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Conestance, Conerad, Cone-Vera and Conen awoke in a lovely park.
The sun was shining, and the birds were singing in the trees. Lots
of bees and butterflies were busily collecting pollen and nectar
from the flowers. The Cones love a new day and wanted something
interesting to learn about. They wanted a new adventure! Cones and
Cleaner Air is another journey in the Cones series of books for
children. As much as these stories are fun, full of excitement and
adventure they also carry messages of kindness, environmental
awareness, safety, moral principles, helpfulness and understanding.
A perfect narrative to which to introduce young minds to the
possibility that it is good to extend the hand of friendship and
that looking out for others makes the world a safer and better
place in which to live. Each story is wonderfully creative and
beautifully illustrated. Children love them and adults love the
telling of it. This story has been produced with the kind support
of BAM Nuttall and Leeds City Council.
It was a lovely sunny day. Conestance, Conerad, Cone-Vera and Conen
were standing outside a very big building. "Where are we?" Conerad
asked. "Whoa!" he said, jumping backwards. Two big sliding doors
opened and there stood a bright yellow Cone. "Hello," said the new
Cone. "My name is Conespicuous. I'm the warning Cone and I look
after health and safety here at Leeds Children's Hospital. It's one
of the biggest in the country." Each of our four friends introduced
themselves. So begins another adventure for the Cones friends. The
award-winning Cones series of books for children, written by Chris
Madeley, are specifically designed to enhance children's
understanding of aspects of safety, friendship, kindness and moral
and ethical principles by which to be guided. Cones Visit the
Children's Hospital is wonderfully illustrated by Emily Vaughan.
Children love the Cones and adults love reading them. Chris has
always enjoyed words, books and writing for as long as she can
remember. Having been brought up in a family which did not possess
a television, she was well used to making her own entertainment and
with a very fertile imagination and a preference for her own
company, she immersed herself in the world of make-believe and
fantasy. Throughout Chris' school life, she developed a great love
and respect for the written word and reading and writing featured
right at the top of her favourites list. Hardly surprising that her
career took her into working with English and led her to some very
interesting Executive P.A. posts in several major well-known
companies. After a career break to have her family, Chris went back
to work part-time and after training changed disciplines to work as
an Independent Financial Adviser. It was during this time that she
received the inspiration for writing The Cones. Chris spent many a
long hour on the M1 motorway with her husband Keith as they
travelled from their main office in Bradford to their company's
branch office in Hertfordshire and guess what happened? Yes, they
sat in road works surrounded by miles and miles of CONES! Thus, the
'conecept' of Cones coming alive and having adventures was born.
Conerad, Conestance, Cone-Vera and Conen had had a busy day. They
had woggled and woggled until they were too tired to go any
further. It was very dark and the four friends rested on a
hillside. Below them in the valley was a town. The street lights
were shining and there were lights in the houses and shops... So
begins another great adventure for our Cone friends. This time they
will learn all about the importance of electricity, some of the
difficulties caused during a power cut and how the power company
supports communities so that the most vulnerable are looked after.
It was very early morning. Conestance, Conerad, Cone-Vera and Conen
were NOT happy Cones. They had woken up to find Cone Collector's
driver busily stacking Cones onto his truck. "This is not fair!"
Conestance said, stamping the corner of her base, "we're not doing
anything wrong." "What's happening?" Conen asked, sleepily. And so
our four friends embark on a new adventure in the award winning
Cones series of books. This time they discover the dangers of
roadworks. Author, Chris Madeley and all of those in Team Cones are
passionate about helping children understand aspects of safety,
friendship, kindness and moral and ethical principles by which to
be guided. With wonderful illustrations by Darcy Cash, children and
adults alike will love Cones in the Roadworks.
Dawn was breaking and casting a warm glow. A large cargo ship was
ploughing its way across the heaving sea and turned to come towards
the port. A green and white Cone was on the deck, woggling
backwards and forwards. He was very tired, it had been a long
journey from America. As the ship turned to face the port, a small
tug chugged out to sea to help the ship dock safely. In Cones Power
and Nature the adventures of the four friends Cones continue when
they learn about a power station and the way electricity can be
produced from a sustainable resource. Wonderfully creative stories
that are delightfully illustrated. Children love them and adults
love stories that introduce themes of friendship and safety
In CONES ON THE WATERFRONT the four friends meet Conefluence who
teaches them about the beauty as well as danger of being near
waterways, canals and rivers. ;The Cones series are brilliantly
written, delightfully illustrated stories for children that are fun
to read. The adventures that the Cones find themselves in through
each book illustrate aspects of safety awareness as well as moral
and ethical principles of mutual support and friendliness.
