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New Revised Paperback Edition "This book will benefit any person
carrying out serious research into Hitler's failure to subjugate
Russia." . Crown Imperial "This serious study is a must for all
interested in the history of World War Two." . British East-West
Review ..". one of the best jobs of integrating Russian, German,
American and British writing on the subject ... most students
wishing to write a paper would find everything they need in the way
of bibliographical materials by referring to this book." . Slavic
Review This volume provides a guide to the extensive literature on
the war in the East, including largely unknown Soviet writing on
the subject. Indispensable for military historians, but also for
all scholars who approach this crucial period in world history from
a socio-economic or cultural perspective. Contents: Introduction:
"Lebensraum in the East" - Germany's War of Aggression against the
Soviet Union - Part A: Policy and Strategy - Part B: The Military
War - Part C: The Ideologically Motivated War of Annihilation in
the East - Part D: The Occupation - Part E: The Results of the War
and Coming to Terms With Them - Conclusion: From Historical
Memories to "Bridges of Understanding" and Reconciliation.
Rolf-Dieter Muller is Senior Research Fellow at the
Militargeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Potsdam. Gerd Ueberschar is
Senior Research Fellow at the Military Archives and University of
This is an essentially self-contained book on the theory of convex
functions and convex optimization in Banach spaces, with a special
interest in Orlicz spaces. Approximate algorithms based on the
stability principles and the solution of the corresponding
nonlinear equations are developed in this text. A synopsis of the
geometry of Banach spaces, aspects of stability and the duality of
different levels of differentiability and convexity is developed. A
particular emphasis is placed on the geometrical aspects of strong
solvability of a convex optimization problem: it turns out that
this property is equivalent to local uniform convexity of the
corresponding convex function. This treatise also provides a novel
approach to the fundamental theorems of Variational Calculus based
on the principle of pointwise minimization of the Lagrangian on the
one hand and convexification by quadratic supplements using the
classical Legendre-Ricatti equation on the other. The reader should
be familiar with the concepts of mathematical analysis and linear
algebra. Some awareness of the principles of measure theory will
turn out to be helpful. The book is suitable for students of the
second half of undergraduate studies, and it provides a rich set of
material for a master course on linear and nonlinear functional
analysis. Additionally it offers novel aspects at the advanced
level. From the contents: Approximation and Polya Algorithms in
Orlicz Spaces Convex Sets and Convex Functions Numerical Treatment
of Non-linear Equations and Optimization Problems Stability and
Two-stage Optimization Problems Orlicz Spaces, Orlicz Norm and
Duality Differentiability and Convexity in Orlicz Spaces
Variational Calculus
Second homes have become an increasingly important component of
both tourism and housing studies. They can directly and indirectly
contribute a significant number of domestic and international
visitors to destinations and may be part of longer-term retirement,
lifestyle and amenity migration that can have significant economic
and social effects on communities and destination development. This
volume offers an overview of different disciplinary and
methodological approaches to second homes while simultaneously
providing a broad geographical reach. Divided into four parts
exploring governance, development, community and mobile second
homes, the book provides a contemporary account of the major issues
in an area of growing international interest. This timely handbook
covers a wide range of dimensions - from planning to the role of
second homes in development and the management of their impact. The
international and cross-disciplinary nature of the contributions
will be of interest to numerous academic fields in the social
sciences, as well as urban and regional planners.
Since the end of World War II, Germans have struggled with the
legacy of the Wehrmacht -- the unified armed forces mobilized by
Adolf Hitler in 1935 to ensure the domination of the Third Reich in
perpetuity. Historians have vigorously debated whether the
Wehrmacht's atrocities represented a break with the past or a
continuation of Germany's military traditions. Now available for
the first time in English, this meticulously researched yet
accessible overview by eminent historian Rolf-Dieter Muller
provides the most comprehensive analysis of the organization to
date, illuminating its role in a complex, horrific era. Muller
examines the Wehrmacht's leadership principles, organization,
equipment, and training, as well as the front-line experiences of
soldiers, airmen, Waffen SS, foreign legionnaires, and volunteers.
He skillfully demonstrates how state-directed propaganda and terror
influenced the extent to which the militarized Volksgemeinschaft
(national community) was transformed under the pressure of total
mobilization. Finally, he evaluates the army's conduct of the war,
from blitzkrieg to the final surrender and charges of war crimes.
Brief acts of resistance, such as an officers' "rebellion of
conscience" in July 1944, embody the repressed, principled humanity
of Germany's soldiers, but ultimately, Muller concludes, the
Wehrmacht became the "steel guarantor" of the criminal Nazi regime.
