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The latest title in the Real World Nursing Survival Guide series,
this fun and engaging book makes it easy to review must-know
concepts associated with hemodynamic monitoring. Its lighthearted,
cartoon-filled approach guides readers through challenging concepts
and procedures. The book begins with an overview of five main
concepts: cardiac output, stroke volume, preload, afterload, and
contractility. It discusses equipment used for specific procedures,
followed by discussions of specific aspects of hemodynamic
monitoring including cardiac output, intra-arterial, central
venous, pulmonary artery, and mixed venous oxygenation. The final
chapter focuses on clinical applications with case studies,
clinical interventions, and exercises. The unique presentation of
content narrows the gap between the knowledge a student learns
during nursing school and the wisdom they need to survive in the
real world. Material is presented using adult learning principles
and various active-learning strategies to engage readers of all
ages, backgrounds, and learning styles. A consistent chapter format
- using the headings What it is, What you need to know, What you
do, and Do you understand? - breaks down information into small
segments and facilitates understanding. Special icons for Lifespan
Considerations, Cultural Implications, Web Links, Cautions,
Monitoring and Initial Treatment help readers quickly identify
special content in the chapter. A variety of memory-reinforcing
activities such as mnemonic devices, fill-in the blank, matching,
word jumbles, true/false, and crossword puzzles promote learning
and understanding. Clinical terms and shorthand expressions are
highlighted in colored text within parentheses after the
explanation, to expose readers to terminology used in the practice
setting. Boxed Take Home Points distill years of nursing experience
into practical, "real world" advice from the experts. More than 100
NCLEX-style questions, divided by chapter, are included in a
section at the end of the book so readers can test their knowledge
and review challenging concepts. Full-color illustrations
demonstrate key concepts and principles of hemodynamic monitoring,
including various complications. Original cartoon-character
illustrations and a cartoon camel walk readers through subjects
that nursing students have identified as difficult, using a
lighthearted approach. Waveforms at the end of each chapter allow
readers to practice their interpretation.
As the likely first responder in an emergency, you need quick
access to essential information on the potential complications of
many different cancer types and treatments. The new edition of this
trusted resource provides up-to-date information on the
pathophysiology, complications, risks, treatment approaches,
prognosis, assessment findings, and nursing and medical
interventions for a wide range of cancers. It also offers valuable
information to help you fulfill your role as care coordinator and
patient advocate, including client education guidelines, discharge
procedures, and strategies for helping the client and family deal
with the impact of the disease's progression. A consistent format
throughout helps you quickly find the information you need, no
matter what the topic. This indispensable reference is written and
reviewed by both oncology and acute care nurses, ensuring accuracy,
currency, and clinical relevance. Coverage of each cancer includes
pathophysiologic mechanisms, epidemiology and etiology, risk
profile, prognosis, professional assessment criteria (PAC), nursing
care and treatment, evidence-based practice update, patient
teaching, nursing diagnoses or DSM-IV, evaluation and desired
outcomes, and discharge planning with follow-up care, where needed.
The latest prognosis statistics give you a realistic picture of the
survival possibilities for your patients so you can provide the
most appropriate nursing care and patient education.
Multiple-choice review questions with answers and rationales at the
end of each chapter help reinforce your understanding of key
concepts and prepare you for certification examinations. Special
boxes highlight pediatric-specific care considerations for working
with children. Six new chapters - Biliary and Pancreatic
Obstruction, Depression and Cognitive Dysfunction, Dyspnea and
Airway Obstruction, GI Obstruction, Heart Failure, and Spiritual
Distress - keep you up to date with the latest advances in oncology
nursing. Evidence-based rationales in the nursing interventions
help you apply the latest research findings to actual practice.
Each chapter includes a new section on pathophysiology to help you
understand the physiologic processes associated with each oncologic
This readable and student-friendly guide simplifies and clearly
explains the complex concepts and processes of fluids and
electrolytes in the human body. It utilizes a step-by-step learning
approach and starts with the basics and advances to cover more
complex issues. The new edition features revised NCLEX (R)
examination-style questions and new case studies. Unique
presentation of content allows students to survive and thrive.
Material is presented using adult learning principles and various
active-learning strategies to engage nursing students of all ages,
backgrounds, and learning styles. Consistent chapter format breaks
down information into small units and reinforces an effective
thinking process. Special icons for Lifespan Considerations,
Cultural Implications, Web Links, and Cautions help the student
quickly identify special content in the chapter. Memory-reinforcing
interactive activities (including fill-in the blank, matching, word
jumbles, true/false, and crossword puzzles) promote student
learning. Clinical terms and shorthand expressions are highlighted
in parentheses to expose students to terminology that they will
hear in the hospital setting. Boxed Take Home Points provide the
benefit of years of nursing experience that students can use to
prepare for their clinical rotation. Original cartoon-character
illustrations walk the student through difficult subjects with a
lighthearted approach. Cover design and series title better
identifies the series as a fun and simple review. What You Will
Learn section provides chapter objectives for the reader to aid in
their navigation through the chapters. Over 100 NCLEX (R)
examination-style review questions have been moved to the ends of
chapters to immediately test student knowledge.
