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What is true faith? In Rediscovering Faith, Dr. Myles Munroe strips away the common errors and misconceptions surrounding faith to reveal the nature, character, and power of true faith, or, Rediscovering Faith. Rediscovering faith trusts not in the promises of God but in the God who promises; seeks not the blessings of God, but the God who blesses. Rediscovering faith will always be tested, but because it places its trust in the King of the universe, will always prevail under testing.Rediscovering faith, therefore is a triumphant faith that will overcome the world.
Silk presents a book of reformation intended to disrupt Christians'
current model of authority, based on Matthew 20: 25-26. (Social
Fear, anxiety, and stress motivate us more than we realize. Our
need to control situations can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But
God has given us a biblical strategy to battle anxiety, stress, and
panic. With practical and activating steps, Dawna De Silva, founder
and coleader of the International Bethel Sozo Ministry, shows you
how to · identify the fears, patterns, and lies that harm your
connection with God · resist fear by taking ownership over its
influence · find healing and liberation through the Word and the
Spirit When you master power, love, and self-discipline, you will
elevate yourself above the enemy's attacks and be released from
fear into abundant, healthy living. You will experience the true
healing that can come only from God.
libro repleto de revelacion, Danny Silk describe el significativo
cambio de paradigma en la vida de la iglesia, del gobierno y de las
relaciones que han creado y sostenido la cultura de avivamiento de
la Iglesia Bethel en Redding, California. Mediante muchas y
relevantes historias veridicas, retrata a la iglesia como un lugar
de libertad, respeto, capacitacion y sana disciplina (no castigo).
Cultura de Honor desafia el status quo de la estructura del
liderazgo de la iglesia y presenta un punto de vista refrescante
sobre el ministerio quintuple. Jesus reconocio este importante
principio en Mateo 20:25-26, "Entonces Jesus, llamandolos, dijo:
Sabeis que los gobernantes de las naciones se ensenorean de ellas,
y los que son grandes ejercen sobre ellas potestad. Mas entre
vosotros no sera asi, sino que el que quiera ser el primero entre
vosotros sera vuestro siervo." Si los que tienen poder saben como
darselo a aquellos que les rodean, entonces seguro que ocurrira
que, "Venga Tu Reino, hagase Tu voluntad en la tierra asi como en
el cielo." Puedes aplicar - hoy - las verdades reveladas en este
practico conjunto de principios, aunque cargado de lo sobrenatural,
en tu familia, lugar de trabajo, comunidad, ministerio, iglesia -
alli donde trates con otras personas.
Amando a Nuestros Hijos a Proposito muestra como plantar los
principios del Reino de Dios y el corazon del Senor en tus hijos.
Este plan de facil implementacion te ofrece herramientas para
educar a tus hijos en el gozo y la plentidud del Senor Jesus. Mas
que dar un enfoque tradicional, este libro ensena a los padres a
educar a sus hijos para que gestionen su libertad y protejan sus
importantes relaciones de corazon a corazon. ..". donde esta el
Espiritu del Senor, alli hay libertad" (II Corintios 3:17) Los
hijos han sido disenados con una necesidad intrinseca de libertad.
Negar o ignorar esta realidad llega a destruir la conexion de
confianza existente entre el padre y el hijo. "En el amor no hay
temor, sino que el perfecto amor echa fuera el temor; porque el
temor lleva en si castigo. De donde el que teme, no ha sido
perfeccionado en el amor" (I Juan 4:18) Amando a Nuestros Hijos a
Proposito presenta paradigmas, percepciones, tecnicas e ideas que
ayudan a reducir el temor de los padres eliminando el castigo y
fortaleciendo los corazones de sus hijos para alanzar sus destinos.
Many Christian couples come to a point where they must "Define
their Relationship." This awkward but pivotal conversation either
pushes them apart or allows their relationship to develop into
something greater. This course will help couples examine the
exciting yet unknown path they will travel together and help them
carefully consider the strength of their relationship. This manual
is designed to use in conjunction with a 9-session dvd series-
available at www.LovingOnPurpose.com
You can keep your love on for a lifetime. Quality love
relationships do not happen by accident; they are built through
persistent hard work. In this devotional for couples, author Danny
Silk reinforces the three basic principles of the Keep Your Love On
book—connecting, communicating, and setting boundaries. Each
devotion includes quick daily readings, Scriptures, and
thought-provoking questions that will help you build, strengthen,
maintain, and heal your relational connections. Keeping your love
on is both a mindset and a heart condition. No one can make you do
it, and no one can keep you from doing it. Learn to live out the
very best of who you are, and the all-elusive intimacy experience
you crave will be well within your grasp.
Jesus came into a culture saturated with a religiosity which perpetuated heavy burdens that were crushing mankind, but through His teachings, life, and miracles, Jesus challenged us to change those paradigms. Bringing a dead person back to life seems simply impossible; the mere suggestion of loving our enemies and blessing those who curse us sounds absurd and contrary to everything that is natural to us. Associating with sinners and prostitutes is considered unacceptable, yet Jesus did all these things to demonstrate that ours is a paradigm that is obsolete. As time has gone by, believers have slowly moved backwards embracing and accepting as normal the same rancid paradigms of religiosity Jesus confronted, even though Jesus demonstrated the inefficiency of the paradigms of old and introduced the ones that rule over the Kingdom of God, which His disciples embraced and enjoyed. The challenges of the 21 century make a demand upon believers to make changes in our lives, but not just outer changes in the way we do things, but inward changes such as becoming aware of the valuable inheritance that is set before us, and returning to the essence of love, honor, hope, freedom, power, and the presence of God. PARADIGMS is a book that brings hope and will especially refresh the souls of those that are tired of dealing with legalism and rejection, and are thirsty for the freedom that exists where the Spirit of God is.
Honor is the art of stewarding relationships well. Business is all about relationships, and every day at work presents us with a choice: Will we fight for fear-free connections with our team members, employees, vendors, and customers for the sake of our mutual success? Or will we default into self-protection and self-serving and participate in a relational culture of disconnection? This is the choice between honor and dishonor, and it flows from our hearts and our core beliefs about people. In The Business of Honor, Bob Hasson and Danny Silk lay out a pathway for living with a heart of honor in business, from receiving your identity to investing in healthy relationships and taking the lead in building honoring culture in your company or organization.
... pero arbol de vida es el deseo cumplido. Proverbios 13:12 Como
seria vivir en una comunidad en la que cada persona animase y diese
poder a los demas para que cada uno pudiese descubrir su destino y
vivr su sueno? Creemos que este tipo de comunidad es posible y
empieza contigo y conmigo. El proposito de Cultura de Suenos es
destapar tus suenos y capacitarte para hacerlos realidad. Nuestra
esperanza es que este libro se convierta en un catalitico y
companero en el viaje hacia tu sueno. Los ejercicios de activacion
de suenos al final de cada capitulo te mostraran como convertir tus
ideas en pasos a tomar y te ayudaran a desarrollar un estilo de
vida practico para que tus suenos tomen cuerpo. Estoy muy
emocionado con las herramientas y paradigmas que nos traen Andy y
Janine para inspirarnos con esperanza, fuerza y valentia a medida
que proseguimos hacia nuestros suenos. Por favor, disfruta de este
Viaje de Suenos en su compania y florece a medida que aprendes a
aplicar la Cultura de Suenos a tu vida y a las vidas de las
personas que te rodean. Danny Silk, Iglesia Bethel, Redding,
California. Autor de Cultura de Honor