and the possible scenarios for the origin of
life and oxygen genesis in the early earth atmosphere.
The dynamics and mechanisms of a monsoon is one of the most
spectacular global phenomena of nature. Climate change could
influence monsoon dynamics, cause poor summer precipitation, and
delay the start of monsoon season. This book discusses the impact
of monsoons from the normal or even slight deviations in the light
of country economics, agricultural production, water availability,
and hydroelectric power generation. Also discussed in this
compilation are the methodical aspects of an avalanche mechanism
and the electrical breakdown of gases.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the dynamics of continental deformation
with regard to rifting and plate tectonics; archaeological charcoal
signals from Upper Paleolithic sites; olivine and its role in
chemical evolution and in the origin of life; Great Lakes ecology,
conservation and management; volcanic ash soils in Taiwan; finite
half-space models of the oceanic lithosphere and manifestations of
upwelling mantle flow on the Earth's surface.
Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 17 opens with a
discussion about the attainment of a new multichannel seismic
profile in the Volturno Basin, located in the Northern Campania
continental shelf of the Southern Tyrrhenian margin of Italy. This
multichannel seismic profile has permitted geological sections to
be constructed and interpreted to study the correlation between
seismic units individuated through the seismo-stratigraphic
techniques. Next, a conversation about the idea that human built
structures can be studied as a geological system is presented. It
will be argued that considering human works in the context of
geological processes can be traced back, at least, to Lyell's works
that set the foundations of modern Geology. One of the largest
plutonic bodies in the European Variscan belt, Moldanubian
batholith, is studied for composition, with the findings including
coarse-grained, porphyritic I/S-type biotite granites to
granodiorites of the Weinsberg suite, (2) two-mica S-type granites
of the Eisgarn suite and (3) fine to medium-grained, and I/S-type
biotite granodiorites of the Freistadt/Mauthausen suite. An
analysis of satellite gravimetry is presented using several applied
methodologies including entropial and information transformations,
computing of various derivatives, coherence features and
multistatistical characteristics, inverse probability, and advanced
downward continuation. This book includes a chapter focused on the
chemical and biological properties of the water in salt lakes in
order to understand the mechanisms of the organisms adaptation to
extreme conditions in hypersaline biotope. The history of the
application of radiometric dating of speleothems physically related
to rock art is reviewed to show that there are significant issues
with both radiocarbon analysis and 230Th/234U analysis of carbonate
precipitates in limestone caves. A geochemical and
thermochronological study designed for the elucidation of the
burial and exhumation history of an extensive pull-apart basin
conducted on the East Eurasian longstanding convergent margin is
presented. Several tests are described using an S8 Tiger
spectrometer from Bruker Co., belonging to LARIN (Ionizing
Radiations Laboratory) and UNESPetro (Geosciences Center Applied to
Petroleum), IGCE-UNESP-Rio Claro (SP), Brazil. Next, Ions in water
samples collected from rivers and wells are examined. In closing, a
study comparing surface-to-volume (SV) allometries of natural water
bodies and of the living systems inhabiting them is presented.
Peatlands are characterised as habitats where waterlogged and low
oxygen conditions result in the accumulation of organic matter.
This organic material is the peat, the partially decomposed remains
of vegetation, and peat accumulations can be tens of meters deep,
with peat to at least 30 to 40 cm depth typically being used to
classify an ecosystem as a peatland. This book examines the
microbial ecology of peat swamp forests, new methods for the
waterproofing of construction materials with organic peat
compounds, and the fundamentals of obtaining sorption materials
from mineral peat-based compositions and their industrial
Rangelands are confined to the tropic and sub-tropic regions, and
cover about 4.5 billion hectares of the world's dry lands or one
fifth of the earth's land surface. In spite of their hostile
environment, they are important biodiversity conservation
landscapes and support livelihoods of nearly 135 million people,
yet they are some of the most neglected and abused biomes. This
book examines the degradation of rangelands, and its potential
ecological and socio-economic implications. Also discussed are the
traditional management of dehesa systems, with a focus on the
problems and advantages of the livestock diversification which
characterise them. A brief description of the Surface Renewal (SR)
method and research is given, and performance observed for
estimating sensible heat, latent heat and C02 fluxes against the
more expensive EC measurements over grasslands are looked at as
well. This book also gives an overview of the widespread isotopic
techniques applied to study connectivity between streams and
groundwater; assumptions, advantages and drawbacks of the isotopic
methodologies are reported. In addition, human impact is arguably
the most important issue confronting mountain ecosystems today
across the world. This book outlines the trajectory of mountain
studies in anthropology, from early studies to the peak of mountain
anthropology in the 1980s, highlighting major theoretical and
research foci. Other chapters in this book review the current
threats to inland desert rangelands, ranging from groundwater
depletion, habitat fragmentation, exotic species introductions and
overgrazing. Recommendations on how to improve the state of
irrigated soils and to eliminate anthropogenic desertification are
also discussed.