Nursing students struggling with the difficult area of IV therapy
need a resource that guides them through the essentials and
highlights what they need to know. This guide offers a visual,
engaging approach that clearly explains topics such as: equipment
and infusion devices, principles of peripheral and central venous
therapy, peripheral and central complications, and special concerns
for pediatric and older adult patients. The first section of the
book presents content in an illustrated multi-modal approach that
explains key concepts and reviews topics with a range of engaging
learning activities. The last section contains 115 NCLEX review
questions with answers and rationales for correct and incorrect
answers. Narrows the gap between the facts learned in school and
the wisdom that nurses need to survive in the real world. Material
is presented in a clear and entertaining way by using adult
learning principles and various active-learning strategies to
engage nursing students of all ages, backgrounds, and learning
styles. Consistent headings divide information into manageable
units and reinforce a logical learning strategy. Icons for lifespan
considerations, cultural implications, web links, caution/danger,
and calculations help the reader identify special content in the
chapter. Memory-reinforcing mnemonic devices and a variety of
interactive activities promote learning. Clinical terms and
shorthand expressions are highlighted in parentheses and another
color after the layperson's explanation expose students to
terminology that they will hear in the hospital setting. Boxed
"Take Home Points" offer succinct points of advice that reflect
years of nursing experience that students can use to prepare for
their clinical rotation. A full-color insert illustrates concepts
and principles of IV therapy, including illustrations of various
complications. NCLEX-style questions are referenced by chapter and
provided in a convenient 2-column format with answers and
rationales that can be covered with a flap on the back cover.
Features original cartoon illustrations and a theme monkey cartoon
character that walks the student through difficult subjects with a
light-hearted, engaging approach to learning. Separate chapters on
pediatric and older adult patients discuss important age-related
considerations associated with IV therapy. Includes a chapter on
one of the fastest growing fields in nursing - community care - and
how it affects nurses, patients requiring IV therapy, and their
Part of the popular Saunders Nursing Survival Guide series, this
book prepares you to manage the most common health care problems
you'll see in critical care, trauma, or emergency settings. Each
chapter is organized from the most immediate and life-threatening
conditions to less emergent critical care conditions. Its
lighthearted, cartoon-filled approach simplifies difficult
concepts, covering each body system in terms of current practice
standards. Consistent headings break content into four succinct
areas of review: What (subject) IS, What You NEED TO KNOW, What You
DO, and Do You UNDERSTAND? Clinical terms and shorthand expressions
are highlighted, exposing you to terminology used in the hospital
setting. A color insert illustrates concepts and principles of
critical care and emergency nursing, including various
complications Mnemonic devices aid your memory and interactive
activities help you learn, with exercises including fill in the
blank, matching, word jumbles, true/false, and crossword puzzles.
Special icons help you focus on vital information: Take Home Points
help you prepare for clinical rotations. Caution notes alert you to
dangerous conditions and how to avoid them. Lifespan notes point
out age-related variations in signs and symptoms, nursing
interventions, and patient teaching. Culture notes cite possible
variations related to a patient's cultural background. Web links
direct you to Internet resources for additional research and study.
What You WILL LEARN learning objectives help you identify quickly
the content covered and goals for each chapter. NCLEX"Y
examination-style review questions at the end of each chapter allow
you to test your understanding of content and practice for the
Boards. Cartoon characters with brief captions help to better
explain difficult concepts. Margin notes are streamlined for ease
of use and effectiveness. Content updates reflect current practice
and emergent situations, including increased focus on disaster
preparedness, code management, updated ACLS guidelines, and
This readable and student-friendly guide simplifies and clearly
explains the heart and how it works. The principles of ECG
interpretation are explained to help students understand ECG rhythm
and its relationship to cardiac electrophysiology. This new edition
features over 100 NCLEX (R) examination-style questions and
provides 2-3 rhythm strips at the end of most chapters, plus 30
more at the end of the book for additional testing and review.
Unique presentation of content allows students to survive and
thrive. Material is presented using adult learning principles and
various active-learning strategies to engage nursing students of
all ages, backgrounds, and learning styles. Consistent chapter
format breaks down information into small units and reinforces an
effective thinking process. Special icons for Lifespan
Considerations, Cultural Implications, Web Links, and Cautions help
the student quickly identify special content in the chapter.
