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The Study of the American School Superintendency, 2000 is the ninth
10-Year Study of the American School Superintendent commissioned by
AASA. This 174-page reference work on the superintendency is the
largest and most comprehensive look at the men and women leading
our nation's public schools. It includes a wide range of
information about and from superintendents, including a close
examination of: Superintendents' personal characteristics,
professional experience and professional preparation and training,
Superintendent/school board relations and other issues affecting
education and leadership, Women and minority school leaders, The
history of the school superintendent in American public education,
And more! The Study of the American School Superintendency, 2000 is
a valuable resource for school leaders, aspiring school leaders,
and those charged with preparing and supporting school leaders. In
2007, AASA will publish the 10th study of the superintendency. So,
we're making room for the new study and offering the 2000 study at
more than 70% off! Buy yours now, before it's too late!
Most published research on the superintendency has failed to
examine the voices of female superintendents. Today, white males
make up approximately 85% of superintendents, rendering female
responses to the superintendency almost nonexistent. Women Leading
School Systems, commissioned by the American Association of School
Administrators (AASA), provides a historical overview of women in
top leadership positions. This study examines what drives some
female educators to accept the challenge of becoming a
superintendent and what drives others to remain in middle
management. The authors also profile a number of women who spend
their lives at the top of the school system. This comprehensive
book is the only national study entirely dedicated to women's
The Study of the American School Superintendency, 2000 is the ninth
10-Year Study of the American School Superintendent commissioned by
AASA. This 174-page reference work on the superintendency is the
largest and most comprehensive look at the men and women leading
our nation's public schools. It includes a wide range of
information about and from superintendents, including a close
examination of: Superintendents' personal characteristics,
professional experience and professional preparation and training,
Superintendent/school board relations and other issues affecting
education and leadership, Women and minority school leaders, The
history of the school superintendent in American public education,
And more! The Study of the American School Superintendency, 2000 is
a valuable resource for school leaders, aspiring school leaders,
and those charged with preparing and supporting school leaders. In
2007, AASA will publish the 10th study of the superintendency. So,
we're making room for the new study and offering the 2000 study at
more than 70% off! Buy yours now, before it's too late!
Professor B.G. WEBER has once again and in a very timely fashion
produced a superb book on an orthopaedic subject of great
importance. "The Extemal Fixator" is the most comprehensive text on
the subject in orthopaedic literature to date. Professor WEBER
thoroughly discusses extemal fixation with c1arity, organization,
profuse illustrations and roentgenograms. Professor WEBER
acknowledges that the use of extemal fixation in orthopaedic
surgery is not newand traces its history over the years. He points
out c1early the fact that though at various times the "method" has
experienced periods of disrepute, modem sophistication, improved
technology and a better understanding of its philosophy have given
the system a newand perhaps permanent place in the armamentarium of
the orthopaedic surgeon. All methods of treatment have critics as
well as supporters, and not infrequently the strongest criticisms
are the result of poor understanding of the philosophy proposed and
its proper implementation. Professor WEBER, in his carefully
detailed and well illustrated book, has made it abundantly c1ear
that the use of extemal fixators in the treatment of fractures must
be c1early understood by the orthopaedic surgeon in order to obtain
satisfactory clinical results. His discussion of its philosophy,
pathomechanics and technology are most comprehensive and leave "no
stone untumed" and because of this the book represents a most
comprehensive text on the subject.
Die Stabilisierung von Knochenfragmenten mit Hilfe eines Fixateur
externe geht wa- scheinlich auf LAMBOTTE (1902) zuruck. Der
Fixateur externe ist jedoch noch nicht im gleichen Masse zum
Durchbruch gekommen, wie die geschlossene Frakturenbehandlung nach
BoeHLER, W ATSON-JONES, SARMIENTO und die stabilen Osteosynthesen.
Aber auch die operative Frakturbehandlung hat erst 1958 durch die
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen AO
weltweite Verbreitung gefunden. Dabei ist die AO-Technik von deren
Autoren MuLLER, ALLGOEWER und WILLENEGGER zu keiner Zeit etwa als
allein richtige Methode verstanden worden, und in ihrem Buch
"Technik der operativen Frakturenbehandlung", Springer-Verlag 1963,
steht im Vorwort: "Wir koennen nicht genug warnen vor
Osteosynthesen, die ohne entsprechende Schulung des Chirurgen und
ohne notwendige technische Voraussetzungen bezuglich
Instrumentarium und Asepsis im Operationsbetrieb durchgefuhrt
werden ... ". Die Gefahren der direkten Osteosynthese haben die
konservative Behandlung in modifizierter Form reaktiviert, so dass
heute das "functional bracing" nach SARMIENTO vielerorts genauso
oft Anw- dung findet, wie die AO-Technik.
Das UN-Kaufrecht (engl.: United Nations Convention on Contracts
for the International Sale of Goods, CISG) ist ma geblich f r den
internationalen Warenkauf. Seit dem Erscheinen der 1. Auflage des
Bandes im Jahr 1996 hat sich die Zahl der Vertragsstaaten von 45
auf 71 erh ht. Dies zeigt die wachsende Bedeutung des
internationalen Abkommens. Der Band bietet eine bersichtliche,
verst ndliche und fundierte Kommentierung des Wiener UN-Kaufrechts
f r Wissenschaft und Praxis aus der Feder eines ausgewiesenen
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