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Providing a unified treatment of radio wave propagation in vehicular environments, this book offers a thorough discussion of their theoretical background and fundamental limits, and paves the way to a better understanding of more advanced topics. Further, the book introduces the newest challenges and problems posed by the ever growing need to communicate in mobile networks whilst in a vehicle. The book provides an exhaustive survey of current propagation models, setting a theoretical path that will allow practical engineers and researchers to understand and improve existing wireless mobile networks through better understanding of propagation modelling as applied to the vehicular environment. Chapters are included on wireless channel properties for vehicular environments; modelling and simulation of vehicular communications; intra-vehicle and inter-vehicle short-range wireless channel characterization; vehicular communications channel modelling; and wireless communication system optimization. The book concludes with a chapter exploring applications and case studies. Radio Wave Propagation in Vehicular Environments is suitable for master's students and above in signal processing and mobile communications courses, as well as researchers working in vehicular communications.
This book is the definitive guide to the techniques and applications of position location, covering both terrestrial and satellite systems. It gives all the techniques, theoretical models, and algorithms that engineers need to improve their current location schemes and to develop future location algorithms and systems. Comprehensive coverage is given to system design trade-offs, complexity issues, and the design of efficient positioning algorithms to enable the creation of high-performance location positioning systems. Traditional methods are also reexamined in the context of the challenges posed by reconfigurable and multihop networks. Applications discussed include wireless networks (WiFi, ZigBee, UMTS, and DVB networks), cognitive radio, sensor networks and multihop networks. Features Contains a complete guide to models, techniques, and applications of position location Includes applications to wireless networks, demonstrating the relevance of location positioning to these "hot" areas in research and development Covers system design trade-offs and the design of efficient positioning algorithms, enabling the creation of future location positioning systems Provides a theoretical underpinning for understanding current position location algorithms, giving researchers a foundation to develop future algorithms David Munoz is Director and Cesar Vargas is a member of the
Center for Electronics and Telecommunications, Tecnologico de
Monterrey, Mexico. Frantz Bouchereau is a senior communications
software developer at The MathWorks Inc. in Natick, MA. Rogerio
Enriquez-Caldera is at Instituto Nacional de Atrofisica, Optica y
Electronica (INAOE), Puebla, Mexico.
Organic acids are compounds with acidic properties and occur naturally in a number of foods. They are mainly present in fermented products as a result of hydrolysis, biochemical metabolism, and microbial activity. This book provides research on the characteristics, properties and synthesis of organic acids. Chapter One reviews the application of organic acids in food preservation. Chapter Two provides a chromatographic analysis organic acids in food from animal origin. Chapter Three discusses the diversity of organic acids content in green and roasted Coffea arabica cultivars. Chapter Four studies the effects of organic acids and polysaccharides on the solubility of oyster-derived zinc digested in vitro. Chapter Five examines the evaporation of organic acids aqueous solutions through spread films of polyelectrolyte/surfactant complexes. Chapter Six discusses the influence of liquid absorption and the effect of downstream pressure on the separation performance of pervaporation of acetic acid aqueous solutions.
Nine Success Experts Share Their Secrets on Happiness, Motivation and Success If you've ever wondered if there's more to life than just the "daily grind," this book is for you. Nine success experts who have all gotten UnStuck themselves and who are all now living the life of their dreams are about to share some of the best kept secrets in the field of success. You only get one shot at this life, and each and every day is a gift. It's a lie to believe that you can't have what you want, do what you want and be who you want right here, right now. And this book will show you how. UnStuck will show you: - How to get focused - How to set goals that always come true - How to overcome obstacles - How to create win-win connections - How to be influential and persuasive - And so much more Get UnStuck today and step into the life you deserve.
When Michelangelo set out to paint the Sistine Chapel and sculpt his David, he had a compelling vision that drove him to pursue the final product until he achieved the fulfillment of each Masterpiece. When Leonardo da Vinci was painting his Mona Lisa, he summoned all of his talent, vision and creative power to produce his Masterpiece. When Beethoven composed his Ninth Symphony, he heard every note in his mind before he compiled his timeless creation, even though he was deaf. You may or may not believe it now, but YOU have the same potential as these Masterful Artists to create Your Life as Your Masterpiece. By revealing to you in a straightforward and engaging manner the basic and advanced principles of how your mind works toward success in every area of your life, Dr. Cesar Vargas, Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Master Hypnotist, and avid Student of Success shows you how YOU can sculpt Your Life as Your Masterpiece, step-by-step. Whether you are a Master in the Creative Arts or a paint-by-the-numbers kind of person, Your Life Is Your Masterpiece will guide you to discover, design and develop an amazing life you'll be proud, satisfied, and elated to create.
