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" Provides a day-by-day account of the action on all fronts and
of the events surrounding the conflict, from the guns of August
1914 to the November 1918 Armistice and its troubled aftermath.
Daily entries, topical descriptions, biographical sketches, maps,
and illustrations combine to give a ready and succinct account of
what was happening in each of the principal theaters of war.
Contents: Acknowledgements Preface Introduction List of Sections Diverse Taxing Terms and Strategies Al-musadara system (Moslem Near East) Corporate 'Inversion' (United States) Firma burghi (Great Britain) Rural Patronage (Roman Empire) Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Tax Farming Underground Economy (frequently referred to as 'the black Market') Ancient World c. 2350 BC - Urukagina's Reform (Babylonia/Sumer) 2000 BC - Kiddinutu (Assyria) 431 BC - Delian League Revolt (Greece) c. 338 BC - Khabbash Revolt (Egypt) c. 360 or 361 BC - Rebellion against Tachos (Egypt) 240-237 BC - Mercenary War (Carthage, North Africa) 220 BC - Rhodes/Byzantium War (Near East) c. 220 BC ff. - Tax Farming Controversy (Palestine, Egyptian Kingdom) c. 200 BC - Sitologi Protests (Egypt, third century BC) 191 BC ff. - Li-t'ien (China) 141 BC ff. - Tax Remission (China) 113 BC - Black Market Complaint (Egypt) 81 BC - Discourses on Salt and Iron (China) 67 BC - Hyrcanus Opposition (Judaea) 44 BC - Opposition to Triumvirs' Taxes (Roman Empire) 43 BC - Asian Tax Resistance (Roman Empire) 26-24 BC - Thebaid Revolts (Egypt, Roman Empire) AD 6 - Senate Tax Opposition (Roman Empire) AD 9 ff. - Wang Mang's Reforms (China) AD 17-24 - Tacfarinas's Revolt (North Africa, Roman Empire) AD 21 - Treveri and Aedui Rebellion (Gaul, Roman Empire) AD 28 - Frisian Rebellion (Roman Germany) AD 30 ff. - Land Tax Riots (China) AD 36 - Cietae Rebellion (Cappadocia) c. AD 39 - Roman Tax Protest (Rome) AD 55 - Egyptian Practors' Appeal (Egypt, Roman Empire) AD 58 - Nero's Tax Reform (Rome) AD 60 - Iceni Revolt (Britain) AD 66-70 - Judaea Revolt (Judaea, Roman Empire) AD 68 - Gaul Revolt (Gaul province, Roman Empire) AD 71 - Temple-Tax Resistance (Judaea and Egypt, AD 71 and ff.) AD 116 - Commanderies Tax Revolt (China) AD 212 - Constitutio Antoniniana (Egypt) AD 238 - Carthage Rebellion (Roman Empire) AD 284-305 - Agri deserti (Roman Empire) AD 297 - Egyptian Revolt (Roman Empire) AD 306 - Roman Revolution, or Maxentius's Revolt (Rome, Roman Empire) AD 284-305 ff.- Agri deserti (Roman Empire) Early Middle Ages, AD 365-1199 365-66 - Revolt of Procopius (Roman Empire) 372 - Rebellion of Firmus (North Africa, Roman Empire) 374-375 - Mauretanian Rebellion (Africa, Western Roman Empire) 375 - Pannonian Tax Resistance (Pannonia, Roman Empire) 376 - Fritigern's Rebellion (Thrace, Eastern Roman Empire) 387 - Antioch Rebellion (Eastern Roman Empire) c. 400 - Gallic Traders' Tax Avoidance (Gaul, Roman Empire) c. 400 ff. - Bagaudae Revolts (Gaul) 450 - Valentinian III's Constitution (Rome, Roman Empire) 458-459 - Refusal to Pay Tribute (Byzantium, formerly Eastern Roman Empire) c. 460 ff. - Buddhist Clergy Growth (China) c. 464-465 - Bibianus's Mission (Gaul) 502 - Refusal to Pay Tribute (Byzantine Empire) c. 528 - Tarsus Protests (Eastern Roman Empire) 532 - Nika Revolt (Byzantium) 540 - Lazica Revolt (Lazica, now Jordan) c. 544 - Injuriosus's Protest (Kingdom of the Franks) 548 - Stoning of Parthenius (Kingdom of the Franks) 578 - Limoges Riot (Kingdom of the Franks) c. 582 ff. - Falsification of Records (China) 589 - Bishop Gregory's Tax Resistance (Kingdom of the Franks) 645 - Alexandria Uprising (Egypt) 665 - Gennadius's Tax Rejection (Egypt, Byzantine Empire) 687 - Ling-nan Rising (China) 711 ff. - Suppressing Buddhist Tax Evasion (China) 721 ff. - Re-registration Opposition (China) 722 - Papal Tax Rejection (Italy, Byzantine Empire) 727 - Cosmas's Revolt (Greece, Byzantine Empire) 820-823 - Thomas the Slav Revolt (Byzantium) 821 ff. - Tea Tax Evasion (China) 874 ff. - Banditry (China) 882 - Limonta Peasants Protest (Italy) Early 900s - Bedouin Revolt (Iraq) 913 and ff. - Bulgarian War (Byzantine Empire) 917 - Basra Riot (Iraq) 934 - Slav Tribute Rebellion (Byzantine Empire) 969 - Fostat Revolt (Egypt) 991 - Danegeld Resistance (Britain) 994 - Church Council (France) 1003 - Church Tax Opposition (Byzantine Empire) 1040 - Bulgarian Revolt (Byzantine Empire) c. 1042 ff. - Military Dismantling (Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire) c. 1057 - Lady Godiva's Ride (England) 1188 - Saladin Tithe Protest (France) 1197 - German Tax Opposition (Byzantine Empire) 1198 ff. - Tithe Controversy (Poland) Late Middle Ages, 1200-1500 1207 ff. - Tithe Conflict (Poland) 1215 - Magna Carta (England) 1222 - Golden Bull Exemption (Hungary) 1224 - Abbott of Battle vs. William (England) 1237 - Aids Resistance (England) 1241- Mintey Resistance (England) 1248 ff. - Tithe Opposition (Poland) 1270 - Parlement Decree of 1270 (France) 1280 - Fralse (Sweden) 1282 - Sicilian Vespers Revolt (Sicily) 1285 ff. - Anatolian Rebellions (Asia Minor, Byzantium) 1289 - Tax Resistance (Florentine Republic, Italy) 1296 - Cistercian Order Tax Uprising (France) 1297 - Maltolt Opposition (England) 1297 ff. - Papal Tax Opposition (Italy) 1300 - Charles of Valois Aid Protest (France) 1303 - Althing Remonstrance (Iceland) 1304 - Flanders Peasant War (France) 1304 - Bithynia Tax Revolt (Byzantine Empire) 1308 - Marriage Aid Protest of 1308 (France) 1314 - Burgundy, League of (France) 1314 - Nobles Revolt of 1314 (France) 1321 - Thrace Tax Exemption (Byzantine Empire) 1323 - Populares (France) c. 1330 - Fordwich Attack (England) 1332-1334 - Peasants Revolt (India) 1334 - Parlement Decree of 1334 (France) 1337 - Languedoc Arriere-ban Protest (France) 1338-1339 - Protest Poems and Songs (England) 1339 - Norman Estates Tax Charter (France) 1340-1342 - Lincolnshire Inquiries (England) 1341 - Rejection of Estimo (Florentine Republic, Italy) 1341 - La Puy Salt Tax Protest (France) 1343 - Crisis of 1343 (France) 1343 - Brienne's Downfall (Florentine Republic, Italy) 1346 - Estates of Languedoil (France) 1348 - Normandy Riots (France) 1350s - Boendur Revolt (Iceland) 1351 - Rouen Rising (France) 1351-1368 - Lower Yangtze Rebellions (China) 1354 - Rienzo's Demise (Italy) 1356 - Navarrese Tax Opposition (France) 1358 - Jacquerie (France) 1360-70 - Venice Salt Makers Tax Opposition (Italy) 1363 - Ransom Protest (Scotland) 1369 - Acquitaine Revolt (France) 1378 - Languedoc Uprising (France) 1379 - Ghent Revolt (Flanders) 1381 - Aides Uprisings (France) 1381 - Wat Tyler's Rebellion (Great Britain) 1388 - Remensas' Protests (Spain) 1391 - Barcelona Riots (Spain) 1393 - Eyjafjord Tax Resistance (Iceland) 1400 ff. - Cuetaxtla Protest (Mexico) 1413 - Estates-General Reforms (France) 1425 - Catasta Debate (Florence, Italy) 1450 - Jack Cade's Rebellion (England) 1461 - Rheims Tax Revolt (France) 1462 - Remenca Serfs Rising (Spain) 1465 - 'War for the Public Weal' (War of the League of the Public Weal) (France) 1480 - Muscovy Tribute Resistance (Russia) 1484 - Tours States-General (France) 1489 - Yorkshire Rebellion (England) 1497 - Cornish Risings of 1497 (Cornish Rebellion) (England) Renaissance to Enlightenment, 1500-1700 1502 ff.- Bundschuh (Germany/Switzerland) 1514 - Agen Revolt (France) 1514 - 'Poor Conrad' Rebellion (Arme Konrad) (Germany) 1520-21 - Great Revolt in Castile (Spain) 1524-25 - Peasants' Revolt (Peasants' War, Bauernkrieg) (Germany/Austria) 1525 - Amicable Grant Resistance (England) 1529ff. - Tithe Payers' Strike (France) 1536-37 - Pilgrimage of Grace (England) 1537 - Montelimar Exemption Protest (France) 1536 ff. - Ghent Revolt (Flanders, Belgium, Holy Roman Empire) 1540s - Telemark Uprising (Norway) 1542 - Gabelle Revolt (France) 1542 - Nils Dacke Rising (Sweden) 1543 - Export Duty Resistance (Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire) 1543 - 1545-Cortes Tax Refusals (Spain) 1548 - Guyenne Revolt (France) 1549 - Western Rebellion (England) 1563-1564 - Tax Farming Complaints (Ottoman Empire) 1564 - Parlement Tax Act (France) 1567ff. - Revolt of the Netherlands (Spanish Habsburg Empire) 1567 ff. - Reichenstein Rising (Austria) 1570s - Trondelag Uprising (Norway) 1572 - Census Opposition (Cyprus, Ottoman Empire) 1573 - Tithe Opposition (Sweden) 1573 - Croat Rising (Hungary, Austrian Monarchy) 1573-1577 - Castile Tax Resistance (Spain) 1576 - Cahier de doleance (France) 1578 - Anti-tax League (France) 1580 - Carnival in Romans (France) 1582 ff. - Haute-Uzege Revolt (France) 1586 - Gautiers Revolt (France) 1589 ff - Millones Protests (Spain) 1590s - Campaneres (France) 1591-1594 - Rappenkrieg (Switzerland) 1592 - Tunja Sales Tax Revolts (Colombia) 1594 ff. - Peasants' Revolt (Austria) 1593-95 - Vivarais Uprising (France) 1594 - Michael's Revolt (Romania, Ottoman Empire) 1595 - Third Estate Appeal (France) 1595-1597 - Peasant Risings (Austria) 1596 - Finland Rising (Sweden) 1596-1610 - Celali Revolts (Ottoman Empire) 1597 - Tax Rebellions (China) 1597 - Pancarte Resistance (France) 1597-Peasants Revolt (Hungary, Austrian Monarchy) 1598-1613-Time of Troubles (Russia) 1603-1608 - 'The Great Flight' (Ottoman Empire) 1606-1607 - Bolotnikov Rebellion (Russia) 1610 - Great Contract (Great Britain) 1620 ff. - Stock-and-Land Tax Conflict (Sweden) 1622 - Little Toll (Sweden) 1624 - Poitiers Riot (France) 1626 - Peasants Uprising (Austria) 1626 ff. - Catalonia Rebellion (Spanish Kingdom) 1628 - Petition of Right (Great Britain) 1630 - Lanturelu Rising (France) 1630 - Cascaveoux Revolt (France) 1631-1632 - Vizcaya Revolt (Spain) 1634-39 - Ship Writs Protest (Great Britain) 1635 - Agen Rising (France) 1635-43 - Saintonge/Angoumois Rebellions (France) 1636-1637 - Croquants Revolt (France) 1637 - Evora Riots (Portugal) 1638 ff. - Pardiac Revolts (France) 1639-43 - Va-nu-Pieds Revolt (France) 1640s - Excise Riots (England) 1643 - Excise and New Impost Protests (Great Britain) 1643 - Tax Risings (France) 1645 - Montpellier Revolt (France) 1645 - Cordoba Tax Resistance (Spain) 1647 - Palermo