Vom PharmaceutischenVerein im Grossherzogthum Baden" bis hin zum
Landesapothekerverband Baden-Wurttemberg" - Welche bewegte
Geschichte die Offizinapothekerin Baden und Wurttemberg in den
letzten beiden Jahrhunderten hinter sich gebracht haben, beschreibt
das vorliegende Werk eines ganzen Teams von Autoren. Basis des
historischen Ruckblicks bildet die Festschrift von Prof. Dr. Armin
Wankmuller und Prof. Dr. Immo Eberl gemeinsam mit Dr. Ute
Richter-Eberl aus dem Jahr 1972 zum 150. Jubilaum des
Wurttembergischen Apotheker-Vereins." Die Festschrift beschreibt
die Zeit von 1972 bis zum Zusammenschluss mit Baden im Jahr 1977.
Auf Wunsch des Landesapothekerverbandes Baden-Wurttemberg schreiben
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Muller-Jahncke und Dr. Angela Reinthal M.A.
die Geschichte bis ins Jahr 2000 fort. Sie legten ihr Werk 2002
unter dem Titel Vom PharmaceutischenVerein im Grossherzogthum
Baden' zum Landesapothekerverband Baden-Wurttem-berg'" vo
It was the aim of the conference to present issues in parallel
computing to a community of potential engineering/scientific users.
An overview of the state-of-the-art in several important research
areas is given by leading scientists in their field. The
classification question is taken up at various points, ranging from
parametric characterizations, communication structure, and memory
distribution to control and execution schemes. Central issues in
multiprocessing hardware and operation, such as scalability,
techniques of overcoming memory latency and synchronization
overhead, as well as fault tolerance of communication networks are
discussed. The problem of designing and debugging parallel programs
in a user-friendly environment is addressed and a number of program
transformations for enhancing vectorization and parallelization in
a variety of program situations are described. Two different
algorithmic techniques for the solution of certain classes of
partial differential equations are discussed. The properties of
domain-decomposition algorithms and their mapping onto a
CRAY-XMP-type architecture are investigated and an overview is
given of the merit of various approaches to exploiting the
acceleration potential of multigrid methods. Finally, an abstract
performance modeling technique for the behavior of applications on
parallel and vector architectures is described.
Second homes have become an increasingly important component of
both tourism and housing studies. They can directly and indirectly
contribute a significant number of domestic and international
visitors to destinations and may be part of longer-term retirement,
lifestyle and amenity migration that can have significant economic
and social effects on communities and destination development. This
volume offers an overview of different disciplinary and
methodological approaches to second homes while simultaneously
providing a broad geographical reach. Divided into four parts
exploring governance, development, community and mobile second
homes, the book provides a contemporary account of the major issues
in an area of growing international interest. This timely handbook
covers a wide range of dimensions - from planning to the role of
second homes in development and the management of their impact. The
international and cross-disciplinary nature of the contributions
will be of interest to numerous academic fields in the social
sciences, as well as urban and regional planners.
Tourism as a Resource-based Industry presents the conceptual
framework of the Norwegian economic geographer Sondre Svalastog and
functions as a practical tool for analyzing and identifying
resources when working towards a more sustainable tourism industry.
Tourism resources and their sustainability are analysed through the
lens of a multidisciplinary approach which includes social,
economic, cultural and natural dimensions. Contextual awareness is
achieved by combining research-based knowledge with local know-how
and information on local conditions. The book facilitates a way
forward that examines both productivity and sustainability. The
usefulness and value of Svalastog's conceptual work is demonstrated
by a selection of new case studies by experts in the field, from
different countries including Sweden, Norway, Slovenia, and the UK.
This book: - Identifies local conditions and resources, climate
change concerns, different types of tourists and a variety of
challenges in high-cost and low-cost countries. - Considers how
best to maximise potential and production, ensuring that both the
host community and tourist benefits. - Provides a wide-ranging
selection of case studies covering topics such as urban heritage,
national parks, niche tourism and location-specific tourism
products. - Presents ideas on how to secure sound planning within
the industry, using conceptual and methodological tools. Tourism
researchers and students will find this book helpful for
understanding the development of tourism and how it can contribute
to the UN Agenda 2030 which reflects the urgency for change, to
secure cultural and natural resources, health and social
resilience, and the stability of a socially constructed economy.
Thus, tourism research needs to include a constant review and if
required, renewal of processes that manage how society, culture and
natural resources are used to achieve a balanced sustainable
tourism process.
Studying both France and Germany in its discussion of post-war
issues, this book uses a new cultural-theoretical approach to
develop a philosophy to overcome post-war traumata, or the
traumatization effects that affect entire national cultures.