Memory-reinforcing interactive activities (including fill-in the
blank, matching, word jumbles, true/false, and crossword puzzles)
promote student learning. Clinical terms and shorthand expressions
are highlighted in parentheses to expose students to terminology
that they will hear in the hospital setting. Boxed Take Home Points
provide the benefit of years of nursing experience that students
can use to prepare for their clinical rotation. Original
cartoon-character illustrations walk the student through difficult
subjects with a lighthearted approach. Cover design and series
title better identifies the series as a fun and simple review. What
You Will Learn section provides chapter objectives for the reader
to aid their navigation through the chapters. Over 100 NCLEX (R)
examination-style review questions have been moved to the ends of
chapters to immediately test student knowledge. 2-3 rhythm strips
at the end of most chapters for students to practice
interpretating. Two completely new chapters on Normal Sinus Rhythm
and Idioventricular Rhythms. Rhythm Strip Test, containing 30 ECG
strips, included at the end of the book to test students'
Covering the ratio and proportion and formula methods, this
comprehensive textbook presents a straightforward, real-world
approach to the mathematical calculations used in the clinical
setting. It features a unique, step-by-step process that teaches
you to identify the information needed to perform a calculation,
determine if information is missing, set up and perform the
calculation, and check the answer to ensure accurracy. This
systematic approach is designed to reduce human calculation errors
and ensure patient safety. Common medications and methods of
administration are used throughout the textbook, with more than
1,200 practice problems to help you master the math needed for
clinical practice. All content, examples, problems, and scenarios
are clinically based and completely up to date. More than 500
full-color illustrations show drug labels, parenteral and oral
syringes, medicine cups, pumps, IV equipment, and more that are
used in current clinical practice. Promotes learning with more than
1,200 practice problems and comprehensive math review problems.
Safety Alert, Clinical Alert, and Human Error Alert boxes are
incorporated throughout to promote safe practice. Clinical
Connections begin each chapter and explain how that topic relates
to clinical practice. Examples for each new topic are presented in
a unique, step-by-step format: the prescription, what you HAVE,
what you KNOW, what you WANT, critical thinking, answer for best
care, human error check boxes, and does your answer fit the general
guideline? Practice problems follow each set of examples to
reinforce your understanding. Follows current TJC and ISMP safety
recommendations. Answer key is new to this edition and provides
immediate feedback for practice problems. Features the latest drug
information in practice problems and photographs. Drug Calculations
Student Companion, Version 4 will be available on Evolve. It offers
practice and application with an interactive tutorial on various
topic areas within drug calculations and features over an
additional 600 practice problems.
Look no further for quick, complete answers to questions such as
which laboratory tests to order or what the results might mean.
Laboratory Tests And Diagnostic Procedures, 5th Edition covers more
tests than any other reference of its kind, with over 900 lab tests
and diagnostic procedures in all. In Part I, you'll find a unique,
alphabetical list of hundreds of diseases, conditions, and
symptoms, including the tests and procedures most commonly used to
confirm or rule out a suspected diagnosis. Part II presents key
information on virtually every laboratory and diagnostic test
available. All test entries are up-to-date, concise, complete, and
consistently presented, making this resource the perfect choice for
students or practitioners who need fast, accurate information on
diagnostic tests. More than 900 laboratory tests and diagnostic
procedures are included - more than any other reference! Over 600
diseases, conditions, and symptoms are listed, along with the tests
used to confirm them. Alphabetical organization and A-to-Z thumb
tabs make it easy to find the information you're looking for.
Alternative test names and acronyms are cross-referenced to
simplify lookup. Instructions for client and family teaching help
you offer guidance concerning test preparation and follow-up care.
Age and gender-specific norms are provided, giving you complete
lifespan coverage. Risks and Contraindications are highlighted to
help you safeguard your patients and provide effective care. Panic
Level Symptoms and Treatment are provided for dangerously increased
and decreased levels. Minimum volumes for blood samples are
included, useful when a client's blood preservation is essential,
as well as information on whether blood specimens can be drawn
during hemodialysis. Tests for toxic substances are included,
making this a lab, diagnostic, and toxicology book all in one.
Abbreviations, measurement prefixes, and symbols are listed on the
front and back covers for convenience. Information on herbal
supplements indicates when a client's use of natural remedies might
affect test results. Over 20 NEW test entries present the latest
tests and procedures, with a strong focus on affordable, clinically
relevant genetic tests. UPDATED content includes the latest
research relating to accuracy of tests, diagnostic value of
results, and associated cost-benefit ratios.
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