Revolt (Sicily, Spanish Kingdom) 1647-1648 - Naples Revolt (Italy, Spanish Kingdom) 1648 - Customs Protest (Ottoman Empire) 1648 - Moscow Uprising (Russia) 1648-1653 - Fronde of the Parlement (France) 1653 - Swiss Peasant War (Switzerland) 1659 ff. - Indigo Tax Evasion (Guatemala) 1662 - Kolomenskoe Protest (Russia) 1662 - Lustucru War (France) 1663 - Chalosse Rising (France) 1670 - Aubenas Revolt (France) 1670s - Peasant Revolt (France) 1675 - Bonnets Rouge Revolt (France) 1676 - Bacon's Rebellion (American Colonies, Great Britain) 1683 - Repartimiento Protest (Guatemala) 1689 - Hearth Tax (Hearth-Money) Repeal (Great Britain) Eighteenth Century 1700 - Camisard Revolt (France) 1703 - Rakoczi's Insurrection (Hungary, Austrian Empire) 1707-08 - Lower Don Rebellion (Russia) 1712 - Mosquito Coast Rebellion (Central America) 1713 - Tax Rejection (Sweden) 1717 - Fukuyama Rising (Japan) 1726-1727 - Sanchu ikki (Japan) 1729 - Piche Settlement (Guatemala) 1733 - Excise Bill Riots (Great Britain) 1736 - Gin Act Protests (Great Britain) 1736 - Porteous Riots (Great Britain) 1739 - Iwaki Daira Rising (Japan) 1749 - Aizu Rising (Japan) 1749-1751 - Vingtieme Opposition (France) 1752 - Fukuyama Rising (Japan) 1761 - Canek Revolt (Yucatan) 1761-1763 - Ueda Horeki Rising (Japan) 1762 ff. - War of the Strilars (Norway) 1763 - Cider Act Protests (Great Britain) 1763 ff. - Bourbon Fiscal Reform Resistance (Guatemala) 1764-1765 - Tenma Sodo (Japan) 1764-75 - American Revolution (American Colonies, Great Britain) 1765 - Strilekrigen (Norway) 1765 - Rebellion of the Barrios (Ecuador) 1765 - Stamp Act Crisis and Stamp Act Congress (American Colonies, Great Britain) 1765-71 - Regulators (American Colonies, Great Britain) 1767 - Guanajuato Riot (Mexico) 1767 - Silesia Revolt (Austrian Monarchy) 1770 - Fukuyama Rising (Japan) 1773 - Palermo Revolt (Sicily, Italy) 1773-1774 - Boston Tea Party (Massachusetts Colony, Great Britain) 1773-75 - Pugachev Revolt (Russia) 1774 - Cochabamba Customs House Riot (Bolivia) 1775 - Peasants Rebellion (Bohemia, Austrian Monarchy, Holy Roman Empire) 1776 - Koyasan Revolt (Japan) 1780 - Arequipa Rebellion (Peru) 1780 - Katarista Rebellion (Bolivia) 1780 - La Paz Uprising (Bolivia) 1780-81 - Tupac Amaru Revolution (Peru) 1781 - Comunero Rebellion (Colombia) 1781 - Silk Tax Rising (Japan) 1782 - Carriage Tax Revolt (Sicily) 1783 ff. - Pennsylvania Whiskey Excise Protests (United States) 1784 - Nobles' Tax Opposition (Austrian Empire) 1784 - Horia and Closca Revolt (Transylvania, Austrian Monarchy) 1786 - Shays's Rebellion (United States) 1786-1787 - Tenmei Rising (Japan) 1786-1787 - Lofthuus's Revolt (Norway) 1788-89 - Minas Gerais Conspiracy (Brazil) 1789-1802 - French Revolution (France) 1790 - Decree Repeal Uprising (Austria) 1790 - Saxony Peasants' Revolt (Electorate of Saxony, Germany) 1790 - Fishermen's Revolt (Japan) 1793 ff. - White Lotus Rebellion (China) 1794 - Whiskey Rebellion (United States) 1794 - Pazvantoglu Rebellion (Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire) 1795 - Denbigh Protest (Wales) 1799 - Fries Rebellion (United States) Nineteenth Century 1800 - St. Clears Tax Riot (Wales, Great Britain) 1802 - Parliament's Expunging Tax Roles (Great Britain) 1802-07 - Zempoala Tax Resistance (Mexico) 1806 - Llannon Riot (Wales, Great Britain) 1810 - Nobles' Tax Rebellion (Sicily) 1810 ff. - Nobles' Tax