Cones on Site (Paperback)
Chris Madeley; Illustrated by Zara Hussain
Discovery Miles 3 270
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Conestance, Conrad, and Cone-Vera were dozing in the warm sun.
Conen was becoming impatient and woggled off to see what he could
find. Conen returned looking very excited. "Come on sleepy-heads,
wake up NOW!" he shouted. "I've found the best place ever to
explore! Wait 'til you see it!" They followed Conen and just around
the corner was an amazing sight... This is the 5th book in The
Cones series of wonderfully told and beautifully illustrated books
for children. This time our Cone friends discover some of the
perils of building sites. They are helped by Conestructor who makes
them aware that children should never, ever even think about
playing there. The Cones stories are interwoven with a narrative of
friendship, safety and moral and ethical principles. Young children
love The Cones stories and adults love telling them. Parents and
teachers will welcome children enjoying stories within which they
will also learn life skills.
"I'm very worried," Vic Voltage said, "if you look carefully at the
leaves in that tall tree you will see some electricity cables going
through them." "What's so scary about that?" Conen asked rudely.
"Conen! Manners!" Cone-Vera said. "Sorry, but it's not scary!"
Conen said. "Look what else is in the trees," Vic pointed. "There
are two boys getting nearer and nearer to the cables. They're in
great danger, I must get help!" Vic ran off quickly... This is the
4th book in The Cones series of wonderfully told and beautifully
illustrated books for children. This time our Cone friends discover
the dangers of electricity. They are helped by Vic Voltage who
warns them of the perils of playing too close to electricity cables
and pylons and when they get into trouble Police Car and Wise Owl
come to the rescue. The Cones are stories interwoven with a
narrative of friendship, safety and moral and ethical principles.
Young children love The Cones stories and adults love telling them.
Parents and teachers will welcome children enjoying stories within
which they will also learn life skills.
Conerad, Conestance, Cone-Vera and Conen were very excited. They
were ready for another adventure! They were standing outside a
beautiful building with arches and lights. "This looks exciting,"
Conen whispered. "Shall we go in and see what we can find?" "There
are no humans about," said Conerad, "so let's go." ... so the story
starts. Cones On The Rails is the latest adventure in the Cones
series of books for children. As much as these stories are fun,
full of excitement and adventure they also carry messages of
kindness, safety awareness, moral principles, helpfulness and
understanding. A perfect narrative to which to introduce young
minds to the possibility that it is good to extend the hand of
friendship and that looking out for others makes the world a safer
and better place in which to live. Each story is wonderfully
creative and beautifully illustrated. Children love them and adults
love the telling of it.
"Early one sunny morning Conerad and Conestance were standing at
the end of a long line of Cones, talking quietly together. They
were bored with standing in the same place. Conerad said, "Do you
remember, when we were covered in Moondust and we shook it off by
rocking from side to side? Perhaps, if we keep shaking, we could
move away." Conerad frowned as he tried to move about. In Cones
Make New Friends the adventures of the Cones continue in a story to
enthral children while teaching them the importance of how they
make friends and play nice! Wonderfully creative stories,
delightfully illustrated. Children love it and adults love the
telling of it.
"Down a long street in the big city there stands a very tall
building. On the top floor, in a special office, works a Very
Important Person. He sits behind a huge desk with piles of paper on
either side of him..." So begins 'Meet the Cones', the first story
in the 'Cones' series; a magical, wonderful world within which the
reader will never look at a Cone in quite the same way again.
Fabulously creative stories, beautifully illustrated. Children love
it and adults love the telling of it.
Conerad, Conestance, Cone-Vera si Conen erau foarte entuziasmati.
Erau pregatiti pentru o alta aventura! Stateau in fata unei cladiri
frumoase cu arcade si lumini. "Arata incitant" sopti Conen. "Oare
sa intram si sa vedem ce gasim inauntru?" "Nu sunt oameni prin
preajma" zise Conerad, "deci, sa mergem." Conurile incepura sa
misune pe sub o arcada, luara o curba si intrara in statia de
tren."Uimitor!" exclama Conerad. "Cine esti ? Ce faceti in holul
principal din gara mea?" zise o voce baritonala. "Exploram" zise
Cone-Vera. "Bine ati venit in holul principal al Statiei Grand
Central!" zise cu mandrie Conul aparut langa ei.