This edited volume includes five chapters, each detailing recent
advancements in earth science research. Chapter One explores the
role of artificial intelligence in issuing more accurate and timely
forecasts of summer monsoon rainfall. Chapter Two describes the
process of recycling magnets to obtain rare earth elements as well
as the potential economic, environmental, and strategic advantages
of doing so. Chapter Three highlights the necessity of moving from
a conventional linear economy to a circular economy in which the
value of electronic waste is maximized through reusing, recycling,
remanufacturing, and refurbishing. Chapter Four reviews and
discusses the recent trends, developments, and future perspectives
of direct and chemical recycling techniques of nonmetal fractions
from electronic waste. Lastly, Chapter Five overviews the
application of remote sensing and geographic information systems in
agriculture and natural resource management.
Chapter one reports the results of a radiometric survey performed
at the main installations of DPM-Department of Petrology and
Metallogeny of IGCE-Institute of Geosciences and Exacts Sciences
belonging to UNESP, Rio Claro (SP), Brazil, whose major task has
been to realise researches with crystalline rocks. The acquired
dataset is presented and discussed in terms of possible
implications for human health. Chapter two aims to map the spatial
distribution of various land cover types at the surface of the
Ghuwaymid sabkha using L1B ASTER data. Chapter three discusses if
the zone of shearing is treated as a separate layer (Layer of
Lateral Anisotropy and Mass Advection, LLAMA), it can remain
isolated from the convecting mantle but be only partially attached
to the overlying plate. As such it may serve as a long-lived
shallow source for intraplate volcanism if it undergoes suitable
metasomatic enrichment. Chapter four applies statistical and
geochemical modelling techniques to an extensive major and trace
element composition database for 86 samples from eight outcrops. A
statistical comparison scheme applied to diverse geochemical ratios
discards a genetic link between San Felipe volcanic ashes and
regional contemporary magmatic localities. In Chapter five,
Subsidence dolines are described. Additionally, the morphological
environment of subsidence dolines of glaciokarst, the bearing
cover, their size, their morphology and features of their activity
are characterised. Chapter six provides new insight into the
formation of high-grade precious-metal ores in low-sulfidation
deposits. The chapter presents textural evidence for formation of
electrum flocs in a boiling environment under epithermal
conditions. Chapter seven suggests that a large low shear velocity
province beneath Columbia would have triggered mantle plumes after
the arrival of 2.0 Ga to 1.8 Ga active subducting slabs in the
lower mantle. Columbia breakup attempt could have been started in
such Large Igneous Provinces regions, where rifting processes may
have occurred. Finally, Chapter eight examines what we define as
legally relevant "outer space" and who has legal competence in
space to begin with? These issues are considered in regard to
potential outer space warfare: its legality, pros and cons, as well
as its probability.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the stratigraphic setting of continental
shelves of Southern Italy investigated through seismic
stratigraphy: crust and upper mantle structure of Northern Eurasia
from long-range seismic profiling with chemical and nuclear
explosions; multi-storied plantation surfaces, base-level control,
and the morphotectonic interpretation of crustal movements in the
basement regions of a case study from Zimbabwe; hydrochemical
aspects of groundwaters occurring at Basaltic rocks, Parana Basin,
Brazil; localisation of geochemical aureoles of rare earths in the
Northern Region of the Republic of Moldova; groundwater sources,
geological formation, and their environment in the Sudan; shale and
its beneficial and dangerous characteristics for human beings;
remote sensing techniques as an effective tool for systematic
survey and better management of natural resources; and the use of
climbing plants in heritage bioconservation.
This book presents and discusses research in the field of earth
science, with a focus on the iron bioavailability in the Southern
Oceans; the electrical properties of sedimentary rocks; the
evolution of movement of asteroids; climatological features of
cyclonic development over the Southwestern South Atlantic Ocean;
coastal impacts related to wind/wave changes in the South American
Continental Shelf; hydraulic conductivity assessment in fractured
rock masses and the geology of hematite on the Earth's surface.
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