Reform Opposition (Prussia) 1811-1812 - Takeda Rising (Japan) 1814 - Echigo Rising (Japan) 1828 - Nobles' Tax Opposition (Russia) 1815-20 - Totonicapan Anti-tribute Uprising (Guatemala) 1816 - Commons Abolition of the Income Tax (Great Britain) 1822 - Cachoeira Uprising (Brazil) 1825 - Tumenggung Mohamad Revolt (Indonesia) 1826 - Homs Revolt (Syria) 1826 ff. - Hama Protest (Syria) 1831 - Damascus Revolt (Syria) 1831-1840 - Ferde Tax Opposition (Syria and Palestine) 1831-32 - Carmarthen Riots (Wales) 1833 - 'Awayid Abolition (Syria) 1834 - Fellah Revolt (Palestine, Ottoman Empire) 1835-1837 - Peasant Risings (Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire) 1838 - Carrera Revolt (Guatemala) 1838 - Anti-Corn-Law League (Great Britain) 1839-42 - Rebecca Riots (Wales) 1840s ff. - Tax Resistance Movements (China) 1841 - Druze Tax Resistance (Syria) 1841 - Anatolian Tax Resistance (Turkey, Ottoman Empire) 1842 - Ch'ung-yang Uprising (China) 1842 - Zhaowen County Uprising (China) 1845 - Tjikandi Affair (Indonesia) 1847 ff. - Battle of the Malt Tax (Great Britain) 1847-50 - Sierra Gorda Rebellion (Mexico) 1848 - Revolution of 1848 (Sicily) 1850 - Aleppo Revolt (Syria) 1850 - Peasant Rising (Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire) 1851 - Census Rebellion (Brazil) 1851 - Grape Growers Strike (Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire) 1853 - Nambu Rising (Japan) 1853 - Qingpu Resistance (China) 1854 - 'Alawis Revolt (Syria) 1855-1856 - Bedel Opposition (Syria) 1860 ff. - Shantung Tax Resistance (China) 1860 - Damascus Riots (Syria) 1860s - Zemstvo Tax Protest (Russia) 1866 - 1867-Kaisei Rising (Japan) 1871 - Match Girls (Great Britain) 1872 - Land and Labour League (Great Britain) 1874-1875 - Peasants Revolt (Herzegovina, Ottoman Empire) 1879 ff. - Single Tax Movement (United States) 1880 - Vintem Riot (Brazil) 1880s - Salt Tax Uprisings (Egypt) 1884 - Chichibu Rising (Japan) 1888 - Banten Revolt (Indonesia) 1891 ff. - Anti-tax Riots (Italy) 1894 - Sicily Rebellion (Italy) 1895 - Income Tax Opposition (France) Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries 1900 ff. - Acre War (Bolivia) 1900 ff. - Free Conservatives (Denmark) 1901-1905, and ff. - Peasant Antitax Risings (China) 1906 - Bambatha Rebellion (Natal, South Africa) 1907 - Winegrowers' Strike (France) 1908 - Dai Loc Tax Revolt (Viet Nam) 1911 - Waichow Revolution (China) 1916 - Two Kitchen Knives Rebellion (China) 1918 - Opium Surtax Resistance (China) 1919 ff. - Georgists (Danmarks Retsforbund) (Denmark) 1920s - Tax Boycotts (Burma) 1921 - Guntur No-tax Campaign (India) 1923 ff. - Red Spears' Tax Risings (China) 1925 ff. - Opium Tax Protests (China) 1930 - Nghe An Revolt (Vietnam) 1930 ff. - Great Depression Tax Resistance (United States) 1931-1932 - Ch'ang-le Revolt (China) 1932 - Chiang-tu hsien Disturbances (China) 1934 - Taxi Drivers' Strike (France) 1937-1939 - Damodar Canal Tax Movement (India) 1943 - Tigrai Rebellion (Ethiopia) 1949 - Tax Law Opposition (Japan) 1953 ff. - Poujadisme (France) 1960s - Barwick Court (Australia) 1963-1970 - Bale Rebellion (Ethiopia) 1964 - Latifundists' Tax Resistance (Portugal) 1968 - Gojjam Revolt (Ethiopia) 1969 - Antiwar Tax Rally (United States) 1970 - Scarsdale Property Tax Rejection (United States) 1978 - Proposition 13 (United States) 1990 - Poll Tax Riots (Great