Nazib Fauntel (Daniel Fuentes) cuenta la historia de Lucha Reyes, quien creo e impuso su propio genero, al dar nacimiento a la Musica Ranchera. Este libro es estudio requerido para toda persona que tenga la intencion de interpretar la Musica Tradicional Mexicana, y los que deseen apreciarla desde sus origenes. Lucha Reyes abrio las puertas para que las luminarias del cine y teatro mexicano tuvieran el gran auge que disfrutaron. En esta fascinante historia, Nazib Fauntel relata como conocio personalmente a la cantante, y fue marcado positivamente de por vida por la fuerza de escenario que demostraba la artista. Su historia sirve de inspiracion a muchos, y el estilo que ella impuso es utilizado ampliamente hoy en dia por los interpretes -grandes y principiantes- de la musica tradicional mexicana.
"Sudar." La autora tuvo que sudar e invertir tiempo para crear este plan para recuperar su vida, a fin de recobrarse de estar adicta a los adictos en su vida. Millones de nosotros conocemos el caos que ocurre en las vidas diarias de los que aman a adictos y alcoholicos. Conocemos el temor, frustracion, ansiedad, distraccion, depresion? Estos se convierten en nuestras vidas. Enfoque? Que significa eso? La autora, quien ha tenido adictos en su vida, la mayor parte de su vida, entro en modalidad de crisis cuando descubrio que su hijo adolescente era adicto a medicamentos recetados, al igual que a alcohol y drogas callejeras. El suyo es un relato de descubrimiento y recobro. El plan que funciono para ella, como dice "para recuperar como el 85% de mi vida" es un plan simple. Este plan es su contribucion a la esperanza, paz y serenidad para los que viven en medio de este caos llamado adiccion. Mas informacion y recursos en www.LibroSudar.com
Cuando Miguel Angel se dispuso a pintar la Capilla Sixtina y esculpir su David, tuvo una vision convincente que lo impulso a ir en pos del producto final hasta lograr la conclusion de esa Obra Maestra. Cuando Leonardo da Vinci estaba pintando su Mona Lisa, evoco todo su talento, vision y creatividad para producir su Obra Maestra. Cuando Beethoven compuso su Novena Sinfonia, escucho cada nota en su mente antes de recopilar su creacion intemporal, aunque era sordo. Aunque no lo creas, TU tienes el mismo potencial que estos Artistas Maestros para crear Tu Vida como Tu Obra Maestra. Al revelarte de una manera directa y amena algunos de los principios basicos y avanzados de como funciona tu mente para lograr el exito en cada area de tu vida, el Dr. Cesar Vargas -Formador Certificado de Programacion Neuro-Lingustica, Hipnologo Maestro, y un avido Estudiante del Exito- te muestra como es que TU puedes esculpir Tu Vida como Tu Obra Maestra, paso a paso. Ya sea que seas un Maestro de las Artes Creativas o seas alguien que pinta por numeros y se sale de la raya, Tu Vida Es Tu Obra Maestra te guiara para descubrir, disenar y desarrollar una vida asombrosa, que tendras el orgullo, la satisfaccion y el gozo de crear.
Aprende a hipnotizarte facilmente, y a los demas Imaginate como sera aprender uno de los talentos mas poderosos y menos comprendidos del mundo... como hipnotizar gente Tus amigos, familiares y companeros estaran asombrados por las cosas maravillosas que has aprendido. De una vez por todas, romperas el misterio y sabras lo que es realmente la hipnosis cuando compres Aprende Hipnosis... Ya La Hipnosis es real, asombrosa y extremadamente poderosa. Cuidado, escepticos; tendran que encontrar otra cosa que dudar una vez que lean Aprende Hipnosis... Ya Con este libro, estaras hipnotizando gente en cuestion de unas cuantas horas Ahora tu puedes ser uno de los del selecto grupo de gente que conoce los secretos de la hipnosis. Eliminaremos el misterio y el abracadabra de la hipnosis, y te daremos la verdad, en un lenguaje sencillo y facil de leer. No se requiere doctorado. No se necesita ningun titulo ni siquiera conocimiento de psicologia. No hay edad limite, ni ninguna otra restriccion. Si, tu tambien puedes Aprender Hipnosis... Ya
Acerca de Mercadotecnia Espiritual Algunos libros vienen con su propio encanto magico. Cuando los lees, tu vida cambia automaticamente. Una persona leyo este libro y recibio tres ofertas de trabajo. Otra se hizo millonario en unos cuantos meses. Un grupo de gente participo en una clase sobre este tema con el autor y cada uno de ellos tuvo milagros espectaculares. Usa el proceso facil de cinco pasos revelado en este nuevo libro inspirador y podras lograr lo imposible -desde magnetizarte para atraer dinero, hasta curar enfermedades, encontrar la pareja ideal, y cualquier cosa que te puedas imaginar. El verdadero secreto es combinar lo espiritual con lo material. No estan aislados; mas bien son dos caras de la misma moneda. Las personas de negocios a menudo ignoran el mundo interior, mientras que las personas con mentalidad espiritual a menudo descartan lo material. Ambos aspectos son importantes a fin de tener una vida feliz. Lee este emocionante libro por uno de los escritores sobre negocios mas populares del mundo y presencia verdaderos milagros. Si sientes el codeo interno para considerar este libro, adquierelo y pruebalo, y preparate para la magia
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