Das Zusammenleben der Menschen hat sich verandert und erfordert
entsprechende Verhaltensweisen. Wo Gewissheiten verloren gehen,
muss gleichwohl etwas existieren, was die Gemeinschaft zusammen
halt. Dieses verbindende Element ist das Netz in all seinen
personalen (haptischen) und auch digitalen Formen bis hin zum Crowd
Funding. Netze sollen einen Nutzen haben fur die Karriere, das
Einkommen und fur den sozialen Status. Nutzen, Zweck und Wert sind
darum drei wesentliche Elemente der Netzwerkarbeit. Klaus-Dieter
Mullerlegt dabei besonderen Wert auf die menschlichen Aspekte von
Networking. Dahinter steht ein von ihm vertretenes Menschenbild,
namlich das Selbst als Dreh- und Angelpunkt seines Wirkens in der
Welt. Die Identitat des Individuums wird zu einem Problem der
gesellschaftlichen Moderne. Es kommt nun darauf an, den
Zusammenhang zwischen Selbst und Netz zu erkennen. Der Autorliefert
viele Tipps, Hinweise und Erfahrungsberichte dazu, wie der Zweck
und Nutzen eines Netzwerks mit den eigenen Befindlichkeiten undder
Stellung in der Welt in Ubereinstimmung zu bringen sind.
Netzwerkarbeit ist eine Kulturtechnik, ahnlich wie Lesen und
Schreiben, sie kann Gegenstand von Unterricht, Training und
Beratung sein.
Die Behandlung kontinuierlicher und diskreter Signale und die
Beschreibung entsprechender zeitunabhangiger linearer Systeme in
Regelungs-, Nachrichten- und Digitaltechnik erfordert eine Reihe
von Transformationen, die in dem vorliegenden Text bereitgestellt
werden. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Darlegung der fur die
Anwendung wichtigen Zusammenhange zwischen verschiedenen
Transformationen gelegt. Dieses Buch ist als Begleittext einer
einschlagigen Vorlesung fur Studierende der Elektrotechnik,
Technischen Informatik oder Technomathematik gedacht.
Komplexe DV-Projekte sind mit Vorgehensmodellen oder
Phasenkonzepten okonomischer und praziser durchzufuhren. Die
Autoren, beide Juristen, greifen auf vielfaltige Erfahrungen aus
der Praxis mit Grossprojekten und mit Risiken beim Management von
DV-Projekten und deren rechtliche Folgen zuruck. Anhand des
Phasenkonzeptes der offentlichen Hand fur die Erstellung von
DV-Programmen sowie des Vorgehensmodells des Bundesministeriums des
Inneren fur IT-Vorhaben sind wesentliche Aktionsbereiche,
Verantwortlichkeiten, Vertragstypen und deren rechtliche Bedeutung
bzw. Auswirkung anhand der Rechtsprechung und Literatur
dargestellt. Der DV-Praktiker erhalt wertvolle Hinweise fur seine
tagliche Problemlosung.
Die kurze Episode der "Wehrmacht" hat zu einer ungeheuren
militarischen Kraftentfaltung des Deutschen Reiches gefuhrt, zu
uberwaltigenden Siegen und katastrophalen Niederlagen, zugleich zur
Mitverantwortung fur eine verbrecherische Kriegfuhrung, wie sie in
der deutschen Geschichte ohne Beispiel ist. Der Band bietet
zunachst einen Uberblick uber die Wehrmacht im Dritten Reich, ihre
Fuhrungsprinzipien, Gliederung, Ausrustung, Ausbildung und
Fronterfahrung. Im zweiten Teil wird erkennbar, wie sich die
militarisierte "Volksgemeinschaft" der Deutschen im Zweiten
Weltkrieg unter dem Druck der totalen Mobilmachung veranderte. Der
dritte Teil analysiert die militarische Kriegfuhrung vom
"Blitzkrieg bis zum Untergang von Reich und Wehrmacht. Der Ausblick
auf den Umgang mit diesem schwierigen Erbe in der Bundesrepublik
zeigt, wie tief der Bruch in der deutschen Militargeschichte
gewesen ist."
3-D-Filme, Hybridfernsehen, IPTV und eine sich potenzierende Zahl
von Usernin den sozialen Netzwerken zeigen die technischen
Entwicklungen der digitalen Medienwelt. Im Fernsehen verschwimmt
die Grenze zwischen Dokumentation, Doku-Soap, Info- und
Realtainment. Scripted-Reality-Formate sind fur die einen eine
zukunftsweisende Produktionsform, fur andere der Verlust an
serioser Fernsehproduktion. Kein anderes Medium hat in den letzten
Jahren eine solche Erfolgsgeschichte geschrieben wie die sozialen
Netzwerke. Aber: Wie abhangig macht Facebook? Wie gross ist die
Gefahr der wirtschaftlichen Abhangigkeit von den Anbietern? Konnen
Social Games den realen Umgang miteinander sensibler machen? Das
Buch sammelt verschiedene Standpunkte aus Wissenschaft,
Medienpraxis sowie Medienkritik und Theologie zu aktuellen
digitalen Medien und fokussiert sich dabei insbesondere auf
Scripted Reality und Social Games
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