Konrad, Konstancja, Wera i Conen byli bardzo podekscytowani. Byli
gotowi na kolejna przygode! Stali przed pieknym budynkiem z lukami
i swiatlami. "Wyglada ekscytujaco" - szepnal Conen. "Powinnismy
wejsc i zobaczyc, co mozemy znalezc? " "W poblizu nie ma ludzi" -
powiedzial Konrad, "wiec chodzmy". Stozki przemknely pod lukiem,
skrecily za rog i stanely na stacji kolejowej. "Niesamowity!"
Wykrzyknal Konrad. "Kim jestes? Co robisz na mojej hali?"
Powiedzial gleboki glos. "Badamy". Powiedziala Wera. "Witamy w hali
koncertowej Dworzec Grand Central! Z duma powiedzial nowy Stozek.
Zaczyna sie kolejna przygoda.
Conrado, Constanza, Concetta e Conte erano molto eccitati. Erano
pronti per un'altra avventura! Erano davanti ad un bellissimo
edificio con archi e luci. "Sembra eccitante," sussurro Conte. "Che
ne dite di entrare e vedere cosa troviamo?" "Non ci sono umani in
giro," disse Conrado, "andiamo". Cosi inizia la storia. Coni Sulle
Rotaie e l'ultima avventura della serie di libri per bambini Coni.
Per quanto queste storie siano divertenti, piene di eccitazione e
avventura, contengono anche messaggi sulla bonta, l'importanza
della sicurezza, i principi morali, la disponibilita e la
comprensione. Temi perfetti con i quali far conoscere alle giovani
menti la possibilita che sia bello estendere la mano dell'amicizia
e che prendersi cura degli altri renda il mondo un posto piu sicuro
e migliore in cui vivere. Ogni storia e creativa e contiene
meravigliose illustrazioni. I bambini adorano queste storie e gli
adulti adorano raccontarle.
, ---- ---- , ! , " ," ," ? ?" " ," ," " , , Conerad, Conestance,
Cone-Vera and Conen were very excited. They were ready for another
adventure! They were standing outside a beautiful building with
arches and lights. "This looks exciting," Conen whispered. "Shall
we go in and see what we can find?" "There are no humans about,"
said Conerad, "so let's go." ... so the story starts.
Tot un matin ensoleille, Conerad et Conestance, qui se trouvaient
au bout d'une longe ligne de Cones, papotaient silencieusement.
Mais rester assis au meme endroit les ennuyait. Conerad dit " Tu te
souviens, quand on etait couverts de poussiere de lune, puis on
s'en est debarrasses en se balancant d'un cote a l'autre ?
Peut-etre, si on essayait ca, on pourrait se deplacer et aller
ailleurs. " Conerad grimaca alors qu'il essayait de bouger. "
Bonjour, je m'appelle Cone-Vera ", dit le Cone a cote de
Conestance. " Si vous soulevez deux coins de vos bases et vous
deplacez de cote vous pouvez balembler. " Cone-Vera montra aux deux
amis comment faire. " Balembler ? " demanda Conerad. " Oui, c'est
ce que font les Cones quand ils bougent. Plus que trembler, mais
moins que balancer. Les Cones balemblent" Cone-Vera expliqua.
Conerad et Conestance realiserent qu'ils etaient vraiment doues a
"No in cio de uma manh ensolarada, Conerad e Conestance estavam no
final de uma longa fila de Cones, conversando em voz baixa. Eles
estavam entediados em ficar no mesmo lugar. Conerad disse: " Voc se
lembra, quando est vamos cobertos de Moondust e n s sacudiu balan
ando de um lado para o outro? Talvez, se continuarmos tremendo, pud
ssemos nos afastar. "Conerad franziu a testa enquanto tentava se
movimentar.Em Cones Make New Friends as aventuras dos Cones
continuam em uma hist ria para cativar as crian as enquanto ensinam
a import ncia de como elas fazem amigos e Jogue bem! Hist rias
maravilhosamente criativas, deliciosamente ilustradas. As crian as
adoram e os adultos adoram contar tudo.
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