Britain) 1995 ff. - Taxpayer Protection Act (Canada) 1999 - Gasoline Tax Protests (Jamaica) 2000 ff. - DC Vote (United States) 2000 - Fuel Tax Protests (Europe) 2000 - Banana Tax Protest (People's Republic of China) 2001 - Separatists' Movement (Canada) 2001 - Tennessee Income Tax Protest (United States) 2002 - Restaurateurs Strike (France) 2002 - Tax Opposition (Ascension Island) Biographies Bacon, Nathaniel (1647-1676) (United States) Baez, Joan (1941- ) Ball, John ( -1381) (Great Britain) Bassingbourne, Sir Stephen (Great Britain) Boadicea (Boudicca or Boudica) (d. 60 A.D.) (Britain) Bolotnikov, Ivan Isaevich ( -1607, Russia) Boniface VIII ( -1303, Italy) Charles the Bad (Charles II of Navarre) (1332-1387, France) Cobden, Richard (1804-1865, Great Britain) Cruz, Francisco de la ( -1578, Peru) Flavius Sabinus ( ,Rome) Fries, John (1750-1825, United States) George, Henry (1839-1897, United States) Germanus (c. 378-448, Gaul) Hampden, John (c. 1595-1643, England) d'Harcourt, Godefroy ( -1356, France) Jarvis, Howard (1903-1986, United States) Kellems, Vivien (1896-1975, United States) Lee, J. (Joseph) Bracken (1899-1996, United States) Philip IV (Philip the Fair) (1268-1314, France) Shays, Daniel (1747-1825, United States) Tupac Amaru (1747-1781, Peru) Tyler, Wat (Walter Tyler, -June 15, 1281, England) Appendix: Entry by Nation Bibliography Index
In 1893, the year that marked the four hundredth anniversary of
the landing of Columbus in the New World, Chicago was host to an
exposition to mark the occasion. Although the World's Columbian
Exposition was the fifteenth world's fair, it was of vastly greater
scope than any of its predecessors. Chicago created a veritable new
city. It was not only larger than any previous exposition but also
more elaborately designed, more precisely laid out, more fully
realized, and more prophetic. It was the first exposition truly to
solicit the participation of the entire world.
In this study of the White City, David F. Burg shows America at
a crossroads in its development. It was in the process of moving
from a largely agricultural society to a predominately urban and
industrial one. The exposition was an index of American values,
achievements, and expectation in this era of profound and complex
change. The exposition was an achievement of cooperative endeavor
and expertise. It demonstrated that both artistic capacity and
technology were available to transform, in agreeable combination,
burgeoning industrial cities into well-designed centers of
business, culture, and community.
Burg places his discussion in the context of the United States
and Chicago during the early 1890s. Besides dealing with the
multifaceted fair itself -- its architecture, artworks, music,
technological achievements -- he discusses the congresses that were
held on a variety of subjects, two of the most significant being
the Congresses of Women and the World's Parliament of
In the exposition's theme was the potential of fashioning the
Kingdom of God on earth in contrast to the chaotic, dirty,
industrial cities of the time. Burg finds in the exposition a
significant legacy to architecture, city planning, and civic
organization. Its most promising aftereffect occurred in the City
Beautiful movement; its influence extended also to such ordinary
concerns as well-lighted streets, efficient waste disposal, and
honest government.